A Grail War

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10 years ago..

Ben was always proud of his Big Sister.  That was a true fact. If anything the fact he had an older sister was something he proudly proclaimed to anybody who knew him, he didn't even care if the other kids laughed at him. 

Most boys were about Big Brothers when they wanted there to be some older sibling hero of some sort.. but Ben didn't think any boys had a stone to stand on when compared to Jen. 

By the time she 21 Jen was already in the Marines, one of the first women to join the Navy Seals, and while she wasn't home often, every time she came home Ben couldn't remember a happier time in his childhood.. except for when that fateful watch fell out of the sky one summer.. but that was years later.

"Jen JEN!!" Ben exclaimed as he watched his big sister walk through the door, his mother embracing the girl dressed in her military uniform, a large bag slung over her shoulder. "How long are you staying this time? Forever? Please say forever!"

"You're in luck Little Runt!" said Jen, ruffling Ben's hair as she always did with that big boyish grin on her face. "I've got several months to make a mess out of you this time.."

"Only several months?!" Ben moaned.

"Hey.. be thankful fer what ya got kiddo, last time I only had 2 weeks with ya." said Jen. 

Ben looked up at her.. 

Her hair tied into a pony tail.. blonde hair that was sorta messy.. and a braid kind of in the back.. green eyes and a heartfelt boyish grin that made everyone want to be friends with her..

She was the spitting image of a certain knight from Camelot.. not that Ben knew that yet.. 

"Jennifer Honey.. I'll get your bag upstairs.. " said Sandra happily as she took Jen's luggage.

"Eh!?" said Jen. "Wait my room's downstairs.."

"Ahh.. we kind of turned that into our new office." said Carl with a wink. "You don't mind do you?"

"Ha ha Dad.. where's my room?" said Jen.

"Don't worry, we had the old studio remodeled for you.. moved all your stuff there, we figured you'd like something a bit bigger, your old room's way small.." said Carl. "Your grandfather helped me do the whole thing."

"Grandpa Max eh? Ha! I gotta go on long tours more often if I get this kind of treat." said Jen. "Hey squirt, come on and help me check out my new digs!"

"YEAH!" Ben jumped up and down in excitement

Jen smiled warmly as she put Ben on her shoulders. "Those bullies still picking on you?"

"Cash and JT.. ?! No, they're losers!" Ben said with a frown. 

"So they've stopped throwing eggs at you..?"

Ben frowned. "Uh.. n.. no.."

Jen sighed. "No prob kiddo.. I'll walk you to school this time, see if they can pick on me kay?"

Ben grinned. "Never leave sis.."

"Heh.. maybe when the Navy stops needing badass women who kick all the men's butts!" Jen said. "Come on kiddo let's hurry it along... I've gone an entire tour without a Mr. Smoothy!" 

Present Day..

Ben awoke with a start to find himself in nice surroundings.. very nice, like the peak of medieval luxury if he had to guess.

He was in a massive King sized bed with four poster curtains..  The furniture was hand carved and intricately so by what looked to be master artisans, with a wardrobe that held both his modern clothes and the armor he got from the weird salesman

Ben looked at himself, he was dressed in an ordinary white cotton shirt and pants.  He got out of bed an looked out the window to see a city down below. It wasn't anywhere near as intricate looking as The Holy City of the Forever Knights.. but it was beautiful and large as Medieval towns went overall.. European style fancy houses and all that, cobblestone streets.. and from the looks of it, the window was in the side of a massive castle. 


"AAAHHHHH!!" Ben jumped quickly and staggered back as he looked at the door to find a man with pale skin and a serious expression in black armor. .

"Did I frighten you?" asked the knight. "A knight of the Round Table is not to let fear cloud his judgement and heart. If you are to be one of us, I suggest that you steal your courage and not let something as simple as a hello frighten you."

Ben could already tell he and this guy were not going to be the best of friends.. his attitude was like that of a strict, almost merciless, politician. 

"Wait.. me.. in..?"

"Yes.. after your fight with Sir Mordred.. which I admit could have ended better, the King saw the potential in you.. and your friends who leaped in and managed to subdue Mordred in his.. no.. I mean her.. blind rage.. "

The knight scowled. "Hmph.. a woman in Camelot's court.. such an embarrassment to the Round Table.. to the King.. I will have to see to it that Sir Mordred is stripped of rank and title without too much incident.."

Ben glared at the knight. "Don't think women can be knights?"

"It is not a matter of capability as a matter that they are nothing but trouble.. know this.. I do not know why this Ushi friend of yours was also allowed, but her place here can only mean trouble, I suggest distancing yourself.. especially since you are.. an unusual knight to say the least.."

The knight looked at Ben's wrist. "What is that device? What is it's power? How did you come to possess it's capabilities? There are many questions I wish answered... Trust is a two way street in this brotherhood of sworn-."

"Aggy you're gonna give him a goddamn migrain with all the lecturing!! "

Mordred walked in, her arms folded and scowling at the black knight. 

"Mordred.. not wearing your armor I see.. " said the knight.  "And in such a revealing outfit."

"What's the point of disguising myself in such a stuffy and hot thing anymore? Everyone knows now thanks to Diamond Guy over here.. " Mordred said. 

"Diamond Head." Ben said. 

"Whatever!" said Mordred. "Anways.. I've come to get the Monster Kid.  The King wants him.. and me apparently.. "

"Where's Ushi and Impulser?"

"Rooster Head and Boob flapper Servant lady?" Mordred said. "Ahh they're fine.. probably touring the place with Gawain.. won't shut up about askin' how're ya doing anyways..  come on already, we're burning daylight.."

Ben followed Mordred into the hallway as the black knight narrowed his eyes and stared after them..

"Whose Cheery Mc Happy over there?" Ben muttered.

"Agravain, secretary to the King." said Mordred. "He's an asshole, but he's really good at his job.. he's a lot like the glue who holds the Round Table together.. in spite of how much of a jerk he is.."

"Doesn't seem fond of women.."

"His Mom's Morgan Le Fey.. who WOULDN'T be anti-lady after having THAT person for a mom?!" said Mordred. "I ought to know.. she's my mom too!"

"Wait.. the legend goes that Arthur's your father.. and Artoria's a woman.. so how in the heck-..?" Ben muttered.

"SHEEEEN!" Ben froze in shock as Mordred drew her sword and it's point stopped inches from Ben's neck. 

"How the HELL do you know about my father!?" Mordred growled. "And who is Artoria-whatsit!?"

"Uh.. your looks.. you like.. look like her- I mean him! And Artoria's.. er.. a friend I met somewhere once!" Ben stammered. 

"Guess the looks make it obvious.. we practically look like clones." Mordred grumbled. "Ya called me something earlier though..Jen?"

"Oh.. right.. you.." Ben shook his head. This girl.. not only did she ACT exactly like, her.. sound like her.. it was really tempting not to call Mordred Jen at any point.. What was going on here. "You look my sister.. like.. spitting image.. voice.. hairdo and everything.."

Mordred raised an eyebrow. "Huh.. weird.. she tough? Can I spar her?"

"She's dead.. died in the military.." Ben said. "IED explosion.. "

"I.. E.. what?" Mordred asked.

"Bomb." said Ben. "There were no survivors.. "

"Oh.. shame." said Mordred, her expression softening a little.. despite her lack of tact to an extent, it appeared Mordred at least understood war and how terrible it could be. "Sounds like a good looking guy."

"Um.. you know I said it's my sister right-?"

"YOU INTEND TO IMPLY I'M SOME SORT OF WOMAN?" Mordred growled, her eyes flashing.. her sword point was still dangerously close to Ben's throat. "Suggest something like that again and I'll use your sword as a sheathe!"

Ben glared at Mordred. The whole sexism even from the sex that was receiving the sexism was irking him. "And what's wrong with that?"


"What's wrong with being a woman? I know at least several women who are strong enough to beat you Round Table Knights 3 times over cause they're pure badass..  my Fiance could beat a dragon with her pinky if she wanted to! And you.. well you're as badass as they come.. anybody with my Big Sister's personality and spunk could whoop a Tyranitar before it's halfway out of it's pokeball!"

"Tyrani-what?" Mordred muttered. 

"The most badass monster in the universe!" Ben said, holding a thumbs up. "It throws rocks and looks like Godzilla! What else does it need!?"

"A red color.." said Mordred. "And I have no friggin' idea what Godzilla is.."

IT'S GREEN!!" Ben roared throwing a fist in the air. "And that's MY color thank you! So the next time you suggest that a Woman is bad thing to be.."

Ben glared at Mordred with as ruthless a glare as he could muster. "I'll turn into Humungousaur and shove my fist down YOUR throat.."

Ben honestly didn't mean that.. overall Mordred scared him.. He had grown up thinking his sister was invincible before she died, and that mentality didn't fade easily.. 

But then..

"HA!" Mordred grinned and punched Ben in the shoulder. "Huh.. I'd actually kind of like you.. if ya didn't RUIN everything!"

"Ruin what?" Ben asked.

"I was hiding my good looks, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal to Father that I was his son!"

"Daughter." said Ben.

"Whatever!" Mordred growled. "Point is.. you revealed me WAY too prematurely!! Now I can't even FACE him.. I hid like an embarrassed little kid after Father saw my face! Went back to Camelot castle early while they carted your unconscious ass back with me!!"

"How long was I out?" Ben asked.

"2 days.. Merlin said you'd be fine.."  Mordred rolled her eyes. "You seem like a cool guy, so I'll give ya some leniency.. but honestly.. for ruining all that careful planning and all.."

Mordred glared furiously at Ben. "I fuckin' hate ya."

Ben gulped. "Noted.. but.."

Ben grinned at Mordred. "I can't exactly hate you.. cause you seem pretty cool! I mean.. my sister with a sword.. you're like this kooky day dream that suddenly jumps out and you didn't know you wanted it until the day dream happens."

Mordred blushed slightly, her expression bemused. She then shook her head. "Hell, just.. try not to be so buddy buddy with the king.. I don't need even more embarrassment than I've already got up my ass!"

Ben frowned. "Er.. okay.."

Mordred and Ben stopped at a set of double doors, and Mordred knocked.

"Enter." said a voice. 


Ben andd Mordred entered the room to find a circular shaped study of sorts. There were books all around piled sky high, and stuffed in shelves, and a large desk at which Artoria was sitting. 

She wasn't wearing her crown or cape at that moment, And it was then that Ben could truly appreciate how beautiful she was. 

Nothing could ever compare to Mikoto in Ben's mind.. but Artoria's beauty was such that it definitely came in close second.. though it would be a tie with Mordred now that he thought about it, since the two of them shared the same beauty, though Mordred's was more rebellious and robust than Artoria's graceful looks. 

He couldn't possibly see how anybody would mistaken Artoria for a man with beauty and grace like hers. Eyelashes that could make the sun rise with a blink.. green eyes that shown like a river in springtime..  a sharp contrast to the horrified scared mentally broken girl back in the present.


Artoria Pendragon (King Arthur)

Species: Human/Dragon Hybrid

Artoria is a true and honest knight with not an ounce malice in her towards any who cross her path. However despite being a King with the personality of a righteous judge and dedicated master to her people, she hides her true girly self which is suppressed due to her duties. In reality she also possesses an appetite to rival Index, a love for lions, and the elegance of a true maiden. 

Ability: Artoria is easily one of the most powerful characters in this series by far. With Excalibur in hand, her raw might can easily contend with the likes of  Acqua of the Back or Kaori Kanzaki, and some of the Elder Yokai from the Demons of Onigashima side story, however her power is that of a Dragon and not a Saint. As a Heroic Spirit in the Present, she is stronger still, being one of the top tier servants possible to summon as a Saber Class. The raw power of Excalibur itself is comparable to Atomix, drawing it's might from the will of Humanity to achieve victory.  


Artoria looked up from the stack of parchment she had on her desk, setting down her wax seal and looking at Ben and Mordred. "Well.. I suppose this week has been one of plenty of revelations..."

Mordred sweated slightly then bowed. "My... apologies for embarrassing you Majesty.."

Artoria blinked. "I do not see it as embarrassment that you turn out to be of relation to me Mordred. It is surprising.. and I do wonder why you hid it.. but..  I hold no grudge against you.."

"B.. But my mother is.."

"My sister is mother to a great deal of my Knights.. Gawain included.." said Artoria. "Again, there is nothing to be ashamed of.. but to have two relatives of mine be revealed.. descendants no less.. I am a little.. perplexed."

Artoria spoke truly and without lies in her voice. She was the most honest person Ben ever heard speak.. if anything he didn't think she was really capable of lying. But there was something sad about the way she spoke.. as if she weren't human.. she was a king and nothing more.. not a person.. She spoke without emotional response or intent to be emotional.. she wouldn't let ANYBODY know what she really thought about having an actual kid like Mordred.. or a second relative.. wait second.. Huh?

"Two relatives?" Ben asked. 

"Two heirs more specifically.. Ben Tennyson correct?" said Artoria. "Might I ask your parentage?"

Ben looked at Artoria slowly. "Um.. my Dad's name is Carl.. and my Mom's name is Sandra.."

"Are you quite sure?" Artoria asked. "That you are not of more royal blood?" 

Ben scratched his head. "Hmmm.. well.. wait.."

"You.. can't be suggesting.." Mordred stammered. "Hey! Father-!"

Artoria gave Mordred a cold silencing look. 

"S.. sorry.. speaking out of turn.." Mordred muttered, rubbing her head sheepishly. "But are you saying this Monster Kid is.. a Pendragon?"

"I know not how it is possible.. but when he was unconscious his hand brushed one of the seals to the armory on the way to the infirmary.. and it opened.. only those of Uther's line could ever break that seal.. " said Artoria. "He is of our line... and upon further investigation of his blood, which also revealed more disturbing results.. it is a direct descendant.. of-.."

There was a soft knock on the door.  Agravain stepped in. "Your Majesty, we have a situation.. two of them.. they're fighting right outside our walls..

"BOOOOMMM!!" The sound of an explosion resounded. 

Artoria narrowed her eyes. "It appears this explanation will have to wait.. my other subordinates are stretched thin at the moment, dealing with other issues across the kingdom.. to have another battle break out on my doorstep.."

Artoria looked at Ben solemnly. "Will you assist us..?"

"Yeah! Sure.. what's going on!?" said Ben. 

"You have not been in this land if you truly do not know.." said Artoria. 

"Wait.. are those the Ser-?"

"Which ones this time Aggy!?" said Mordred, drawing her blade. 

"Saber and one we haven't seen before." said Aggravain. "They're both powerful enough to level entire cities if we aren't careful approaching them..  I can't find Bedivere or Gawain at the moment.. we'll need to move quickly.. if we bring that rooster headed boy and the girl.. then maybe.."

"Yeah.. you guys do that.. I'll scout ahead." Ben said as he transformed in a flash of green light, into Jetray.

"A different creature than before?" Artoria mused as Jetray soared out the window. 

"The anomaly in his blood.. " said Agravain. "You mentioned that it seemed to be in constant flux.. as if it couldn't decide whether it was human or a host of other things all at once.."

"Merlin's analysis couldn't be completed before he was called to the southern towns to fight Archer and Lancer.. " said Artoria. "But without a doubt.. he's part of my bloodline..  I would rather keep that under wraps... but.. I do sense his potential.."

"My King.. I've never questioned your judgement.. but.. in this case I must ask you reconsider.. he is an abomination unlike anything we've ever seen.. his power.. it's like some form of witchcraft.." said Agravain. 

"I think it's actually kinda cool." Mordred muttered out of earshot. 

"As to what he actually is.." said Artoria. "You will leave that to me to decide Agravain, there is nothing more to discuss on this matter.. I must ready myself for battle.. leave me.."

As Mordred and Agravain left.. Artoria shut the door and slid down to sit on the floor, gasping and sighing largely. 

She looked around quietly and then tiptoed over to the desk, pulling out the drawer to reveal two lion's cubs curled up and sleeping. 

Artoria's eyes sparkled as she smiled happily. "My.. it would've looked bad on my part if anybody saw you here..  Now be quiet and good okay? No wandering the castle again.. or no more meat treats!"

One of the lion cubs yawned and Artoria clutched her heart, squealing internally before shutting the drawer. 

She turned to look at the closet behind her and opened it, pulling out a box saying 'In case of emergency likely having you skip lunch, open box'. 

Artoria opened the box, hastily stuffing 10 apples in her mouth and swallowing them in one gulp before heading off to prepare for a hard fight. 


Explosions filled the green grassy hills outside of Camelot.

Jetray zoomed above at hypersonic speeds, his glowing green sharp eyes surveying the battle field.. he could see a shape dashing across the grass at high speeds.. throwing up dust in it's wake.. as golden projectiles shot down from the sky from what appeared to be multiple portals.

Each of the projectiles seemed to hold immense speed and terrific power to the point that Ben knew that it was definitely not something to sneeze at.. 

At the same time, a massive blast of rainbow light exploded from the dashing figure, causing the very sky to split apart. 

"What am I looking at!? Birdway? Mikoto? Anybody!?" Jetray yelled. 

No response. He was on his own.

"Damn it!" Jetray soared down into the field landing in the middle of the battle field as he watched the figure skid to a halt in front of him. "What the heck is..?"

"SHEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Jetray barely flew agilely out of the way as a golden projectile flew past him and exploded near the figure.. wait.. was that a.. sword?

The figure emerged from the dust. It was a slender and beautiful woman. Her sword was the first thing Ben noticed overall as it was unlike any weapon Ben had ever seen. The blade was made of pure light.. it was as if somebody had taken a blue lightsaber, a red lightsaber, and a green lightsaber, and meshed them together with light powered super glue, sticking them onto an extravagant strangely designed, almost futuristic looking hilt..  The blade itself behaved more light a whip than a sword.. with the blade bending and sweeping around as if it were made of.. well light.. even stretching and changing length.

The woman in question was beautiful. Slender and tall with tan skin and wearing a breast band and white faulds and armbands with tribal designs.. and white tribal tattoos on her tan skin. Her hair was long and white and went down past her own waist.  Her eyes were red, and her expression.. well there was no other way to describe it.. it looked positively inhuman. 


White Saber

Attribute: Servant.



"Such decadence upon the battlefield.. not even facing me yourself Golden one?" said the woman, looking at somebody past Jetray's shoulder, ignoring the alien as if he were nothing but an insignificant bug to her. 

"FUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" an arrogant laugh resounded over the battlefield as a new figure emerged from the dust. 

His power, Jetray could feel it being so immense that it nearly crushed him just being near the newcomer.. 

It was a man in bright golden armor.. He was tall, with blonde hair and red eyes. His blonde hair was swept back and his very smile seemed to be one of ultimate arrogance. Everything in the sky and earth was his.. that was his belief. It mattered not what other petty beings thought.. they were all beneath him. 


Golden Archer.

Attribute: Servant.

A New Eighth Servant that has appeared in the Camelot Grail War. His power even among other top tier Servants is immeasurable.  Any other information isn't forthcoming at this time. 


"Face you myself.. actually engage in hand to hand combat? Indeed Mongrel.. it's been a while since I stretched my fingers in a battle... " said Golden Archer with a smirk. "But even I must admit it would seem like a waste on the likes of you. You have quite the amount of power.. but as a Servant whose legend I can't even discern.. it hardly seems worth the effort..  But rest assured.. the finest weapons here are here for you to observe!"

All around Golden Archer, golden portals opened.. they were like ripples in water..  as from their center peeked out an array of weapons their blades aimed at Saber, gleaming.

Swords, spears, battle axes, so that's what they were.. was this guy throwing weapons at high speeds using the portals as a gateway to his own personal arsenal? Was that how his power worked?

However, there was something unusual about those weapons as a whole. Jetray could feel it.. as if even one of those swords had the capability to destroy an entire civilization in somebody else's hands. 

"WHOOOOOOOOO!!" Screamed another voice. "YOU GO GET THEM ARCHER!!"

Golden Archer sighed. "I thought I advised you to stay back.. this is a battlefield.. not a playground.. Shinji.."

A purple haired boy was standing a distance away, looking positively gleeful. His clothing was that of an Academy City student, probably from one of the schools in the School Garden.  He had purple hair and a gleeful expression.. one that was sadistic to say the least. 

"Oh come on now Archer.. you have this in the bag..   I mean just LOOK at that attack just now.. was EVERY one of those weapons a Noble Phantasm?"

"Yes.. you could say that.." said Golden Archer. "But stay back if you value your life.  This Mongrel may be waning.. but she's feisty to say the least.."

The White Saber thrust her blade out and light energy began to charge with volatile force. "Hmph.. a worthless opponent, hiding behind a worthless treasury.. I'll end it.."

Golden Archer laughed again as he raised a hand. "Very well.. try and end it if you can.."

"FOOOOOOOMMM!!" Jetray shot out of the way as multiple weapons exploded past him like golden meteors.. each capable of blasting a small city with one impact. 

White Saber dashed forward, dodging each weapon, while also parrying a few of them with quick powerful slashes of her rainbow sword. 

Jetray could see the walls of the outer city of Camelot cracking and shaking from the shockwaves of the colliding forces. If this didn't stop, half the city was going to crumble, and what if they took their fight into the city? 

"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Jetray slammed a hand on his Omnitrix badge and there was another flash of green light. 

"ULTIMATE ECHO ECHO!!"  Ultimate Echo Echo threw two disks from his hands, sending them flying in between White Saber and Golden Archer. 

"BOOOOOOMMMMM!!" Massive sonic blasts exploded into Golden Archer and Rainbow Saber, sending them leaping back, their feet skidding into the grass. 

"Tsk..." Golden Archer looked in Ultimate Echo Echo's direction. "Well well.. have we got a new player here?"

"...." Rainbow Saber looked at Ultimate Echo Echo calmly, her eyes slightly narrowed. 

"No... WAY!!" said Shinji, jumping up and down. "Is that... Ultimate Echo Echo? Ben 10!? The only guy to match the level 5s.. HERE!?"

"You know this Mongrel?" said Golden Archer. 

"He's only the most famous hero from my time period.." said Shinji. "But.. what is he doing here? Is  he a servant maybe?"

"That is enough!" Ultimate Echo Echo said as more sonic discs emerged, flying around him in a ring.  "Look at that wall there.. any more force and you'd have a lot of dead innocents on your hands.. stop acting like a bunch of whiners and fight somewhere else! "

"And why would we do that?" asked Shinji. "Hmph! Ben 10 was always cool to my sister.. but really I can't stand heroic types like you!! This is a Holy Grail war in case you haven't noticed.. and in a Grail War.. only the Grail matters!  Other people are just worthless NPCs who get in the way.. Archer!  forget Saber.. I think we should kill this kid!"

"That is a foolish remark.. especially as a Master.." said Golden Archer. "First and foremost is Saber who is nearly done.. a tactical advantage to our fight.. letting her escape by fighting a Mongrel newcomer like that would be-.."

"I DON'T CARE! He pisses me off! Just do it do it do it!!" roared Shinji like a child throwing a temper tantrum. 

"Well this is weird." Ultimate Echo Echo muttered as the Servant turned to face him.  "Is.. he another time traveler? How many people had the same idea as us!?"

"Apologies Newcomer." said Golden Archer with a sigh. "My master is quite an idiot.. however, let's face it.. you would be crushed like a bug eventually.. "

Golden portals appeared all around Ultimate Echo Echo, covering the sky and the surrounding area as more weapons began to slide out, taking aim. 

"Oh man.." Ultimate Echo Echo surrounded himself in sonic discs which all exploded outwards, creating a massive dome shaped sound shield as the gateways fired their Noble Phantasms down on him.

"KAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!" The entire world shook from the power of the immense assault. 

"Soundwaves to defend and attack.." said Golden Archer. "unusual.. what kind of hero is he Shinji?" 

"He's got this weird alien device that lets him turn into super powered aliens.." said Shinji. "My sister wouldn't shut up about him when she was alive.. said he was a nice person and stuff.. tch.. nothing but a thorn in my side to me if I had to put it any other way.. To think I'd get to be master to one of the strongest Servants ever.. AND use him to kill that kid.. it's a dream come true!"

Golden Archer narrowed his eyes. "A Servant with those kinds of abilities.. it wouldn't fit into any of the normal Seven Classes. Even with a good catalyst and Time currently being fritzed in the Throne... I doubt you'd be able to summon somebody like him even if he was the most famous being in the universe.. is that really a Servant?"

Suddenly a massive green light appeared in the dust, it grew brighter and brighter until it took the shape of the Omnitrix's green hourglass symbol, burning with nuclear energy.. the chestplate of a certain very powerful alien..

Golden Archer's eyes widened a little, right before Atomix exploded from the smoke.. his fist charged with immense bursting atomic energy. 

"ATOMIC SAITAMA!!" Atomix's punch exploded into Golden Archer's face, sending him flying and exploding into the earth with a shockwave that resounded through the kingdom, splitting the sky apart. 

"EEEEEEEEP!!" Shinji screamed and jumped back as Atomix rose up, pounding a fist to his palm. "Okay.. I'm kind of mad now.."

Golden Archer stood up calmly wiping a bit of blood from his cheek. "Now... this is very interesting indeed. Very well Shinji, I'll fight this  petty battle.. if only to crush this strange one to sate my curiosity.."

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