Chapter 17: heat it up and cool it down, Uiharu's a force of nature

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Me: hey everyone we're back, sorry I haven't updated this story yet I was working on my others and focusing on extremely important stuff.

Ben: not to mention you've been a little under the weather recently.

Mikoto: no denial about that, feeling better?

Me: yeah I'm good, besides a small matter I'm at 100%.

Uiharu: that's good.

Saten: I bet your happy Uiharu, this chapter is all about you. 😏

Uiharu: WHAT?!?! No it's not!!!

Mikoto; actually Uiharu, it kind of is.

Ben: check the title.

Uiharu: (looks at the title) oh...😳

Me: while Uiharu is revovering from her shock why don't we just go and.

Everyone: ON WITH THE SHOW!!!!!!!!

We currently see Uiharu in the judgement office, doing her usual routine. But for some reason, the officer had a form on her desk which looked hidden. She took one glance at it, but went back to her work, then a person came in.

A woman, looked around sixteen years of age, neck length black hair and glasses. This is Uiharu and Kuroko's senior officer and chief of Judgement's 177th branch Konori Mii. "Hey Uiharu, it's getting late. You should probably head home now" she informed the radical thermal changer.

"Right, see you tomorrow" Uiharu said as she left, before she got the chance to even reach the door though Konori spoke up. "Oh and Uiharu" she said before giving her the sheet of paper the flower girl was trying to hide. "Please don't forget to hand this in" she said.

Uiharu sighed, and reluctantly took the paper before exiting the office. On her way to her dorm she had thought about something. As all you readers know if you remember a few chapters back, recently Uiharu had become a level 3.

And that she wiped the floor with a pyrokinetic and a cryokinetic, what you didn't know was that. A few days back, Konori had given her an application form.

As to what it was for, because of the power Uiharu displayed with her new level. She was asked if possible to take on more field work than office work in Judgement.

She didn't initially refuse, but didn't accept either, the reason why she didn't decline because she knew it was good they noticed her new growth in power. Although she didn't accept because she was so used to surveillance and other stuff similar to that.

"What can I Do?" She asked herself as she walked into her dorm, what she didn't know was that a few blocks away. Something big was stomping around, "ha ha, wait'll Tennyson gets a load of what I'm about to do" it said before slamming its fists into the ground.

Creating a shockwave that shook the entire street, "get ready to meet the biggest criminal mastermind".

The next day Uiharu wakes up to see her dorm room in shambles... if you consider a few books knocked over and her falling off her bed in shambles. "Huh? What happened?" She groaned picking herself off the ground.

"UIHARU!!!" She heard Saten cry as the aero hand in question tackled her into a hug. "Saten what are you doing?" She asked, "Hugging you what do you think? I was worried, some sort of earthquake occurred last night around this area" Saten replied.

"Really I didn't feel anything" Uiharu said, after the flower girl got dressed she and Saten headed out. Luckily there was no school today, making their way down the street they saw a large crater in the ground. "Well... at least we know where the Earthquake first took place" Uiharu said.

"More like what started it" Saten said pointing at two noticeably large fist marks in the dirt. "Definitely Trombipulor" Ben said appearing next to them. "Oh h-hey Ben" Uiharu yelped, "Trombipulor you say, so the elephant guy right?" Saten asked.

"Yup, I suggest having a bull horn with you at all times, if not a mouse. Like an actual elephant he's scared of mice" Ben said before taking off "we'll inform you if we see anything new" Saten called out.

Just then both Ben's Omnitrix beeped and Uiharu's communicator went off, "Hello?" Both answered. "Uiharu we've got a problem, Ben's enemy Trombipulor was spotted not to long ago near district two. We need you to get over and help us out, Mikoto already called Ben hurry" said Kuroko. Who was on the other end of the line.

Ben then came back "I assume Kuroko already called you?" He asked, Uiharu nodded. "What's going on?" Saten asked, "Trombipulor in district two, come on" Ben explained while Turing into Omni and flew them to the aforementioned district.

They saw the alien Elephant's handiwork as well as him trying to make a get away. "Ha Ha, at least Psyphon can actually use this distraction" he laughed. "And I'm able to get away" "Trombipulor!!" Ben yelled as they closed in.

"Tennyson? I knew you'd appear sooner or later" the elephant said rounding a corner. He was then blasted out of it by a shot of lightning, the attacker had been Mikoto Misaka.

"Wow Ben wasn't kidding, you are an alien elephant" Kuroko, who just teleported in, said. "You kidding, back in my old universe, I was renowned as the biggest criminal mastermind" Trombipulor gloated.

"In height and weight" he then let out a trumpeting call the sent the two flying back. Thankfully Ben caught them, "ew... why does his trunk smell like peanuts?" Kuroko asked fanning her nose.

"Yeah Trombipulor's trunk isn't just his nose... it's also his mouth" Ben explained then flew down to him. "Okay Trombipulor, Just surrender. We can do this the easy way" he said turning into Omni and after cracking his fists. "Or the extra hard way".

"If you think you're gonna get the upper hand on me this time Tennyson, I suggest you better think again" the pff planet pachyderm elaborated before pulling out a jar of...

"Is that peanut butter?" Uiharu asked bewildered, "Seriously, you call these things peanuts?" Trombipulor asked before scarfing the whole jar down. Omni's eyes widened, "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!" He said pushing the girls to the floor before Trombipulor let out a trumpet and fired some sort of projectiles from his trunk.

"I forgot to mention, if Trombipulor eats peanuts he gets stronger" Ben said, "could've told us ahead of time!" Kuroko retorted. "Sorry" the alien apologized, "I've got this" Uiharu said before focusing her powers on the ground around the pachyderm.

"It's going to get hot in here" she said before the area around Trombipulor's feet turned red and started smoking. The thing then sank into the road complaint about 3rd degree burns. "Yowch man that's hot!!" He yelled trying to stomp.

"Now take this" Ben exclaimed before growing CannonBolt's armor and charged the elephant. He knocked the thing into a store and a beam fell on him, "oh yeah" Saten cheered.

Ben then went wide eyed "Uh don't be so sure" he said before pointing to the establishment which Trombipulor was inside of. Which turned out to be a peanut emporium "oh shoot" Mikoto muttered.

At that moment the alien woke up much to his amusement, "thanks I needed a pick me up" he said before inhaling every single peanut in the store.

Omni then grabbed the girls with his bandages and started running, "we have to get out of here like now!!!" He said. A moment later a giant sized Trombipulor bursted out of the store and started stomping around.

"As much as I like being high and mighty, I'm afraid I have to get outta here" the elephant said before letting out a big trumpet and rocketed a fair distance away.

Time skip

We now see Trombipulor walking around an abandoned building. "Okay boss, did you get what you needed?" He asked Psyphon, "yes I did, now all I need is one more part. Hopefully you can manage another distraction" the fun head replied.

"Long as there's demolition needed, I'm your pachyderm" Trombipulor said, "excellent" Psyphon laughed.

Scene change

Uiharu is currently with Ben, Mikoto, Kuroko and Saten trying to investigate the whereabouts of their large foe. "Come on, it can't be that hard to find a humanoid alien elephant" Saten commented.

"How many hiding places are there to keep something of that size?" Kuroko asked. "In my experience a lot of places" Omni said. The group is looking around a few extremely high profile technology labs, as to why while they were fighting Trombipulor there was a report about a very dangerous piece of technology being stolen.

"I have a feeling what Thunder Pig and Liam did a few weeks ago was only a distraction to keep us off Psyphon's real plan" Ben said. "That would make sense" Mikoto added, "after all you did say that those two were rediculous, perfect for a distraction".

"The question is, what is Psyphon doing?" Uiharu muttered, then they heard a loud trumpeting noise. Out of nowhere the anthropomorphic elephant appeared, "up for round two Tennyson?" He asked. And right after he charged them, Ben had grew to the size of Humungosaur and charged back.

The two clashed, "What's your game Trombipulor, I didn't really take your for the henchmen type" Omni said successfully pushing back.

"Oh I set him up as a distraction for this!!!" A voice yelled, everyone then saw Psyphon leap down onto Ben. "Psyphon!" The hybrid alien tried to get him off but Psyphon jabbed a weird device into his shoulder.

Omni roared in pain as Psyphon extracted an odd glowing liquid from Ben. "Thanks for the last component I need Tennyson, now I'll leave you for the elephant to finish off" the fin rad said flying away on jet boots.

"You jerk!!" Trombipulor yelled, then picked Ben up and threw him towards the girls. Kuroko teleported then away but was hit by Ben as he was thrown towards her. "Onee—sama..." she said dazed, "Kuroko!!!" Mikoto yelled as she blasted a Railgun towards the pachyderm.

"Sorry small fry, but I already saw that coming" he said before dodging pointing a small cannon like object at the Electromaster. He then fired a large concentration of insulated solution at her and trapped her.

"Insulated, you can't even touch me" he said, "TAKE THIS!!" Saten yelled hurling wind at Trombipulor with her Aero hand, along side Ben who was spitting Ball Weevil balls at him. Trombipulor then took out a whole crate of Peanuts and began gorging himself on it.

Then grew bigger and bigger, so big that the wind or explosive goo didn't affect him. "Say good night" the elephant said before smashing his foot down on them.

However before his foot could even make contact he felt something extremely sharp Pierce it. Immediately he retracted his foot and hopped on the other clutching it in pain. As it turned out Uiharu used her cryokinesis to make a large spike of ice that stabbed him in the foot.

Oddly though, after she made the ice go away her eyes started glowing, her left light blue and her right bright red. After that her hands enflamed with fire while at the same time formed ice at her feet. "Think your so tough" she said walking towards him, "you think push my friends around just because you're bigger than us. Well let me tell you something", everyone has managed to get up and Mikoto managing to peel off the insulation to see their normally shy friend looking like freaking pissed off Mother Nature.

"Just because we're small, doesn't mean we're push overs!" She then shot upwards on a large ice spike. "And just because I look cute" her whole body then erupted in fire "doesn't mean I'm  weak!!!" she punched Trombipular in the face making him back pedal.

The humanoid elephant looked frightened "what... what are you..." He asked stepping away from the angry. "I am the fire's of the core, the ice of poles, the boundary between temperatures each at my finger tips" she said.

Then pointed both her fists at him, "I am Kazari Uiharu! The Thermodynamic empress" Uiharu then sent a hurricane of fire towards Trombipular. He blocked it unaware of the hail shards currently being hurled at him.

"Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!!" "Uiharu!!" She looked back to see Ben, Mikoto and Saten running to her. "You're getting stronger awesome!" Her windy friend said, "you've almost got him, we just need one last attack to bring this massive mammoth to his knees" Ben said.

Uiharu though then had an idea, "I have something that may work, oh hold on". She turned her attention back on Trombipular "people know about Mikoto san's trademark Railgun Blast, And others have already seen Saten's Hurricane Cannon but now it's my turn".

Focusing her power, Uiharu's hand had emitted both flames and icy vapor as she put her fist to her palm then raise it to her head. "VOLCAN-TUNDRA!!!" She then slammed her fist into the ground "RIFLE!!!!!!"

In a moment both of gyser of boiling snow and raging hot fire bursted from the ground and hit the alien elephant. Sending him flying into the air, the thermodynamic empress then ran to her friends "Ben I need you to fly up there and keep Trombipular in place" he nodded and flew to him.

"Mikoto San, you know how storms form right?" She asked, "Yeah warm and cold fronts meet why?" She asked. "Let's just say I'm going to make one with the help of Saten, and what is found in storms?" She asked.

Mikoto then got the idea, both stood behind Uiharu, Misaka in the back and Saten in the middle. The Aerohand esper formed a slanted tornado above her while Uiharu both cooled and heated the air in the swirling vortex. The resulting collisions of warm and cold had sparked lightning within the tornado.

Mikoto then aimed through the tornado making sure it was perfectly pointed at Trombipular. Who at the moment was being held in place by Ben, "Okay I have him in my sights" She then prepared a Railgun Blast. The two then made their way behind the tornado.


Mikoto launches her Railgun, at the same time Saten blasts her Hurricane cannon and Uiharu shoots two powerful streams of hot and cold air. Launching forward the tornado had rushed and formed into the shape of a dragon with horns and fangs made from lightning, ice and fire roaring thunder.

The blast struck and Trombipular was down and out, an hour later Judgment had arrived right when Ben had sent Trombipular into the NullVoid. Konori has congratulated Uiharu on leveling up, she got stronger if anyone hasn't forgotten, and beating the convict. While at the same time helping take Kuroko back to the 177th branch office as she was still out cold.

Uiharu then handed the application form she had to move up to field work, after seeing how strong she was with her powers the thermal hand wanted to express her new found inner strength. However she was still embarrassed about the nickname she called herself, the Thermodynamic empress.

And worst of all Saten wouldn't leave it alone either and teased her for the rest of the day. Ben and Mikoto on the other hand gave her a thumbs up, that made her smile, they knew she was strong and she proved it to herself. They knew... he knew...

Me: and another chapter done.

Uiharu: we apologize for the long delay, the author was very busy.

Me: other than my books I have a life to live, work to do, you know the usual.

Ben: not to mention he has a bunch of other stories as well.

Mikoto: as you all know the mega book has already been published, so we in this moment are actually from the present time going back and are really reminiscing.

Saten: if anything please check out his other books, and maybe even comment or vote.

Me: if possible maybe ask or dare the characters just keep it to an appropriate level.

Konori: I hope that doesn't address to me.


Konori: Ben let me in

Ben: sorry, she made the puppy dog eyes.

Saten: look at the time.

Me: well up next chapter, "Ultimate Karen", the disciple gains an upper hand.

Everyone: see you next chapter everyone CIAO!!!!!

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