Chapter 13: Magic vs Aliens Pt 2

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Me: and we are back!!!

Mikoto: huh shorter than expected.

Ben: well there were some complications if you haven't forgotten.

Me: but I managed to power through.

Ben: as always we bring you the next chapter.

Me: Level 5 meets Level infinity

Mikoto: stick around for the closing of the Charmcaster arc.


Out of the vortex first was a white haired teenager with a white and blacked striped shirt. And he was also wearing a choker of some kind while at the same time he had a walking assist.

The next figure that came out was a tall woman with reddish brown hair, and the third one had short black hair and was wearing a shirt with Japan's flag's symbol on it, and he seemed a little friendlier than the first two. "Accelerator? Mugino? Gunha?" Touma and Mikoto said.

"Three of the other seven level fives?" Ben asked, "smart, too bad I'll have to disintegrate that handsome face of yours" the 4th Level five Shizuri Mugino AKA Melt downer said.

"Hey who said you get the first punch" The 1st level five Accelerator retorted, "okay what's this about?" Ben asked. "Apparently Academy city wants to see if any of the level dives stand a chance against you" Kevin explained leading a little girl who looks startlingly identical to Mikoto through the mana portal.

"Uh..." Ben is baffled when a few girls who are identical to the Railgun walk out. "Sisters?" He asks, "sort of more like clones" Misaka explians. "Yes hello there, I am Misaka 10032, it's a pleasure to meet you mister Tennyson" one clone said.

Ben looked at Misaka expecting an answer "long story, anyway is it really necessary to fight Ben?" She said. Sogiita Gunha AKA the 7th level five was the first to answer, "nope I just want to spar with him.

"Not gonna get that chance, I am going to prove that not even an alien can beat me" Accelerator argued. "So what are these guys' powers?" Ben asked Kuroko, "Gunha has telekinesis but uses it in didn't ways like to enhance attacks and repair broken bones" the teleported answered.

"And the white haired guy?" Ben asked again, this time Touma answered his question. "Accelerator, he has the power to control vectors and redirect attacks. He basically has control over kinetic, energy and any kind of force" he said.

"And the slightly angry lady" Ben looked at Mikoto "Shizuri Mugino, the Meltdowner, she can create and control electrons to create powerful disintegrator beams" she said.

"Gotcha" the shapeshifter replied, "listen, your cousin over there already told us about the sorceress or whatever okay" Accelerator said. "So I'm gonna make you a deal, if you can beat all of us Level fives we're going to help you take her down".

Mikoto, Kuroko, and Touma flinched, "and if I lose... I'm probably gonna be dead by that time aren't I?" Ben asked slightly serious yet somehow jokingly. 'Not that it's gonna work though", "you caught on" Mugino said.

"Okay, so who's up first?" Ben asked, and as if it answered his question Accelerator sped right towards him and nearly gave him a nasty back hand. Only to see he vanished, "nice try" Ben said then used Atom-o-drillo's arm to knock the Esper 15 meters away.

"Okay who's next?" He asked only for Mugino to shoot her beams along with Accelerator jumping back in with kinetic force propelling him. Ben then went intangible and phased past them letting their attacks hit each other. "Nice try, but it's not like I haven't gone up against something similar to any of you before" he said.

This time the alien hero charged them, unable to react fast When the shapeshifter suddenly appeared in front of both of them, Ben used Echo Echo's power on Mugino to knock her back while using Big Chill's power phase through Accelerator and nearly freeze him from the inside out.

"Damnit, how did he manage to..." the albino hair was cut of when the other worldly teen had gone full Omni and grabbed his face. "Let's make this even" he said then split into two using Ditto's powers.

"Come at me" he said to Mugino, slightly ticked she blasted him with several of her lasers only for the Omni replicant to grow Chromastone's crystals and Feedback's Antennae and absorb the energy. "It seems your only using a sponge to drain a canal, only once the sponge is full all you have to do is squeeze and" Ben then released all the energy and got Meltdowner in the stomach.

As to why Accelerator hadn't been fighting anymore... Ben made him age by almost 90 years with Clockwork's powers. "Okay he's got me..." he said as much as he could, considering he was nothing but skin and bones now. Wrinkly skin nonetheless...

"Okay seems like that's my cue" Gunha said jumping in, "IN THE NAME OF GUTS!!!" he went for a shot to the alien's mid section. Only to retract his hand shaking in in slight discomfort, "Extremly hard diamond and silicon based compound skin" Ben said, then bopped the over enthusiastic telekinetic in the head and threw hit to Mugino. At the same time the prime Ben returned Accelertor to his original age and did the same.

"Maybe it's time I ended this, we really need to stop Charmcaster" he said turning his head into Toe Pick's. "Oh what're you gonna do now?" Mugino asked coyly charging up her disintegrator beams. Only for Omni to open the helmet... and then... well... you get it...

Hello there, I'm sorry disappoint but we are having technical difficulties as of right now. Please be patient as we sort out the problems

After the scare Ben gave them, to which he reverted to human after, they reluctantly agreed to help. "Man I can't believe I got beaten by an alien" Accelerator said, "well let's not forget he did help defeat a level five powered AIM BURST thing" Mugino said. "So we should've expected him to be strong".

Gunha was shivering in fear, apparently Toe Pick was scary enough to traumatize him. "I'll never be able to un see that ever again" he muttered, "get over it" Accelerator said. "Still as our words stand, we will help you take down this Charmcaster chick" Mugino said.

"Believe me you don't know how much you won't regret this" Ben said, then they heard an unholy screech. The little Misaka clone ran to Accelerator and hugged his legs. "I'm scared, Misaka says exclaiming fear" she said trembling.

Gwen's eyes glow pink "she's close, I can feel it, and there are two more people that need saving" she said. Then brought out a type of book "I'll try to find a cure for Charmcaster's parasite spell, go out and stall her long enough" Gene instructed.

(And cue music)

Everyone had rushed outside to see Stiyl and Acqua chasing two girls wearing Tokidawa uniforms. Along with that more of Charmcaster's rock monster were tearing up the city. "I'll handle Stiyl and Acqua, you guys handle the golems" Ben instructed.

While Mikoto and the others had gone after the golems, electricity blaring in all directions, Disintegrator beams blasting at all directions, and numerous fire arms being shot (A/N: curtesy of the sisters) Ben had went to the two magic users. He had focused on the girls, who were actually classmates of Kuroko, Kinuho Wannai (brown hair) and Maaya Awatsuki (blue hair).

"HELP!!!!" Kinuho cried, "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?!" Maaya yelped as they were chased. Ben had caught them with Wild Vine's tendrils and pulled them to safety. "Are either of you you hurt?" He asked, "uh... n-n-no... I don't think so..." Kinuho said.

"Yeah... uh same" Maaya added, both had been shook up about nearly getting caught by Stiyl and Acqua. Not to mention the fact that Ben was leaning over them with Terraspin's shell on his back to protect them from Charmcaster's magic.

"What exactly is going on?" The brunette asked, Ben replied with "you know who I am right?" He asked. "Ben Tennyson, the hero from another world right" Maaya asked, "yeah you see one of my old bad guys Charmcaster just found me again... and right now she's really doing some damage" he said as he saw her flying by.

"Finally you show yourself Tennyson, I was starting to think you'd become a coward and run off" she said. Ben got up but still shielded the two "never, and let them go right now or else you are in for such a beat down" Ben threatened. The sorceress smirked, "Hmmm let me think... NO!!! GET HIM!!!" She ordered. The next thing Ben knew Vento and Motaharu came back.

The girl threw her rosary chain and ate blonde blasted another shot round. Only this time Ben turned his back and both attacks bounded harmlessly off of Terraspin's shell. Charmcaster grunted, she raised her hand, which was now glowing with Mana, to cast a spell.

Ben was ready to guard when suddenly a blast of water hit her minions and knocked them back into Charmcaster. "Ow... hey get off" she yelled at her cronies.

The shapeshifter looked to the source to see Maaya and Kinuho with their hands pointed outwards. "If you think we're going to let you attack our savior you're horribly mistaken" The bluenette said. "That's right, Ben saved us from your minions down there and we owe him our lives" the brown hair added.

When any one wasn't looking something fast came and hit the ground next to Ben and the two. Lucky the shapeshifter had grabbed them again and sped out of the way. attacker turned out to be the 2nd Level five Kakine Teitoku AKA Dark Matter. Except now he had pink eyes and the same markings as Charmcaster's minions.

"Finally you got here" she retorted, the mind controlled Dark matter growled in response. "Wait you took control of the second level five" Kinuho asked trembling.

"Espers are fairly easy to use the usual mind control spell, Kakine get them" The level five stomped towards them only to be hit by a green energy beam. Instantly Ben recognized it as Shizuri's meltdowner beam. "Ben you're right I really didn't regret it, I've always wanted to beat the crap out of that bastard" she said.

Then Accelerator sped in and kicked Kakine in the side, "same here", Ben finished the esper off by using Pesky Dust's powder on him making the level five pass out cold. "Sleeping dust, always a good tool to end fights fast" he said.

"Ben I got it" Gwen said levitating in
The air, "LIBERATIO" she chanted. All of a sudden all of Charmcaster's slaves were released from their trances.

After being released Stiyl shook his head "ow what happened?" He asked, "you got mind controlled by an evil sorceress" Touma explained then pulled him and Tsuchimikado away.

"Okay Charmcaster don't make this worse that this has to be" Ben said as everyone stood behind him. "Fighting alongside Espers and an alien?" Acqua said, "I'd rather have my eyes torn out but I'll accept it over the fact that the bloody sorceress took control over our minds" Vento replied.

"GRRRR, you may have one this time Ben, but this time I'm holding a big card" Charmcaster said. The sorceress then brought out a big crystal which made Gwen's eyes widen, "Ben that thing is a mana Bomb" she said.

"That thing'll over load all the mana in the area, and after that turn anything alive into a living bomb". "Smart Gwen, but not enough" the deranged sorceress was about to throw when Index threw a stone at her hand which made her drop it.

Unfortunately it was about to fall on Mugino and Accelerator, when the two try to run they found their weren't able to move. Looking behind them they saw Kakine holding. Them in place with his dark matter, "if that bomb there goes off, I'm making sure you go with me" he said. Ben had sped forward and kicked the overzealous Ester back o being unconscious and then the bomb straight into space.

"Hey Charmcaster, here's something I picked up from Mikoto" Ben said as he changed his arm into a hybrid of Feed back, Atomix and Loadstar. "ATOMIC!!!"

At that moment, massive amounts of metal were being drawn to Ben's arm.

"RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIILLLL GUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!" The alien then launched a powerful Cannon blast similar to Misaka's Railgun move. Only 15 times more powerful...

A few minutes later, Anti skill came and arrested Charmcaster, Gwen helped out by putting a symbol on her negating her powers. And as for the Vento and Acqua, they thanked Ben for releasing then. Even though it was against their own will, he he, they had also been incapacitated.

Yeah the parasite spell's after effect tends to make the ones affected weak for certain periods of time after it wears off, depending on the duration the victim was under control. Since Motaharu and Stiyl were the last to get affected they were only weak for the rest of the day. As for the two magic users, they were gonna be out of it for three whole years. Kakine however was not just weak, he was now completely powerless.

I suppose an explanation is in order, remember when Charmcaster said it can give the inflicted enhanced strength and stamina and etc? Well think of it as a steroid, though it can make you stronger your body will eventually need to rely on it if used frequently. So in other words it's the magic version of an addictive drug.

"Another day saved" Ben said, everyone present nodded in agreement.

Just then a familiar voice said something from behind Ben, "Tennyson". The teen alien hero looked behind him to see Accelerator and Meltdowner. "Oh hey, what's up?", "well... Mugino wanted to thank you for saving her...ghhphnmmm".

Shizuri hit him on the head with the help of Touma stopping Accelerator's powers. "We are both here to thank him, anyway don't think this means anything special. We just want to thank you for saving us from that bomb" she said. "Well it's no problem, see you around" he said.

"Just what is happening?" He asked himself, Mikoto stood next to him, "I don't know but..." she closes her eyes for a moment then opens them back up with a serious look. "I have a feeling something big is coming", then both looked at the sky. Wondering what may come in the near future.

While on a delivery truck was a small box that was emanating a sweet pink aura with slight hint of toxic purple. As to the box's contents, the only thing on the label was clothes. As to the address it was going to, Tokidawa dorms, Kuroko Shirai.

Me: and another chapter done!!!

Ben: and we told you it'd get here fast.

Mikoto: asked and delivered.

Ben: though neither of us know what's coming next chapter.

Mikoto: just what are you planning Humatrix?

Me: Oh I'll never tell, but let's just say because no one voted I'm going with my original idea.

Ben: which is?

Me: not telling!

Ben: are you kidding?

Mikoto; you're awful.

Me: well it's that time again.

Everyone: be here for the next chapter accidentally in love everyone!! Ciao!!

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