Ch1 meet the Railgun

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Hello again, ready to see more of a certain alien shapeshifter? Okay, just remember that Ben only has one alien now. But also remember that he is insanely strong with all the powers of all his aliens.

BTW, if any of you are wondering, yes I will be pairing Ben with one of the characters from the Raildex universe. As to who, you'll see, also to get this out of the way, in his original universe Ben and Kai broke up, and Kronos Spanner/Kenneth Tennyson may or may not have existed. Instead either he did, Kelly Tennyson did, or both did.

If you're wondering who Kelly Tennyson is, she is an OC I made who is Ben's potential future daughter.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, on with the show!

Ben woke up lying on what seemed like a hospital bed. He observed himself and realized that he was in human form. The Omnitrix then appeared on his chest.

He cautiously looked around the room until he spotted a chestnut haired girl sitting next to his bed. Startled he flipped, literally, he actually flipped out of his bed and fell off.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked, Ben sat up from his position on the floor and answered. "Yeah I'm fine, believe me I've taken harder hits then that" he said.

He then looked around the room again, "so can you tell me where I am?" He asked. "Oh you are in the Tokidawa nurses office, we saw some Ariel security drones fire missiles at you in the sky and forces you to land" the girl stated.

Ben rubbed his head, "Tokidawa?" He asked. The girl gave him a confused look, "yeah Academy city Japan" she said. Ben tried to remember until it hit him like taydenite.

"Oh now I remember, you said I was falling out of the sky right?" He asked. The girl nodded, "well the thing is I was tossed out of a portal in the sky" Ben stated. "A portal?" The she said, "you see I'm from another world, and just before I fell into this one I had just defeated one of my worst enemies" Ben said.

The girl showed a look of slight disbelief. "If you don't believe me I can show you my memories" Ben said. His head then started to morph and change to become a brownish orange shell like skull plate that splits down the middle.

"Now this might be a little disturbing but please don't freak out" Ben said. His skull plates then opened up to reveal his large brain that started to cackle with electricity.

"Whoa that is freaky" the girl said, the electricity then started to launch itself towards her head. She didn't try to avoid it but when it got her she started to see Ben's memories.

"Those are my memories of everything that I've been through so far" Ben said. The girl then looked at him bewildered, now knowing what he has gone through.

"That was something I saw" the girl said giving him a sympathetic look. "I'm really sorry that you lost you're family" Ben just looked downwards towards his blanket. "If only I could've Ben there to save them, none of this could've happened" he said.

An hour later a nurse came in, "well sir you seem to heal up rather quickly, your good to go, all we need is your name" she said. "Ben Tennyson" he said, "okay mr Tennyson you can go if you want" the nurse said walking out.

When Ben got up the girl put a hand on his shoulder, "hey Ben was it? Since you don't have anywhere to go for the moment mind if I give you a tour?" She asked.

Ben thought for a while, "sure okay, since my old home is gone now, might as well make a new one here" he said. "Thanks uh, I didn't quite catch your name by the way".

The girl then smirked, "Mikoto, Mikoto Misaka" she said. Ben then shook her hand, "its good to meet you Mikoto, now mind explaining to me where I am exactly?" He asked as they walked out.

The two walked around the city for a while, Mikoto had explained to Ben that academy city was a place where people study Esper powers. And that she was an Esper or an individual with psychic abilities.

"Neat, don't mean to brag but a few aliens that I used to turn into might be able to do things you could" Ben said. Mikoto chuckled, "anyway were put into different levels depending on how strong and how well we use our powers, and our powers are put into many types" she said.

"I'm an electromaster, I have the power to control electricity" she stated while generating a small amount of electricity between her hands. "Oh so that's
Why you didn't freak out when brainstorms lightning got near you" he said.

"And how about your level?" Ben added, "oh" Mikoto then turned her head forward. "Well I'm a level five, our power levels are labeled from zero to five" she said. "Whoa then your one of the strongest Espers here" Ben stated.

All of a sudden a girl with brownish to pink pig tailed hair appeared infront of them. That scared Ben a lot, her attention was mostly focused on Mikoto.

"Sissy where have you been? I've been calling you for a while and you haven't replied" the pig tailed girl said. "Oh I uh got a little side tracked" Mikoto said sheepishly. The new girl then turned her attention to Ben who in the mean time was trying to catch his breath from being scared half to death.

"Wait, sissy is this boy here the reason why you were side tracked?" She asks almost venomously. "Uh! Yeah kinda" Mikoto said, the girl then brought her face close to Ben's, "listen here, she is my Sissy, if I catch you doing anything to her I swear I'll make sure you get wiped off the face of the ear... aahhh ahhh ahhhh ahhh" she spoke before Mikoto started pulling on her face.

"Kuroko what have I told you about embarrassing me in public" she said obviously irked. "Come on sissy, I'm just trying to protect you, besides your my sissy and my sissy only" she whined.

"Oh so your name's Kuroko" Ben asked, she gave home a venomous glare. "What's it to you?" She said, that was until her friend zapped her. "Knock it off already you pervert" Mikoto roared.

Ben winced as he observed the very painful sight. "Ouch, that really looks like it hurts" he said. "Eh she does this a lot, and as always she manages to survive somehow" his elective friend said dropping her.

Mikoto introduced Ben to her pig tailed friend who was correctly named Kuroko. She then explained that some aerial security drones were flying over head and shot down something. When she rushed to see what it was, she found Ben unconscious.

"Oh so that's why you were with Sissy, well I'm sorry about earlier Ben" Kuroko said. "No problem, now is there any place to eat, kinda starving right now" Ben said. They arrived outside a restaurant while running into two other girl who knew them both.

"Hi Misaka chan" one with a flower crown said, "Hey Misaka how are you" another said. Both were wearing the same uniform. The second one then caught sight of Ben, "well well who's this?" She asked. "Uh hi, Ben Tennyson and you two are?" He asked.

"Oh how rude of me, I'm Kasari Uiharu" the shorter haired one wearing a flower crown said. "And I'm Ruiko Saten" the long haired one said.

As they entered the restaurant Ben had explained his origins. Of course Kuroko didn't believe, that was until Ben used Brainstorm and Grey matter's combined powers to use telepathy again.

After which all were astonished, "wow, dude" Saten stated. "You're, AWESOME" she exclaimed, "you're a super hero, with real powers, powers stronger than en Esper's" she said.

All of a sudden a loud explosion could be heard from outside. Everyone had rushed out to see some criminals robbing a bus. "Come on come on, before those judgment or anti skill show up" one of thugs said.

"Not on my watch" Ben said activating the Omnitrix and turned into Omni. "Hey knuckle heads let see you try me on for size" he roared. "Hey Ben get back here" Kuroko said when Misaka joined in as well. "What the does anyone listen to me!?" Kuroko yelled.

"Hey jerk faces" Omni said, the thugs turned around to see a large humanoid lizards running towards them with its right arm glowing emerald green. "What the heck is that?" One of them said. "Name's currently Omni, and you are about to get a serious beat down by the most powerful being in existence" he said.

Ben then cocked his right hand back an thrusted it forward to punch one of the thugs. Before thrusting his arm turned into Armadrillo's and sent his target flying down the road. "Whoa who the heck is this MON...ack" Omni then punched another one.

"Hey Ben, what do you think of this?" Mikoto asked before lashing electricity at all of them. "Nice, but when it come to electricity no one beats AMPhibian" Ben said.

His arms turned into four long light blue jellyfish like tentacles. "Let's start this off electrifying" the alien quipped as he zapped them all. "Oh yeah let's see you take me on" one of them said as rocks levitated above them.

"A geokinetic?" Kuroko said before teleporting above him and pinned his pants to the ground with her needles. "Like that's gonna stop me" he said, the geokinetic the sent the rocks flying towards Ben and Mikoto.

Ben then turned his arms into those of Heatblast's and blasted fire to the ground then made a ring of fire. The piece of ground then became a flaming rock platform and he stomped the ground the summon flaming magma rocks.

"Funny thing I've got a little geokinesis too" the alien said before flying towards him sending the magma rocks towards his target. Tried as the geokinetic did but the rocks hit him hard.

"Okay that's it freak, your in for it now" he said before sending large boulders to the alien. "Mikoto I have an idea quick try to destroy those rocks" Ben said. Mikoto complied and took out a coin to shoot a railgun towards them shattering the boulders.

"Whoa, your not ranked a level five for nothing" Ben said before changing his legs into XLR8's and speeding to the geokinetic. "take this" he yelled before repeatedly hitting him in the face.

At the last moment Ben used Humongousaur's power to grow extremely huge. "Hey Mikoto check this out" he said before jumping in the air. "VEXESAURIAN BODY SLAM" Ben roared before slamming down on the Esper.

A little while later anti skill arrived to take the thugs away. "Thank you for your help, we've been tracking these guys down for weeks" one of the anti skill members said.

"No need to thank me, it's what I do" Ben, still Omni said as he transformed back. As if on cue a mob of people, mainly little kids and teenage girls who were on the bus charged at him.

"Sir thank you so much for saving us, you too Miss Railgun" they said. "Uh no problem" Ben said while Mikoto nodded in agreement.

Later on the whole city was talking about Ben, he agreed to only a few interviews. "Uh why is it in any world I get mobbed by fans and interviewers?" He groaned sitting on a park bench.

"I guess it's the doomed fate of a super hero" Saten joked. Ben glanced at her then just groaned again. "Guess you're right on that account" he said.

"So Ben, where're you going to stay if you just got here from another world?" Uiharu asked. "excuse me but are you that boy who stopped those criminals with the railgun?" A brown haired woman wearing glasses who was standing next to them asked. All the girls started to tremble in fear, "uh yeah, why're you asking?" Ben asked.

"I want to make a proposition for you" she said. "What're we talking here?" The shapeshifter asked. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Mikoto said.

The next day Mikoto and Kuroko woke up in their new dorm room. "How long do you think we'll get used to this place?" She asks her roommate.

"Beats me, what I'm more concerned about is our other roommate" Kuroko replied. As it turns out that woman was the dorm mistress at Tokidawa, you know the one who breaks Kuroko's neck. Well she asked Ben if he could volunteer to be a secturity and conduct surveillance in Tokidawa. In return he has a place to live and payment for services. In addition if he does any hero work he gets a lot off rent costs.

"Would you relax, geeze he's only sixteen" Mikoto said, "hey girls you awake yet?" Ben called out. "It's almost time to head to class", Kuroko groaned "okay okay we're getting ready god" she said which earned her a zap from Mikoto.

Also as it turns out that when Ben passed through the portal it also reverted his age by a bit. However thanks to him graduating high school in his world he was off the hook of being sent back to school. And also since Misaka was the one who found him, she is also the one he most likely trusts.

"This is going to be a long year" she said, "no kidding" Ben said as they walked out of their dorm.

And chapter one is done, whew. You know I'm a big fan of both Ben 10 and A certain scientific Railgun. But what started my drive to finally write this crossover fanfic was one of the authors here. And if you know who you are give yourself a pat on the back. More chapters on the way, also if you are wondering all these stories so far are all my own original ideas. I'm not fallowing the plot of the show, it's all me.

Also I'll be updating every now and again, so don't worry, and the best part is I can work on the go.

Just for the record due to image work in these things I may not be quick with the updates. Omni's origin coming real soon.

Next chapter: a cyclone of bad luck, dare you too bet which character appears in this chapter. Well anyways see yah.

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