Ch2 Cyclone of bad luck

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And we are back, sorry if this took long but it takes me a while to find or draw pictures to go with my stories. As the title says, try to guess which characters appear in this chapter. Omni's origin is still on the way, hope you like it.

Now on with the show
In academy city, Ben Tennyson was scanning Tokidawa for security purposes. Making sure no one was in danger.

Ever since Ben had gotten to this world, he worked as security for the school. He also observed the activity between students to keep the conduct to a low.

So far he's done a pretty darn good job, aside from throwing a level three hydrokinetic into the shower room using Humungosaur's massive strength everything went smoothly.

He also gets a cut on his rent costs if he does hero work.

The only irritant in his current life right now is Kuroko because she keeps threatening him when he gets close to her "sissy".

At the moment Ben had finished his round and headed back to his apartment. Unfortunately his teleporting roommate tried to give him a roundhouse kick.

However she was the one who was unfortunate. Before contact Ben's skin became as hard as diamond and silicon. "Itai, Itai, itai, itai, itai, itai, itai, itai, itai" she cried.
(And here is a running gag, you can thank another Raildex Ben 10 fanfic for this idea)

"Seriously when are you going to take the hint?" Ben said walking to the couch.

The teleporter clutched her shin in pain, "no fair, I had you right in position" she said. "Just knock it off will you" Mikoto said walking in.

"Any idea to make her stop?" Ben asks the electromaster. "Nope, sorry" she answered, Kuroko recovered from her little kick then sat down between the two. Ben left later on to tour around a bit.

Elsewhere in Academy city, a spiky black haired boy was walking into his apartment.

He was about to open the door when a girl dressed in nun clothing jumped onto his head and started bitting down on it hard.

"Uh index please get off" he said, the girl refused and still latched on.

"Nope, I'm bored" she said, this went on until she finally released after the boy made some food. "Thank you" she said chowing down.

The boy then went outside to get some fresh air only to be pooped on by a pigeon. "Such misfortune" he groaned.

All of a sudden a fast shadow swooped past along with a sound of a jet. The sound came from what looked like a large humanoid reptile wearing a jet pack.

It landed on the roof of the boy's apartment. "Say this seems like a nice neighborhood, I wonder if, no I already made a deal I have to stick to it" it said.

"Hey who said that?" The boy asked, "uh up hear" the creature said. The boy then looked up then back up startled at what he saw.

"I guess not all information gets passed on through this place. Funny considering the whole city was talking about me" the creature said.

The boy's eyes widened, "wait you were that super hero alien guy?" He asked, the creature nodded.

The girl then stared at him for a while, "Touma, why is there a lizard man in the apartment" she asked. The alien smirked, "name's currently Omni, inter dimensional super hero" he said.

"But my real name" he then tapped the faceplate on his chest and after s flash of green light in the alien's place was Ben.

"Ben Tennyson" he said, both the boy and girl now recognized as Touma and Index were awe struck.

A real alien, "also I heard you say such misfortune right when I landed any reason for that?" Ben asked.

"Oh Touma just has insanely bad luck" index said. Despite Touma's signals to stop she kept talking. "it's because of something in his right hand called the image breaker which negates anything super natural, but also takes away his good luck too".

"Oddly enough one of my previous transformations also has bad luck" Ben said. "Really?" Touma asked wondering if aliens really did have bad luck.

"Well it was more like they carried a disastrous catastrophe wherever they step" Ben added. "And bring pain and suffering to anyone who wishes harm upon them", "and I thought I had it rough" Touma commented.

Later Ben told them that he was from a parallel dimension and that it was the device he wore that allows him to transform. Ben also learned that Touma and Mikoto knew each other due to her trying to challenge him to a fight thanks to his image breaker.

Currently the teen hero was demonstrating the powers of his alien Bloxx. Constantly building himself into different shapes and forms.

"I'm pretty sure you've heard this before, but you might be stronger than other Espers here, even level fives" Touma said when Ben shapeshifted to normal Omni then his arms into Wild Vine's and stretched out.

"Yeah Mikoto's friend Saten said that to me too" Ben said when the two in question walked up to them.

"Hey Ben, I see you've met Touma already, did he negate your powers" Mikoto asked. "No, Touma said that the image breaker only cancels out unnatural powers like psychics and magic. My aliens evolved with these powers" the alien stated.

Unbeknownst to anyone a mysterious figure was spying on them, in her hand was a slip of paper with runes on it.

Ben as Omni, with Wild Mutt's enhanced senses picked up the spying figure. When the figure threw the paper the alien faced her direction and let out a sonic boom knocking the runed paper back to sender.

"Crap" the figure said after dodging it. "We've got trouble" Omni said growing Jet Ray's Patagia wings and flying up to intercept the attacker. "I don't think so" he said shooting her with Stink fly's goop.

"Hey let me go" The attacker demanded, "why should I after all you just threw that wierd paper at us that exploded when I blasted it back" Ben shot back.

"Grrr, you should know you abomination" she growled. "Lady you just made a grave mistake this day" Ben said turning his brain into Rath's.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The four who were watching were shocked at Ben's sudden personality change. Even more he didn't wait for her to explain to start beating her up. "Maybe an alien he has is naturally angry?" Touma suggested.

"Yeah let's just go with that" Mikoto said, "I'm glad we're not Oriana" Index said. Saten observed the scene both scared and amazed at what Ben was capable of.

An hour later Oriana woke up with the splitting headache and a lot of body aches. Hanging from a spider cable attached to a lamp post, "it looks like our little friend here seems to be up" Saten said.

They all were surrounding her, "so Oriana, what was your motive for throwing that Grimore at us?" Touma asked. "Why should I tell you image breaker, and you abomination, release me immediately" she said.

"You need to work on your communication skills" Saten said. Index nodded. "And if you keep refusing I could just eat you" Ben said.

The rest looked at him funny, "what do you mean when you say you'll eat her" Touma asked. Ben as Omni smirked then shot four long tongues to grab a car. "This" he tried to say before pulling the car into his mouth and chewed it like it was nothing.

"Remind me never to get you mad" Mikoto said, "especially when you're hungry" Saten added. Ben then turned his attention to the blonde. "so what's it gonna be? Tell us or be eaten" he said readying his tongues to launch. "You're... you're bluffing" Oriana said in obvious fear.

Ben smirked then ate her, well not really all he did was hold her in his mouth. She struggled and failed to get out, the alien then spit her out right into a wall.

"Now are you going to play nice and tell us or do you want to go on the cannonbolt express?" Ben said. "Right anyway my objective" she said pulling our another grimore, "was to kill you" she said throwing it at the alien.

However instead of dying, Ben was completely fine, as if the grimore didn't have any magic energy inside it. "But... but... how?" Oriana stammered, Ben retracted his tongues and looked at the blonde. "Must be Terraspin's DNA, his species is immune to a life energy called mana, must work the same for your magic" Ben said becoming bulkier and fatter growing yellow armor on his head, shoulders, back, hips and hands.

He then shot Oriana a deadly glare, "and as promised, here comes" Ben then got down on all fours. "The CANNONBOLT EXPRESS" the alien curled up into a large armored ball and left a burn out then launched himself towards Oriana.

She tried to run but the rolling wonder caught up with her and ran her down. "Now that I've caught you it's your turn to get a ride" Ben said picking her up and curling up again. Blue and black streaks then appeared on his armor signifying that he had combined Cannonbolt's powers with XLR8's.

"Hey let me out you monster" Oriana yelled, "no way let's roll!" Ben said launching himself to his pals. In panic they all got out of his way as he bounced around the street.

As to be expected by someone with bad luck, Touma got landed on by Cannonbolt Omni. "Such misfortune" he said, "sorry pal" Ben apologized as he kept bouncing off walls and buildings.

After landing in the pool they use for Mikoto's system scan Ben breached our carrying a motion sick Oriana on his shoulder. "I think that should stop her for a while" he said smirking, Kuroko then appeared next to him scaring him again making him from her.

"Seriously don't just teleport next to someone like that you could give someone a heart attack" he said checking his pulse. "Sorry, Sissy what's going on?" She asked, "she just showed up with orders to kill Ben" the electromaster said. "Uh my stomach" the blonde groaned, "yeah that's what you get, or should I use Rath's brain again combined with my other powers?" Ben stated

At mention everyone backed away not wanting to get beaten down by an angry all powerful alien. Oriana shuddered fearing the worst.

The next day it was found out that the Catholic Church found Ben's power to transform into aliens made him defile god. "Seriously? Just for the record other alien races have religions to ya know" he said groaning.

"I'm fine with your powers" index said. "At least you think so thanks" Ben said then turned to Touma. "Hmm I wonder what would happen if that chaos alien I mentioned used his powers on you?" He said.

Touma fearing for his life tried to run but Ben had already used Chaopteryx's powers, (OC alien). Touma made it to the door. And was surprised that nothing bad happened to him. "Huh suspicion confirmed, if you use Chaopteryx's chaos controlling abilities on some one who asks for bad luck it acts as a counter agent" he stated.

The rest of the day went by with no incident, except for when Chaopteryx's powers on Touma wore off and he fell in a sewer. He popped his head out and said his catchphrase, "such misfortune". Ben then kneeled down to his level, "guess even bad luck and Chaos have their time limits" he said.

Everyone present slightly chuckled, "well at least it was fun while it lasted" Touma said trying to get out.

Done with another chapter. I'm usually done with these things every few days, this one was done in one day. Either I'm getting faster or my stories are gettning shorter. Either way hope you enjoyed it.

If any of you have any questions I'll have a Q/A later on. I'll do one every few chapters, but I'll only choose questions that I feel are appropriate.

Also I'll be doing more stories of Ben 10 and Ben 10 crossovers. A few crossovers have the same beginning as this one. Don't ask just please deal. And not just Ben 10 but also other shows and anything else to. But not any originals, I'll save them for later in my life. But I will have the originals OCs type fanfics though and maybe I will have a few originals.

Next chapter: reunion, See you all soon


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