Chapter 5 mutant mania

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And we're back with another chapter. Sorry if this took a little long. As I said image work is hard, especially when your doing it yourself. Hope you've enjoyed this story so far because now things are getting wild and monstrous. If you can guess who shows up in this chapter post a comment after reading the bold.

Me:huh I thought they said they'd...

Ben and Mikoto come into the room.

Me: Well finally, I thought you'd never get here.

Ben: sorry got side tracked.

Mikoto: yeah funny thing we ran into a large cat on the way here.

Me: oh that was just my pet black Panther Abigale, Abby come here sweetie.

Large black panther bursts into the room. Walks over to me and I pet her head.

Abby: Meow

Mikoto: that is a big cat

Ben: Humatrix since when have you had a black panther?

Me: hey it's my pocket dimension, you can't tell me what I can or can't own here.

Mikoto & Ben: yeah you are correct on that account.

Me: well any ways

Everyone: On with the show.

In a laboratory somewhere underneath Academy city, a mysterious figure was working on a monitor.

On said screen, he was breaking down, rearranging and combining various animal DNA.

"Well it seems like the gig-annelid failed me" he said. A weird looking mutant bird thing then landed on his shoulder.

"(Squawk)(crow)(screech) make a new life form, (squawk) make a new life form" it said. "As usual you are a fine assistant to have, I'm so glad I stole you from that pitiful pet store and turned you into a stronger more monstrous creature" he said again.

"From this day on, everyone in this world will know the name" he paused for dramatic effect. "Doctor Animo", he then continued his work.

At the moment, our shapeshifting alien protagonist Ben Tennyson was teaching his new student how to hone her new powers.

They were currently in the courtyard of the school. And no Ben didn't take time off, if you hadn't forgotten about ditto's replicating powers.

"Okay Karen, don't give it too much throttle, hey I said to slow down" he said. At the moment he was helping her with Heatblast's fire surfing.

Among the gene mimic's new alien powers, a pyronite's pyrokinesis is near impossible go her to use for some reason.

"Sorry, but I keep losing control... if I go AHH!.... To slow" she said trying to keep flying. She ended up falling off her fire surf board which Ben had to absorb to avoid burning the campus.

"Sorry Ben" Karen said, "it's okay, I wasn't this good when I got the omnitrix either" he reassured her. "You should've seen me as Cannon Bolt, I accidentally rammed right through a department store" he laughed.

That seemed to cheer her up a bit. Later on they took a break and went to Joseph's, Ben met up with his two roommates. "Hey Ben" Mikoto waved, "hey" kuroko said.

"Hey you two" he responded, "how was training with Karen?" Mikoto asked. "Well other than she can't quite use heatblast's pyrokinesis she's doing great" he answered.

Said student walked back and greeted her teacher's roommates. "Hello there ms Misaka, ms Shirai" she said, "hey Karen, Ben says that other than heat blast's powers you're doing pretty well with the other alien's powers" Mikoto said.

The gene mimic sighed, "yeah, it's not easy with that fire alien for some reason" she said. Karen then sat down with them, Ben was trying a weird trick with his smoothie.

"Uh Ben what're you..." kuroko was cut of when she saw the drink levitate in the air. "You've gotta love Gravattack" he said. Unfortunately Kuroko accidentally sneezed startling Ben which made him drop the liquid on her.

Enraged Kuroko gave him a roundhouse kick to the head. But as expected his skin turned to diamond and silicon. "Itai Itai itai Itai itai itai itai itai itai" she wailed.

Mikoto shook her head in irritation, "seriously Kuroko when are you going to learn that that is going to happen every time you try to kick him?" She asked. "Sensei I have a feeling she'll never learn" Karen said, both nodded in agreement.

All of a sudden two ginormous monsters rose from the ground. One resembled a giant frog with horns and four eyes, the other a giant salamander with spikes running down his back to his tail.

"Whoa more animo mutants?" Ben said as he turned into Omni. "I hear that sensei" Karen said as she turned into a female version of Diamond Head. Mikoto readied her lightning while Kuroko held her needles ready to teleport them.

Mikoto was the one who threw the first punch. She shot a railgun towards the salamander which got startled. Kuroko stuck her needles into the frog's foot pinning it to the ground. "They're both down, now's your chance" they both said.

The salamander, now angered, sprayed acid towards the railgun. The frog shot his tongue towards the teleporter. "Watch out" Ben yelled as he threw wild vine's exploding seed pods at the frog. Karen then stepped in front of the salamander with a diamond shield, blocking the acid.

Ben caught a glimpse of the device they saw on the worm creature before on the new mutants. "Get the devices, we'll keep them busy" he said. Mikoto and Kuroko nodded while she teleported the railgun up. Mikoto sent a flurry of electricity towards the two devices.

Both shorted out and the two mutants reverted back to normal. "Animo?" Ben asked, Karen turned into Grey matter and inspected the transmodulators.

"Yup, no doubt" she said. "Okay this is becoming to much, if this keeps up" Ben said when the railgun finished his sentence. "The whole city will be overrun with monsters" she said.

The next day Ben as Omni used Ditto's cloning powers to guard every point of the city. As well as do his rounds at Tokidawai. "Come on Animo I know your here, I can smell the crazy from you brain" he said.

Karen was helping him, she was currently XLR8 rushing through the the city. "Sorry sir nothing on this side of town" she said to one of the Omni clones.

"Got it" he replied with a thumbs up. Mikoto had also assisted Ben, apparently she got an excuse to leave school to help.

At the moment she was running through alley ways to avoid being seen. "Nothing yet wait I'm detecting something" she said.

"Speak up Mikoto?" Karen said, "what was that where are you?" Ben added. "Over at the edge of the ward, hurry over here now!" Mikoto said.

As requested they met her at the edge where they all saw a metal door labeled "caution, hazardous materials inside, do not enter" Mikoto read.

"What do you think?" Karen asked them. Ben smirked, "open it, look it's clearly drawn on, and very poorly might I add" he said.

True enough the sign was poorly drawn. Mikoto nodded in agreement. "Alrighty, time for" Karen the turned into Armadrillo. "Drill, smash" she said before crushing the door.

Omni patted her back, "nice job" he said. "Ditto" Mikoto added. She turned back and fallowed them inside, and what they saw was a lot of normal animals that were trembling in fear.

"They must've seen Animo Mutate those first few creatures" Ben said. "Ben I've been meaning to ask you, who is doctor animo?" Mikoto asked.

"Oh" Ben said realizing he never told them about his former villains. "Well Animo was originally a researcher in veterinary science" he said when a figure peaked out from behind a wall.

"However his research involved mutating animals and turning them into monsters, he initially flipped when be didn't win something called the varities award" Ben continued when a net caught them all.

"Well you do remember me Ben Tennyson?" Amino said walking into view. "Animo, what are you doing here and how did you get here?" Ben asked the deranged scientist.

"It matters not how I got here Tennyson" Animo said walking over to a table with numerous of the mutation devices. He took out a blow dart tube, "what matters is that I plan to take over this city and use its scientific advancements to further my research to create a new breed of life on this planet" he said.

"Goodbye Tennyson I'll leave you with my latest failures" the deranged doctor dropped them into a cage filled with mutant animals.

A mutant crocodile, a mutant duck, a mutant cat, a mutant dog, a mutant turtle, a mutant lizard and a mutant spider.

"Look new cell mates" one of them said depressed. "Okay what are you?" Karen asked. Another creature looked up at her, "we are Animo's failures, don't get us wrong we're pretty strong" she said.

"It's just he said that he doesn't need useless creatures like us who think for ourselves and don't obey him" a dog like creature said.

"Well I think you aren't useless" Ben said trying to break out using ghost freak's powers. "What animo wants is servants that he can bend to his will. You on the other hand know what's wrong and what's right" he continued.

Ben successfully escaped and moved towards the key pad, "true" one of the good mutants said. "What's your point" another added. "You said you were all strong, do you think Animo locked you up for being weak, maybe he's scared of you" Karen said.

"Makes sense, you guys can do anything those mutants he controls do but you can resist him" Mikoto said. "Huh we've never thought of it that way before" the mutant croc said. "Yeah same here" the spider said.

"So you want to help us take down animo" Ben asked opening the cage. "In addition to getting revenge on him you also get freedom" Mikoto added. The mutants contemplated for a while,

"Okay we're in" the cat said. "Great" Karen said, "I've got a bone to pick with that Animo for turning my pal hopper into a freak monster" the lizard said.

At Tokidawai Kuroko was looking around for her Sissy. That was until she heard that she got an excuse slip to go out for a while. Kuroko then teleported outside to find her. Unfortunately she met a very unhappy mutant centipede.

"Uiharu call anti skill, there's a giant bug, I repeat a giant mutant bug" she screamed into her com unit. Anti skill promptly showed up and were surprised to actually see a giant bug.

"We've got this" Ben called out. He and the others bursts out of the ground. "We'll handle the animals, Animo's up there" the crocodile said.

Ben gave them a hand first by using the combined speed of XLR8 and Fasttrack and the brute force of Humungosaur to knock all the animals back so a few of the good mutants can take one at a time.

"What you, how did you rejects get out?" Amino said. That was until Ben knocked him the jaw with a metal uppercut.

"Who do you think?" He said, Animo blasted Ben with a stun gun he had available. To his demise, Mikoto took the blow considering she was immune to electrical attacks. "Sorry but you're gonna have to do better than that" she said.

Ben then used feedback's antennae to absorb the electricity from the stun gun. Then used it to increase NRG's radiation beam as he blasted Animo.

"I call next blow" Karen said jumping out from behind as Crash Hopper. She was also carrying the spider. "Anyone want this doctor for here or to go?" He said as he sprayed Animo with silk then wrapped him up.

The next day, Ben and Mikoto went to visit the Animo rejects, well now they go by the mutant squad. They were offered a place to stay at the zoo and they accepted. In addition they were also hired by academy to handle anything Animo related if he ever escapes from jail.

"Hey guys how are you?" Mikoto asked, "hey you two, were great, this place has got everything" the Duck now called Molly said.

"Totally, they feed us here, provide a wide open space for us to live in" Ralph the dog mutant said. "Hey keep it down will ya wolf hound I'm trying to get some sleep" the croc mutant now called Noel said.

"Easy for you large species to say, this place is like a jungle, I'm a desert orange legged tarantula" the spider mutant said.

"Can it Orville" the lizard mutant now named Fin said. "Hey be nice Frilly" Molly said, "what did is say mallard don't call me frilly" the lizard yelled indignantly.

"Eh you get used to it" Lynn said, the cat mutant. "True that" Myra the turtle mutant said.

And another chapter is done

Me: whew, that was rough.

Mikoto: I can't really talk considering I'm not the one writing or adding in or making images for this story.

Ben: but on the bright side more side character OCs.

Mikoto: yeah that is true, they are actually kinda fun to hang out with.

Ben: Hey Humatrix little question.

Me: yeah?

Ben: are you going to be like some stories and don't let the OCs be in the Outros and Intros or will you let them join?

Mikoto: yeah I've been wondering that myself.

Me: well shall this answer their question Karen?

Karen: indeed it shall.

Ben: well that answers that question.

Mikoto: yup

Me: anyways be on the look out for next chapter DNA invasion. Also Mikoto you may want to warn your friends that this may feel weird.

Mikoto shivers

Karen: well its that time again.

Me: on three, one, two, three.

Everybody: see you next chapter everyone Ciao.

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