Ushi would like to say: Welcome To Camelot!

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"ALRIGHT!!" Ben Tennyson.. hero of the Universe, wielder of the Omnitrix raised his hands into the sky. "We're here... it's time... for.. THE COCONUTS!! Impulser! Quick! Get out the coconuts! It'll sound like we're riding horses!!!"


Ben screamed at the top of his lungs as he barely jumped out of the way in time while a huge red heated plasma beam exploded past him and blew up several trees.  "IMPULSER WHAT THE HELL!?"

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!" Impulser dove on top of Ben, slapping his face repeatedly. "YOU ASSHOLE DRAGGING ME TO FUCKING CAMELOT!? I can't live without internet man!! I'M STRANDED HERE WITH.. WITH!!"


Ben and Impulser had only just arrived on a large grassy hill a few minutes ago..  and Ben had to admit.. the world was beautiful in the past. 

Massive rolling green hills as far as the eye could see, and in the distance, tremendous high mountains capped with ice and snow..  the blue sky and it's fluffy clouds seem to gleam with adventure.. and the lush green forests before them seemed to absolutely flourish.. 

And standing in the middle of the spectacle.. in the distance was a great white city.. surrounded by immense castle walls.  Immense towers, tall as sky scrapers.. it was hard to believe that something like this was achieved before modern building techniques were readily available..  it was probably more massive than New York if Ben had to speculate how MASSIVE the kingdom looked.. 

And with the size of the castle in the center.. that castle was probably the largest building ever built, making the Great Pyramids of Giza look like monopoly dice. 

Ben immediately knew that there had to be some form of magic involved in creating the place.. or.. at least he knew after he managed to take a breath from Impulser trying to wring his neck. 

"YOU COULD'VE ASKED NICELY!!" Impulser roared as Ben held up his arms to block several punches. 

"Would you have said yes?" Ben asked. 

"Well NO! But it would've been nicer!!" Impulser screamed. 

"Are you two done?" said an ethereal holographic voice that sounded familiar.

"Birdway?" Ben asked, looking around. 

"Good, you're coming in loud and clear.. we're able to observe you here on the monitor.. like a temporal camera.." said Professor Paradox's voice. "I'm sorry to say that I myself am not able to use direct time travel at the moment.. several rules being constricting as always..  but as long as there is a signal indicating your existence, you should be okay.. so if you ever need us to shut off the cameras.. well.. feel free.. " 

"Oh hell they're in our heads now.." Impulser spat, getting off of Ben.

"Are you okay Ben? Feel woozy? Anything abnormal?" Mikoto Misaka's voice chimed in, the voice of his fiance was a soothing thing to hear.. 

"Nah.. feel fine really!"  said Ben, getting up and stretching. "It's like I've been Isekaid or something.. so cool! Now that I'm actually in the middle of it all, I feel excited.. I am going to make SO many Monty Python references.."

"Please refrain from that." said Birdway. "The real Camelot was actually centuries more advanced than any civilization that existed during that time.. they were far ahead of the Romans even.. Nero likes to talk about how her Rome is so amazing.. but it doesn't even compare to the Holy White City.."

"Did you just call Nero a 'her'?" Impulser asked, but Ben was already going into full Nerd Zone.

"OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!" Ben danced around on his feet. "Dude.. Impulser.. you and me.. we're gonna be like... like.."

"Don't you say it.." Impulser growled.


"I'M WARNING YOU!" Impulser roared.


"DON'T!!!" Impulser screamed.

"Excalibuddies!!" Ben said, pumping his fists, his eyes turning into stars. 

There was the sound of Mikoto snorting with laughter as Impulser smacked a hand to his face. "You said it.."

"YOU FRIGGIN BET I DID!!" Ben growled "Impulser, you and me come on!! This is the adventure of a lifetime, you can't tell me you're not at least slightly thrilled!!!"

"So.. what should we do?" Impulser muttered.

"Unfortunately your signal for communication is breaking up, we'll be able to monitor your progress but you're going to be on your own until you fan find a point where mana is particularly receptive." Birdway said. "If I might make a suggestion before we cut off.. try heading towards the holy city.. I mean.. obvious choice right?"

"Pretty obvious.." Impulser muttered. "So then what? Birdway? BIRDWAY!? damnit.. I guess communication's cut off.... we should head there slowly, keep cautious and.. Ben?"

"WHOOOPIEEEEEEEE!" Ben was already running down the hill, and waving his arms in the air. "THIS GONNA BE TOTALLY AN RPG!!!"


"FOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!! BOOOOOMMMMM!!" A quick streak shot out of the sky like a meteor and exploded into Ben, creating a large cloud of dust.

"Ow.." Ben's voice echoed in the distance as Impulser's head tilted to the side, his jaw slack with shock. 

"Welp.. better sooner than later.." Impulser grumbled. 

"OWWWWIEEEE!!" A voice exclaimed. "Hey kid! You okay!? I mean.. if you're dead then fine.. but.. if not.. then I might have to put you out of your misery!! Which.. now that I think of it.. is kinda fine too!" 

Ben blinked as the dust cleared to find a girl sitting on top of him who couldn't have been any older than he was. 

And he immediately had the desire to jump up and cover his eyes.

"HOLY.. WHAAA!?" Ben stammered, his face going extremely red. 

The girl was beautiful, there was no denying, but her way of dress wasn't just really strange for the time period in general, but absolutely, dare he say it.. lewd!?

She had on kimono sleeves and there was samurai armored padding on her shoulders  and waist..but aside from her pony tail on her smooth black hair and the sword fastened to the furry animal skin sheathe on her hip.. she didn't wear much of anything else.. 

A pair of japanese stilt slippers. Blue panties, and  a couple of of flaps attached to neck collar were all that covered her.. and beneath those flaps, from the look of it,Ben was pretty sure she did not wear a bra.. 

"The hell is she wearing?" Impulser muttered as he approached. 

The girl leaped off of Ben with amazing inhuman agility and put a hand on her hip, blinking at Ben. "oho!? Are you Servants trying to hide your energy? Cause you DEFINITELY don't look like you belong to this time!! Hmmm... interesting.. interesting.."

Ben frowned as he stood up and brushed himself off. "Uhh.. no.. er.. not sure what you're going on about really. Who are you?"

The girl frowned. "Well.. I guess not then.. otherwise you wouldn't be stupid enough to ask that question and get a straight answer in response. Well.. if you must call me something.. you can call me Rider! Hehehe! That suitable..?"

Ben blinked as he immediately remembered a pink haired woman with a blindfold who had also been called 'Rider' "Wait a moment.. are you a-?"

"Enough talk! I'm already late as it is! I must look like a laughing stock to come here without ANY sort of Master whatsoever! SEINARRA!"




Trait: Servant (Heroic Spirit)

Information: As far as any can tell right now. Rider is a Heroic Spirit of Japanese origin.  Young and bright, but also cold and merciless, what is certain is that she is agile, strong and quick, and a master swordswoman. 


Suddenly Impulser appeared in Rider's path, blocking her escape in a flash of speed that caused the sound barrier to shatter. 

"Hold on a second.." Impulser spat, his eyes glinting. 

"Impulser?" Ben said, as he dusted himself up and got to his feet.

"Ben.. think it through a little.. aside from the fact that she needs to put on a stupid fucking shirt, anything strike you as odd about a samurai girl walking around this far away from the East?" Impulser growled.

"Yeah.. now that you mention it.." Ben muttered. "This is a little out place.. not to mention.. I mean is Japan even around in this era?"

"It is." said Impulser

"Oh.. nevermind.." said Ben. 

"But it's unusual no doubt, it's quite far away ain't it?" said Impulser. "Not to mention you seem awfully spry for an ordinary girl don't you?"

Rider smirked. "Oh.. I seem suspicious to you I see.. well I don't blame you.. but.."

Rider's eyes turned cold as steel. "If you don't stop asking questions, I'm going to have to kill you.."

Impulser's face turned into a wide violent grin and his eyes flashed in such a violent way that Rider actually backed away, her cold steely gaze actually faltering for a moment..

'This guy..'  Rider thought. 'He isn't ordinary.. Why do I get the feeling he WANTS me to try and kill him?... But I'm wasting time here.. if I don't find a master.. then I'm swiss cheese.. ' 

"I'm backing out of this.. Sorry!" Rider leaped into the sky with such high speed that a sonic boom exploded from her stilt slippers and she landed in the grassy field a distance away and began dashing away at high speed. 

"She's definitely not human!" spat Impulser. "I'm goin' after her! Cut her off!?" 

Ben nodded as he slapped down the Omnitrix's face plate with a palm and a green light surrounded him.. "No problem .."

Rider continued to dash away at extremely high speeds, the grass around her and the environment becoming extremely blurred. 

She looked over her shoulder. "Those were odd humans.. they definitely don't belong to this time period. I don't know how they got here, but staying near them would've been exhausting.. maybe I should've killed them.."

"Oh it ain't too late for that! COME ON PRINCESS.. GIVE IT A GO!" 

Rider's eyes widened slowly with horror as she looked right next to her to see Impulser's face inches from her own, grinning violently. 

"HERE'S IMPULSER!!" Impulser cackled.

"EEEEEEEK!!!" Rider leaped away, dashing sharply in the other direction, as she did, Impulser dashed after her.. his legs a blur as the air behind him rippled with his molecular vibration manipulation.. 

"WHERE YA GOING!? YER MOVIN' SO SLOW!!" Impulser cackled as he dashed after Rider. 

"TSK! This is unnatural!" Rider snapped as she drew her blade in a flash, and launched herself directly at Impulser.

Rider's blade cleaved at immense speeds, but it was met by equally speedy swipes from Impulser's right hand.. sparks jumping from each and every high speed blurred impact.. the blade bouncing off Impulser's fingers as if they were made of steel. 

Rider bent backwards, her eyes following Impulser's hand in slow motion as it cleaved only inches from her hair, before she twirled back and slashed her blade in an agile uppercut at Impulser's face

The blade connected with Impulser's cheek... only to throw up sparks as it grinded against his skin, unable to piece it. 

"W... Wha..!?" Rider said as Impulser hurled a palm at her. 

"KAAABLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!" The air exploded as Impulser super charged every molecule into the air, turning everything into a massive oxygen explosion.. sending a column of heat blasting straight into the sky and blowing the clouds apart. 

Rider somersaulted high into the sky, showing remarkable mid air control as she panted wildly. 

"Ultra destructive power.. but not a hint of mana in the air.." Rider whispered to herself. "This guy.. is insane! What the heck IS he!? If he keeps up this level of power he'll attract those annoying knights here, and then it'll get REALLY annoying if that King decides to show her face.."

Rider's eyes flashed. "Very well then.. I'll give him a true taste of speed.. 'Care to Test the Art of Ki'ichi... EIGHT BOAT LEAP!!!!"

Rider's body burned with power and light and immediately she disappeared in a massive sound barrier breaking shockwave..  leaping onto the rubble that had flown into the air from the explosion.

She leaped from rubble to rubble, even managing to jump off perfectly from pebbles the size of acorns.. somehow able to jump around perfectly in an absolute instant. 

Impulser emerged from the dust, propelling himself through the air as he fired powerful energy blasts from his palms. 

Rider dodged them all with immense perfection and flawless technique and immediately there was a burst of smoke as multiple exact copies of herself appeared around her..

"Echo Echo Naruto knock off.. "Impulser muttered as the Rider clones began shooting around him at super high speed, leaping from rubble to rubble piece as dust swirled into the air from the high speed of the fight.  "Ben any time now, this is getting annoying and I'm gonna actually KILL her.."

"ZOOOOOMMMM!" a familiar black and blue blur zoomed past Impulser. 

"Keh.. about time!" Impulser spat as he landed lightly on the ground.

"HUH!?" Several Rider clones yelled out in surprise as a blur far faster than even them slashed through them with sharp claws.. causing them to vanish in bursts of smoke. 

The remaining Rider Clones converged on the black and blue blur.. all of them slashing their blades at ultra high speed at once.. creating an explosion from the sheer friction of their high speed blades cleaving the air with magic. 

The earth shook.. and in an instant, the real Rider with her clones having been caught in the explosion, slashed her blade upwards to block a claw strike from XLR8. 

"You'll get a kick out of this!" XLR8 hurled out a multitude of high speed kicks, which Rider barely managed to block with slashes from her blade. 

"Wh.. what are YOU!?" Rider stammered, obviously completely taken aback by the fact she was fighting a high speed velociraptor person. 

"Oh you know.. a little of this, a little of that.. I'm everything ya want out of a speedy nerd just trolling around!" XLR8 exclaimed as he turned into a multitude of afterimages around Rider attacking from all angles at speed so great it created a surges of highly destructive wind that carved up the landscape. 

"He's grown stronger since his absence from the world.." Impulser muttered to himself as he watched. "Used to be XLR8 couldn't keep up with me when we fought.. but now his speed's at least tripled, and that's probably an understatement.."

XLR8 hurled a kick into Rider's gut and sent her crashing into the earth until she stood up panting in a crater right in front of what appeared to be the entrance to a large village. 

People in medieval clothing scattered as XLR8 zoomed to a halt in front of Rider. "Wanna keep playing!? Cause I can dash around all day!"

Rider stood up, gritting her teeth, but as she did, a little boy ran out to her. "USHI! USHI WAIT!!"

The little peasant boy looked ragged, dressed in very fragile looking clothes as he stepped in front of Rider holding his hands out. "Don't you dare hurt her.. y.. you big monster!! Ushi's done nothing but keep us safe.. so  you just leave her alone!"

XLR8 stared at the boy, his face plate retracting. "Uh.. oh.. er.."

"I say we kick the brat out of the way and make her talk.." Impulser muttered.

"DUDE!" XLR8 snapped at Impulser.

"Kidding.. " Impulser said. "But he's still annoying.. ignore him and let's interrogate her already.."

"Or.." Ben returned to human form in a flash of green light. "We just talk.. like civilized individuals.." 

The villagers all muttered with immense surprise as they saw Ben in his human form, and Rider stood up, looking very surprised herself. 

"You're the boy who was... no way.." Rider said. "Hmph.. interesting."

"We're from the future." Ben said, holding up his hands. "I understand we're probably weirder looking than you, but from the sound of it, I don't think you mean any ill will by being here.. right?"

Rider narrowed her eyes. "I assure you whatever interest I serve in helping these villagers, it has been purely my own. If they get in my way, I'd kill them in a heartbeat.."

"Like I'd believe that." said Ben with a grin. "You seem like a downright hero that kid there.."

Rider sighed. "You're one of those justice seeking idiots who thinks everyone's got a heart of gold deep down aren't you?"

"Not everyone.." Ben said with a shrug. "I know a tentacle faced freak whose got a heart made of 4 week old spam that's been sitting in a jar of pickle juice.."

Rider tilted her head, observing Ben. This boy.. he.. might just be what he needed..  she could feel a massive amount of mana reserves in him that was for sure.. 

"Okay then.." said Rider pushing the boy away. "Let us talk.."

A moment later, they sat in what appeared to be the Village Leader's house.. it was obvious due to the fact that it was the largest house. 

While it was definitely more luxurious than most of the village houses, it looked like it had seen better days overall.  The large round meeting table was chipped, and the bar that was meant to service newcomers was covered in dust with empty bottles looking like they hadn't seen a drop of alcohol in weeks. 

"It's been hard of late.. ever since strange individuals have shown up." said the Elderly Village leader, an old ancient looking man with a wooden staff, his hands shaking with immense age. "If I had been younger, I probably would've looked upon it wonder.. but at this age I fear for the future of my people when I finally die.."

"What's been going on?" Ben asked. 

"Powerful beings.. Servants as you call them.. have appeared in this land.. fighting each other at every passing moment, and in the wake of their fighting, causing immense devastation..  the knights of the Round Table who serve our great King.. Arthur.. have tried their best to lessen the destruction as much as possible.. but these.. beings.. appear to possess power at least equal, if not greater, than them.." said the man.

Ben thought back to when he fought Rider and Lancer from his present.. and how they had been able to keep up with the likes of Atomix and Ultimate Wildmutt.. the Knights of the Round Table must've been extraordinary to be able to fight guys like those.. the legends never expressed that King Arthur and her merry band of sword wielders might in fact be just as superhuman as servants.. 

Then again.. he had watched Arthur beat the snot out of Berserker when he was 13.. 

It made Vilgax seem like a paperweight in some respects... the Wildheits however, not so much..

"Servants are summoned by magic.. masters.. right? They're like familiars taking the form of famous heroes in history." said Ben. "Whose summoning them?"

"Who knows? Masters who want the Grail I suspect." said Rider, her arms folded as a woman set down a tray of bread in front of her.

"Grail?" said Impulser.

"Jeez, you two know about Servants and you don't have any idea what a Grail is?" said Rider. "HA! Think of it as the reason why servants are originally summoned in the first place.

"Grail Wars happen occasionally in order to create a kind of deep magic called the Holy Grail." said Birdway's voice. 

"Wh.. WHO!?" The Elder looked around again.

"Nice to hear you again.." Ben said.

"It appears the Village you're in is near some magical hot spots.. should be able to stay in contact with you whenever you reach points of high magical power.. " said Birdway's voice. "But yeah.. subject of the Grail.. The Original Holy Grail is only ever speculated upon in theory whether or not the cup that Christ drank from actually exists as a magical artifact. Some even theorize it isn't possible because there's no way Jesus would actually make a cup like that on purpose or by accident.. cause there's no point to it for him.  So the Einzberns and their ancestors developed a means to come as close to a wish granting cup as possible.. by sacrificing 6 powerful magical beings and mages and filling their artificial Grail with their magic, they are able to create a powerful artifact called the Greater Grail that is capable of granting wishes.. to an extent.."

"The floating head in the sky is right." said Rider. " We fight each other.. 7 masters and 7 servants.. and whoever wins gets the Grail But usually Grail Wars have rules.. like it has to be in secret for one.. and Servants can only be summoned by a master and have their magical existence maintained by the Grail.. but.."

"Ushi was summoned without a master. "Said the little boy who had followed Rider into the house.  "She's been running around looking for one cause she keeps saying she's at a disadvantage without one.. and it's unusual not to have one.. and she's able to maintain her existence without that Grail thingy.."

"That's about the gist of it." said Rider. "This shouldn't be happening. And I'm the most disadvantaged servant in the grail war because I'm sure the other 6 have masters right now.. and to top it off.. it's like I'm a gold fish summoned into a pool of sharks.. cause the other servants are some MAJOR heavy hitters.."

"Define Heavy Hitters." Impulser muttered. 

"Archer.. he's definitely gotta be some IMMENSELY powerful super servant or something.. cause he's like a god with the amount of strength he's got..  Lancer.. she makes the knights of the Round Table look like bits of mince meat with her fighting skills.. literally every one of those 6 are like some sort of epic powerhouses.. meanwhile I'm little ol' 8 boat leaping me.. " said Rider. "And don't get me STARTED on Saber.. she's.. like a force of nature..  destroyed entire civilizations before converging on Camelot."

"Another unusual factor of this Grail War.. is that many of these Servants are Heroes from the Throne that shouldn't exist in this time period." said the Elder. "Rider here.. hasn't even been born yet..  or this might be the period around when she was born.. she isn't specific.. either way at this point she shouldn't even be summonable as a Servant yet."

"Servants from the Future.." muttered Ben. "Impulser.. don't tell me we've.."

"No.. Nothing like that." said Birdway's voice. "You guys didn't cause this.. we've followed every rule to the letter.. there's no way your mere presence should be causing anything like this scale of disaster.. but it might be related..  none of the incidents this man is mentioning has even been recorded in the Dawn Colored Sunlight's records.. "

"Mage Association's got a nada on this one too." Rin Tohsaka's voice explained.  "I've got Mikoto and Touma talking to Stiyl on the phone, seeing if they can access the secret records of Camelot's history in the Clock Tower's mage archives. Villian can give them special access if Carissa isn't being too moody about it."

"What is King Arthur doing about it?" Ben asked. 

"He is stretched thin.. his Knights of the Round Table have been journeying all over the kingdom, quailing the fighting, trying to stop the Servants in their clashing..  which has caused more than their fair share of disasters.." said the Elder. "It is only thanks to Rider here that we've been spared of the more terrible disasters.. she keeps us safe from the terrible magical beasts that run rampant over the land thanks to Caster...  But how long it'll last.. I don't know.. Archer and Lancer's battle a  few weeks ago has already destroyed several major cities.. and Sir Galahad and Sir Percival.. bless their souls.. they are still out cold from the ordeal barely alive.."

"You'd think that with only 7 magically powerful beings running around a huge kingdom it wouldn't be that much of a problem..  however the issue is that most of them are so powerful, they can destroy entire cities without thinking too much about it.. " said Rider. "If Lancer or Archer reach this town.. I don't think I'll be able to win.. not without a master to back me up.."

"Kinda wish I had my God Aliens now.." Ben muttered.

"You have Atomix and Ultimates, that's good enough." Impulser said. "We won't know how we match up to em till we actually fight em.. "

"Maybe we can lend Camelot a hand.." Ben said. "I mean we are here to see the King anyways.. she.. I mean he.. should be down in that big white castle right?"

"That.. is not Camelot Castle.. " said the Elder.

"Wait.. what?" said Birdway. "Are you sure..?"

"I'm afraid the Elder is right.. Camelot Castle is to the East, not the West.." said Paradox's voice. "That structure is distinctly more massive than the actual castle of that time period.. impossibly massive.. like the city of a god.. and it's magic is only possible to construct by means of specialized magic..  "

"One of the masters of the Grail War lives there.. Saber's Master." said Rider. "He showed up and this girl with dark skin and white hair just helped him build the entire thing..  they've got an entire legion of their own knights.. and they announced themselves as Friends of the King..  but so far they haven't acted very friendly... they've set taxes on everyone nearby.. heavy ones.. and have burned out most of the villages of their resources.."

"At this rate, we might not survive the winter." The Elder said quietly. "It has been hell that is certain.. "

"I don't interfere when they come to collect..  the Master is actually as strong as Saber.. probably stronger.. " said Rider. "I'd only make things worse if I decided to fight.. "

Ben stood up and walked over to the window, looking out at the castle in the distance. He narrowed his eyes, trying to get a good look, then groaned. "Oh.. my.. God.. you have got to be kidding me.. Birdway tell me you're seeing this.."

"I can see it through your mind.. and I'm still not believing it.." said Birdway. 

Branded on the wall of the great white city.. was a large Infinity symbol... 

The Symbol of the Forever Knights.

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