Chapter 16: the winds of change, Saten's up to the challenge

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Me: and we're back!

Ben: this one had taken a while.

Mikoto: the other books must take time.

Ben: sounds reasonable

Me: anyway, this chapter Saten grows stronger again.

Mikoto: why do I have the feeling she's the main focus of this story? And that you may not include us very often.

Ben: I have a strong feeling about that also.

Me: hey you all get a place in the spotlight, you will all be in the story. Anyway it's that time....

Everyone: please enjoy today's chapter everyone!! Now on with the show!!!

In the windowless building, Aleister Crowley was playing on a chess board telekinetically in his tube. Plotting his next move, thanks to Ben shutting down the level shifting projects it set his plans back weeks.

"So the Tennyson boy thinks he can get in my ways that easily?" He said moving one of his grooks. The magician then smirked "well let's see how he takes to my new pawns in the game" he said. Moving forward four pawns, towards a black chess piece with an Omnitrix symbol on it.

"And see if you can even stand against me"...

Time skip

We now see Saten calmly walking through the underground shopping district in Academy city. Originally used to protect against earthquakes, but since there haven't been any shopping areas have been opened up down there.

As to what Saten was doing down here, she was going to see if a new issue of suburban myths of Academy city have been posted in a local magazine. When she found the stall, as to why she didn't just check on her computer... the wifi at her place was down. She found the magazine she was looking for.

"Okay, let's see" she then opened up to the page she usually checked, then saw something odd. An odd looking white humanoid wearing a black cloak that had a large cranial crest on its head. Along with a muscular chicken man with black eyes, a big boar or a wart hog with a flail, and an abnormally large elephant.

"Weird, since Ben got here weird stuff had appeared like Dr. Psychobos and Albedo" Saten said. Yeah Dr. Psychobos was featured in the magazine also as and quote on quote...

"The esper crab"

Weird, at that moment the aforementioned hero appeared. "Oh hey Saten" Ben greeted, "oh hi Ben" she replied putting the magazine back. "What brings you here?" Saten asked, "oh Misaka asked me to get something for her down here" he explained.

"Well what is it?" The Aero hand asked, "not sure but all I got was this receipt" Ben said. They then walked to the store Mikoto told Ben to go too, he showed the clerk the receipt and he went into the back.

The store clerk came out a few minutes later with a package that said Misaka Mikoto and handed it to Ben. "Thanks" he waved as they left "wonder what she got?" Saten asked, Ben lifted his shoulders as they walked back.

When they were a few feet to Ben's, Mikoto's and Kuroko's place Uiharu had appeared. "Oh hi Ben" she greeted "hey Uiharu, how's life?" He asked, "good, still working on my powers" she answered. "It's weird though, for some reason I felt like something was watching me" she said.

"Like stalker-ish?" Ben inquired, "sort of, like how someone would feel if they are watching a sniper on TV" the radical thermochange esper described. Ben had a confused look "Saten made me watch a movie that involves an assassin" she added.

Saten just shrugged "eh, it was a good movie" she said, Uiharu blushed and ranted. "MAYBE BECAUSE YOU LEFT AND ONLY CAME BACK FOR INAPPROPRIATE SCENES WHILE MAKING ME STAY FOR THE REST!!!!" She roared. "Oh come on you liked it" the Aero hand esper said, "I DIDN'T LIKE IT YOU TIED ME DOWN TO THE COUCH AND FORCED ME TO WATCH IT!! I'VE BEEN HAVING NIGHTMARES FOR FOUR WEEKS SINCE!!" Uiharu yelled.

"That is cruel and unusual punishment" Ben commented, "she made me lose my sense of safety along with innocence. Namely because she also made me watch those scenes also!" Uiharu complained. "Let's just head inside before anyone can hear us" Ben said ushering them in.

Ben had given Mikoto her package and she hugged it "thanks Ben I owe you a million" she said. "You're welcome, so what's in there?" He asked, "oh you'll see" the Railgun then grabbed a far away box cutter with a lightning tentacle.

You think Uiharu and Saten were the only ones training? Not just them, Mikoto has also been practicing with her new abilities with her electrockinesis. Just yesterday she was testing out her Railgun blasts, she made slightly transparent tentacles made from her lightning.

And she blasted eight coins at once, lucky no one was around to hear besides Ben. Who was there to check out her new abilities, because she did a lot of damage to the building across the street. Ben had used clockwork's chronokinesis to reverse time and repair the damaged structure.

"Check this out" she then opened the box and took out a gekota Plushy. This one had looked like Heatblast, "it's a Ben 10 line Gekota!!!" She squealed hugging the plush. "Wait the makers of your collectibles made ones based of my transformations?" Ben asked, "yup and I ordered the first one online before anyone else could" Misaka boasted.

"Aww it's so cute" Uiharu said, to which the electromaster realized her mistake and blushed. "Okay, what have you been up to?" Misaka asked Uiharu and Saten.

"Oh you know the usual" Uiharu answered, "you know me... oh wait I do remember something" Saten added. "Well what's up?" Ben asked, "you know that magazine with the urban legends in it?" The Aero hand asked.

Uiharu and Misaka nodded, Ben raised an eye brow, Saten saw and took out one she had bought today when Ben was getting the Plushy. Then handed it to him, "it has all sorts of topics, a few being about a boy who can cancel esper powers" she said. "That... was obviously about Touma wasn't it?" Ben asked, Uiharu and Mikoto nodded.

He turned to the page she was talking about, it had a few entry's. the white finned human, chicken man, man boar, and elephant. "Weird, these entry's seem familiar for some reason" the shapeshifter said.

"How so? Alien pals!" Saten asked smirking, "more like enemies, thunder pig, Trombipulor and Liam" Ben listed, "I can already make a guess at what Thunder pig may be" Mikoto said giggling. As did Uiharu and Saten, "I'm guessing trombipulor is the elephant" Uiharu said.

Ben nodded, "but I can't make out who the white finned human is" Ben said, "maybe Liam?" Saten said, "nope that's the chicken guy" the alien teen answered. "Wait seriously?! An alien with a human name?" Saten said, "it happens" Ben then saw the picture.

He no doubt confirmed that it was Trombipulor, Liam and Thunder pig, but when he saw the so called finned human... he froze. "So did you recognize the fin head?" Misaka asked, Ben gave a nervous nod.

"Yeah... one of my more tougher foes" he replied, "Psyphon, he's smart, tough, insane beyond a doubt, and ruthless" Ben said. "Even managed to take me down as ultimate spider monkey once".

(A/N: fun fact, in one of the episodes of Ultimate alien named reflected glory Psyphon was one of the few people who had managed to beat an ultimate alien. Along with being scary enough to make Cash and JT admit their scam and pee their pants... he he...)

"He... beat you as an ultimate? That's scary" Mikoto commented, "hopefully we don't run into them" Uiharu said. "With my luck I'm pretty sure they'll come for us" Ben groaned.

Then a loud noise is heard, Ben phases through the wall to see Thunder Pig tossing around his flail. "I AM THUNDER PIG!!! TELL ME WHERE BEN TENNYSON IS I HAVE A SCORE TO SETTLE WITH HIM!!!" The human swine yelled.

The shapeshifter sighed and flew down on Big Chill's wings, "dude for the last time I didn't eat your father!!!" Ben yelled going Full Omni and turned his arm into a heat blast mace fist. Then punched the boar straight in his snout "hey fried pork chops" Ben joked.

Thunder pig heard and reacted fiercely "(OINK!!!!!) NO ONE CALLS ME A PORKCHOP!!!!" He roared swinging his spiked ball at Ben. Omni reacted by using Load Star's magnetic claws and stopped the weight in midair.

"I think the positive polarity has shifted to me" Ben quipped as he threw the flail away. "Now to show what happens to bad piggies when they don't listen" The alien lizard then blasted the boar with a flurry of explosive plasma balls.

This had knocked Thunder Pig around long enough to tire him out, and out cold.Ben then used his Null Space projector, its like a Null void projector only it is used to store equipment and is connected to the null void. To imprison Thunder Pig, "okay that ought to do it" Ben said when he heard the cheering.

Looking around he saw everyone in Academy city cheering for him, he raised a hand in thanks for the applaud. Then flew back up to the appartment, "nicely done Ben" Mikoto commented.

"Eh, Thunder Pig isn't one of my stronger bad guys, neither is Liam. Trombipulor and Psyphon however, they are as strong as heck" Ben described. "Well let's hope we only meet the chicken man" Saten joked.

scene change

In an abandoned building, Psyphon was over looking the view of Academy city. "Some how I knew Thunder Pig would fail" he said face palming, "do what's the plan now boss? Buck bukawk" Liam asked. "Well for starters, I'm going to need you to cause a ruckus. Remember what Aleister said, if we remove Tennyson and his friends from the equation, he'll promise us a spot in his new world order" the white alien said.

"I don't get it, if this Aleister guy's is as powerful as he says he is, why doesn't he do it himself?" Trombipulor asked. "Did you see the date he was in? And besides, when he does change the world all we have to do is get him right when he's done. Very much easy" Psychobos answered, then he looked at the two henchmen.

"So Liam, I can count on you to cause a major distraction long enough for us to complete the objective?" He asked. Liam clucked and replied with "you c-can count on... BUKAAAAWWK!!! Me sir!!" The chicken then got a big blaster.


The next day

Touma is currently at a super market to restock in food, mainly because Index cleared his fridge out again. Knowing that the little nun was going to be the end of him he sighed, "she's already eating all my food, pretty soon she's gonna eat me out of house and home" the image breaker said. Soon enough he heard a familiar voice "hmm, is it gonna be Liam or Trombipulor?" It said. Looking to the left Touma saw Ruiko, "oh Saten, didn't see you there" he said "hmm? Oh hey Touma" she greeted.

"What was that you said? Trombipulor or Liam? Who're they?" He asked, Saten's reply was "oh they're two of Ben's bad guys, Liam is a big chicken and Trombipulor is an elephant man".

"Ben fights some weird bad guys" Touma commented, "weird but powerful". All of a sudden a voice that seemed to be clucking like a chicken said "BUCK BUCK BUCAWWWK!! Put your hands in the air, this is a stick up!!!".

The two looked to the noise to see Liam, with a really, really, really big gun in his hands. "That must be Liam" Saten said backing away she and Touma made a B line for cover. That was until the anthropomorphic chicken spotted them and shot at them to keep them where they were.

"I said hands in the air!!!" He yelled and crowed after, the two immediately stuck their hands in the air. "I really hope Ben gets here soon" Saten said, then she remembered that she was a level 2.5 now. "Wait, I'm a level two now" she whispered to herself, "yeah so?" Touma asked.

She then created a small ball of condensed wind, "okay, now first I'll create a distraction", Saten then aimed her air ball at the shelf next to Liam. It managed to knock off some cereal boxes and hit Liam. "ACK!? What the bawk!!" He clucked, "EVERYONE GET OUT NOW!!!!!" Touma yelled running out.

And everyone did the same, "nice" Saten said before making an attempt to run out. Until Liam stepped in front of her, "not so fast girly, I am not letting you leave until Tennyson gets here, not don't move and we won't have any problems" the bird said.

For a moment they stood still not making a single move, the Aero hand user looked around to find another distraction. And fortunately she did, unfortunately it was on Liam's ammunition belt.

It was a small flare located on it, she was about to use her Aero hand to make the stick come to her. But decided on another tactic, she made a thin stream of air and made it start blowing in a circle in the roof above Liam. That thin piece of strong wind was able to cut through, although admittedly slowly, the roof. Once it was a full cut in fell and knocked Liam in the head.

Giving Saten enough time to escape, "why you, you can't escape that easily" Liam said firing considerably large energy blasts randomly. Saten had dodged each one by a hair, until she got burned on the sixth blast. "OW!!" She yelled in pain, "I've got you now girly, can't hide forever" Liam said.

Saten saw him from behind a shelf, then had used her ability again, only this time she had made a small amount of wind in her palm. She made it move at extreme speeds, say a million miles per second, and what happens when something moves to fast? It starts building up heat, Saten had been taking Ben's advice and saw her powers as a part of her.

But she also taken into consideration per request of Ben to know the basic chemistry of air. One aspect included the combustion point of the air's composition. Which happens to be at 2111 degrees Celsius, now she found out why it was useful.

If she could move the wind she manipulated in her palm to just the right speed she can super heat the air enough to create a spark. The speed to reach the combustion point was about six million meters per second. Because of the difference between solid mass and gaseous mass Ruiko had to adjust the speed.

About now she had enough heated air to create a spark. "Come on you little brat" Liam said moving a little, finally she had a spark, she then threw it at the flare and it went off.

Little to say Liam freaked out, understatement he straight up screamed like a girl. "Ha" Saten took advantage of his girlish reaction and jumped above him. "Let's see how you handle the power of a category five tornado" just then wind began to gather around her hands.

"Oh boy..." Liam then turned pale "Misaka has her Railgun so here's my..." Saten's wind then turned into an actual tornado.


The blast had knocked Liam out of the store and in a heap, just about when Ben and Karen happen to arrive. "Hey Saten, woah what happened here?" Ben asked, "only that I just kicked Liam's butt" the Aero hand boasted.

"Tennyson?" Liam said dizzy, he then shook his head, but spotted something terrifying. It was Psyphon carrying something Aleister gave to him, "BWAAAWWWWK!!!! Tennyson please toss me into the Null void, its better than here right now!!!" He begged.

Ben was confused, but had opened it up for the chicken to get kicked into. A little while later Uiharu and Kuroko arrived on the scene, "wow that's amazing Saten" Uiharu exclaimed with starts around her. "Well I wouldn't say amazing, I think impressive will do" Saten said acting bashful.

"Not everyone can take on a member of Kicken Hawk's race, that's quite impressive" Ben said. "Well thanks", just then something in Karen's bag made a beeping sound. She took it out to reveal the same tool that Ben used to measure Uiharu and Saten's skill levels.

It then said "assessing skill level, level 3", "huh, looks like you leveled up" Kuroko. "Amazing, congratulations Saten" Uiharu exclaimed.

Back in the abandoned building, "it seems Liam wasn't able to take down a simple human girl. No matter, I suppose I can trust you Trombipulor to handle the other job?" Psyphon asked.

"You know who you're talking to?" The elephant asked. "The biggest criminal mastermind, in height and weight", he then stomped to the other room. "Watch yourself Tennyson, even though your little friend was able to defeat Liam, there's no way the rest will stop a charging elephant" Psyphon said.

Me: and done with another chapter, praise Mother Earth and all her life force.

Ben: this took a while to write.

Mikoto: writer's block maybe?

Ben: sounds like it.

Saten: thanks for getting me to level up higher.

Me: you're welcome, and also Misaka, bingo! I had a major writer's block.

Mikoto: it's fine we all have a block sometimes.

Me: thanks, and also, readers if you want check out my deviant art account. I recently made a very cute Ben 10 fan art. And not to mention funny if you know Ben 10 unlimited, Ultimate Fairy, A Certain scientific Omnitrix, Misaka_Omnitrix Misaka that was made in tribute to your book. And RWBBYverse. I highly suggest these stories or fans of DC Nation, Fairy tail, Raildex, RWBY and of course Ben 10z

Ben: uh look at the clock.

Everyone: thanks for reading, be here for next chapter Heat it up and cool it down, Uiharu's a force of nature. See you next chapter Ciao!!!

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