Chapter 3 reunion

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And we're back with another chapter, just for the record the last one said I work fast, I meant that I had finished writing fast.

Anyway in this chapter, some old companions from the past come back to see our protagonist. Can you guess who they are?

Like I said I will be having a Q/A later on. It'll be after a few chapters, say six or seven. As for how long, that depends on how many questions I get from you guys.

Also to get this off my chest, Ben's Omnitrix has a universal translator function. It allows him to both understand and write in any language whether earth or off planet.

Any ways hope you enjoy the story, on with the show!

In the sky above Academy City, a cloaked flight craft was soaring above. Inside was a red haired girl, a black haired teen male, a cat like humanoid, two small grey frog like humanoids, a blue Dino dog thing, a humanoid fish and an elderly man wearing a Hawaiian shirt.

"Any sign of him yet?" The boy asks. "Not yet, Paradox said that this would be the place to find Ben" the girl replied.

"Well let's hope that your cousin hasn't gotten into any trouble" the old man said.

The cat humanoid spoke up, "I agree with Magister Tennyson, Ben may be a hero where ever he may be but he always manages to get into quite the few how do you humans say pickles".

"Though I can't see how life as big as yourselves could fit in a vegetable" the shortest of the frog creatures said.

"Driba it's a figure of speech" the tallest frog thing said. The boy then pet the Dino dog's head.

"Hehe he better not be making trouble without me" he said.

At the moment Ben Tennyson had turned into Omni and was using Gravattack's gravity manipulation to deal with a group of thieves who managed to steal a couple mech suits.

"seriously? How do a few criminals manage to steal two mechas I mean seriously" the alien complained spinning them around in his orbit.

"This place should get better security, but in the bright side it keeps my rent down" he said turning his left arm tar black with green lines.

He stretched out his new arm and merged it with the mech suit. The machine then reshaped itself to become more advanced.

"And time for the ejector seat" Ben said lunching the criminals out of their mechas. He grinned as he used Swampfire's chlorokinesis to rap plant roots around them. "And that is how it's done" he said slyly.

After turning them in a mob of fans came up too him wanting autographs. "Okay okay one at a time please" Omni said before using XLR8's speed to give everyone an autograph.

"Your welcome" he called out before turning back. "Whew the life of a hero ain't easy" he said sitting on a park bench.

"Well someone's popular aren't you?" A voice said. The shapeshifter looked up to see his friend Mikoto Misaka, 3rd ranked level 5 in academy city.

"At least you're able to hide yourself in broad day light and blend into the crowd" Ben said.

He got up and started walking along side his electrical companion. They talked for a while about how each of their days were.

"And After our systems scan today nothing really happened, well other than Kuroko got into trouble with one of the other students" she said remembering the fight.

"Yikes, glad I don't see her that often and that she's not here right now" Ben said. As if on cue the teleporter appeared out of no where and tried to kick Ben.

She ended up kicking a hard diamond and silicon based compound like object which sent a shiver up her body.

She fell to the floor screaming in agony. "Kuroko please stop trying to kick Ben already" Mikoto said. Ben was thankful that she defended him. They ended up going to the Judgment office where Kuroko and Uiharu work at.

"Oh hi there Mikoto chan, Shirai San, Ben San" the flower girl greeted at her computer. "Hey Uiharu, say what're you working on?" Ben asked walking up behind her.

"Oh nothing just monitoring activity in this District" she answered switching points of view. "Looks like you could see anything from here" Ben commented.

Uiharu nodded in response, however something caught her eye on the screen. She replayed it until she got a shot at a speed vibe moving past the camera in the background.

"Hey Uiharu, why are you observing this clip of the footage?" Mikoto asked her. The flower girl walked over to a book which the title was video camera consultation manual.

A faint sound of a door could be heard by Ben, he looked around to see what made the noise.

A second later everyone heard a voice which was clearly Saten's. "Uiharu!", as it turned out it was Saten playing around with her flower friend by flipping her skirt.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ben turned his head into wild mutt's to avoid seeing the poor officer's underwear. Uiharu then squealed in embarrassment realizing what her friend had done.

"WAAAHHH!? What do you think you're doing, do you have any idea how embarrassing that was Saten" she complained fuming.

"Oh come on, you know it's my usual routine to do so, plus I bet Ben got a good view of your..." Saten's voice trailed off when she saw that Ben's head was replaced by a large dog like creature's.

He growled in response, in translation he was saying.

"Actually I wasn't able to see that because this head literally doesn't have any eyes" he said

Ben then turned back to normal glad he could avoid that accident.
"Man that was a close one" he said.

"You know if you want I can just flip her skirt again" Saten said which made them both blush. "No thank you besides I'm not into that kinda thing anyway" Ben said frantically.

"Saten please don't haven't you embarrassed me enough?" Uiharu cried. Ben then turned his attention to the computer that Uiharu was working on. "So what did you see here?" He asked.

"Yeah Uiharu what did you see here?" the teleporter added, the railgun came between both of them. "Well you see lately Judgment has been receiving bizarre pictures of distorted images" she answered.

"People say that it might be a heat wave but it's been very rainy and humid lately", she then whipped out the book she was reading . "However according to this book, it may be either the cause of an esper who could manipulate light to make something seem invisible or an illusion".

She then turned a page, "option two is that there is an object there that is somehow invisible" she added.

Ben turned us attention to the screen and stared at the area of the image that looked distorted. He managed to find the outline to it and saw that it was some sort of vehicle.

All of a sudden the phone in the office started ringing. Kuroko rushed over to answer, after listening she hung up and faced the others. "Everyone that distorted image Uiharu was studying was" Ben cut her off. "Really a cloaked air craft?" He said.

The teleporter looked at him funny, "how did you know?" She asked him, "saw the outline on the screen" Ben stated before running for the window. "Tell me where to go and I'll meet you there" he said.

"Uh, its in the garden of learning step on it" Uiharu said before they all rushed out side. Ben grew Astrodactyl's wings and flew at tremendous speeds toward the garden of learning.

Once the girls got there, Ben was actually guarding the Vehicle from pyrokinetic Espers who were trying to shoot it down.

"Oh great you're here, mind giving me a hand at forcing these guys to back off" he asked. Misaka then blasted a railgun towards the ground near them giving Kuroko enough time to teleport them into a nearby equipment cage.

Ben then froze the remaining pyrokinetics with Big Chill's ice. "That ought to hold you, so now Chill out" the alien quipped before floating over to the vehicle.

"Okay now let's have a look at what's inside shall we?" Ben asked opening the craft after it landed. Once the doors opened his eyes widened with both shock and joy.

"Hey Tennyson" one individual inside said. "Bet you didn't think you'd see us again did ya", "it.. it can't.. be Kevin?" Ben asked. "Hey kiddo, sorry for the late slash permanent visit" an elderly man said walking outside. "Grandpa max?" Ben said before a red haired girl, a fish person, two small frog like humanoids, a cat person and an alien dog walked out as well.

"Gwen, Zed, Blukic, Driba, Magister Pateliday, Rook?".

An hour later Ben had introduced everyone to his family and friends. "So girls, this here is my Grandpa Max, my cousin Gwen, my friend Kevin, my other friend Rook and a few of my old co workers Blukic Driba and Magister Pateliday" he said gesturing to each respectively.

"So I'm guessing your Kevin?" Saten asked the him, "the one and only" he said. "You must be Gwen?" Mikoto asked Ben's red haired cousin, "yup" she replied.

"So who are they?" Kuroko pointed to the aliens. "If I may intervene, my Name is Max, I'm Ben's grandfather" Max said. "Oh good to meet you" Uiharu said.

"As for me, my name is Rook Blonko, I am an alien species called a Revahnnogander, it is a pleasure to meet you" Rook said shaking the girl's hands.

"Well my name is Magister Pateliday, my species is Pisces Volan" he said shaking their hands. "Our race is well known for surviving in any planetary ocean and our insatiable appetite combined with steel munching jaws" he added on.

"Don't bother with those two, the short one's Driba and the other is Blukic, their supposed to be an intelligent race of Aliens called the Galvan but they're as dumb as meteors" Kevin said.

"Hey rude much" Driba complained. "Yeah, just so you know even the simplest Galvan is still superior to a cerebrocrustacean" Blukic added.

"Well now that I introduced them to you" Ben said to the girls. "They are Mikoto Misaka, Kuroko Shirai, Kazari Uiharu and Ruiko Saten" he said gesturing to each respectively.

"Any way Tennyson, if you're wondering how we're alive, well Professor Paradox found our graves and revived us" Kevin explained.

"Also Ben you forgot to introduce them to Zed" Kevin said letting his alien dog. "Oops, anyway I'm guessing Paradox is weak at the moment?" Ben asked.

"More than weak, his powers were drained by Malgax before he did us in" Gwen said, "he only had enough power to revive us, and also thanks for the dirt nap" she added.

Ben then apologized for burying them, "sorry but to be honest you did die and I thought you guys we're really gone" he said. "It's fine Ben, thanks for giving us a proper burial though" max said to his grandson.

"The only Problem is where are we all going to live?" Rook asked."sorry but you can't room with me" Ben said, "nothing personal just that the dorm supervisor that allowed me to live at my current residence is already breathing down Mikoto and Kuroko's necks because they also live with me" he explained.

"If she finds out there are more living with us she's going to flip and kick us out" he said. Then Ben put on a wince, "no she literally will kick us out, I've seen her snap Kuroko's neck before and it will not be pretty".

"Must be one tough lady" Kevin said when said dorm mistress had just appeared out of nowhere. "I'll take that as a compliment" she said, "when did you get here?" The girls exclaimed. Ben however was checking his pulse after being scared again.

"Seriously are you some sort of teleporter like Kuroko?" He asked. "Any way Ben is right, already having him live in the dorms at Tokidawai is good enough however I can spare you a break and tell you the next best option" she said.

Touma had woken up as usual, the birds outside his apartment were chirping, ready to drop one on his head. He got up and made an attempt to not wake index, or else she might bite his head again.

However a loud sound came from next door. Which had unfortunately woke up the sleeping nun who proceeded to bite Touma's head. "Ahhh hey knock it off will you Index seriously my head ow" he complained. "SUCH MISFORTUNE".

He looked next door to see Ben and Mikoto helpin Gwen, Kevin, Max, Rook, Pateliday, Blukic and Driba move into their new apartments. "Hey Touma, sorry I forgot to mention this but apparently a couple of my family members did survive along with a few friends and they're sort of staying at your apartment complex" Ben said.

"Sorry for the late update" Mikoto added, "oh you must Touma, apparently my grandson says you have a little bad luck well don't worry we'll all have it a lot" max said.

"Actually Grandpa Touma's luck is so bad that it gave him a catchphrase" Ben said. "Well to be true it did" the boy admitted.

"So what is it?" Kevin asked, he got his answer after a bird pooped on Touma's head. "Such Misfortune" he said.

And another chapter is done, sorry if this took long. Like I said it usually takes time for these things to finish completely due to image problems.

Bet you weren't expecting that huh? Ben's family and friends returning. Don't worry his parents will be put in the story soon.

As for any other stories I may have I have one on draft already. Just trying to revise and apply images to it.

Next chapter: copy cat, my first OC antagonist in this series.

Hope you enjoy


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