Chapter 6 DNA Invasion

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Hi guys I'm back sorry if this took long please don't be mad. As I said imaging takes time. I would be faster if it wasn't for my residential and internet issues. Any way welcome to chapter 6 DNA invasion.

Me:any one ever wonder what's out there?

Mikoto: you can ask Ben that, he's been to other planets.

Ben: true that up high.

Mikoto high fives Ben.

Me: true but I meant beyond any of our worlds, beyond the original multiverses. And for you guys beyond the fourth wall.

Ben and Mikoto: well Humatrix that could get dangerous you know.

Me: right.

Kuroko comes in.

Kuroko: hi guys.

Mikoto: what are you doing here?

Ben: oh yeah I asked her to get some food for us for the story.

Me: hey thanks for the doughnuts, if any case I prefer Plain Cake rather than flavored.

Me takes a bite out of a doughnut.

Ben: also are we gonna tell them about today's chapter?

Mikoto: yeah the title is DNA invasion, what does that mean?

Kuroko nods in agreement.

Me: uh, well lets just say you'll be in a new skin.

Mikoto and Kuroko look at us threateningly.

Ben: escape plan alpha?

Me: escape plan alpha.

Throws a smoke bomb down and Ben goes Omni while I morph into speed mode and dash away.

Me: while we escape from the girls all of you can read the adventure now on with the show.

Academy city, the pinnacle of the technological age. However a certain pair of Galvans hanging out with a super hero and level 5
Esper at a park think otherwise.

"Pinnacle of the tech age my left foot, we galvans use technology like this for baby toys" Driba complained. Ben repeatedly slammed his head on the table while Mikoto clutches her head with her left hand.

The two aliens said they wanted to check out the city to sample the technology. They kept complaining about it.

"Please make it stop" Ben groaned. The reason why these two had to watch the two aliens was because they were the only ones who weren't busy.

"Well excuse me for saying that your world technology is no closer to ours" Driba said. Blukic was sitting quietly, eating a desert Mikoto recommended.

"Hey Driba, you should try this" he said through a mouthful of cake. "Believe me it's worth it".

Driba clutched the bridge of his nose, "honestly Blukic, you have a weird obsession for earth food" Driba said.

"Says the aliens who like our original universe's grass hopper smoothies" Ben retorted. "Grass hopper smoothies?" Mikoto asked quizzically.

"Don't be fooled by the name it's actually pretty tasty" Ben said. At the moment Kevin and Gwen arrived. Kevin had taken a job for a mechanic and also had taken a side job for building weird vehicle modifications.

Gwen worked at a library and was also a waitress at a cafe. They both have to pay the rent somehow. "Hey Tennyson, how's it hanging?" Kevin asked.

"Not in the mood Kevin" Ben said rubbing his temples. "Let's just say we now regret taking Blukic and Driba out to tour the city" Mikoto said.

"Couldn't you just have asked someone else to entertain them?" Gwen asked. "They tried, but everyone said they were busy, and also we couldn't find Kuroko" Blukic stated.

Gwen then shot a mana blast towards a bush and up jumped the teleporting esper. "SHE WAS RIGHT THERE THE WHOLE TIME?!" Ben and Mikoto exclaimed.

"I sensed her mana earlier" Gwen said, Blukic smirked while Driba frowned. "Come on, fork it up" he said, "fine" Driba then gave him a few coins.

"You made a bet on whether she was fallowing is or not" Mikoto said. "Yup and I was right, she was fallowing us" Blukic boasted.

All of a sudden the gang heard a loud explosion coming from outside the park. Ben turned into Omni and ran towards the entrance.

A bus was currently being robbed and the leader was a very strong hydrokinetic. "Easy money eh boys?" He said.

"Not when we're finished with you"
Ben yelled before slamming his drill fists into the ground. The hydrokinetic dodged it and sent a blast of water towards him.

Ben reacted by feeezing it with big chill's breath. "Not bad but ice is still water you know?" He said before a bolt of electricity shot him in the gut.

His water spilled all over the place and Gwen used her powers to keep him in a bubble. "That should hold you until Anti skill arrive" she said smugly.

Later on said anti skill did arrive. "Man talk about weak, that water guy was hardly any trouble" Ben said still Omni. Mikoto then leaned up against him, "I normally wouldn't say otherwise but yes he was a little weak" she said.

Uiharu and Saten arrive a little while later. "Hey guys there have been a lot more attacks recently huh?" The flower girl said. They nodded in agreement.

"Well at least this makes our job easier, thanks Mr. Tennyson" one anti skill officer said shaking the alien's hand. "Not a problem, also call me Ben" he said.

At that moment the Hydrokinetic from earlier made an attempt to escape. Ben was about to get him when the criminal threw a chunk of ice at him and made Ben shoot four Omnitrix symbols at Mikoto, Kuroko, Uiharu and Saten.

They stuck on them and each girl's symbol turned into a diamond and showed the silhouette of each of Ben's different aliens.

After the final silhouettes a bright flash of green emanated from them. After the flash died down in the girl's place were aliens.

A female Feedback was in Mikoto's place, a female XLR8 was in Kuroko's place. A female Swampfire was in Uiharu's place. And a female Terraspin was in Saten's place.

"Whoa what happened?" The conductoid asked. Ben put on a puzzled look. "Uh, Mikoto is that you?" He asked pointing to the feedback.

"Yeah why?" She asked, "I feel funny" Uiharu said. "Weird funny or ha ha funny?" Saten asked. "Weird, like I'm me but I'm not" the methanosian stated before looking at herself.

"AHHH, I'm a plant" she exclaimed, the alien turtle then looked at her friend and saw that she was right. "Whoa Uiharu why do you look like a plant!" She asked.

"Why are you a turtle?" Uiharu exclaimed after seeing Saten, whom shrieked from the sight of her clawed find. "what happened?" She asked panicky.

"WAAAHHH sissy what happened to you?" XLR8 Kuroko exclaimed. "Me what about you Dino brains" Mikoto retorted before looking at her hands and antennae.

"Uh Ben" Gwen said nudging his shoulder. All the girls turned to him and glared. "Alright I know this looks bad but no need to worry, this is one of my powers" Ben said trying to calm them down

"I can turn you back just don't remove the..." his voice droned off when he saw the omnitrix symbols on the ground. "Uh never mind you took them off" Ben said.

The girl's saw that their little patches had fallen off, "so you can't turn us back" Kuroko asked worriedly. "Technically no but don't worry, it'll wear off at the end of the day" he reassured them.

"Well that's good to hear" Terraspin Saten said. "Easy for you to say you can swim through the sewers to avoid being seen" Uiharu slumped. "Actually Terraspin is a flyer" Ben said.

The turtle alien put on a puzzled look and looked at her hands and feet. She instinctively pulled her head in, pointed her fins outwards, fused her two legs together and started spinning them around like a helicopter propeller.

She was then lifted by the wind she was blowing downwards. "Whoa, you know it's not so bad once you get used to it" she admitted. "For now we have to find that loose Hydrokinetic" XLR8 Kuroko said before dashing away while teleporting to the top of a building.

Unfortunately her speed made her fall off and Saten had to fly up and catch her. "Ouch Thanks Saten" the kineceleran said.

They flew down and Kuroko jumped off. "This may be a problem" Ben said, "your Normal powers back fired on you when you used your new alien powers".

Mikoto tried to use her normal abilities to make sure. "Hey I feel fine" the cunductoid said. "That may be because you are an electric alien" Gwen stated. Mikoto took out a coin and threw it upwards and using her normal esper powers combined with her new alien powers created a bigger railgun.

"Okay I can get used to this" she said looking at her smoking fingers. "I can't what's this aliens power?" Uiharu asked.

"Oh Swampfire can create flames by igniting methane, control plants and regenerate if wounded" Ben said. Uiharu tested this by enflaming her hand.

"Whoa, its like wow" she said as she used her normal power to increase the fire's intensity. "Wow its like our esper abilities can increase our alien powers' strength".

Saten then sent a blast of wind and controlled it to a certain degree. "More like the other way around" she said, "my aero hand is actually usable" she said.

"Okay she is right, because I can't do that as Terraspin" Ben said. "I think our focus should be put to tracking down that hydro kinetic" XLR8 Kuroko said.

They all nodded and sped off, for some reason Mikoto felt more out going, energetic and confident in her cunductiod form. "Wow, hey Ben what'd you call this alien again?" She asked.

"Feedback, let me guess you feel a rush sent through you? like adrenaline, with a splash of self confidence?" Ben asked. The electro master turned alien nodded in confirmation.

"And how about you Uiharu?" Mikoto asked. The girl methanosian was now running below the cunductoid who was running on the power lines. "Well for one thing I don't feel scared any more" she stated. "As if I feel like I don't need to worry about anything".

"Well Swampfire's species can regenerate so it'd be reasonable to feel a little more offensive" Ben stated. Above them was Saten who was flying and Kuroko who was teleporting from roof to roof. Reluctant to use her new powers.

"Funny thing, my for is actually not violent, in fact I feel very peaceful, well except when threatened" Saten said. Kuroko growled and kept teleporting. They searched until dawn, the teleporting alien was still grumpy and teleported onto a tower.

"Gee what's up with little miss outta sight" Mikoto asked. "Whoa was that me?" She asked, "yeah when I first turned into feed back I usually made a boisterous joke every now and again" Ben said.

"I think she can't get used to being in an alien's body" Gwen said flying over them all. Kevin was close behind wearing a miniature rocket on his back and used his absorption to get a little metal and create wings on his back.

"Where can we find him?" Uiharu asked, "I say fallow the water damage" Kevin commented. They looked forward to see numerous cars and windows broken, and in addition lots of puddles.

"Looks like we're on the right track" Ben said as he used crash hopper's legs to jump high. "I see him" he said coming back down. "He's trying to rob a convenience store".

They turned a corner to see the hydrokinetic tearing up a store, "what oh you've got to be kidding me" he said flooding the road.

Everyone jumped high, well all except Uiharu. Her legs rooted into the ground. "Oh now help" she cried. Saten tried to grab her friend until the water covered her.

"NOOOOO!" The turtle alien cried. However Ben gestured her to look under. Saten stuck her head under water to see Uiharu completely able to breath.

"Huh I'm breathing?" She asked herself. Ben then stuck his head under water and spoke using Rup jaws' powers. "Of course, plant, water that should be obvious" he said.

Uiharu took the chance and threw some seeds at him and grew some vines to trap him in. "Then let's turn the heat up" she said as she created some fire and increase the heat around her and evaporated the water.

"Here comes" Mikoto said taking out a coin and sticking her antennas into a transformer. "MEGA RRRAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIL GGGGUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!" She yelled blasting a huge bolt of lightning.

It hit the remaining water in close proximity to the hydrokinetic. Other then throwing a lot of debris towards him scarring him. While the water electrocuted him.

Saten took her chance and sent a tornado towards him. "Take this" she said as the tornado caught him. "Ahhhhhh let me out of this crazy thing" he cried.

The hydrokinetic then made the remaining water around him swirl in the opposite direction. This caused the tornado to lessen. "Oh no, Kuroko you have to speed in the same direction as the tornado" Ben said to the esper in question.

"No, I'm not using this creature's powers" she said showing a rather rude gesture to the super hero. "Kuroko no rude" Mikoto yelled. "Why should I any way?" She asked. The tornado was starting to become engulfed and over powered by a whirl pool.

"Because if you don't the entire city might flood" Mikoto, Ben, Gwen, Kevin, Saten and Uiharu yelled. She grunted and reluctantly sped in the same spin as the twisters Ben then joined in to help.

As if on cue Ben's student, Karen showed up. And she was XLR8. "Hi need help?" She asked. Both nodded, they all tripled the whirl wind's spin.

"Oh no you don't" the criminal said launching dozens of water shots at the three. Kuroko teleported out of the way but only by a few inches. She didn't want to speed off and skid again.

After a using both powers she came up with an idea. "Quick Sissy go over there and be ready" she said. Mikoto complied with her request. Ben used his telepathy to read her mind and started instructing as well. "Uiharu stand on top of that building parallel to Mikoto" he said.

"Saten fly above the tornado" Karen said, "kinda got an idea" she said to the two. "Kevin absorb the road and project if in the form of a wall" Kuroko said. Kevin did just that and built a wall on one side of the road. Gwen in the mean time got the idea and created a mana wall on the other side.

Kuroko then teleported into the air and repeatedly teleported around the tornado in same rotation as the twister, while spinning like a small twister. By doing so they increased the spin, "okay now" Kuroko said.

At that moment Uiharu sent a large plume of fire towards the tornado, Mikoto blasted electricity towards it and Saten blew more air in the same rotation from above.

Later on Anti skill came and took him away. To say why he didn't escape this time was because he was too dizzy.

"Nice work, not to bad for your first times in alien bodies" Ben said. At the mat moment the bright flashes of green emanated from the girls.

At that moment they were back to their normal selves. "Ah well I'm gonna miss having that rush though" Mikoto said now back to human. "Yeah but at least it was fun while it lasted" Saten said. Uiharu nodded in agreement.

However Saten accidentally sent a whirl towards a trash can and sent the thing flying. "I guess my alien DNA upgraded your powers" Ben said.

Kuroko sulked, "hey what's wrong with you? Last time I checked you wanted to be out of that alien form" Gwen said to her sulking friend.


This caused the railgun mentioned to electric punch her in her head. "WHAT DID I SAY" she roared. "KNOCK IT OFF YOU PERVERT" she said constantly electrifying the teleporter.

"Aaaaahhhh! No Mikoto if the land lady sees this she's gonna have a cow and freak, we'll end up getting kicked out, stop it" Ben demanded trying to separate them.

"This has been an interesting day" Driba said as he and Blukic rode in on a small toy motorcycle. "What are your two doing here?" Uiharu asked the galvans.

"We were trying to find you, but you knocked us off a few blocks down" Blukic explained. "Yeah you should've seen the trouble we had to go through to get this motorcycle" Driba said.

"It's a toy" Saten inquired. "Whatever". They then saw Ben and Mikoto dragging an unconscious Kuroko. "Come on let's all head home" Ben said. "I'm tired of walking around" Mikoto finished.

With that they all headed home. And no not without incident, Saten used her upgraded Aero hand and flipped Gwen's waitress skirt up to reveal her underpants.

"AHH" she exclaimed. "What was that for?" She asked the wind Eper. "It's a habit of her's" Uiharu said. "You should see what she does to my skirt".

And another chapter done. Now you know what the title DNA invasion meant.

Me: again sorry for turning you aliens in the story without telling you.

Mikoto: just be honest next time.

Kuroko: also why did you give us those aliens.

Me: Simple, each alien matches your powers. Mikoto controls electricity, Feedback absorbs electricity. Uiharu generates heat swampfire creates fire.

Ben: Saten's ability is Aero hand and Terraspin can create wind. And Kuroko can teleport, and XLR8 can move from one place to another in a short time.

Mikoto & Kuroko: oh.

Me: Well that's it for this chapter, up next is predator form, this time Ben gets a new form. Wanna guess what it is?

Mikoto: well here we go.

Everyone: Ciao.

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