Chapter 3 - Setting up camp

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There were whoops and cheers when everyone could finally stand up and stretch, everyone crowding into the isles quickly trying to flood out.

"Now now wait guys!" X stood up at the front and stopped anyone from moving any more forward. He wanted to tell them all at once, and knew he probably wouldn't have everyone's attention again anytime soon once they left the bus.

"Just in case you guys forgot. It's about a 5 minute walk to the campsite so at least a few of us need to make an extra trip back to the bus. We'll be sleeping in tents in groups of 2 or 3 and the bathrooms are about 2 minutes away near the main building over here." He pointed out of the window to the relative direction they were in but most people weren't really paying attention. So much for having everyone's attention.

"How could we forget? You went over everything a hundred times while we were in class." Cleo said, annoyed he was holding them back from leaving.

"I just want this to go smoothly is all." Xisuma defended himself.

Some people groaned and mumbled in annoyance since they just wanted to get off the stupid bus they had been in for over 2 hours with no break.

"Alright y'all we'll go over the rest of the rules when we get to camp." Joe Hills stepped in. Xisuma wanted to argue, but one look at the cooped up hermits and he gave it up.

They flooded out of the bus very quickly, waving bye and thanks to TFC in the mess, and if X had taken a few seconds longer to get out he might have been trampled. Everyone stretched and walked around to get the blood flowing back in their legs, and readjusted the straps on their bags. Doc, Ren, and Beef went to the side of the bus to open it back up and get out the tents and food, and other hermits got their bigger bags from it. Some people took pictures of the place and selfies and were talking excitedly about what they were going to do.

"Ok, groups of 2 for small tents and 3 for bigger tents!" Xisuma yelled to the crowd. "If there are issues or not enough tents, talk to me." He said, letting hermits grab tents together and set stuff up for themselves.

Hermits raced to the tents so they could get first pick on a bigger or smaller tent and everything evened out way better than Xisuma had expected. He grabbed a small one and Joe took up the other end of it to help carry it to the campsite.

TFC grabbed out a book since he would need them to make a trip back to get the extra supplies before he could leave. He seemed content with taking a break from driving at least.

"Woo we got a big tent!" Grian exclaimed as he helped Iskall and Mumbo get it out of the bus.

"It's not that big Gri," Mumbo said as he took up the end of the sack holding the supplies .

"It'll be bigger on the inside once we get it up." Iskall mentioned. "I want to be the first to be done so let's get to it!" They said at the front of the line holding it up. They pulled on the front to try to get everyone to walk faster so they could get a head start to the campsite.

"We get to bunk sweetface!" Keralis smiled, getting a small tent from what was left.

"Yeah! I can't wait to sleep under the stars." Bdubs imagined the lights dancing above him while he slept peacefully and sighed contently. He grabbed the other end of the tent supplies and the two made their way to the campsite with the rest of the group.

Gem and Pearl high fived as they grabbed their tent.

"We got it! The quicker we get this set up the quicker we can see the nature trails," Gem exclaimed as she looked around at the scenery in awe.

"Then let's get to the campsite first," Pearl said with a confident grin. Gem just nodded and the two raced off together with the sack of tent supplies between them, dashing past Xisuma and Joe who had now already failed at leading the group to the site. Eh, hopefully they would find it on their own if they just went in a straight line, right?

Zed, Impulse, and Tango grabbed a big tent and followed X and Joe, opting to take their time instead of rushing because Zed insisted on seeing the scenery instead of rushing through it.

The other groups fell together pretty much just as easily, and most of them just walked since they didn't want to trip and fall while holding all of their stuff. Cub and Scar were easily the slowest in the bunch, but insisted the others go ahead when they asked if they wanted them to wait.

"Good thing we got one of the small tents before they were gone." Cub sighed in relief as he hauled out the tent himself while Scar was sitting on the ground with his backpack in front of him.

"But there are three of us, don't we deserve a big one?" Scar said, unzipping the bag to show a little Jellie head popping out.

Cub just gave him a stare and a sigh, "If we got one of the big ones then the third Hermit would see Jellie and tell Xisuma."

"I know, you're right." Scar sighed. "We should get to the campsite now, we're way behind."

"Yeah, don't want them getting suspicious." Cub got the tent supplies in his arms while Scar put his hands on his back and held onto the straps tightly to secure Jellie.


Mumbo, Grian, Iskall

Tango, Zed, Impulse

Stress, Cleo, False

Wels, Hypno, Jevin

Beef, Doc, Etho

-------------- (5 groups of 2, and 5 groups of 3)

Cub, Scar,

Joe, Xisuma,

Keralis, Bdubs,

Ren, xB

Gem and Pearl

At the camp, people were racing to set up tents quickly. Gem and pearl had been the first to the site by a long shot but were too worn out from sprinting to even try to get their tent up first. Iskall was trying to get Grian and Mumbo organized enough to get their tent up, while other teams raced against them. Cleo, False, and Stress were cooperating really well but didn't want to rush and have it collapse on them later. Team ZIT was racing against the Architects, and right as it was about done, it collapsed on top of Zed who was inside.

"Ha! Try winning now!" Grian laughed at them.

"Grian we aren't doing that much better." Mumbo admitted to him as he tried and failed to hold the second pole in place.

"Hey well this is hard!" Tango said as he held up the instructions in the air.

"Everyone keep quiet, I'm trying to understand this!" Iskall shouted.

Meanwhile, while they were fighting, a team of two was making quick time in the background.

They clicked the last pole into place and tightened the last string and stood up triumphantly.

"We did it!"

The Architects, Team ZIT, and Xisuma looked towards the direction of the voice to see xB and Ren high five next to their completed tent.

"I knew we could beat them, dude!"

"It was way easier when we just read the directions." xB shrugged and admired their work.

"HOW?" Grian yelled.

Xisuma chuckled and turned back to his tent. Joe had set up the base and was getting the poles laid out orderly.

"We should go back for the other supplies when we finish with ours." X said. Joe nodded as he carefully read the directions, only half paying attention to what Xisuma was saying.

It took quite a while for everyone to get their tents up, and many more collapsed right before they were complete, causing a few hermits to rage quit temporarily. xB and Ren split up to help other hermits get their tents up a little faster.

"Doc- Doc, man-" Ren tried as Doc held three poles together, not very securely.

"I almost got it, dude." Doc argued back as he tried to tie them together.


"Well we all expected that." Beef sighed with a chuckle.

"Surprised it didn't happen sooner actually," Etho crossed his arms and looked at the mess of fabric and poles and whatever else tents are made of in a pile, with an annoyed Doc under them.

Bdubs and Keralis had finished theirs and looked over to the mess next to them.

"Hey Doc, having trouble?" Bdubs laughed where he stood.

"Shut up short stuff-" Doc glared at Bdubs from the ground he was sitting on.

"Well at the moment I'm taller than both of you!" Bdubs argued with a smile, looking down at Doc.

Doc just grumbled and stood up so he could tower over Bdubs, who still had a cocky smirk with his finished tent behind him. Doc rolled his eyes and went over to Ren to continue the tent, leaving Bdubs with a satisfied win.

"Wels, Jevin, False Cleo!" Xisuma looked to a handful of the Hermits who had finished once his tent was up as well. "Could you help get the last of the supplies from the bus?"

The four nodded and followed him through the forest, back up the mini trail they had come from.

They saw TFC walking back from the building with the bathrooms, wiping his hands on his shirt with an annoyed grumble.

"The bathrooms only have those stupid air machines to dry your hands." He explained when they gave him word looks. "Come to get the last supplies?"

"Yup!" Xisuma said.

"Alright then, tell me when you're done so I can head off. See you in a few days!"

"See ya!"


"Thanks for driving us!"


"No problem kiddos. If something happens and you need to leave earlier, call me and I'll be here as fast as I can." TFC nodded and made his way back up the stairs of the bus, while the others went to the side to grab the last of the supplies.


(1713 words not counting anything below the line) This chapter took longer because StarFox took forever to finish their chapter so blame them. Also thanks for reading! And if you like this book so far and haven't already, go and give their book some attention! So far I have more votes, and in term's of the contrast of quality (their's is better, and no I was not bribed to say this) that's just not right, so go over there and vote and stuff! thanks again and have a good day or night!

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