Chapter 3: Welcome to Fairy tail

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lucy: Wah... It's huge.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail !"

Mage: Mirajane ! 3 beers this way, please !!

Mirajane: Coming right up.

Wakaba: Mirajaaaaane~.

Mirajane: Yes, yes. What is it ?

Using the smoke from his cigarette, Wakaba formed a bunch of hearts in the air.

Wakaba: let's go on a date next time.

Mage: Ah ! Hey, don't be sneaky !

Mirajane: Sigh... Do you really want me to tell your wife ?

Wakaba: DWAAAAH ! Stop it ! I'm seeing her enough already, don't transform into her !!!


"Everyone hide, Natsu's pissed !"

Mirajane: Natsu, Y/n, welcome back.

Krov: You guys overdid it again. I read about the Harujion incident in the newspaper...


Mirajane: My... Now that Natsu is back, the hall might be torn apart soon.

" 'Might' ? More like 'Will' be torn apart'."

Wakaba: It's already being torn apart !!!

Krov: Someone stop Natsu, please !!

Mage: Owwww... Happy came flying this way !

Happy: Aye.

Lucy: Whoa... I really came to Fairy Tail.

"I know it's rather puzzling at first, but you get used to it."

Gray: Did you say Natsu is back ?!! Let's settle our fight from the other time !! Punk !!

"That's Gray Fullbuster. He's really capable, but he tend to... 'getting comfortable', as you can see..."

Cana: Gray, where are your clothes ?

Gray: ACK ! Shit !!!

Cana: Another one of those undignified guys...

"I present you Cana Alberona. She is without doubt the heaviest drinker of all the guild."

And just to prove my point, she started to chug down an entire barrel of alcohol.

Gray: Heeey !!! Natsu !! Fight me !!

Natsu: Come back after you put on some clothes !

Elfman: What rubbish. Yapping in the middle of the day... You're not little kids, you know...

"And that is Elfman Strauss. He puts manliness above everything, and always complete his missions with his fists."

Elfman: So fight with your fists to show your manliness !

"See ?"

Lucy: So it all comes down to fighting after all...

Natsu/Gray: GET OUTTA THE WAY !!

Lucy: And he got owned !!!

Loki: Hmm ? It's so noisy here.

Lucy: Ah !! That's Loki, the top ranked "mage you want as your boyfriend" !! According to weekly sorcerer.

"Oh, so I didn't needed to present him."

Loki: Just wait for me guys !

Groupies: Good luck~~!

Lucy: And his image is officially corrupted !!! What's with this place ? None of them are normal...

"I don't know how should I take it..."

Mirajane: My, a newcomer ?

Lucy: Mirajane !!! Kyaaah !! The real one !! But... Shouldn't you try to stop them ?!

Mirajane: It happens all the time, you don't have to worry about it.

"Besides, I already tried once, and had to spend three days in the infirmary afterwards..."

Mirajane: And...



Mirajane: ... isn't it fun this way ?

Lucy: 'It's scary !!!'

At that moment, Gray went crashing on the table next to us, his last piece of clothing being currently in Natsu's hands.

Gray: AAAH !!! My underwear !!!


Gray: Lady, if you don't mind, please lend me your under...

Lucy: NO WAY I'D DO THAT !!!

Loki: Ah geez... People with no elegance are really troublesome, don't you think ? By the way, which modeling do you belong to ?

Lucy: What is this ?!

"Loki, you can't just pick up girls like that..."

Elfman: Men should fight with fists !!!

Natsu: I said you're getting in our way.

Cana: Aaaaah, so noisy. I can't even drink peacefully. Guys, it's time... To end this...

Gray: I've had enough of it !!!

Elfman: NUOOOOOOH !!!!

Loki: What a troublesome bunch...

Natsu: COME AND GET ME !!!!


"Alright, now this is dangerous."

???: That's enough...



But it was effective, everyone completely stopped fighting at once.

Mirajane: My, you were here, master ?

Lucy: MASTER ?!!

"Yep. The only one who can stop them."

Gray: Tch.

Elfman: Hmph.

Loki: It was scary, wasn't it ?

Groupies: It was.

Cana: I want booze.

Natsu: WAHAHAHAHA !!! You all got so scared !! This match is my wi- !!


"Hey there, master."

Makarov: Hum ? A newcomer ?

Lucy: Y... yes...

Makarov: NUUUUUU...

Makarov: Nice to meet you.

"Mew, 10 bucks he does 'That' again."

Mew: You're not taking a lot of risks here.

He jumped, and hit his head on the rail.

"Nailed it."

Makarov: You've done it again, fools. Look at all the documents I received from the council !

Lucy: The council... It's the organization that mandate mage guilds...

Makarov: First, Gray ! Good job on sweeping out the smuggling organization, but you walked around naked in town afterwards and RAN AWAY after stealing underwear that was being dried !

Gray: I don't like being naked...

"Then stop undressing yourself all the time."

Makarov: Elfman !! You had a mission to escort a VIP, but ASSAULTED him during the mission !

Elfman: But... He made fun of my hair...

Makarov: Cana, you drank 15 barrels of booze, and CHARGED IT TO THE COUNCIL !!

Cana: 15, 15... I'm sure it was only 14...

Makarov: Loki... You tried flirting with the COUNCIL MEMBER ELDER REIJI'S GRAND-DAUGHTER ! A certain talent agency charged us for damage compensation too.

Makarov: Y/n ! I know you were asked to retrieve some bandits that were hiding in a cave, but turning the entire mountain into a ravine WAS NOT necessary !!

"But it's faster that way..."

Makarov: And Natsu... You destroyed the Devon thief family, but also destroyed 7 OTHER HOUSES THAT BELONGED TO THE TOWNSPEOPLE... LEVELING A HISTORICAL CLOCK TOWER in Tully village... BURNING DOWN a church in Freesia, damaging parts of Lupinus castle. Nazuna ravine observatory COLLAPSED AND THUS STOPPED ITS OBSERVATIONS. AND DON'T THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AT HARUJION'S PORT !!

Lucy: So most of the articles covered in the magazine were done by Natsu, huh...

"I... I'm not really one to talk here..."

Makarov: Alzack... Levy... Krov... Reedus... Warren... Bisca... Etc

Warren: Even me... ?

Makarov: Guys... the council members are angry at me all the time... But..

Makarov: Those old farts can just go to hell.

Lucy: Eh ?

Makarov: Listen up. The power to overcome reasoning, is born from reasoning. Magic is not a miracle. When the "Spirit" flowing within us, and the "spirit" flowing in nature connects, they will form an embodiment for the first time. You will need a strong mentality and a lot of concentration for that. I mean, pouring all of your soul into whatever you do is the magic. If you keep worrying about the watchful eyes of the higher-ups, your magic won't improve. Do not fear the fools of the council. DO WHATEVER YOU THINK IS RIGHT !!!! THAT'S THE WAY OF THE FAIRY TAIL MAGES !!!!

Later that evening:

"It would seems that Natsu is the one called Salamander, actually."

Mew: Well, after all, he DOES fit that description pretty well...

Happy: If Natsu is the salamander, I want to be the catmander. Right ? Right ?

"What's up with that -mander thing ?"

Mirajane: So you want it here ?

Lucy: Yes !!

Mirajane: There ! Now you are a part of Fairy Tail.

Lucy: Whoa ! Natsu, Y/n, look !! She gave me the mark of Fairy Tail.

Natsu: Good for you, Luigi.


Lucy: IT'S LUCY !!!

Wakaba: Where did you find such a cutie ? I envy you, I wonder if she'd join my team.

"Keep dreaming, or you'll wake up next to your wife. Where are you going, Natsu ?"

Natsu: Work, 'cause I got no money.

Mew: Of course, all your money got swallowed to repair what you destroy, and the rest is used to buy food.

Happy: Exactly, so let's choose one with a good reward.

Natsu: Oh ! How about this one ? 160.000 jewels for exterminating some thieves !! That's it !

???: Is my daddy back yet ?

Makarov: No. You're annoying, Romeo. If you are the son of a mage, trust your father, be a good boy, and wait for him at home.

Romeo: He said he'd come back in 3 days, but it's been a week since then...

Makarov: Macao's job is at mount Hakobe, isn't it ?

Romeo: It's not that far, either !! Please look for him !! I'm worried about him !!

Makarov: No way !! Your dad is a mage !! We have no mage here who can't take care of himself !! Go home and drink your milk or something !!

Lucy: It's very strict in here, isn't it ?

Mirajane: The master is like that, but he's worried about Macao, too.

Nab: Heeey !! Natsu ! Don't break the request board !

"... Natsu..."

Natsu: Yes, I know...

Nab: Master... They're gonna do something bad...

Alzack: They... I bet they're gonna go help Macao. That stupid kid... if they do that, it'll only hurt Macao's pride.

Makarov: No one can decide what they should do. Just leave them alone.

Lucy: Wh... What happened to them, all of a sudden ?

Mirajane: The same thing happened to them. Maybe they saw themselves in Romeo. Natsu's father hasn't come back ever since he left. Though, by father, I meant a foster parent. And he's a dragon.

Lucy: A DRAGON ?!! NATSU WAS RAISED BY A DRAGON ?!! How could I believe that... ?!

Mirajane: Right ? He was found by that dragon in a forest when he was little. He taught him how to read, educated him, and even taught him magic. But one day, the dragon suddenly disappeared.

Lucy: I see... And that's Igneel.

Mew: My guess is that's one of the reasons why he grew so attached to Y/n in only a few weeks. I believe he reminds him of Igneel, as a dragon...

Mirajane: Natsu is... Looking forward to seeing Igneel one day. Isn't he cute ?

Lucy: But what about Y/n ?

Mew: He lost both his parents when he was young, they both died in an accident.

Lucy: But... If he's a dragon, how could his parents die like that ?

Mew: That's... A rather complicated story, and I believe it's up to him to tell you, not me.

Mirajane: We are... mages of Fairy Tail are, all carrying something... Wounds, pain, suffering... And I as well...

Lucy: Eh ?

Mirajane: No. Nothing.

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