The King of Knights and The Scarlet Lady

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"What are we looking at..?" Impulser muttered into his Plumber's Badge.

From high up in the sky Jetray circled the massive city. "Looks like.. there are lots of people living there with the Forever Knights.. peasants.. rich guys.. all sorts.. that look like they belong in this time period... the only modern looking guys are the Forever Knights and that's cause their suits of armor are the more modern alien tech looking ones.. with the laser lances and everything.."

Jetray hovered in mid air a little. "It's.. like a fortress.. and the number's vast.. I'm not sure HOW many people they sent back in time.. but it's gotta at least be in the thousands.. and when you factor in the number of citizens in this place.. the millions.. what the hell could they be doing here..?"

"They must have gone back in time ages before we have.. otherwise they would risk the same type of Time Travel flaw scenario that we were trying to avoid by using Real Time Monitoring Time Travel." said Paradox's voice. "In other words."

"They've been time travelling back to this period for months.. " said Mikoto's voice. "Hey sweetie, just got back.. but yeah.. Stiyl and Carissa got back to me saying they've been monitoring the Forever Knights ever since the Knight Leader reported them going rogue from the British Monarchy..   ever since GREMLIN reached out to them.. which was about right after you and me got picked out of the ocean by Birdway, they've been using stolen tech from that Chaldea place Birdway mentioned to slowly start setting up an empire in the past.."

"Why hasn't history changed then.. ? Or have the changes been so small we didn't notice? Or did we not notice cause we changed along with history?" Impulser said.

"The changes are probably quite small.. otherwise I myself would've taken notice and interfered." said Paradox. "I can assure you that nothing really has changed in the way of how history has run it's course on record.. "

"What if they don't intend to go back?" Jetray asked quickly as he soared back towards the village. "Listen.. what if GREMLIN wasn't as powerful as we know it to be now in the present we know..? What if this is their way of making sure GREMLIN has the influence it needs in the future? Paradox, quick, what do you know about GREMLIN's forces..!?"

"Well aside from getting assistance from the Forever Knights, they have a few mages who are long time followers of Othinus and several scientists... as well as Terrorist weapons and large monetary resources." said Paradox. "That's it actually.. enough to subvert a country, but probably not the world yet.."

"That's inaccurate." said Birdway. "They have far larger forces under their command. Various alien scientists such as Psychobos my resources tell me.. and they needed some very good resources if they were going to get somebody like Eon on their-.."

Birdway froze. She had realized the same thing Ben had.

"The future's already changed." Jetray said. "It changed while we were recovering and everyone thought me and Mikoto was dead.. Paradox exists outside of time's typical influence, he can't forget the stuff that a timeline used to be.. "

"And neither can Othinus, she and what forces she had remember what they've done to the time stream." said Paradox.  "Crippling her time forces in this era will not endear her to you.. it's a heavy risk.."

"But.. I'm guessing crippling her might endear me to the real king." Jetray said. 

"Take caution Ben, your job is to befriend her.. not become her subordinate." said Birdway. "You are a legendary hero in your own right.. so by Arthur's standards.. you don't need to bow to her.."

"Except right now I haven't done ANY of that stuff yet.. in this time period I'm a nobody.." Jetray said as he landed in the village. "And there's no better way to earn her trust.. we need to get to Camelot pronto and see what they need.."

"Well see that you hurry.." said Birdway. "I'm getting reports from Kuroko that the Forever Knights are looking for us, and they aren't happy.. we might need to hole up in here for some weeks.. "

"They wouldn't happen to be looking for a certain former royalty crazy girl we're keeping with us would they?" Ben asked as he returned to human form and stepped back in the Village Elder's house.

"Something to that affect." said Birdway. "When you and Impulser both leave the village the connection will get cut, so try not to dilly dally.. you're on the clock Tennyson."

"Friendship doesn't just happen like that.." Ben muttered. 

Ben looked at Rider. "What?"

Rider smirked. "Well.. I was thinking.. maybe I could help you get into Camelot. Security's tight nowadays with all the crap that's going on.. you'll need some assistance.. Form a contract with me, and I'll be able to grant said assistance."

"Wait.. you want THIS guy to be your Master?" Impulser spat. "The chillifries chugging.. idiot... ?"

"As if I'd rather go with the hyper violent maniac with a red mohawk that makes him look like a human rooster.." Rider said, glaring at Impulser.  "By the way Ben, you can call me Ushi.. do we have a deal?"

"Ushi.." Ben muttered. "Huh.. er.. yeah.. I guess we could use all the help we can get."

"You trust too many people.." grunted Impulser. 

Ushi smiled brightly, and with an innocence that caught Ben off guard. "Okay! Then from this day forth.. our contract is set.. put er there Master!"

Ushi took Ben's hand and the back of it glowed as strange red markings appeared.. 

"Those are your Command Seals.. you can use them and the magic power associated with them to make me do a bunch of stuff... think of it like.. absolute obedience where I have to do something you say no matter what.. but you've only got 3.. So careful how you use them."

"OH.. so.. can I command you to like.. stand on one leg?" Ben asked. 

"YOU IDIOT!" Impulser spat. "You're going to waste one of those on something as stupid as that!?"

"I've got two more if I do.. just wanna test it out!" Ben said. 

"Teehee.. with a master as dumb as you I'll be able to get away with all kinds of things.." Ushi whispered, rubbing her hands together. 

"Well if you try something like that I'll just beat you up." said Ben with a shrug.

"As if you could-" Ushi began.

"Oh he can." said Impulser.

"But he-."

"Trust me.." Impulser said, glaring at Ushi with absolute seriousness. "He really... really.. can.."

Ben grinned at Ushi. "Well.. it's nice to meet you Ushi.. I hope you and me can be total Excalibuddies!!"

Ushi's eye twitched. "Ex... calibuddies..?"

There was a pause.

"THAT IS THE AWESOMEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!!" Ushi squealed, her eyes turning into stars as she pumped her fists. "DID YOU COME UP WITH THAT YOURSELF!?"

"You like it?"

"I LOVE IT!! I see my sharp eyes of the Tengu have indeed picked out a truly worthy Master!!"

"You've got to be kidding me.." Impulser moaned. "It's like having two Tennysons now... only one of them's half naked.. "

"Ahh.. so it works like that.. and you turn into aliens.. like.. SO cool!"

Ben and Ushi continued to whisper and giggle to each other like a pair of enthralled school girls as Impulser walked behind them, his eyes twitching, hands in his jacket pockets. 

There was a problem with having a companion like Ushi. As much as she annoyed Impulser, he couldn't help but notice she was exceedingly beautiful, and not because of her rather interesting choice in fashion.. but she always walked very gracefully in spite of her difficult looking foot attire.  Her body was slender and that of a maiden untarnished by time.. and her eyes were like mirrors of cold steel.. giving her a strong and merciless appearance in battle.. all things Impulser dug in a girl... 

But to have all those traits and still be as dumb and annoying as somebody like Ben.. oh what the hell those were things he both hated and liked about Ben which made things worse.. 

This girl was going to tick him off to no end that was for absolute sure..

Ushi smiled happily at Ben. "You are quite an interesting human being Mr. Ben Tennyson.. though if you don't mind me saying.. there is one thing this budding relationship between Master and Servant is lacking.."

"Health Insurance? Pay benefits? I mean do Servants get paid for working?" Ben asked. 

"No.. pat my head." said Ushi quickly. 


"Pat my head!" said Ushi. 

"Uh... okay?" Ben said, putting a hand on Ushi's head. "Here you go.."

Ushi's expression became happy without an ounce of malice. "Eheheh.. thank you.."

"She's way too forward.." Impulser grumbled. 

"Man.. how far is Camelot anyways.. ?" Ben muttered. "We've been walking for hours.."

"Don't look at me.." Impulser said. "You suggested we go the 'normal' way.. I actually admit the argument is sound.. if we don't want to get caught up in unnecessary fights on the way there and attract the attention of Forever Knights and those Servant weirdos, we can't risk using our powers too overtly.."

"Yeah.. but now that I think about it.. if I use XLR8.. we'd be so fast they couldn't see us.. I mean come on.." said Ben.

"We're NOT risking it.." Impulser spat. "I like to go on killing sprees.. but this mission's actually important.. "

Ben looked at Impulser with a small smile. "Huh.. taking doing a good deed seriously.. you really have changed.. "

Impulser remained silent. 

"That's a compliment." Ben said. 

"I know.." said Impulser, blushing slightly. "Thanks.. "

"Awww look at the rooster hair tsundere!" said Ushi with a smirk. 

"SHUT UP!!" Impulser roared at Ushi. "You're the one whose gonna get us into the most trouble.. with your underboobs flapping around you're gonna draw all the stares!!"

"You're not much better with your type of clothing. " said Ushi with a shrug. "But all that brings up a good point. My Lord, might I suggest we get a wardrobe more suitable to this time period..? "

"What would you suggest?" Ben asked. "It'll be a chore if we have to walk all the way back to the village to ask that old guy for some clothes."

"I could carry you if you wish." said Ushi. "As a Servant I have near limitless stamina."

"Hey.. guys.. ya hear that?" Impulser said, looking up. 

There was a strange sound.. like the sound of a distant hammer hitting metal.. 

Down the long path there was a large carriage where a huge oven-like contraption was set up.. a tall man could be seen there hammering  a heated sword with an anvil.. 

It must have been a black smith, but it wasn't any black smith Ben had ever thought of.. 

He was tall and wearing white robes with strange ornaments and ribbons on them.. He had on a large white hood that obscured his face and there was a small strange fluffy white creature on his shoulder.. was it.. a cat? No.. a dog? no.. squirrel? Eh... not really.. 

"Fou..." the creature looked up and blinked with it's cute adorable black eyes at the group as they approached. 

"Oh! Greetings.. you look like foreign travelers!" said the man with a smile just slightly visible under his hood. "With clothes like those, it's hard not to notice."

"Er.. right." said Ben

"Apologies.. no need to be rude." said the man with a light laugh. "But I do feel some more appropriate attire is in order. In order to make up for my rude banter, why don't I give you a little something to wear in the coming town.. ? The King is making his way through, so everyone's putting on their best clothing, and we can't even afford to have foreigners go to see our king without their sunday best hmm?"

Impulser had half a mind to tell this guy to screw himself for insulting their clothing.. But on the other hand, this could be just what they needed.. 

"I have an idea.." said the man. "I'll give you knight's armor.. How about it? And a couple of swords.. these lands have been more dangerous of late, and it's good to go out with some protection at the least.. In fact, I might just have a good fit for you.. here... ahh.."

The man opened his caravan to show a brilliant set of armor on display, with a helm decorated with silver wings.. and a billowing blue cape.. it was a glorious set of armor worthy of any hero.


It took a bit, but finally Ben was fastened in the glorious armor..  wearing it, Impulser had to admit Ben looked like a hero.

"YES!! Now this is so COOL! ONWARD!" Ben made to take a step forward.. but instead his leg rattled.

"ON.. WARD!" Ben moaned, straining to lift his leg, before suddenly falling down with a 'CLUNK'!!

"I.. can't breathe.." Ben wheezed inside the armor as he lay on the ground. 

"MASTER!!" squealed Ushi. 

After some pained refitting, Ben and Impulser finally stepped out wearing armor more their size and weight.. 

They were simple armor. A metal chest plate, some black fingerless gloves with metal on the back of the hands. padded leather pants, a belt for holding a sword sheathe.. and some shoulder pauldrons. 

They then each wore a set of black short hemmed open black leather jackets with the symbol of a red dragon on the back.  The both of them had a set of lightweight short swords sheathed to their belts.

Ushi had a similar outfit, only hers had a skirt with padded knee guards and high thigh boots.  And her hair ornaments had been taken off so she only had her pony tail..

"Cool" said Ben. "Lightweight too.."

"Why of course, I made them myself in the advent that you were um.. physically challenged." said the man.

"Hold on.. in the advent of-.. were you expecting us-?!" Impulser snapped, looking up, only to find the man was gone.. along with his entire caravan.

"Huh.. he didn't even ask us to pay him." Ben muttered. "I was actually a little worried about that part really."  

"Why are you surprised?" said Impulser, "This entire place is coo coo nuts."

"Indeed." said Ushi, nodding.

"YOU'RE PART OF THE COO COO NUTTINESS!!" Impulser roared, pointing at Ushi.

"Indeed." said Ushi, nodding again.

"She agreed with me.." Impulser muttered, his eyes twitching. 

"Indeed.." said Ushi.




"No.. look.." Ushi said, pointing ahead. "Do you hear that My Lord?"

"Uh.. yeah.. now that you mention it.. civilization?" Ben ran forward. "Come on! Lets check it out!"

Indeed it was a town, a larger village then the one they had been to before. In fact it was probably more proper to call this an actual town rather than a village in this time period. Houses made of wood with beautiful aesthetics suggested these were really well off homes probably with fancy furniture inside..   being here made Ben feel like he was playing the Witcher games again. 

There was a crowd of people gathered around what appeared to be a large stage. 

Standing on the stage was a tall blonde man wearing a large blue cape over his strong looking silver armor. His face was handsome, and the sword he carried at his side looked unusually large for a broadsword with a blade that connected with the hilt instead of an ordinary cross guard, silver and blue with an intricate design. 

Next to him, stood another knight in full armor. Ben couldn't tell what gender this knight was, it was hard to really even begin to guess. But he could tell this knight was short, perhaps only slightly taller than Mikoto. 

The Knight had a horned helmet that covered their face, and white armor with red highlights that was bulky around the shoulders with red faulds on the waist. 

 "My fellows and citizens of Camelot." declared the man, clearing his throat. "I have come here to make way and declaration for his Majesty The King, who is visiting here to look for new arms to join the Table.."

There were whisperings and mutterings at this as the man spoke. 

"A new knight?"

"To join the table..?"

"So it's true, the Round really is stretched thin against those weirdos that have turned up."

"Therefore." said the man. "I.. Sir Gawain... have already taken it upon myself to send summons far and wide, also to neighboring lands.. inviting any who believe they might have the skill to converge to this town today. "A Tournament shall be held to test any who might be worthy.. drink and food will be plenty, so I suggest you prepare yourselves for merrymaking.. and the wives here should also prepare for drunk stupid husbands.."

There was plenty of chuckling at this joke as everyone cheered. 

"Sir Mordred." said Gawain, nodding at the shorter knight. 

"Yeah yeah." Mordred said.. again for some reason, the voice wasn't something Ben could make out, as if something were obscuring it, keeping him from determining anything about the knight's identity.  "Alright.. if there are any schmucks who are already here for the Tournament, I'm taking names to sign up for the damn thing now.. come on.."

Mordred stood next to a large table where a long piece of parchment and a quill in a bottle of ink was already set up.

Ben looked at Impulser and Ushi. "This is it! We should sign up.."

Impulser frowned. "Ben..are you actually telling me that Diamond Head is going to walk into a jousting ring and expect people not to react badly the fact there's a giant crystal monster guy walking around..?"

"It's Camelot.. land of dragons, witches, wizards, and disappearing fluffy armor salesmen who hand out things for free! Come on I bet Humungousaur's a normal Tuesday for them at best.."

"It wasn't a Tuesday for me, and I've been in Camelot for 2 months my Lord.." murmured Ushi. 

"Look.. them seeing Humungousaur would probably be like them seeing a dragon.. and dragons here are like... eaters of villages and stealer of maidens.." grunted Impulser.

"That story's a little stupid though don't you think?" Ben asked. "I mean.. why steal a girl? I mean what does a dragon get out of stealing a maiden?"

"Honestly no idea, but it's not like everything back in this period functioned based on logic.." Impulser muttered.

"I will admit there are some pretty illogical stuff in this time period in my own home country as well.. some of which I had the naivety to believe." said Ushi.  "The people here will be the same.."

"Okay then." said Ben folding his arms. "You two come up with a way to quickly get into King Arthur's court on the time limit we've got, without sneaking in, causing a ruckus and getting sent to a dungeon or something.."

"Get hired as house maids?" said Ushi. 

"No.." Impulser growled. "I'm not becoming a glorified butler.."

"Then come on... let's kick some knight butts and get ourselves in the easy way!" said Ben. "Though.. honestly there's a chance they'll kick our butts if they can fight Servants."

"Oh yes there's EVERY chance they'll do that.." said Ushi. "Some of them are stronger than me by a large margin.. Gawain there especially.. and don't get me started on the red knight over there.."

"Mordred.." said Impulser. "Isn't he the guy who betrayed and killed Arthur.. bastard son he didn't know about with Morgan Le Fey.. ?"

"It's more complicated than that.." said Ushi. "Kind of tragic really.. but we can't think about that if we're on a time table My Lord.. I guess we should sign up.."

They approached the table, and Mordred tilted 'his' head to the side. "Woah.. you're the youngest applicants I've seen today.. hope you are comin' in relying a little more than the muscles on your bones.. cause.. you've got none of that."

Mordred didn't speak like Gawain with a refined accent and manner of speech. In fact if Ben had to compare it, he'd say Gawain was Britain and Mordred was America. That red knight was already rebellious before 'he' ever started his coup.. but not in a bad way.. 

"You look like foreigners.. well two of you anyways.. your features are Eastern." said Gawain. "Well, I can't say we object.. come one come all.. though I'm surprised you've come all this way.. "

"Don't you see their clothes Gawain buddy?" said Mordred. "They've got foreign looks, but they were probably born here.. parents probably moved here over a large distance.. give em a break will ya?"

"Apologies, no disrespect intended." Gawain said.

"None taken, it's fine." said Impulser as he took the quill Ben handed him after he had signed his name. 

Next, Ushi reached for the quill, but Gawain put a hand in front of her, raising his eyebrows in an amused manner, but not an unkind one. "M'lady.. I understand a desire to join the Table, but are you sure your place is on the battle field sword in hand?"

Ushi smirked and she slid down and kicked Gawain's feet out from under him, causing him to fall over with an "OOOF!"

"HA! She showed you.." Mordred said with a chuckle. "You've earned my vote kid! Sign on up!"

After Ushi signed her name, Mordred rolled up the parchment as Gawain stood back up, looking Ushi with a mixture of surprise and amusement. 

"I must say.. a good shot.." said Gawain. "I look forward to seeing your performance.. maybe we'll finally have somebody to keep Gareth company!"

After finding a barn to sleep in (they had no money) Ben woke the next day and along with Impulser and Ushi, they made their way to what appeared to be a large medieval style arena. 

In other words, it was basically a like some sort of carnival set up.. 

The arena were walls made of checker patterned canvas and hastily settup wooden beams.. there was a long area with a fence for jousting.. most the arena's floor was mud.. and the seats were mostly bleachers while there was a large podium at the head of it all for the King and his subjects to sit.. or 'her' subjects in this case..

Upon looking in the stands, Ben could see her sitting on a makeshift throne, observing it all.. 

Her true name he knew to be Artoria not Arthur.. and even from a distance, it was obvious she was immensely beautiful. Dressed in a blue gown with white lace, and silver armor on her and arms.. with a crown on her head and a blue cape with white fur fitting for kings.. 

At her feet leaned a large golden triangular sheathe that looked larger than the blade of the actual legendary sword resting within

The way her hands rested on the sword's pommel as the point of it's sheath stood against the floor definitely gave Artoria a very 'Kings of Old Lord of the Rings' kind of look, and Ben could imagine this being the perfect model pose for a statue of her to watch over her royal grave or something.

Knights had gathered from all over, dressed in all manner of armors their blades sheathed at their sides. 

"Let's get this tournament started already!!" growled a gruff looking knight. His beard was massive, his hair unkempt, and he wore armor that was scarred and dented, as if he had gone through at least a hundred battles. "Ugoth the Destroyer wishes to look upon the Round Table with dignity!! For that is I.. UGOTH.. THE DESTROYER!!"

"More like Ugoth the loud.." Ben muttered as Ushi snorted. 

"WHAT was that child!?" said Ugoth, glaring at Ben, drawing a massive blade and pointing it at Ben. "You.. little whelp barely parted from his mother's breast DARE question me?"

"I'm pretty sure 16 isn't 'barely parted'. " Ben said.  "But if you don't mind, this is supposed to be a Knights contest right? Do knights really brag like that?"

The other knights nodded in agreement, some of them looking at Ugoth with distaste.

"Says the little boy who isn't even tall enough to reach the level of stupidity he carries.." said Ugoth.

Ushi's eyes flashed. "My Lord.. shall I part his skull from his body?" 

"Er.. not now." said Ben. "Maybe.. if he actually tries to kill us.."


"Now.." Gawain said, stepping out, putting his hands on his hips. "This is going to be a very unconventional match to say the least.. we've done away the usual niceties because we're in large need of swelling the ranks.. we want those who will serve the crown loyally, and we're only interested in the proving of worth than the pleasing of the crowd.. so rather than jousting and such we'll have two short matches, that's it. "

Gawain looked up at Artoria and nodded. And she smiled slightly and nodded back. 

"First, you'll each take on one opponent.. No killing allowed, we're assessing skill not brutality. " said Gawain. "If you came here to bathe in blood, you can find the nearest tavern that way.. I'm sure a good 50 drafts and a few fisticuffs will sate that thirst for blood and drink quite well."

There were some chuckles at this joke. 

"Those who survive the first fight will each take turns fighting Mordred here." said Gawain, pointing at Mordred. "Now just to be clear. He isn't like me.. he's more combative really, he won't show you quarter just because your shoe's untied.. he'll beat the living soul out of your heads and then shove the soul back in for some more beatings. He won't kill of course.. but it'll take a steady heart and the most iron bound souls to impress him.. I guess what I'm saying is.. he's your judge today."

"Yo!" said Mordred in the most un-knightly  manner possible. "How's it going knight guys!?"

"The don't speak like old english british people.." Ben muttered. 

"An affect of the Grail War.. the Grail that was summoned is affecting everything around here for some reason." said Ushi. "Usually servants are the only ones who get knowledge of every language.. but there's something odd affecting the language of everyone in this land..  I spotted some French people speaking with Canadian Accents a while back."

"Now.. let's get out there.."  said Gawain.

And so the matches started.. aside from the brutal knights clashing with each other.. their blades bashing against one another's armor.. Ben couldn't see anything particularly 'super human' about the people here.

Overall.. it was basically just ordinary knights bashing the crap out of each other.. 

Impulser didn't even have to use his sword. He stood there silently as his opponent ran at him yelling. "FOR CAMELOT!"

Impulser sighed and held out a finger, flicking the guy in his armored chest and sending him crashing out of the ring. 

Ushi's opponent was taken out just as fast. 

For a moment, there was a flash, and a blur.. and in an instant her opponent's sword had been cleaved into several pieces.

Ben on the other hand took a little longer. 

Not ready to quite reveal his power yet, he decided to use Prediction Point for this. 

He dodged to and fro as his opponent tried to land a hit on him.

"You are agile boy, but you do not have the force necessary to break me!" said the knight fighting him. 

Ben shrugged. "Eh, probably, let's see.."

Ben drew his sword and charged in, dodging each every strike until he managed to get in close and smack the knight's sword out of his hand with the flat of his blade. 

The knight fell over, dropping the sword amid a flurry of cheers from the crowd.  Ben's method could probably be regarded as very unconventional indeed. 

Ugoth on the other hand.. beat his opponent in one blow, sending him crashing into the mud with one giant punch, not even bothering to use his blade against his opponent.. Ben could tell the guy had some sort of enhanced power since the earth rumbled, and his opponent was sent from the ring with blood all over him, barely alive. 

"UGOTH IS SUPERIOR! LOOK UPON ME YOUR MAJESTY!!" roared Ugoth. "Surely you see the benefits of such a great warrior before you!"

"He's like Woke Atilla The Hun or something.." Ben muttered to Impulser. 

"Eh.. I've seen worse.." Impulser grumbled. 

"Wow admitting it.." Ben said.

"I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT MYSELF!" Impulser roared. 

Finally it came down to fighting Mordred... 

She stood before each knight, chuckling pridefully.. 

And Ben couldn't even see her movements... well he could, but it was difficult.. 

It took only one strike.. one blow.. a few movements.. one by one, each knight flew from the ring in spectacular one second matches as Mordred sent them flying out..  She was as agile as Spidermonkey.. strong as Four Arms.. and quick thinking as Brainstorm..  well those were probably exaggerations, but Ben was feeling very intimidated just from how amazingly lethal and powerful she was especially for a human being.. or even an enhanced human being. 

When Ugoth faced 'him', Ben was sure that Mordred had met 'his' match.. but at most Ugoth lasted 3 more attacks before suddenly-.

"URAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHH!!" Ben watched, bemused as he saw Ugoth go smashing straight out of the arena and plowing through multiple trees outside..

"NEXT!" Mordred yelled. 

"Hmm still think this is the easy way?" Impulser muttered. 

"Not really." Ben muttered. 

"Don't go Way Big or something like that.." Impulser said. "You'll only insult them by not fighting directly and fairly."

"I know that." Ben said. Birdway had given him a crash course in knightly ethics before he had time traveled. Facing your opponent head on and fairly was like the numero uno thing in making sure King Arthur at least respected you to a slight degree.

But the more Ben thought about it, the more he realized his aliens felt like.. what was the word? Right.. Cheating.

Super speed that could outrun an agility based Servant like Rider..  Super strength.. invulnerability.. the ability to phase through solid matter..

But at the same time, without those abilities, Ben was sure he didn't stand a chance. He had to use an alien that felt fair, and use it in a way that respected these guys instead of relying on any underhanded tricks. 

The Omnitrix was practically built for underhanded tricks when fighting espers in Academy City. Aliens that were immune to certain powers.. unexpected abilities that came out of nowhere that allowed aliens to survive the tough slogs.   What did he expect? That's how evolution was designed to work in nature.. the most underhanded tricks always survived to breed the next generation.

"Ya ready?" Mordred said as Ben stepped into the ring. "I've got like.. 12 pirates plundering the coast to take care of, so make it fast."

Ben lowered his stance and drew his sword. Maybe if he played this smart.. he could win this.. or.. maybe..

"He's screwed." Impulser said. "He can already see the dilemma of actually using his powers.. and the dilemma of the actual mission here.. "

"Do not underestimate my Lord.." said Ushi with a sparkle in her eyes. "While he might seem rash and strange at times.. I learned during our fight earlier.. that he always comes through in a tough situation.."


Ben took up a stomping sumo wrestler stance.

Ushi stared. "Okay, he's dead.. say Mr. Rooster Hair.. what do you feel about New Master contracts?"

"Fuck you." Impulser grumbled.  "Least Misaka doesn't see this.. Oh what the hell.. she probably figured this would happen at some point considering how well she knows him.."

"ISHIYAMA SUPER COMBO!!!" Ben screamed, running at the bemused Mordred, sending out multiple silly palm thrusts that probably only worked in video games. 

Mordred hurled the butt of her sword into Ben's head with a "CLONK!!!"

"O.. ow.." Ben staggered back, going cross eyed before Mordred kicked him in the chest.

"Well.. I commend him for being bold.." said Gawain as he watched Ben fly to the end of the arena and crash in a cloud of wood shavings and dirt. 

There was a sudden flash of green light however, and from the rubble, an arm made of shimmering diamond crystal reached out as a figure pulled himself out of the shambles of shredded wood and canvas.

"Ow.." Diamond Head moaned before looking at himself to find he had a new black and white jumpsuit, this time with a black part that wrapped partially around his head.. "Hey! New clothes! Guess Azmuth's been updating my data.. "

"Wh.. What the HELL is that!?" Mordred said, stepping back. 

"Well this will be entertaining." said Impulser. 

"Sorry, I've been kinda holding back cause I wanted it to be fair.. turns out it still isn't fair with me holding back.. I think I'd rather not instantly get KO'd thank you very much." 

"HAHAHA!" suddenly Gawain laughed raising his eyebrows. "Well.. I'll be.. a Crystal Knight?! Now that is something new... and given what I've seen... that is saying something.."

Artoria sat up a little in her throne, looking quite surprised as well, but not outgoing about it, she had self control that was for sure. 

"Tch.. I don't know what the hell any of this is.. but I'm still whooping your butt ugly ass!!"  said Mordred, raising her simple glowing steel sword. 

Diamond Head froze for a moment, his crystal eyes glowing green as they went wide for a moment. "H.. Huh!?"

"I'm still whooping your butt ugly ass little bro.. so don't you forget whose the older one here!"

Diamond Head shook his head  "Uh.. right. "

"So where's yer sword!?" said Mordred. 

Diamond Head grinned. "Heh.. made my own.."

Diamond Head held out both his hands that morphed into two giant broad blades each 5 feet in length. 

Mordred whistled. "okay... not gonna lie.. THAT is seriously cool. COME ON THEN!!!"

Diamond Head and Mordred charged each other..

Mordred moved at blistering speeds, he was definitely faster than most foes that Ben would go Diamond Head for, but ever since his hard training over the period he and Mikoto had been out of the world, his reflexes had grown sharper, and he had better management over Prediction Point and his alien forms's inhuman speeds..

Diamond Head gritted his teeth as he lashed out both his crystal blades, parrying Mordred's fast and furious blows, shockwaves and sparks exploding from each and every hit. 

The mud splattered away from them as the very air sent out concussive explosive impacts whenever the weapons collided.

Mordred definitely didn't need two swords to combat Diamond Head's own double blade fighting.. her skill was just that amazing..  in fact it wouldn't be a stretch to compare the sheer skill itself to somebody of Acqua or the Knight Leader's level. 

"AGGH!!" Diamond Head's feet slid through the mud as he was sent careening back, both his crystal blades having gashes in them from repeated wear and tear of Mordred's blade hitting them. "Whoa! What's that sword made of!?"

"What the hell ya talkin' about!?" Mordred growled. "Have you seen MY sword yet!?"

Indeed Mordred's blade was chipped and cracked, frayed at the edges.

"Proper question is what YOU'RE made of.." Mordred said. " I haven's seen anything chip Camelot Steel that much since.. oh what the heck!! COME ON!!!"

Mordred whirled his blade to and fro as red lightning exploded around his body in burst of tremendous magical energy. Explosive red shockwaves erupted from his swings, blasting at Diamond Head. 

"Oh so it's like that now!" Diamond Head retracted his blades and leaped into the air, dodging the shockwaves, while at the same time his hands morphed into spikes, which fired multiple crystal projectiles down at Mordred at high armor piercing speeds from above.

Mordred rolled out of the way, a blur even to Ben's combat experienced eyes as the crystals blasted through the muds.. sending rubble flying through the air from their sheer impact speed alone. 

"GOTCHA!! AIRBORNE TARGET!!!" Mordred laughed as he hurled his blade in an uppercut motion, and a red blast of light slammed into Diamond Head sending him spiraling back into the earth with a large crushing impact..

Diamond Head panted, rising from the mud as Mordred charged forward at blistering speed.

Diamond Head slammed both his hands into the ground, and suddenly the ground burst beneath Mordred's feet.

"From below!?" Mordred stammered as he leaped into the air, barely avoiding the large blossoming crystal spikes that speared themselves into the sky, turning into a giant crystal tower.

"Whoa!" said Gawain, his expression turning more shocked as he nodded. "Okay.. that's more than I expected..  Is.. this magic? No, I don't sense any.."

"TAKE THIS!!" Diamond Head raised his hands.. and two giant crystal spires erupted from the earth, levitating into the air on either side of Mordred before flying into each other, crushing Mordred in between them. 

A massive shockwave erupted out as the crystal chunks smashed into each other. 

But there was a crackle of red energy as the slowly the crystals began to push apart.. and Mordred was revealed in the middle.. using his arms to push the crystals apart.. "Oh.. now.. don't think.. YA HAVE ME FIGURED OUT!! GIANT CRYSTAL ICE SCULPTURE GUY!!"

"Dang.." said Impulser with a raised eyebrow. "He's got spunk.."

"Wait a moment.." said Ushi. "His armor is.. falling apart.. is.. he?"

There were chunks of Mordred's armor falling off from battle damage indeed.. and underneath the chestplate Ben could see... an unexpected type of figure.. 

"Wait.." Diamond Head. "Are.. are you a..?"

"WHAT!?" Mordred's magically obstructed voice yelled. "Oh no.. NO NO!!! DAMN IT!!"

Modred slammed the crystals apart and launched himself at Diamond Head, exploding with enough power to topple a mountain. The power Ben felt was so immense that he felt a panicked voice in his head say. 'Get your head in gear or you're going to die.'

Ben's mind flashed back to an image of Kaori Kanzaki speaking to him 'when faced with a stronger opponent, it's important to let their power work against them.. if they're panicked and they unleash a full power last resort move.. let that recklessness work against them..'

Diamond Head narrowed his eyes and let Prediction Point analyze where Mordred's blade was going to hit.. in that instant milisecond, he side stepped the blade just barely as it just slightly scratched his suit, and brought up his arm like a clothesline, causing Mordred to slam his helmeted head straight into Diamond Head's forehead.. causing him to fall over, spiralling through the air at the same time before exploding into the ground.. 

Diamond Head blinked as he gaped. "I.. I'm still alive..!? Wait.. huh..? Is that his..?"

Diamond Head looked down at the muddy ground to find that Mordred's shattered helm was lying there.. fragments of the metal drifting through the water. 

Other parts of his armor was scattered through mud, the last of it having fallen away during his desperate final blow. 

"I've never seen Mordred grow so careless like that in a fight.. well usually he's brash, but.. that's a new level right there.." said Gawain.

"He's never taken off his helmet in any of the time we've known him" said Artoria. "I suppose it's understandable if he has reasons for hiding his face... if not for that, I suspect he'd have won, however strong that crystal knight is.. although.."

Artoria looked at the confused Diamond Head with interest. "That technique he used to take advantage of Mordred's panic.. that wasn't the technique of somebody without potential.. interesting.."

"Ugh.. what the heck.." Diamond Head blinked and gave a start as he heard a female voice behind him..

The fact it was female wasn't the shocking part though.. it was the fact that the voice sounded scary familiar. 

A woman around 16 years old, rose from the mud, coughing, holding Mordred's sword.. the last of Mordred's armor was falling off of her.. to reveal a red and gold breast band and dark red faulds  that opened around the inner thighs with red arm coverings... clothes Ben regretted to admit were ALMOST as skimpy as Ushi's.. what was with all the fan service now!? 

Her face resembled Artoria's like some sort of strange clone.. however, with her messier blonde hair tied in a rather rebellious looking pony tail.. Ben saw somebody else.. making him realize EXACTLY why when he first saw Artoria in the mental hospital back in the present, that the face had given him a strange feeling of Deja-vu..

"....J.. Jen!? " Diamond Head said weakly as if in a trance.  "Big Sis..?"

"Wh.. wha..?!" Gawain stammered. "Wait.. Mordred's a woman!?  And her face looks like.."

Artoria gave a surprised start, now unable to hide her rather immense surprise. 

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!" Mordred screamed furiously before charging straight at Diamond Head.

"Uh.. uh.." Diamond Head just continued to stare.

"BEN WAKE UP!!" Roared Impulser. "HEY EARTH TO BEN!"

"HE'S NOT GOING TO BLOCK IT!" Ushi exclaimed, charging in. "HOLD ON MY LORD!"

Mordred's blade exploded into Diamond Head and there was a burst of red light as Ben returned to human form, sliding into the mud and grunting, blood drizzling down his forehead as he caught a glimpse of Ushi dodging Mordred's strikes and getting into a high speed battle..

Ben's eyes went dim.. as he muttered to himself. "What's.. Jen.. doing here..?"  before he finally blacked out.

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