Chapter 2: Salamander

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 " ": you talking

' ': you thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Several weeks later...

Era, the magic council:

*Shkling... gnilkhS*

(That's my best impression of something being shattered then repaired.)

Michello: Ultear, stop playing around during the meeting.

Ultear: But I'm bored. Aren't you, master Siegrain ?

Siegrain: yeah, I'm bored too. I hope someone will cause some trouble soon.

Org: W-Watch your mouth ! How could these brats become council members ?!

Siegrain: 'cause our magical power is high. Old fart.


Gran Doma: Silence, both of you. The magical world is always filled with many problems. But we especially want to take care of those idiots of Fairy Tail.

Your POV:

The port city of Harujion. Currently at the train station, getting out of the train.

Employee: E-excuse me, sir ? A-Are you okay ?

"Yeah, don't worry, this happens all the time. Get up Natsu, we're here already."

Natsu: Impossible ! I will never ride a train ever again... Barf...

Happy: if the info we got is correct, Salamander should be in this town. let's go.

Natsu: L-Let me... Rest for a while.

Happy: Okay.

Mew: Annnd it departed already.

Natsu: Heeeeeeelp meeeeeee !!

"So... Do we wait for him to return, or can we directly go and fetch him ?"

Lucy: Eeeh ?! There's only one magic store in this town ?

*Mage girl: Lucy*

Shopkeeper: Yes... This town is more prosperous in fishing than magic to begin with. Only less than 10% of the townspeople can use magic, so this store is mainly targeting traveling mages.

Lucy: Sigh... I think I've wasted my time.

Shopkeeper: Please don't say that and have a look around. We have some new items, too. This "colors magic" is probably the most popular one among girls. Depending on your daily mood, you can change the color of your outfit and-

Lucy: I already have it. I'm looking for the keys of the gates. Strong ones.

Shopkeeper: gates, huh ? That's quite uncommon.

Lucy: Ah ! White Doggy !!!

Shopkeeper: That's not strong at all...

Lucy: It's okay, I've been looking for it. How much is it ?

Shopkeeper: 20,000 jewels.

Lucy: I wonder how much it is.

Shopkeeper: I said 20,000 jewels.

Lucy: I wonder how much it really is, dandy mister~.

Lucy: Tch ! He only gave me a 1,000 jewels discount. Is my sex-appeal only worth 1,000 jewels ?!

Lucy: What's going on ?

RG: A famous mage is in town !! It's the great mage Salamander !!

Lucy: Salamander ?! Y-You mean the mage who controls the magic of fire that can't be bought in stores ? He's in town ?! He's popular, I wonder if he looks cool.

Natsu: I ended up riding that train twice.

"Hey, we wanted to save you, but apparently we're not allowed to, so we had to wait."

Happy: You're so bad with transportation.

Natsu: And I'm hungry...

Mew: Of course you are, I feel sorry for the ones who have to clean your mess in the train. And we don't have any money...

Natsu: You guys really think that salamander guy and Igneel are the same person ?

Happy: Yup, I can only think of Igneel when I hear of a fire dragon.

Natsu: That's what I thought, too.

"I met a dragon fire once, but it was named Reshiram. Don't think it has anything to do with Igneel."

Natsu: Same here. But I finally found him ! I feel a little bit better now !

Right in front of us, was a noisy crowd, exclusively composed of girls, squealing the name Salamander.

Natsu: See ! Speak of the devil !

"Oh god, it's Kiba all over again... Wonder how he's doing, though..."

Lucy: 'Wha... Wha... Wha... Why is my heart beating so fast ?!!'

Salamander: Ha ha, there it is, I can't walk like this.

Lucy: 'W-Wait... What happened to me ?! Kyaaa ! Is is because he's a famous mage ? Is that why my heart is beating so fast ?! I'm... maybe...'

Natsu: Igneel ! Igneel !! IGNEEL !!!!

By bursting through the crowd, Natsu made everyone froze stiff, and strangely enough, the hearts in one of the girls eyes... Fell off ? But Natsu was as confused as me, mostly about who was in front of him.

Natsu: Who are you ?

Salamander: Oh, maybe you know me as the great mage Salamander- Gone already ?!


Natsu: What the heck ?!

Salamander: that's enough, girls. He didn't really mean it, either.

Girls: AAAHN... You're so kind...

Salamander: Here, I'll give you my signature. You can show it off to your friends.

"Thanks, but we're kinda in a hurry here, so no."

5 seconds later, me and Natsu were beaten and bruised on the ground a little farther away.


"W... What just happened ?"

Happy: Well, looks like it wasn't him, finally.

Salamander: I appreciate your enthusiastic welcome, but I have errands to run at the port. So please excuse me.

Salamander: we're having a party on the ship tonight. Of course you're all invited.

*Many Kyaaaah's later.*

Natsu: What is he ?

"A stupid poser."

Lucy: He is really disgusting. Thanks for earlier.

"Who are you again ?"

Natsu: Yhuurr ah naiz burzoon. (You are a nice person.)

Happy: Yhup yhup.

"I'm... I'm not hungry anymore..."

Mew: Same here. I think they're more food on the walls than in his stomach now.

Lucy: ha ha ha... So, you guys are Natsu, Happy, Y/n and Mew, right ? I understand you, so just eat slowly, or things will keep splashing all over the place... 'And the discount I got sooner is all gone now...'

Lucy: That Salamander guy was using a seduction spell. it's a magic that attracts other people's hearts to the caster, and was already banned several years ago... But trying to get girl's attention by using such magic, how disgusting.

Lucy: Though, thanks to you guys jumping in, the charm on me wore off.

Natsu: I zee.

"You're welcome. The more I think of it, the more that guy reminds me of Riser... Not really a good new."

Lucy: I may not look like it, but I'm a mage too. I'm not a member of any guild yet, though. Ah, maybe you don't know what this is...

Lucy: A guild is an association of mages, and it will mediate jobs and other information to mages. Mages won't be considered full-fledged until they work for a guild.

"Um... About that-"

Lucy: BUT !! BUT !! There are many guilds all over the world, and it's pretty hard to get into the guilds that are popular.

'She's in her little world...'

Many great mages will gather at the one I want to get into. Aah... What should I do ?! I want to get in, but I bet it'll be hard...

"Yeah, well-"

Lucy: Ah, sorry about that, you probably didn't understand a single word of what I said, sorry to bother you with my stories like that. But i'll surely join that guild. I bet I can get many jobs there.

Natsu: I... I see...

Happy: You talk a lot.

Lucy: By the way, aren't you guys looking for someone ?

Happy: Aye; it's Igneel.

Natsu: I heard that Salamander is coming to this town. So we came, but it was the wrong person.

"I guess it's back to step one if we want to find him."

Happy: This Salamander didn't look like a salamander.

Natsu: I totally believed that is was Igneel, too.

Lucy: How could a human look like a salamander ?

"Oh, that's because he's not human. Igneel is a real dragon."


Natsu/Happy: Heh ?

"I find this really... Well, I'm here, right ?"

Mew: Maybe the dragons in this world don't have the ability to transform into a human form...


Lucy: I guess I better get going... But go ahead and take your time.


Happy: THANK YOU !!!

"Guys, you're being really embarrassing here..."

Lucy: D-Don't worry, you helped me, too... So we're even now, right ?

Natsu: I don't feel like I've helped you at all...

Happy: Aye... I don't feel right...

Natsu: Oh yeah ! Here, you can have this, it's a gift.


*The magazine Weekly Sorcerer, a magazine specialized in magic.*

Lucy: Fairy Tail caused trouble again ?! What is it this time ? They destroyed the Devon thief family, but also destroyed 7 other houses that belonged to the townspeople... HA HA HA HA HA HA !! That's way too much !!

Lucy: Mirajane is on the cover... fairy Tail's drawing card, Mirajane. I wonder if someone like her would be so reckless, too. I mean, how do I join fairy Tail ? Do I have to learn some strong magic ? I wonder if I have to go through interviews. But Fairy Tail, it's the best guild of mages !

Salamander, appearing from a bush behind her: I see, you want to join Fairy tail.

Lucy: S-Salamander ?

Salamander: Oh man, I've been looking all over for you... I really wanted to invite a beautiful lady like you to our party on the ship.

Lucy: H-Huh ?! Let me tell you first, your charm won't work on me anymore ! The weak point of that charm is the "understanding"... As long as the person knows about it, that magic is useless !

Salamander: I knew it ! I knew you were a mage when our eyes met. it's okay, I'll be happy if you just come to the party.

Lucy: There's no way I would come to such a nasty guy's party.

Salamander: Nasty ? Me ?

Lucy: I'm talking about the charm. Do you want to get popular that much ?

Salamander: That's only a trial. I just want to be a celebrity during the party.

Lucy: You're an idiot not even close to being a popular mage.

Salamander: Wait up ! You... Want to join Fairy Tail, right ?

Lucy: *Stop*

Salamander: Have you ever heard of Salamander, from Fairy Tail ?


Salamander: I am. If you want to join, I can talk to the master for you.

Lucy: It'll be a wonderful party, won't it ?

Salamander: Y-Your personality is easy to understand, huh...

Lucy: C-Can I really join Fairy Tail ?!

Salamander: of course. But please don't tell anyone about the charm.

Lucy: Okay ! OKAAAY !!!

Salamander: I'll see you at the party then.

Lucy: Roger sir ! ... ... ... Hack !! I fell for a pseudo-charm !

Lucy: I can join Fairy Tail !! Woohooooooo !!! I'll just have to be friendly with that idiot until I join.

Natsu: Phaa !! I ate a lot !!

Happy: Aye.

"You could've eaten even more, if half your food wasn't splashed all over the walls of that tavern..."

Mew: There's a boat over there. You think it's that Salamander guy's ? He said he'd have a party on a ship.

Natsu: barf... I feel... Sick !

"We really need to do something about that motion sickness of yours, Natsu, if you're getting sick just by looking at a boat..."

Natsu: Urp...

RG: Look, look !! That's the ship. Salamander's ship ! Aww, I wanted to go to the party, too.

RG2: Salamander ? Who's that ?

RG: You don't know about him ? he's that great mage who's currently in town. I heard he's a mage from that famous Fairy tail guild.

"Fairy Tail ?"

Natsu: The boat... Barf...

Salamander: Lucy, Huh ? that's such a pretty name.

Lucy: Thanks.

Salamander: Let's toast with a glass of wine first.

Lucy: Don't you have to attend to other girls ?

Salamander: it's okay. I just feel like drinking with you.

Salamander: Try opening your mouth. Pearls of wine will slowly come in.

Lucy: 'How annoying ! I just have to be patient !! patience, patience...'

Lucy: What are you planning ? This is a sleeping drug, isn't it ?

Salamander: Oohhh, how did you know ?

Lucy: Don't misunderstand me, I want to join Fairy tail, but I have no intention at all to become your girl.

Salamander: You're a bad girl. If you just were to sleep peacefully, you wouldn't have to get hurt...

Lucy: Eh ?

From behind the curtains, someone grabbed her arms, revealing a bunch of tough-looking guys, carrying the other girls, unconscious or asleep.

Grunt: Oooh, good job, Salamander sir, we haven't had such a pretty one for a while.

Lucy: What's going on ?! Who are you ?!

Salamander: Welcome to our slave ship. I must ask you to remain silent until we get to Bosco, lady.

Lucy: Eh ?!! Wait, Bosco... What happened to Fairy Tail ?!

Salamander: I told you it's a slave ship. I brought you in as merchandise from the beginning. Just give up.

Grunt: You thought this out well, Salamander sir. When girls are influenced by the charm, they will fawn to become our merchandise.

Grunt 2: It seems that charm won't work on this lady, so we'll just have to train her a little.

Lucy: 'N-No.. This can't be... What is he... ?! How can someone do something like this... ?'

Salamander: Hrmm. The keys of gates, huh ? I see you are a stellar spirit mage.

Grunt: Stellar spirit ? What is that ? We have absolutely no clue about magic.

Salamander: Well, don't worry about it. Only contracted mages can use this magic. Meaning, it's useless for me.


Lucy: 'So... So this is a mage of Fairy Tail !!'

Salamander: let me brand you as a slave first. It'll be a little hot, but please bear with it.

Lucy: 'Abusing magic... Cheating people... And performing slavery ?!!' You are the worst mage ever !

The one who crashed, both through the roof and the reception at the same time, was in fact Natsu, looking really pissed off.

Salamander: T-The brat from earlier ?!!

Lucy: Natsu ?!

Little did Natsu knew, but got quickly reminded of, is that he currently was on a boat.

Natsu: Barf... No, I can't take it.

Lucy: EEEH !!? THAT'S LAME !!!

Salamander: Wha-What's going on ?! Why would a brat fall from the sky ?!

Grunt: And he's already got motion sickness, too...

"Yeah, the poor guy can't stand vehicles. Wonder where it comes from."

Happy: Lucy what are you doing ?

Lucy: Y/n ?! Happy ?! I was fooled !! he told me he'd let me join Fairy Tail, and I ... Wait... Did you guys had wings before ?

Happy: We'll talk about that later ! let's get out of here !

He swooped in, and grabbed Lucy with his tail before flapping out as fast as he could.

Lucy: Wai... What are you going to do with Natsu and Y/n ?

Happy: I can carry only one people.

Lucy: oh dear...

Salamander: I won't let you get away !!

"Whoa there !"

Salamander: Don't let that women get away !! It'll be a problem if she reports to the council members !!

Grunt: Yes sir !!

Happy: Whoa ! They have guns !


Happy: Lucy, listen.

Lucy: What is it at a time like this ?!

Happy: My transformation effect has worn off.


Grunt: Did... Did we get them ?

Lucy: 'I can't believe Fairy Tail is like that... No, I have to rescue those girls first. There you go !! I'm glad my keys are stuck on a shallow place.'

"Hey dude, you're okay ? I told you it was better for you to just wait at the port..."

Natsu: Fai... Ry... Tail... You...

Lucy: Pfou ! Here I come ! Open !! A door to the treasure vase palace !! AQUARIUS !!

Lucy: I'm a stellar spirit mage. I can use the keys of the gates to summon stellar spirits from another world ! Now Aquarius ! Use your power to send the ship back to the coast !

Aquarius: Tch.

Lucy: Did you just reply "Tch" ?!! Don't be picky about something like that !!

Aquarius: You are such a noisy kid. Let me tell you one thing. If you drop my key again, I will kill you.

Lucy: I... I'm sorry...

Lucy: Don't flush me along !!

Townspeople: Wha-What's that ?! A ship stormed in the port !!

Salamander: What's... Going on ?!!

Natsu: It stopped. The rocking, it finally stopped.

Lucy: What were you thinking ?! How could you flush me along, too ?!

Aquarius: my bad... I flushed the ship as well.

Lucy: Where you aiming at me ?!!

Aquarius: Don't call me for a while. I'm going on a trip for a week with my boyfriend. With my boyfriend.

Lucy: No need to repeat !! She's so selfish !

Mew: I can tell you two don't really get along, huh ?

Happy: When did you got here ?

Mew: Y/n asked me to stay back in case they tried to escape.

Lucy: but I did it !! once the military personnel hears about it and arrive at the scene, all the other girls will be safe, too. I'm so nice !!

Happy: Oh yes, we forgot the other two inside.

Lucy: Natsu, Y/n !! Are you oka-

Natsu: *Menacing*

"Lucy, I would highly recommend you to get away, or else you might get hurt."

Salamander: brats... You shouldn't get on other people's ships without permission. Hey !! throw them out, quick !

Grunts: Yes sir !

Lucy: Oh no !! leave it up to...

Mew: Do not worry. We haven't told you, but the two of them are mages, too.

Lucy: EHHH ?!

"So, you're telling you're a mage of Fairy Tail, right ?"

Salamander: What about it ?!

Natsu: Let me take a good look at your face.

Natsu/Y/n: We're Natsu and Y/n, from Fairy Tail !! And We've never seen you before !!

Now they could see our marks, located on Natsu's right shoulder, and my left forearm.

Lucy: FAIRY TAIL ?!! They are mages from Fairy tail ?!!

Grunts: That... That mark !! They're the real deal, Bora sir !!

Bora: I-Idiots !! Don't call me by that name !!

Happy: Bora, Bora of Prominence. He was banished from a mage guild called "Titan nose" several years ago.

Lucy: I've heard about him ! He committed several thefts using magic and got banished.

Natsu: I don't care if you are a bastard or a saint, but I can't forgive you for using our name !!

Bora: Whatever !! You're just a couple of noisy brats !!!

Lucy: Natsu !! Y/n !

Mew: Don't worry.

Natsu: Awful. What is it ? Are you really a fire mage ? I've never tasted such an awful "Fire".

"Someone fetches me a lighter, I'm sure I can do more damage with two dry twigs."

Natsu: Fuuuu... Thanks for the food anyway.


Grunts: Fire ?!! Did that one just eat fire ?!!

Happy: it's no use, fire won't work on them.

Lucy: I've never seen such magic !! Being unaffected by that is already outstanding, but eating the fire...

Natsu: Now that I've eaten, I'm all fired up !! HERE WE COME !!

Grunt: Can... Can they be...

Natsu: Fire dragon...

"Chaotic dragon..."

"Grunt: B-Bora, sir ! I've seen them before !

Bora: Huh ?!!

Grunt: Rosy hair and a scales-like scarf... Six wings that looks like they're made of mist... No doubt !! They're really from Fairy Tail ! he's... the real...

Natsu/Y/n: ROAR !!!

Lucy: Salamander... But who is the other...

"We'll show you..."

Natsu: the real power of a mage...

The two: OF FAIRY TAIL !!!

Lucy: Natsu's eating fire and punching with fire... is it really magic ?!

Happy: Dragon lungs spew flames, it's scales melt flames, and it's nails are dressed with flames. This is an ancient spell that converts the body to a dragon's constitution.

Lucy: What's that ?!

Happy: It was originally a spell used to attack dragons.

Lucy: I see... Of course...

Happy: it's the dragonslayer spell ! Igneel taught Natsu this.

Lucy: it's weird that a dragon taught someone a dragon slaying magic, isn't it ? But you didn't doubt it at all, huh ?

Lucy: But then, what about Y/n ? is he a dragonslayer, too ?

Mew: No, he's a real dragon. Well, at least, in soul, he's a literal one.


Mew: Why do we always get that kind of reactions...

Happy: I told you, it's because he doesn't have horns, so people are confused.

Lucy: That's probably the least important thing here... Dragon, and dragonslayer...

Mew: I guess that's why they got along so well.

Lucy: Amazing... Amazing but...

Natsu/Y/n: Fire dragon.../Chaotic dragon... IRON FIST !!!


Happy: Aye.

Lucy: Don't you dare "Aye" me !!

Commander: Wh-What's all this ruckus about ?!!

Lucy: The military !!

Natsu: Crap ! Let's run !

Lucy: Why me ?!!

"Hey, make up your mind already, I thought you wanted to join Fairy Tail, right ?"

Natsu: Then come with us !

Lucy: Okay !!!

Council member: Those idiots of Fairy tail did it again !! They destroyed half the port ! Can you believe that ?!! I won't be surprised if a town disappears one day !!

Council member: Don't jinx it, I feel like they really might do that. Anyway, I reported to the government that they did it to arrest the criminal Bora. Geez...

Siegrain: I like those idiots though.

Org: You, just shut up !!

Michello: It's true that they're a bunch of idiots, but it's also true that they have a lot of skillful mages. that's why we're quite at loss. Indeed a tricky subject.

Siegrain: Just let them be. After all, if we didn't have idiots like that, this world wouldn't be fun.

You may have noticed it already, but almost all my fanfictions will be based on the mangas, and not the animes.

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