Chapter 1: A rough landing

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

Same as usual, please read my DxD story before starting this one.

" ": You talking

' ': you thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

*The kingdom of Fiore... That eternally neutral country counting 17 millions of people, is also a world of magic and mysteries. The magic is part of everybody's life, and it's traffic is completely free. The ones that mastered that art decided to make it their living, they are called "mages". Against retribution, they act for everyone's good. Their strength is also their numbers, as they are divided amongst several guilds all across the country. Amongst these, there is one guild, that yesterday like today, gave birth to numerous legends, it's name is... Fairy Tail.*

But actually, our story starts very far away from that country, in a place where time and space don't mean a thing, a certain boy was facing his most mortal enemy...

Your POV:


Mew: That's the third time within an hour you've said that.

"Well it only mean that it's getting worse while time passes by. And how can you say it's been an hour, you know we're in the Distortion realm ?!"

Mew: Why don't you go and torment Cyrus and the chicken ? It's fun.

"We already did it three times today... Now I understand why Giratina wanted to leave this place so badly."

Mew: At least be grateful you're not trapped in here like he was. But if you really are bored like that, I may have a suggestion.

"Please tell me. Anything but sitting here doing nothing at all !"

Mew: The distortion realm is connected to all sorts of dimensions, you could just open a portal and see where it would take you.

"Why haven't you told me that sooner ?! I would've done that long ago !"

I did as she told me, and as soon as the portal opened, she went floating by my side, landing on top of my head.

"So, you want to go with me ?"

Mew: You'd be completely lost without me, you need your little pink familiar by your side.

"Heh, if you say so... I just think you were as bored as me. But enough chatting, let's go !

I let the light engulf us, finding myself in what looked like an endless tunnel going through time and space, countless other portals opening here and there along the way.

(A/n: I've you've played UM/US, you know exactly what I'm talking about.)

"That said, which one do I take next... And why am I drifting like that ?!"

Mew: Welcome to the ultra-wormhole. Each one of these portals lead to another world, now you need to simply choose one of them and see where it leads. And yes, be careful of that.

"Oh, well, I'll just close my eyes and let chance decide..."

Mew: Wait don't do that ! Keep your eyes on the path !

I opened my eyes, just in time to spot what looked like a giant crystal giving off lightning, too late to avoid the collision...

"What the hell is that thing- GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH !!"

Upon contact, I felt my soul being utterly devastated by that thing, the shock bringing my to a state of near unconsciousness, leading to myself drifting and being dragged to the nearest portal, disappearing from the wormhole and reappearing high in the sky above a forest, falling straight to the ground at a tremendous speed.

Since I was unconscious, I couldn't see it, but along me, there were 6 other blood red trails, surging from the portal and disappearing from sight.

3rd Person POV:

There were currently a boy with pink hair, wearing a sleeveless jacket and a scarf, walking on a dirt path across the forest. With him was a blue flying cat and a red-haired woman wearing an armor. Strangely enough, the three of us wore the same distinctive mark on different parts of their bodies.

Guy: Erza, are you sure this is the right way ?

Erza: Are you doubting me Natsu ? Of course this is the right way, the dark guild we're supposed to get disposed of is at the end of that path. See ?

In the background, a creepy looking building was on sight.

Natsu: Alright ! I'm all fired up now ! I'm gonna kick their...

Before he could finish this sentence, there was a blinding light, and falling from the sky, something crashed down on the building, completely getting rid of it, even destroying a good part of the forest in the process.

Natsu: What the hell was that ?! Whatever it is, it just stole our fight ! Happy, let's go check it out !

Happy: Aye, sir !!

Your POV:

G... God... Damn it... Feeling weak... Numb... pain everywhere... kinda remind the time I inherited Giratina's powers, only it's worse now... I can't even move a muscle...

???: Hey, there's someone here !! Are you alright ? Hang on there !!

???2: Be more careful, Natsu, he seems extremely injured.

'V... Voices ? I must've crashed near some populated area...'

'Natsu': You think he's the one who did all this ? Hey man, can you speak ?

"S... Somebody get me a raw egg, two shots of Tabasco, salt, pepper and a gun to shoot myself..."

'Natsu': Uh... That's weird... Erza, what was that ?

'Erza': He can still talk, that's a good new... But he's spouting nonsense, that's a bad new...

'Natsu'; Hey, stay with us man !! Keep it together !!

He started shake me like mad, and the 'Bright' side of it, is it at least helped me wake up.

"W... What... Where... Who ?"

???: Hey, I think he's opening his eyes !!

An incredibly blurry mess was all I could see right now. In my vision field, there was a pink blur, and a floating blue one.

"W... Who're you guys... Where am I ?"

'Erza': Natsu, Happy, be careful, there a chance he could be with those guys and that dark guild.

With that voice, another blur entered my sight, a red one... A girl... red-Haired... Wait...

'Natsu': Come on Erza, he don't even have their mark. Besides, it's not like he could be a danger in his state-

A gust of wind passed him, and after he blinked, the red blur was blocking a fierce strike with a sword.

Me and that Erza were at a standoff, sparks flying everywhere with each strike.

'What the... ? How come that I'm so weak ? Normally that would be a piece of cake against her...'

"It would seem that you've at least trained since last time, Rias, but I doubt it'll be enough ! Dragon pulse !!"

The beam surged, but I could feel myself getting out of breath already, although the fight just begun. But the less blurry my eyesight became, the more confused I went.

"Wait a second, you're not..."


Someone hit me from behind with a flaming fist, and I just stood straight for a few seconds, before falling over.

3rd Person POV:

Erza: Thank you, Natsu. I have no idea what got into him.

Natsu: I heard him calling you "Rias". Maybe he mistook you for someone else...

Erza: That's very plausible... For now; let's take him to the guild, and wait for him to properly wake up.

The three of them left carrying the body, and unknowingly to them, a small pink figure was following them in the distance, carrying something giving off a red glow.

Your POV:

???: So, you found him unconscious while you were out for your mission, right ?

Natsu: Exactly, he fell from the sky and destroyed the dark guild in his fall. And as soon as he woke up, he tried to attack Erza.

???: Are you sure ? He doesn't look bad, but you found him in a dark guild nonetheless.

Erza: Master, I don't think he was part of it. He doesn't wear their symbol, and even though he was half-dead already, he was still able to go toe-to-toe with me for a moment. We had no information someone this powerful was in this guild.

I... I think I'm in better shape now. I'm definitely in a bed, and I can feel that someone treated my wounds. I still have the same feeling of weakness and nausea though.

Happy: Hey, he's awakening... Again...

Natsu: Watch out, he's fast !

"Y... You guys... Who are you ? You helped me ?"

Natsu: Well, the name's Natsu, and yes, we helped you, even I'm not sure how to feel about it.

"Yes... Sorry about that... I wasn't really myself back there. But I'm better now, thanks to you."

Master: You're welcome boy. Now if you could explain us what you were doing out there, and how exactly did you get there ?

"This... I would like to know it as well... I remember being sucked in by a portal, then hitting the ground. And then everything's blurry until now."

Master: A portal ? Well you did fell straight from the sky, and you obliterated a whole building in your fall.

"Yeah... Where am I now anyway ?"

Makarov: You're in our guild hall, I'm Makarov Dreyar, the guildmaster of Fairy Tail.

"Fairy Tail... Never heard about it before... Wait, is Mew here too ? I think she followed me through the portal !"

Makarov: Mew ? I don't know who this is, but there is that pink floating creature that came in right after you, it said it was looking for you.

Looking to where I was, there was only an outline blinking, and the sound of a door slamming.

But as soon as I entered what I presumed to be the main hall, I was tackled to the ground, and I could recognize that sobbing anywhere.

Mew: I told you to keep your eyes open, idiot ! That's what you get for not listening to me !

"Hey I'm sorry, okay ? Anyway, maybe we should head back now."

Makarov: You're leaving already ?

"I don't want to be a burden for you guys; I'm really grateful for what you've done, but we shall take our leave now."

I tried to open a portal. Keyword being tried, only a spark appeared in midair, only lasting a few seconds before fading away.

Mew: You don't seem to understand what happened. I believe you've been feeling weak, and nauseous since you got here, right ?

"How do you know that ?"

Mew: Here, I found that near the place where you crashed down.

Upon looking at this, I grew a bad feeling, and immediately sprouted my wings to check, only confirming what I feared: All the six crystals embedded at the end of my wings, where completely dull, they weren't glowing anymore.

Mew: I believe that thing you crashed into provoked a disruption in your powers, leading to all crystals being ejected from your body.

"B... But, if I'm here, and they're back there, how will we get out of here ?!"

Mew: Don't worry, I clearly say the six of them following you through the portal, but I was only able to retrieve one of them.

"You've done more than enough already. So now we need to find the remaining crystals... That's gonna take a while."

Mew: Must be though, huh ? Being stuck here, most of your power gone, completely powerless...

"May I remind you that a familiar's strength is linked to it's master's ? If I'm in this state, you are too."

Her smirk faded away.

Mew: ... We need to find those, and quick

Makarov: These crystals... Are they really that important for you ?

"Vital. They're the root of my power, I'm stuck here until I get them all back."

Makarov: ... Who are you exactly ?

"It's true that I haven't introduced myself yet... Y/n 'Giratina' L/n, dragon god of chaos and destruction."

His jaw was on the floor, as the wall right behind us was busted away with a flaming explosion.


"Wow ! Calm down here dude."

Natsu: I heard you talking about a dragon ! Where is it !! maybe it's Igneel !

"Igneel ? If that's a dragon too ? I never hard of it."

Natsu: Wait, you're the dragon ? You really don't look like one...

"Long story. Anyway, like I said, it was really nice of you to tend to my wounds, but I really must go now."

Makarov: Wait, boy. Do you at least knows where to look ?!

"Not really, but they emit the same power as me, I'll recognize it miles away."

Makarov: You really don't know where you landed, right ? When you woke up the first time, you went to fight Erza, and finally was knocked out by Natsu. I'm telling you, there are much more powerful mages out there, it would be reckless for you to go alone in your state...

"While it may be true, what do you propose then ?"

Makarov: Why don't you stay here for a while ? I'm sure you'd make a great member for Fairy Tail, and we could help looking for your lost crystals. So what do you say ?

"I guess I don't really have a choice, if what you said was true... I accept."

Natsu: Sweet ! I'll help you too, but there's one thing I want in return !

"What is it ?"

Natsu: Once you've got them all back, I want to fight you ! I knocked you out back there, but since you were weakened, it doesn't count ! I wanna fight you when you're at you full power !

"Your funeral. But if it's what you really want, then your help is more than welcome !"

Makarov: then it's settled ! Y/n, I humbly welcome you in the guild of Fairy Tail !

'I feel a whole looooot of problems coming up.'

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