Chapter 4: Dragon, ape and bull

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lucy: And so !! Mirajane invited me to go to her house when I come back~ !!

Happy: Don't steal underwear and stuff, okay ?

Lucy: Who would do that ?!

Y/n/Mew: ... Gray ?

"Why are you here anyway, Lucy ?"

Lucy: What, does it bother you ?

Mew: Not really, but do you really know where we're going ? It will be dangerous.

Lucy: I just wanted to do something that'd help Fairy Tail.

Happy: 'She just wants to raise her reputation !! I bet that's it !!'

Lucy: But, Natsu, transportation really doesn't go well with you, does it ? I pity you.

"You get used to it. Like everything that happens in the guild."

Lucy: Anyways, I'll need to find a place to stay once I find Macao...

Happy: You can live with Natsu and me !

Lucy: If you're seriously saying that, I'll pull out your whiskers, little kitty.

"I know that there are some houses for rent in town, maybe you'll find one at a reasonable price."

The carriage suddenly stopped, and the instant it did, Natsu was all better.

Natsu: It stopped !!!

Lucy: We're there ?

Driver: I... I'm sorry... We can't go any further than that with this carriage.

Lucy: What's going on ?! Even though it's up in the mountains, it's summertime !!! It's weird to have a snowstorm like this !!! I-IT'S COLD !!!

Natsu: That's because you're wearing so little.

Lucy: The same goes for you !!! How can you two be so casual about this weather ?!!

But once she turned around, she noticed that I was starting to turn blue already.

Lucy: W... What ? How come he's even more affected than me ?

Mew: Dragons are cold-blooded creatures, so they don't like that kind of climate.

Lucy: He is cold-blooded ?!

Mew: Not really, but he definitely don't like the cold...

"W... Will-o-wisp..."

I coated myself in purple flames, soon regaining a normal color for a living being.

"Phew... Much better, now let's look out for Macao."

Driver: Then I'm heading back to the town now.

Lucy: Heey !!! How are we gonna get back ?!!

Natsu: She's... really noisy.

Happy: Aye.

Lucy: Let me borrow that blanket ! O-O-O... Open... The door of the clock. HOROLOGIUM !!!

"A clock ?! What kind of spirits do you have exactly ?"

Horologium: "I'll stay in there" she says.

Natsu: What did she come here for ?

Horologium: "Speaking of that, what job did Macao come here for ?" She asks.

Natsu: You came here without knowing that ? To eliminate the brutal monster, "Balkan".

Horologium: "I want to go home" She says.

"Go ahead if you want, we say."


We heard something moving above us on a cliff, and after some rocks fell, it was...

Happy: It's Balkan !!

"No shit, we noticed !!"

But strangely enough, the monster completely ignored us, and went straight... For Lucy.

Balkan: A human woman~ ! UHOHOOOH !!


"So... I think this will be a problem in the future..."

Natsu: So that thing can speak, huh ?

Horologium: "I MEAN, SAVE MEEEEE !!!!" She says.

*My name is Lucy, a 17-years old stellar spiritual mage. After I met a flame (?) mage, Natsu, and his dragon (?) friend Y/n, I was able to join the best mages guild ever, fairy Tail ! One day they found out that one of their colleagues had not returned home from his job, so they headed out to Hakobe mount, in a rescue mission. I tagged along just out of curiosity, but...*

Lucy: How did it become like THIS ?!!!

Balkan: Uhho Uhoho Uho ho ho !!


Lucy: I wonder if this is where that monkey lives. Besides what happened to the others... ?

Balkan: Woman~.

Lucy: W-Wait, Horologium !!! Don't disappear !!!

Horologium: Time's up, farewell.

Lucy: Extension !! I demand an extension !!!


Lucy: Guys !!!


"That was a... Well, that was an entrance... At least."

Lucy: can't he appear in a normal manner ?

Natsu: Hey !! Monkey !! Where is Macao ?!

Balkan: Uho ?

Natsu: You understand what I'm saying, right ? I'm talking about Macao !! A human man.

Balkan: A man ?

Natsu: That's right !! Where did you hid him ?!!

Lucy: UWAH !! he claimed that the monkey "Hid" him ?!! 'W-Wait ! Now that I think about it... Is Macao even alive ? Maybe... Macao is already...

Natsu: Ooh !! he understood me !! Where ?!!

"I don't know why, but I'm not really surprised..."

Lucy: NATSU !!!

Balkan: Me... No likes man. Me... Likes woman~.

Lucy: NO !! He... he's not dead, is he ?!! He's a great mage and all... !!

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine."

Balkan: Me no likes man, me no likes man. Woman~, woman~ ! Uhhohohoho~.

Lucy: Woman ! Woman !! You perverted monkey ! What are you gonna do if Natsu got hurt ?!! Open... A DOOR TO THE GOLDEN BULL PALACE... TAURUS !!!!

Balkan: A bull ?!!

Lucy: Taurus, the most powerful stellar spirit in my contract, will be your opponent !!! You perverted monkey !!

Taurus: Lucy, you have nice boobs as always. Moo-re amazing than ever.

Lucy: Oh yeah... he's a pervert as well...

"I already asked that, and I'll ask it again, what kind of spirits do you have ?! 'Cause it looks like you attract the weirdest ones..."

Lucy: They're not weird ! Well, maybe...

Balkan: Uho ! Don't take my woman !!

Taurus: "My woman" ? That's a moo-st unforgivable remark !

Lucy: That's right, Taurus !! get him !!

Taurus: You should say "My boobs" instead of "My woman" !

Lucy: That's not right !!!

"Oh god no, not another Issei !!!"

Lucy: 'I used Horologium until its time limit earlier. I don't know if my magic power can last long for Taurus, but... I'll just have to beat this monkey and go find Natsu !!' TAURUS !!!

Taurus: I'm Moo-re than ready !!!!

Natsu: Hooow daaare yooou push me off the cliff ? Iiit waaas clooose...

"Took your sweet time, Natsu. Now get over ther, we still have that monkey to beat down."

Lucy: Natsu ?!! You're safe !!!


And so he had the bright idea to attack Taurus. Only Taurus.

Taurus: I can't... take it anymoo-re ...

Lucy: You weak !!! I was worrying about you so much and then you come and do this to me ?!!

Natsu: What's she talking about ?

"The bull was an ally. It was a spirit she summoned to fight."

Natsu: Oh...

Lucy: Besides, how did you survive ?!!

Natsu: All thanks to Happy, right ?

Happy: You're welcome.

Lucy: Oh yeah... I forgot that Happy had wings.

Happy: Aye. It's one of the ability-type magic: Wings.

Lucy: So you can't deal with transportation, but you're okay with Happy ?

Natsu: What are you talking about ? Happy isn't for transportation, he's a friend. You're weird.

Lucy: R-Right, I'm sorry. I'm the weird one... ?

Balkan: UHOHO !!!

"Listen here, all of Fairy Tail members are friends."

Natsu: that's right, all of them, from the geezer, Mira.

Lucy: He's coming !!!

Natsu: Gray, even if he really annoys me, Elfman...

Lucy: I got it !!! I understand !!! Guys, watch your back !!!

Natsu: Y/n, Mew, happy and even you, we are all friends. That's why...

"WE'RE TAKING MACAO HOME !! Chaotic dragon talon !!!"

Natsu: Now tell us where Macao is, or you'll end up in more pieces than we could count.

Balkan: GRRRRRR !! UHO HO !!!

He snatched a bunch of icicles from the cave's ceiling, and threw then all at us.

"Gah ! Cold !!"

Natsu: That won't work on fire, you moron !!!

Natsu: That looks painful...

Lucy: He took Taurus' Axe !!!

"At least I can deal with that !"


"H-Hey, That's heavy !!"

Lucy: Taurus !! Wake up and go back !! That way the axe will disappear, too !!

"Natsu, you hungry ? Eat away and burn him to a crisp !!"

Natsu: Roger that ! Just don't end up freezing !

He started to suck up all the flames I was coated in, until...

Natsu: Thanks, bud. Now, I'm all fired up !! Fire dragon iron fist !!!

Lucy: The fire that Y/n generated too ?!

Happy: As long as it's fire, Natsu can absorb it !

(A/n: Natsu: Fire/Fighting—Fire/Dragon. Ability: Flash fire.)

Happy: He's stuck !!

Lucy: Hey, weren't you supposed to ask this monkey where Macao is ?

Natsu: ACK !! I forgot !

Mew: And now he completely passed out.

"ACHOO !!"

The monkey started to emit larges amounts of energy, and a blinding light filled the cave.

Natsu: Wh-What's going on ?! THE MONKEY BECAME MACAO !!!

Happy: Oh, so he was "taken over" by the Balkan...

Lucy: Taken over ?!

Happy: It's a magic to take over the body !

But we had other things to worry about, as the wall behind Macao started to fall apart, making him fall in the ravine.

Natsu: GAAAH !!!

Happy: I can't keep holding the two of you !!! My wings are about to disappear, too !!!

Natsu: Y/n, do something !!!

"I can't !! My wings' freezing !!"

Lucy: NGNNN !!! You guys' heavy !!

Taurus: No Moo-re worry.

Lucy: Taurus !!

Natsu: Bull !! You're a good guy !!

"That's what I was telling you, Natsu !"

Happy: It seems he fought severely before he was "taken over".

Lucy: The wound is serious.


"It would seem that Balkans are monsters who survive by taking over human bodies..."

Lucy: the wound on his side is too deep... We can't do anything with only the first aid kit that we have. 'rather, he wouldn't survive...'



"I see, you're trying to cauterize the wound to stop the bleeding..."


Macao: Gah !! Argh... Haa... Haa... Shit... What a shame... I got... 19 of them... But... I was taken over... By the 20th.

"We understand, so don't speak anymore, or your wound will reopen !!

Lucy: 'What the... ?! There was... More than one monkey ?!! He took care of such a job by himself...'

Macao: I'm so angry at myself... Dam it !! How can I... Face... Romeo ?!

"I said shut up ! Or I punch you out myself !"

Lucy: 'Amazing... I'm really... No match for them...'

Back in the city, Romeo was still waiting at the same very spot.

Kid 1: What's so great about Fairy Tail's mages ?!!

Kid 2: They're a bunch of drunk bastards !

Romeo: N-No they're not !

Kid 1: Mages are cowards. I should become a knight when I grow up !

Kid 2: Mages are stinky like alcohol !

Romeo: Daddy !! Go do something great !!! I... I don't want to be insulted like this forever !!!

Romeo: Daddy, I... I'm sorry...

Macao: I made you worry. Sorry.

Romeo: It's okay... I'm the son of a mage.

Macao: When those brats insult you next time, ask them if THEIR old man can defeat 19 monsters by himself ! Okay ?

Romeo: Hehehe ! Natsu !! Y/n !! Happy ! Mew !! And you too, Lucy !! Thank you all, guys !!!

*July 4th: Sunny-→Snowstorm-→Sunny. Fairy Tail is a reckless and outrageous guild, but it's also fun, heartwarming and kind. I'm still a rookie mage, but I think I'll enjoy being a part of this guild a lot.*

"What are you mumbling about, Lucy ?"

Lucy: N... Nothing !!

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