Chapter 12 Magic vs aliens Pt 1

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Me: and we are back, sorry for the late update guys. Mind was stuck in other priorities.

Mikoto: the author has had something important to attend to.

Ben: and by important meaning graduated.


Ben: ehehe sorry 😥.

Mikoto: well whatever the reason, here's Aliens Vs Magic. Guess who shows up this time.

Everyone: ON WITH THE SHOW!!!!!!

Above the garden of learning, a women wearing purple sorcery robes, and had silvery hair was hovering. Se seemed to be talking to her bag "yes I can see that Ben is here. We saw him take down that artificial angel remember?" She said.

"Oh who cares, so what if the magic users here are strong!? If you haven't forgotten I myself have gotten stronger as well" he eyes then glowed pink and two spheres of pink energy enveloped her hands.

In Academy city, Ben, Mikoto, Kuroko, Touma and Index were currently waiting next to an ally. "So any reason why we're here exactly?" Ben asked, Inez was the first to reply. "Oh Touma and I are currently meeting up with an associate of ours" She said.

"And just in case another thing happens to occur like what happened with the route disturb aka Oriana Thompson, we needed backup" Touna added.

"Well ain't that nice you waited for me" a voice said, the group looked to the ally to see a tall red haired man. Wore mostly black, had a few rings on his ear and had a cigarette in his mouth. "I'm guessing this is the guy you were talking about" Ben inquired. "Bingo alien boy, names Stiyl Magnus" the man said.

"Ben Tennyson" Ben said, "Stiyl" Mikoto said, "so the reason you're here?" Kuroko asked. "Something major, a force unlike anything we've ever seen" the red head explained.

Ben's eyes went a little wide, "would one of them happen to be giant monsters made out of rocks with pink streaks on it?" He asked. Stiyl flinched in surprise "how did you know!?" He asked, the alien teen then pointed behind him.

And what was behind him? What Ben had described, giant monsters made from rock and stone with pink lines around it. "AAAAAAHHHHH!?!?! QUICK RUN!!!!" Stiyl said as his hand lit up with fire. "Fire magic? Must explain the cigarette" Ben said as they ran off.

They turned to face it when Stiyl was thrown above them and into a dumpster. "That was embarrassing" Kuroko said touching Magnus's leg and teleporting him out of there. "Ow" he groaned, Index tried to use one of her spells but saw that she couldn't "hey what's going on!?" She exclaimed.

"Run now panic and ask later" Ben said turning fully into Omni, multiplied and carried Touma, Index and Stiyl then ran. Mikoto and Kuroko were fallowing close behind with the pig tailed teleporter's powers.

Farther away, two other kids were walking down it, one was blonde. He was wearing a green Hawaiian button up, and shades. The other was wearing a yellow shirt and had blue hair.

The blonde was Tsuchimikado Motaharu, the first magician-Esper Hybrid. And The blue hair was Pierce Aogami, representative of Touma's class and resident Omni pervert.

Motaharu was originally a spy for the Catholic Church but then became a spy for Touma. Pierce is just as said, the city's biggest pervert, unmatchable Otaku knowledge and has very fetish imaginable. Was it also mentioned he's a freeloading off of a bakery. Put them together with Touma and they're considered the idiot trio.

Yeah they all go to the same school as Touma, and they have the lowest grades in their class. "Of all the days I had to get stuck with you today, I could've spent time with Maika" Motaharu said. "You don't think I'm upset, I could've been at home taking care of... business but now I have to do
This stupid assignment with you. And seriously, when are we gonna find this alien dude anyway?" Aogami replied.

Only for them to get run down by accident by Ben and the gang, "well as they say, asked and you receive" Tsuchimikado said. "Tsuchimikado San? Aogami San? What're you doing here!?" Touma asked.

"And why is Aogami dragging Ben away!?" Mikoto exclaimed seeing the blue hair doing exactly as she screamed. "Drop him" Mikoto threatened, Then zapped him "ow" Pierce groaned after being electrified.

"Oh hey aren't you the same guys in Touma's class?" Ben asked, "yeah,
Tsuchimikado Motaharu. And the blue pervert over there is Pierce Aogami, funny thing you were just who we wanted to see" the blonde said. Pierce then shot back up "oh yeah, Ms. Komoe gave us an assignment to interview you on alien life forms" he said.

"Maybe later right now, ROCK GOLEMS ON OUR TAIL!!!!!" Kuroko screamed as she teleported everyone away. They were all on top of a building, Ben jumped down and slammed down on one of the golems and it shattered.

"I've seen these things before" he said, Kuroko teleported everyone back down. "Where? And why doesn't our magic work anymore?" Stiyl asked.

"Can't answer your last question but I can your first question, this golem is looks like something my old enemy charmcaster creates" The shapeshifting teen said.

"And right you are" an all too familiar voice said, looking up they saw the aforementioned sorceress floating above them. "CharmCaster!" Ben said guarding everyone, "well well, it's been too long Ben, as you may already know about this world having magic" she said.

"And let me guess you've given your rock golems there the power to absorb it straight out of people" Ben replied. "Sharp as ever Tennyson, however I've got more back up than I ever had before".

She snapped her fingers and all of a sudden two figures appeared, one was a man with brown hair in a white shirt with a blue mark.

The other was a girl with multiple piercings and had a lock but thin chain attached to her tongue. And at the end of the chain was a rosary.

Both had the glowing pink eyes and the same markings as Charmcaster's rock monsters. "What the... Acqua and Vento?" Touma said shocked, "friends or enemies?" Ben asked.

"Believe me you don't want to mess with them" the image breaker said backing away. "They're part of a religious group known as the god's right seat, careful Vento has the power to remove the air from somewhere" Touma warned.

"And the other guy?" Ben inquired, "Acqua of the Back, a former member of the God's Right Seat, watch out he nearly killed me" Touma said.

Tsuchimikado was stunned "how were you able to control two of the members of the God'd right seat?" He asked baffled. Charmcaster smirked "its simple really, they attacked me first which was a grave mistake" she said as the current member of the God's right seat growled and walked behind her.

"I had offered them a chance to help me take down what they called the most horrendous act against god. Then what did they do? Attack me, fortunately all I needed was for them to use their magic against me".

"Once they did my parasite spell infected their magic and as magic is a wizard or any magic wielder's life blood it took control of their bodies" she added.

Stiyl got back up and attempted to throw a fire ball at her while Motaharu threw up a few origami animals and used his magic to blast out a powerful shot of magic energy.

Unfortunately both had forgotten what Charmcaster said about her parasite spell. Once their projectiles hit the sorceress they started screaming in pain.

After the screaming stopped the same markings formed on them and then their eyes glowed pink. "Uh Motaharu?" Pierce shuddered until the blonde in question looked back at them growling.

"My parasite spell also took their power away but it can also give them super human strength and speed and to some give them substitute powers for their loss of powers" Charmcaater added as Tsuchimikado's origami sculptures floated around him and glowed.

While Stiyl on the other hand enflamed with pink fire, "okay time to run, RUN LIKE HELL!!!" Ben said as they all started to run away. "Don't let them get away" the Sorceress ordered as the four mind controlled magic wielders gave chase.

"Super human speed is right" Mikoto said observing how fast they were running. "How do we get away?" Touma asked, they got their answer when Ben turned into Omni and used his Omnitrix patches again.

He turned Touma into StinkFly, Aogami into WildMutt, Index into Ghostfreak, Mikoto into XLR8 and Kuroko into Astrodactyl.

"Quick run and we'll meet up later" Omni instructed as he warped reality and vanished into thin air. "Well at least we can move faster" Mikoto said, her version of XLR8 being near exact to Kuroko's only without the pig tails, speeding forward leaving an electrified blue and grey ripple in her wake.

Kuroko, her version looked more feminine and smaller and even had a tail, tested her new flight powers, and little to say was rather impressed at how fast she could fly. "It's almost as fast as my XLR8 form" she commented, then teleported further away at the same time flying at super sonic speeds.

"Where do we go though?" Touma Fly, Touma's version of Stink Fly was fairly similar to Ben's only he had did eyes for some reason, asked as he flew alongside Index with Pierce running beneath them. "Not sure" Ghost Index, he version of Ghost freak was smaller and had slight hints of gold with dark blue lines, said "but I think my new powers may allow me to find them by phasing through the walls" she added phasing through a passing mailbox.

Pierce Mutt roared, Aogami's version of WildMutt had a tail and was blue, and growled then ushered them to fallow him. However Index grabbed both of them and phased underground. As to why Charmcaster and her cronies had caught up to them.

"Meh, so they got away, no matter, that alien freak might've slipped through my fingers now. But soon enough he'll peak out of the shadows once more" she said. Then ushered her mind controlled slaves to fallow her.

Once they were out of sight, index phased back out along with Touma and Pierce. "We have to find Ben" Touma said, Pierce sniffed the ground and pointed in a direction.

A few hours later the three found their way to an abandoned warehouse. "Are you sure they're here Pierce?" Touma asked the Pierce now vulpimancer. The dog responded with a growl as the in front of them started to ripple and out of the ripple came Ben. "You're good" Touma said, "true but that may be because Mikoto had gotten here to" Ben said pointing to a crate that Mikoto jumped out from behind.

"Kuroko should've been here, I saw her enter a little while ago" Mikoto said then was tackled by Kuroko and was groped. "My developed Onee sama....." the teleported now alien pterodactyl moaned while nuzzling Mikoto XLR8. Then was electrified by her...

"This is bad, that sorceress has got two of the most powerful magic users in the world" Index said, "there might be no way to stop her". Pierce growled, getting tired with the constant noise this mutt makes Touma said "can you please turn us back, mainly Pierce because I'm starting to hate his growling".

Ben did as asked and removed the DNA from them, "still there has to be something strong enough to fight back the God'd right seat" he added. Just then a pink flash emitted from above the room and Gwen fell from above.

"Let me guess Charmcaster?" She asked "bingo" came Pierce's response, "figures why I felt her mama presence here" the anodite said. "Also I heard your question Ben, and to answer..." she then opened a vortex.

"Let's just say me and Kevin ran into these pretty strong people, and a few who knew Mikoto and Touma, earlier".

Out of the portal came multiple individuals, that Mikoto and Touma recognized.


Ben: aw man, well we'll be seeing some familiar faces in next chapter.

Mikoto: some I like, some I am fine with, and one I really don't like.

Me: again I apologize for the long wait, don't worry the next. Chapter is coming soon.

Ben: it sound like that time again.

Me: well you know the drill, be here for next chapter Magic vs Aliens Part 2.

Mikoto: please be here


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