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Disclaimer: Let's do this quickly. All-characters-belong-to-you-know-who-I-mean-rick-riordan-and-not-voldemort. Pics-and-gifs-also-taken-from-Google. Thank-you.

Third person POV

"No. My answer is no."

"Don't be so quick on making decisions. I haven't even made my offer."

Percy didn't even have to think. Before Luke oof Kronos could say any further Percy had already told his answer.

"I don't want to or have to listen to anything you have to say." Percy already had riptide tight in his hands and aimed straight at Luke/Kronos. Percy was tired of this whole Luke/Kronos thing. He decided to call him Kronos only.

Kronos laughed and the time seemed to freeze. Oh,wait. The time had freezed. Kronos is the Titan of Time. He has control over something that nobody can control. Time. Well you may as well could call Kronos nobody. Anyway that's beside the point. Back on line.

"You mortals are such pitiful existence. That's why I wanna end your pitiful lives. But you Percy, you have a bright future ahead. You are not ordinary. Shake hands with me and you should get everything you desire." Oh yah. Kronos was so thick. As if Percy even cared.

"You know what? Maybe we mortals are pitiful. Maybe we aren't worth it. But if we deserve to die then you titans don't even deserve to be born!" Percy literally spitted this on the Titan lord's face. Calypso's head was bent low in shame. Uh-huh.. what the heck is wrong with you,Percy?! She is a Titan too!! Oh shit!

"With a few exceptions" he added quickly pointing at Calypso.

Kronos had the nerve to laugh again. "Oh yah. Young love, huh? You will soon learn there is no thing as love in this world. Nothing is permanent. My own wife Rhea disobeyed me. She abandoned me."

"Huh! What else did you expect?! You ate away your own kids!"

"Hmph. If I hadn't they would have also defied me. I told you! Love is FALSE. Didn't they cut me into a trillion pieces and threw me away? I knew what was gonna happen. It served them right. But that wife of mine! She hid Zeus from me!"

" You can blame it all on Rhea all you want. But it doesn't change the fact that you, mister failed. Utterly. I hope you had a nice time chopped up and revolving as NOTHING!" Oh guess Percy had reached the limit. Kronos seemed ready to explode. RIP Percy Jackson. He could imagine his grave.

Wait. Percy couldn't die now. After all that he had went through he couldn't just give up. Calypso. He had to save her.

"You understand nothing of being an immortal being, you petty mortal. Today I am here to make an offer. I promised C-" He was abruptly disturbed by Calypso. *cough cough*

"Sorry" She said wide-eyed.

"Ah! Hmm. So you still-

"Ah! Never you mind, then. Anyway I am here just to make an offer. Listen to me and I shall leave in peace." Something was definitely off. What was Kronos going to say? Who was he talking to? Why did he leave that sentence in half? What and to whom had he promised?

"Percy, I think we should at least listen him out." Calypso pleaded. Percy wanted to argue but something told him he had better listen.

"Ok. But make it quick."

"Ah! What do you mortals say nowadays? Yah. Now you are talking, kid."

Percy wanted to punch the hell out of this bastard. But he couldn't move his hand. I hate you too, Ares.


Percy still wasn't sure what to answer. This was just insane. He couldn't say yes. But then he couldn't say no either. He decided that he needs to think it over. He just needed some time.

"Hmm. If you wish so. I give you 24 hours to make your decision. No less. No more. After that we shall begin." Kronos had told him.

This wasn't some petty thing he could straight away give up to. He... he wasn', he couldn' He decided to take a small nap. Seems like it was a bad idea.


The moment Percy fell asleep, he knew had made the wrong choice. Standing just befor him was Grover. He had tears in his eyes.

"G-man. I can-" He was disturbed abruptly by his bloating.

"Bla-aaa. D-do y-you ha-have an-any I-idea h-how wo-worried w-we w-were! Wh-where are you?! Wh-what are you doing? A-are y-you a-alright? I-I do-don't k-know why but I-I couldn't activate the empathy link. I-I th-thought y-you were d-dead!" He said that in between sobs.

"G-man. See, I-I can't tell you where I am. As for the empathy link, don't contact me again. I-it umm.. it may harm you. I-I will try to uh keep you updated? And don't tell anyone about our chat. Guy's secret, alright?" Percy wasn't ready for this. Calypso had told him that empathy links didn't work in Ogygia. But as he said earlier, even amongst demigods, Percy seemed to have the worst luck.

"Bu-but Percy, everyone is scared out of their mind. An-Annabeth wouldn't stop crying. S-she can't beleive you are dead. She has been searching for you tirelessly! Y-you were our leader. Without you w-we can't manage. Everyone's morale is low. I-if only you were here.."

"G-man. Try to understand. I am in a..bit of a"

"Percy I didn't wanted to say it but maybe you forgot. We satyrs can read emotions. I know perfectly well that you have been lying all th-this time."

Oh shit. Busted. "Uhh.."

Just then, by some luck Percy was abruptly woken up by Calypso. He couldn't thank her enough.


"Umm.. I brought you food. You should make your decision soon. Time isn't the same on Ogygia. It could be 24 hours in anytime soon or maybe even what may seem to be some years."

Percy desperately hoped that these 24 hours should end in a millennium of Ogygia. But knowing his luck, the Titan Lord may already be outside. He needed to make a decision quickly. But something was nagging his mind. Something didn't seem right.

He decided to revaluate all that had happened.


"Perseus Jackson, You will come with me, the titans, for a short quest. We will then leave you with your lover alone. Your friends from your old home will also be spared. That is if you come with us. There could be nothing better for us than you not being the child of prophecy. I am sure that son of hades will make a better pawn. However, if you decide not to come then your friends will pay the debt."

You would say that there shouldn't be anything to think in this. That he should go. But Percy knew that the Titan never did anything without any particular reason. But there was that other thing. If he went, he was sure he would face his companions. And they would ask him to come back. He would say no. They would ask him why. What will he answer?

Will they think he had betrayed them? What quest does Kronos need? Why do they need him? Everything could go wrong if he went. But if he didn't then what will Kronos do?

He couldn't abandon his friends. One main reason of staying here was that he wouldn't be the child of prophecy. But he have to go. At least if he is there, there's a chance he could protect his friends.

Yes. It was final. He is going.


It has been a few days in Ogygia. No sign of Kronos. Calypso entered the room.

"Percy, you fine?" She asked.

Percy called her near him. He put her hands around his neck and placed his hands on her waist. She was wearing a crop top and a denim jacket with jeans. Yup, she had learned the modern ways with him.

Percy started kissing her. It was the best sensation in the world. Her soft lips always calmed him down. Percy pulled away gently and told her, " As long as we are together, nothing can harm me."

She smiled and kissed Percy. Soon their kissing turned into a heavy make out session. Percy's hands wouldn't stop. They went under her top and then her bra. She flinched with every touch of his lips on her neck. She gently pulled off his T-shirt.

Percy put off his pants while she pulled off her top and jeans. He love her so much. He couldn't stop. Tonight, Percy lost his virginity.


Percy woke up with Calypso sleeping on his chest. He didn't want to disturb her, but she had already woken up. "Good Morning." Calypso was very happy. She had finally found her hero.

But she was afraid that things would go wrong. Just after things were seeming bright, Kronos had arrived. She didn't knew the right choice. It was all up to Percy. But to be honest, Calypso hoped Percy wouldn't go.

Because... what if he remembers his old friends and decides not to come back? What if..

No. He had to think positive. Everything will go well. Bang.

"Uh-huh. Looks like it's finally been 24 hours." Calypso heard Percy say.


It's final. Percy has decided to go. Calypso can do nothing but wish him luck. She hoped he would return. She hoped she wouldn't be forced to... "AH! NO. Just keep you mouth shut,Calypso!" She scolded herself.

"Good luck" Calypso had told Percy. He had kissed her goodbye and promised her that he would return. He couldn't die. Not until he wished to.


Percy immediately wished he were dead. The Titan Lord had tricked him. He had brought him back to CHB. He didn't knew the whole plan. He was just being given small bits.

He hesitantly came inside. Immediately people noticed him. The emergency bell rang. Everyone came rushing. So much for a heroic entry.

"Perseus Jackson!"

Oh no. Here she comes. Standing before him was none other than Annabeth.

Annabeth Chase

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