Chapter 15: time to level up, naturally

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Me; and we're back.

Mikoto: shorter than the last few times.

Ben: yeah no kidding:

Saten: title's time to level up naturally, does that mean...

Uiharu: we'll have to find out.

Me: that's my line.

Uiharu: sorry...

Everyone: hope you enjoy this chapter everyone now on with the show!!!

Ben is currently walking around Tokidawa, just doing his usual rounds. "Weird, is it the day off or something? I haven't seen anyone around the school lately" he said continuing his sweep.

When the was finally done the shapeshifter landed, but heard two voices coming from inside a classroom. First one was from a teacher and the other was Misaka.

"For crying out loud, their supposed to learn how to use their powers at the schools so why are they volunteering for these experiments!?" The teacher shouted. Misaka was trying to calm her down "easy now sensei, try to stay calm you already know what the doctor said about your blood pressure" she said.

"I know, it's just that if this keeps up
Tokidawai's name may be ruined" the teacher said. Ben then entered the room, "what's going on?" He asked, "Ben?!" The Railgun squeaked, "oh your that shapeshifter everyone's been talking about" the teacher said.

"Yeah but what were you and Mikoto talking about?" He asked, "recently, the girl's from Tokidawa have been volunteering to be test subjects for experiments to get up to the higher levels" the teacher answered. Ben cringed a little "why would someone do that?" He asked while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I don't know, my guess they're starting to get impatient", Mikoto nodded at that. "Can't blame them, a long time ago I used to be impatient with my powers. But nowadays I have enough self control to know when and when not to use them" he said.

The teacher looked at him, "hmm... if it's okay may I ask a little question?" The teacher requested of Ben. "Well that depends, what do you want to know?" He replied. "Your powers, how did you get so knowledgeable at using them?" She asked.

"Is it just practicing with them? Or do you go through psychological and physical treatment?". "Nope, just practice, its like when I play sports" Ben said. "The only way you can become a pro at them, is to always practice" Mikoto smiled at that.

"Coincidentally Misaka here has that mind set also" sensei added, "she always practiced and worked hard to become the level five she is today". The electromaster blushed and turned away, "well... I guess that's true..." she admitted.

"You know, you actually have a lot of fans and admirers here at Tokidawa. As well as other schools, maybe if you talk with them you'll rub off on them" she added. "Unfortunately the only way anyone would believe that is if I had actual proof, and they were fully determined" Ben said.

Mikoto thought for a while, how can Ben get the students of Academy city to try to work hard to level up, and not use experimental means? Then a thought hit her "I got it!" She said, "maybe you can work with lower levels and help them become stronger through hard work" she said.

"That could be something, but how will I get them to believe me? The students could be evidence of it but..." Kuroko then teleported in. "Video, one of us can record you while working with them" she said.

"You know that just might work", the teacher then went for the phone and called someone. After the call ended she turned to the three "we need to go somewhere" she said.

Later on they found themselves in a board room, along with a few board directories of Academy city. Apparently they requested too shut the experiments for espers down. Just for the record Ben already knew about the converging a level five to six they did with Accelerator which involved killing dozens of Mikoto clones.

The board directories said it wasn't in their hands, Ben then said that if so they were full blown chickens along with the city's supervisor. The city supervisor had actually heard that, and told them that if Ben could help two lower levels to reach level two or higher they'd shut down all the projects.

In a windowless building in Academy city, a white haired man with an almost elf like face, had been floating upside down in a tube filled with red liquid endowed. This was Aleister Crowley, the main supervisor of Academy city, in truth he is the most powerful magician in the world.

Had rejected the thought of god's for the manipulation of people to act on only their behalf and fallow their beliefs. Noted for the cruelty from his abusive parents and teachers for not being willing to understand him.

He had held off on the practice of magic to study the world of science for research. And as it turned out, he had been toying with the entire city, manipulating it to his whim.

He was no better than the so called gods he rejected. So far things have been going according to his plans, which thus far hadn't been revealed.

That was until Ben Tennyson arrived on this world, and for some odd reason he couldn't bend Ben to his will. Even so he managed to work around him, that was until Ben had requested for all the experiments to convert level advancing to stop.

For some time he neglected to realize how much of a problem Ben could be for his plans to succeed. And now he had been shown the light, Ben hadn't been the ordinary human. Even without his alien forms he was willing to stand in his plans without knowing it.

So he made a deal, if Ben could convert two lower levels into higher ones say around two, three or four he'd stop the project. If not then Ben would have to pay him a visit and the magician would have the perfect opportunity to bend him to his will.

What Young Tennyson hadn't known was that he only had a few weeks. Or so he thought, If Ben wasn't the way he was now he would've agreed to do it regardless. But since he grew up a lot he wanted to know most if not all the details.

Aleister had told the directors to give him a week but not tell him. But Ben was careful and read both the minds of the directors and hacked into the phone lines with Brainstorm's abilities.

"Okay so how many weeks do I have? Two, oh wait three right?" The shapeshifter asked. The directors were shocked as to how he knew, Aleister tried to shorten it but Ben had already listed everything before he had the chance to say it.

In the end he conceded with five weeks, but he decided to try another tactic. The magician and embarrassment to magic had looked for the two lowest levels in the city. And ones who had a history of negative results of leveling up.

He found two that he thought would be perfect, unfortunately what he hadn't known was those two were...

"So what are we doing again?" Saten asked, while Uiharu was next to her. The two were in the park with Ben and Mikoto, Kuroko was nearby setting up a few hidden video cameras. "Let me explain, for the past few months students in Academy city have been volunteering for unknown experiments made to allow espers to level up" he explained.

The two were fallowing so far, "so I made a proposal to the board of directories saying if I can help two low levels into level two or higher within a span of five weeks they'll stop all experiments" he continued. "Oh I see, so your trying to show that through hard work espers can easily reach higher levels so they'd stop the experiments. Like Mikoto" Uiharu said.

Ben nodded "however due to her unique abilities that they suspect may have allowed Misaka to grow stronger she wasn't enough evidence for when we proposed first" he added. "So how are we going to do this, I mean I know my powers have finally come in when you activated it using Terrapin, but how do we even go from that?" Saten asked.

"Well... I've been practicing with my abilities with my thermal hand, and I found out that I can now generate heat as well as maintain an object's temperature" Uiharu said. "That explains how you melted through that building's roof... with the whole... incident...".

The aphrodisiac accident was still fresh in their minds, so yeah.

The two blushed along with Misaka, "but seeing as how Karen turned out I'm sure Ben can get you two stronger in no time" the Railgun said. Saten nodded, Ben then asked Mikoto a question.

"So tell me, how do espers powers work?" He asked, "well its mostly exact calculating along with creating our own personal realities" she explained. Ben thought about it for a moment, and after a few seconds he spoke up. "Okay, well this time we're going to take a different approach" he said.

The three, four of you Include Kuroko who was behind a bush, tilted their heads. "For now show me what you two can do" Ben instructed, Uiharu was the first to demonstrate.

She focused her power on a nearby cinder block slab, and in a few minutes it was starting to turn red from the heat and melt. "Okay, what went through your mind when you were using your power?" Ben asked. "Well, first I calculated the required temperature it would take to heat it to hat point. Then measure the time for how long each will take and take into consideration how much heat I can increase without straining myself" the flower girl said.

"Okay Saten, your up now" Ben said, she quickly threw her palm forward and made a small wind hit a can on a bench. Knocking it clear off the thing, "okay then, and what went through your mind?" He asked again. "Just how much wind speed would be needed and how much I can use without straining myself also" she said.

"Okay, well may I ask another question?" Ben asked, the two had puzzled looks, but nodded. "When you use your abilities how do you feel when you use them? Like an example do you see them as a part of you or like something foreign?" He asked. "Well... to be honest a little forgein" Uiharu admitted.

Ben then saw the weak link, "same here" Saten said, "and can I ask why?" Kevin asked. Ben had invited him for a little lecture, "you say your powers are foreign to you" he said. "Well yeah, we got our powers through implants" Saten explained, "those were only the stimulants to activate them. You may have gotten powers from them but who says it was those who gave the powers to you?" He added.

"What do you mean?" Mikoto asked, "what Kevin is trying to say is, even though you started getting powers after the point you had become an esper" Ben said. "The implants they gave you only activated them, they only gave you the awareness you had powers. And that your abilities have been with you from the moment you were born" he added.

The girl's eyes widened, "so what your saying is, our abilities, our esper powers, they've been with us for as long as we could remember" Mikoto said. "But we needed a stimulus to activate them?" She asked, Ben nodded, "Academy city can't pick which powers you get, only start them up. It's you who had them all along" Ben said.

"Now with that knowledge you now have, try this" Ben said, "instead of calculating to use your powers, use the knowledge of what they can do. And try to feel them, they've been a part of you, now you have to let it be it".

Uiharu was hesitant, was this really going to work? Saten on the other hand, looked at her hand, using her aero hand she made some wind swirl. She knew what she can do with her ability, now for the part Ben said. She closed her eyes, and imagined wind blowing all around her, she couldn't tell if it was happening...

But... she could feel it, she could feel wind rushing through every part of her body. Thinking about what Ben said, her power over wind had always been with her. And that the implants she got had only activated her powers, the rest is all her.

Focusing on what the base of it was, she imagined the wind around her getting stronger. She had embarrassed her ability as if it had been with her since birth, she felt it getting stronger, it moved faster and faster like she was a walking tornado.

She then felt something build up inside her, to the point when it had reached its max, it felt it had fell and kept growing again. Like, a part of her that she wasn't even aware of had revealed itself to her. Feeling that she couldn't keep it in anymore, she opened her eyes and released, then was surprised.

A few seconds earlier, Uiharu had thought about what Ben had said, he said her power had always been with her. All this time she felt that they were given, but he said that it was all her, that the implants she got had only awakened her abilities.

"Um... I'm not sure about this" she said, that was until she felt a strong gust of wind blow her. Everyone had actually felt it, they looked at Saten who had closed her eyes. For some reason, a considerably strong amount of wind had surrounded her. And it kept getting stronger and stronger, "uh whats going on with Saten?" She asked.

Then what happened next shocked all of them, Saten opened her eyes and thrusted her hand forwards. And this time she had sent a strong torrent of wind towards tree trash cans and sent them flying. "Was... was that me?" She asked, "believe now?" Ben asked, "Saten what happened?" Uiharu asked her windy friend.

"It... it was amazing, I thought about what Ben said, and I had felt as if it had been with me for all my life. And now I can really feel it" she said making some wind for below her and slowed Saten to hover in the air. "See, if Saten can do it why can't you?" Ben asked, the flower girl had looked at her friend, who by this point lowered herself down from flying.

Then at her hands, 'what went through Saten's mind?' She then closed her eyes also. 'Feel as if your powers have been with you since birth' she tried to imagine altering the temperature since she was born. But she couldn't feel the same sensation Saten felt, 'I can't feel anything, I'm picturing about having them since birth... but I still can't...' she thought tearing. But then had another thought, Ben said to remember what her powers had allowed her to do.

And focus on the base purpose, and Saten said to feel, 'maybe I shouldn't have pictured. Maybe.. maybe it's beyond thought' she then tried it again.

But this time was different, instead of picturing the temperature changing, she had imagined, literally feeling the temperature around her change. And, she had actually felt hot, and then she felt cold, she was really feeling the temperatures change. And just when she wanted to, and now like Saten, she felt the same sensation.

As if a new part of her was now awakened, and she liked it, as the new feeling grew Uiharu opened her eyes and thruster both hands forward. When she did a rush of both cold and hot radiating energies had emitted from her palms and struck a nearby wall. The part of the wall that the cold radiated energy hit had some cold vapor appear on it and some ice crystals.

While part where the hot radiated energy had hit started to turn red and melt. This time quickly, she looked to the spot where her powers had affected. And was met by surprise, she wasn't strained from using that much of her powers, like a limit had been lifted from her.

Mikoto and Kuroko had been stunned and amazed by what transpire, "I... I did it" she said happily. Ben then took out a measuring tool he got from Misaka's teacher. A device to measure the skill level of different espers, he add it at Saten, "assessing skill level, level 1.5" the device said.

He then aimed it at Uiharu, "assessing skill level, level 2.5" it said, "wow we, we actually leveled up" Uiharu said. "Amazing" Mikoto commented, she then tried it for herself, casting aside all calculating and embraced her powers. Feeling it since birth, and then she released a pulse of electricity, she had created two tendrils of lightning on her back.

"Wow", the device then assessed Mikoto's level, "near level 6, level 5.5" Ben then erased that, he didn't want the city to go crazy that she had leveled up. "We're not done yet though" he said, "we've got five weeks to prove that hard work can improve your powers. And right now we've unlocked the full potential at your beginners levels. Now to exercise them".

Week one Ben had taken Saten and Uiharu to the wind turbine fields. He instructed Saten to make at least one or two spin at high speeds. She aimed two hands at them and used her power to send two strong gusts of wind hit them.

However she was only able to make blow a shy one mile per hour, Ben the suggested to practice and come up with ways to make it blow harder until she can get the hang of stronger speeds. After that he took Uiharu to an abandoned construction sight. He instructed her to make some steel beams he collected increase in heat to melt it and cool it down to solidify it again.

Along with a large block of ice he made as a beginners level so she can get the picture. She tried to melt and re freeze the ice which was little difficult, but the steel beams proved harder. As he did with Saten he told her to come up with some ways to improve the skill until she can get the hang of it.

The whole week the two had practiced on one turbine and steel beam each, day one of the week had given them some ideas. Saten had used her Aero hand on the center of the propeller fan on the turbine. Seeing as it wasn't affected, even at full power, she decided to swirl her hands around at her moderate speed.

With Uiharu, she had been using her new temperature control to melt steel beams down. She tried to melt it down in one go but most of it was slower during the process. So she decided that instead of going for full power in one place use a Third everywhere else on the steel beam.

As to how this improved their results, both had focused on one point of impact and tried yo use the full extent of their current power level. Saten had only aimed at the middle of the fan and at one propeller at a time. But Saten remembered that she originally channeled her power from by collecting and pressurizing wind at her palms. Then used them to focus and aim her winds, and by swirling them around Saten had given more increased collected speed. Turning it into a powerful blast of air as strong as a small tornado.

Hitting every point of impact and increasing in strength and speed. As for Uiharu, the reason she hadn't been able to melt the beam quickly was because she only had used her power at one point of impact. Her goal was to melt it quickly, Even at full power she wasn't able to melt the large metal pole at her designated time.

Now by focusing at multiple points to focus her, now called radical thermochange, on multiple points at the same amount of heat. By using a third of her full power at three areas she was able to melt all points down at her target time. That had also gone to her cold temperature change, by focusing a third of her power at three areas she managed to cool down and solidify the metal.

They had done this for the whole week and with each day they tried it out on more turbines and steel beams. And on the final day of the week they were able to use their powers to the full extent without using their assist techniques such as the swirling or the focus on multiple points. As if it had come naturally.

The weeks that fallowed more exercises to help improve their abilities. From Saten using her Aero hand to blow gliders across an open field to Uiharu managing to make ice form on the court in the Academy city ice rink.

On the last week Saten helped a Ben stop a fairly big, about four stories tall, tornado that had been on course with Academy city. All she had to do was make another tornado at the same size and strength, which thanks to her improvement was little of a challenge. Still strenuous though.

While Uiharu had apprehended both a pyrokinetic esper and a Cryokinetic esper who went rogue. By using herradical thermal change she chilled the pyro head, who was a level three, and over heated the ice head, also level three, until they couldn't move.

Now at Tokidawa academy, the Ben was standing at a podium in a grand hall. "Attention, may I have everyone's attention please?" He said over the mic, everyone had heard him. "Five weeks ago, me and miss Misaka aka the Railgun, she's sitting right there" Ben then pointed to Misaka who waved.

"Had requested to have all level shifting experiments in Academy city shut down. And for good reason, for one the level shifting causes a very large shift in a person's morality alignment as seen with the Accelerator project a few weeks back" he said.

"And another thing is the damage to the person's mental and physical state, their physical brain can become overloaded and cause permanent damage. And the treatments that require the espers to level up can affect their body, with the experimental drugs who knows how much damage they can cause" he added. All the scientists nodded, "but what's sciences without taking risks?" One asked, "is a person's life, let alone an innocent child, really worth the risk?" Ben asked.

He sat back down realizing he couldn't argue back, "to set an example as to why students in Academy city should put their determination into leveling up without artificial means I have helped two lower levels to increase in skill" Ben added. And on cue the two had walked out and stood next to Ben and then Kuroko out on the video she made of their training.

"Meet Uiharu and Ruiko Saten, they used to be a level one and a level zero, and now look at them" he said gesturing to the projector. "I've set them up and monitored them in their training to become stronger, without taking any drugs or being experimented on" he said.

The real time dates displayed on the videos and journal entry's by the teacher who had also monitored them Kuroko set up in the presentation, all who attended had seen the truth. "And in a short time span of five weeks these two remarkable girls have leveled up by three" he said. The two then demonstrated their power, Saten blew a large glider, which Kevin had been on, into the air as it was completely controlled by her.

And Uiharu had used her ability on a rope nearby that had snapped it and made it drop a large block of ice in the audience. Then she blasted it with a, barley visible but still red, beam of heated energy that quickly melted the ice from solid to steam. Then she made the steam condense and freeze to create snow above the audience. "You see, if a person puts their mind to it they can easily become stronger" Ben said.

Little to say all the audience had applauded the presentation, and as a result all the level shift experiments had been shut down. Another effect was that students had begun trying to level up like Uiharu and Saten.

Aleister on the other hand couldn't believe it, Ben Tennyson had actually managed to convert a level one and a level zero who couldn't level up once to a level three and a level two. He smirked, "well, impressive Ben Tennyson, however the battle may Have been won, but the war is yet to come".

Me: and done with another chapter.

Ben: that had little to no alien powers at all. But it had an actual lesson in it.

Mikoto: that if you can put your mind to it you can do anything.

Uiharu: truer words cannot be spoken.

Saten: got that right.

Me: okay everyone near that time again.

Everyone: up next, the winds of change, Saten's up to the challenge. See you next chapter everyone Ciao!

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