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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Author-Rick (who btw loves to torture us but that's the reason we LOVE him). Pics and Gif s are also from Google (which we also LOVE).

Third person POV

Something suddenly pinched Percy's heart. No, he couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let Calypso become his what if. He had just made a decision. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe it will lead to the destruction of the world. He didn't knew. He just did what his heart told him to.

"Another one. Why? Why was I given such a punishment? I guess I deserve it. There's no going back." Calypso was yet again crying. Last time she had promised herself that she wouldn't cry the next time. She had thought that after going through it so many times, she would be able to endure it the next time. But seems like this next time never comes. It just hurts even more every time.

Here she was. Alone. Yet again. The fates must be having a nice laugh right about now. Seeing her suffer yet again. Seeing her cry once more. As she slowly saw Percy disappear out of view, her tears and will to die kept on increasing. She-

"Wait- What?! Th-this is impossible!" Seems like the mist is playing games on her eyes now. Wait. She is a witch. The mist can't manipulate her. She manipulates the mist. Bu-but this just can't be happening!

As Ogygia came back in view, Percy became more and more sure about his decision. It was just this tinge that he felt that he couldn't describe in words.

"Percy! What the heck are you doing?!?! Camp half blood isn't this way! Your friends and family await you!"

"Don't worry about them, I just had a change of mind." He winked.


What Percy loved most about Ogygia was that he never had nightmares here. After Calypso of course. But seems like even amongst demigods Percy has the worst luck. He just had a nightmare.


"Seems like our plan is working." The voice pierced my ears. Kronos. No doubt.

Percy couldn't see very well in the darkness but he immediately recognised the evil voice of the Titan king. " Bu-but, my Lord!" This voice was definitely! But it can't be! This just isn't possible! Percy didn't believe he doesn't recognise this voice.

"Speak no more! You have done your job well until now. Continue with it and you shall be rewarded." It's formal. Percy is formally deaf. Curse Kronos and his bloody voice.

Percy wasn't sure why but he had a sudden urge to expose himself. He was just gonna shout when-

~End of nightmare

Yup, he was abruptly awaken.

Percy screamed in aspiration. Wait- what?! It's formal. Percy has formally lost it. Why was it that he had that sudden desire to shout? Why did he feel as if he had failed by not exposing himself?

"P-Percy? Is everything alright?" Great. Just great. Now he had even distributed Calypso from her sleep.


Calypso always thought that she couldn't have experienced anything more crazy than she already had. But Percy seemed to be determined on proving her wrong.

First, he abruptly changes his mind and decides to stay at Ogygia.

Then, when she asked him why would he do that he had simply answered, " Well, I just thought that maybe..maybe a world without prophecies and problems could be better.

" Maybe if I stay here, instead of running away I am saving my friends from danger. Because yanno by me staying here, I will no longer be the child of prophecy.

" And Nico, my friend, he will be." He hesitated before saying my friend. Hmm seems like that's a story for another time.

"And I am pretty sure he can handle things much better than me. And then, all the demigods will have 1 more year to prepare." Calypso had expected that kind of answer. But what she hadn't expected was what he said next.

"And you."

"What about me?"

" Oh welll- yanno the main reason was you.

"I-I uhh I .... Calypso, I- " He was redder than a tomato. Calypso couldn't help but laugh.

"You aren't making this easy yanno." He blushed even deeper.

" I love you too" Calypso answered to him. Then she stepped forward, took his face in her hands, glared straight into his deep sea green eyes and said once more, "I love you too, Perseus Jackson... I love you too."

What happened next was the best moment in Calypso's whole immortal life. The sensation of Percy's lips... on her own. Percy's breath was that of the ocean. Relaxing, something you just wanna give up to and flow straight into. Even his kisses were like tides. Each one bigger and more wanting than the other. Each one compelling you to fall into it.

After all that Calypso had thought, yet again, that nothing can be more crazy. But boy, was she ever wrong. Here was she again. In the middle of night. Woken up by a shrill, loud shout coming from none other than Perseus' mouth.


"P-Percy? Is everything alright?"

"Uh? Uh-yah! Just a nightmare." Oof. Ok. Nothing's wrong. Probably. Calypso hoped nothing was wrong.

" Umm.. Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"At this point in night?"

" Uh..Oh sorry. I am sorry. Ok. We can do this tomorrow if you want. Sorry." She muttered some more. She was so embarrassed!

What was I even thinking?! What if HE would have heard? Omg.

Percy suddenly started laughing. Calypso turned even a darker shade of red.

Percy gently put a bang that had come loose behind her ear. "You look really cute mumbling like that."

"Uh.." Before she could say anything more, their was a loud BANG and standing before them was HE. Now? Why now?

"Calypso! Stand behind me!" Percy couldn't believe what he saw. What the heck was HE doing here? How did he even have the nerve to come here?

"I am not here to harm you, Perseus Jackson. I have an OFFER for you." His voice was ever so piercing. Yes, standing before him was Kronos, The Lord of the Titans.

Kronos (In Luke's body; Luke's eyes turn Golden)

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