Chapter 14: accidentally in love

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Me: and welcome back to another chapter of a certain alien shapeshifter.

Ben: Accidentally in love? This is about the pairing isn't it?

Me: yes... since no one voted on it I had to do something!!! They're basically leaving me in the dry here.

Mikoto: that's reasonable, but I'm sure some people had their reasons... though the most likely one is...

Kuroko: is that their lazy sissy (gets zapped By Mikoto).

Uiharu: Shirai San, please don't make the audience mad, and also I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

Me: not really the right thing to say about this chapter.

Ben: so the title, Accidentally in love? That wouldn't happen to be...

Saten: a coincidence that it is the same title from the movie Shrek 2?


Everyone: (starts clapping)

Mikoto: well it's that time again.

Everyone: enjoy this chapter veiwers, now on with the show!!!

Currently inside of Ben's apartment building that he shared with Mikoto and Kuroko... yeah the Dorm Supervisor had moved them into another building owned by Tomidawa. As to why, Charmcaster's rock monsters had tore up the dorm. Fortunately for Misaka her stuff was left alone.

As for right now Ben, Misaka and Kuroko were sitting in their new living room along with Saten, Uiharu, Kevin and Gwen. As to why they were just having a normal day, unfortunately the normalness was about to end thanks to a certain pig tailed pain in the Railgun.

"So this is your digs eh? Pretty nice" Kevin complimented, "yes while I still don't like Ben that much, I have to say having him as a roommate does have its perks" Kuroko admitted. "Has its perks, it's all perks, Ben helps with chores, is fun to talk with, he even spars with us every once in a while to help umph our skills" Mikoto said. "Although he helps a lot, (eyes go sparkly) He'll never be able to attract the heart of my dear Onee sama!!!! (Gets cheeks pulled By Mikoto again)" "WHAT THE HELL DID I SAY PEVERT!!!!!" The Railgun roared.

"Now I kinda want him to be my roomy" Saten said, "in a super hero not a cleaning service" Ben deadpanned. "Still according to Karen he is also a good mentor to" Uiharu said. 'Maybe he can teach me a few things' she thought.

"Speaking of where is Karen?" Gwen asked, "hey yeah didn't she say she was going to come over as well?" Mikoto said. Ben's phone then rang, "oh hold on it's her" he said, "yeah?", "hey Sensei, I know this is a late notice but I may be a little late to getting to your room" she said.

"Really what's wrong?" Ben asked, "well remember when I said I was getting back in school?" Karen asked. "Yeah why?", "well, I have a lot of paper work to sign... this is gonna take a long time" she whined.

"Okay well tell me when you're almost here okay?" Ben said, "okay bye" he then hung up. "What's up?" Misaka asked, "oh Karen decided to go back into school but but the registry is taking longer than expected" Ben then heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Kuroko said, then was electrified by Mikoto, "hold it Ben, first let's ask a few questions" she said. The two went up to the door, "hello?" Ben called, "yeah hello I'm here to deliver a package to a miss Kuroko Shirai" the person said.

"What in the box though?" Mikoto asked, "it just says clothes" the delivery person said. 'They were discrete about the contents but... oh wait I forgot', "can you tell me the sender?" Mikoto asked. "Uh Academy city hot fashion, so hot the sun is jealous" the delivery person said.

"Oh I guess it wasn't one of Kuroko's weird and inappropriate purchases" the Railgun said grimly. The two opened the door and carried the box in, "though it was adressed to Kuroko it's not one of her aphrodisiacs".

"You use what now!? Okay you are insane Kuroko" Ben said. The pig tailed girl in question shrugged, then turned around and smirked.

'He he, what they don't know though...'


Inside the Academy city mailing service, Kuroko had snuck around the building. Using her teleportation she appeared in the ware house and looked through the packages.

"Come on where is it" she said looking at all the labels, then found one with her name on it. The label read Kuroko Shirai, Tokidawa dormitory, Love and Herbs Aphrodisiacs.

She then touched the label and teleported it off the box and put a new label on, this one has the current box's label on it.

"Now my Onee sama won't be able to figure out my plan..."

Back to real time

Kuroko had watched as her sissy and roommate had put the box on the counter nearby then walked back. 'Fu fu fu, tomorrow is Saturday. Once Ben leaves early for his morning rounds, ill get Onee sama with my new purchase. And once that happens...'

Kuroko had drooled a little.


Mikoto eyes are dilated and blurry, "Kuroko? Kuroko!?" She yelled. Most likely after taking a spiked drink from Kuroko.

"My my Onee sama, you finally call my name after all these years. Well no matter, you are mine now and that alien can't get you"

Real time

"Uh Shirai San? Are you okay?" Uiharu asked, the teleportation Esper wiped her mouth. "Oh yes, I'm fine" she said, "considering that reaction I don't think she's telling the truth" Gwen said.

"Yeah let's just check what's in here" Saten said, Kuroko flinched and immediately teleported the box away. Only to see it was floating above them, the contents, mainly a jar of pink liquid, fell out and smashed onto the table.

At the same time Karen just happen to arrive. "Hey sensei's, I got a lucky break and finished fast" she said before it completely smashed.

Lucky for Ben Kevin, Saten and Kuroko they jumped out of the way. Unfortunately Mikoto, Karen, Uiharu and Gwen weren't so lucky.

"Okay that was too close" Saten said, but Ben had noticed that Mikoto, Gwen, Uiharu and Karen were covered with the pink liquid. "Or maybe not" he said noticing they were trying to shake off the stuff. "Oh man this was my favorite shirt" Gwen complained.

"Uh... Sissy?..." Kuroko was trembling at the sight of Mikoto, "Kuroko... YOU PERVERT!!!!!!" The electromaster zapped Kuroko again. "Uh come on we should get you cleaned off" Kevin said to Gwen, whom for some reason jumped in her boyfriend.

"Hey Gwen, what're you... mmm?!" Kevin was cut off when Gwen started to kiss him. "Wha...!? Gwen what's up with you?" Ben asked slightly surprised.

She looked at him while clinging to Kevin, "not sure but I never felt better, come on Kev. Let's go home" she teleported them away.

"Kuroko what was in that?" Saten asked her teleporting friend, "uh... extreme Aphrodisiac" she said, then noticed Mikoto blushing a bit.


"ONEE SA...!?" The esper was tackled by Laren who was blushing and her eyes were blurry "Kuroko nee San!!!!" She whined nuzzling the aforementioned pig tail.

"Wha!? Let me go, I am only Onee Sama's!!!!" Kuroko yelled trying to escape. "WHAAAA!?" Ben looked at Uiharu and Saten, the former was on top of the latter cuddling into the aero hand esper's neck. "Uiharu what are you doing!?" She yelped, "I don't know, but I can't control myself" the temperature fixer replied now kissing Saten's cheek.

"It must be that Aphrodisiac Kuroko bought, I need to figure out how to...?!" Ben was cut off when he felt that someone was looking at him. Looking back Ben spotted Mikoto who's face was fire ball red and she looked at him.

"Ben..." she said, then licked her lips, "uh... got to run!!!" He said rushing out of the apartment. Mikoto had jumped out the window, and for some coincidence had landed on Ben as he ran outside the building.

"Ow... that hurt" he groaned, then looked up to see Mikoto looming over him. "Ben" she said as she was nuzzling his cheek, to which he blushed at and tried to escape using Goop's powers.

"I need to get out of here!!" He said, slithering into a sewer, "man that was too close, lucky I managed to grab the Jar's label before it smashed" Ben then took out the label of the Aphrodisiac jar. "Let's see I think Gutrot can make an antidote to this".

He was about to use the alien's power when he heard screaming, looking down the pipe he saw Kuroko being chased by Karen. "AAAAAAAHHHH STOP MY LOVE IS FOR SISSY AND SISSY ONLY!!!!" the teleporting Esper cried. "Who says you can only belong to her" Karen said as a female version of Rath.

"Ben please help me!!!" Kuroko screamed after seeing him, the shapeshifting teen responded with transporting both of them onto a building. "Okay that was too close" Kuroko said, "tell me about it" Saten said floating up to them.

"Uiharu nearly got me, how are we going to return them to normal?" She asked, "I think I can use Gutrot's powers to create and antidote for Kuroko's little misshap" Ben said. "All I want is to show my feeling to sissy! Is that so wrong!?" She wailed.

"On so many levels" Ben said, then they heard a loud crashing sound. Looking down they saw Karen as Rath climbing the building. "LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING KUROKO SHIRAI!!!! NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE SKIPS OUT ON A KISS FOR KAREN WITHOUT GETTING A MAJOR BACK PAIN!!!" She roared nearly to the top.

Kuroko screamed "this is all your fault Kuroko!!!" Saten yelled, then the ground seemed to melt a little underneath Saten and she yelped and jumped on Ben. "What was that!?" Uiharu then crawled up from the melted spot.

"Saten San..." she said walking over to her, "why do I think Misaka might pop out any second?" He asked himself. Then as if the future was predicted the Railgun herself shot up and grabbed him.

"Ben... you should know by now that I always find what I want" she said hugging him. "Oh come on! Some one please help me!!!" He yelled, "no help this time" Mikoto then gave him a small shock and he had a hard time moving.

"Yeah you're not escaping us" Karen said getting Kuroko from behind, "you belong with us" Uiharu said.

A few minutes later the three aphrodisiac induced girls had dragged Saten, Ben and Kuroko back to the building they shared. "What's going to happen?" Saten asked, "oh nothing" Uiharu said before lunging at her friend and gave her multiple kisses.

"Kuroko!" Karen said before dragging the teleported into her room kicking and screaming. Ben had used Ghost freak's intangibility to try and escape and come up with an antidote for Kuroko's package.

"At least I'm safe up here, now what is this stuff made out of" the shapeshifter then used Gutrot's powers to mix chemicals together. After a few minutes he made a gas that can snap a person back to normal.

"Okay now the real hard part, how to get the girls to take it" Ben said. He flew back the the apartment and sneakily made his way back in. For some reason none of the girls were in sight "hello, Mikoto? Uiharu? Karen?" Ben called out.

There was no response, until he heard groaning from the corner of the room. Looking in that direction he saw an unconscious Saten who was dazed. "Oh dear" he said, what Ben hadn't realized was that he had gone tangible again.

And unfortunately he was tackled from behind. His attacker was actually Uiharu, while Mikoto had stood in front of him. "Okay now Ben, please keep still. This won't hurt at all" she said leaning into Ben.

In an attempt to snap them out of it he released the gas he made. Fortunately the two finally snapped out of it, and Karen was currently unconscious. For other reasons... but that hadn't stopped Mikoto from kissing Ben.
And so did Uiharu.

For the next few days everyone couldn't look at each other for two straight weeks. And Kuroko had promised not to buy anymore aphrodisiacs after that little event. And as punishment for what she did Everyone had given her their own version of Rath's classic move the Polaris pile-driver.

However, a certain someones may have been under the effect of it longer. Because for some reason those people can't stop thinking about Ben. Or could it be something more?

Me: and done, Finally more parts done.

Ben: Fairy 10 maybe temporarily over but that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Kuroko: you said a certain someone's... who... are... They!?

Me: if I tell you you may kill me.

Mikoto: hey just leave him alone...

Uiharu: yeah Shirai San.

Kuroko: TELL ME!!!! (Tries to choke me but is zapped by Misaka).

Saten: well it's that time again.

Everyone (except Kuroko): be here for the next chapter gotta level up naturally. Ciao!!!

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