Chapter 5: Armored mage

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"2 MILLION ?!! You refused 2 MILLION jewels ?!!"

Lucy: Natsu refused it... How am I gonna pay my rent now... ?

Turns out Natsu and Happy tricked Lucy into helping them on a job, and ended up refusing the reward, since they didn't really complete the job.

Mew: Well, sucks to be you.

"It's still early in the month, you've got plenty of time to do other jobs."

Lucy: I guess... "Search for a magic bracelet... Remove curse from a cursed stick... Fortune telling love with astrology... Exterminating a devil on a volcano ?!"

"Oh, that one's for me. I'll take it."

Lucy: There are many types of requests...

Mirajane: If you find anything that interests you, let me know, since master's not here right now.

Lucy: Huh ? Oh yeah, you're right.

Mirajane: he has to intend the regular meeting, so he'll be out for a while.

"Regular meeting ? I haven't been around for long, what is that ?"

Mirajane: it's a meeting where guild masters from different provinces come to report about their guilds; It's different from the council meeting, but... Ummm... I guess it can be a bit confusing. Reedus, can I borrow your light pen, please ?

Reedus: Oui.

*Magic item: Light pen. Use it to write in the air. 72 colors available.*

Mirajane: The ten council members who have connections to the government hold the highest position in the magic world. They exist to protect the order in the mage world. They also try mages who commit crimes in the guilds. Guild masters are right underneath them, their job is to smoothen communication between guilds in every province and to notify their guilds about council decisions, as well as bringing them together... It's quite a hard job to do.

Lucy: I had no idea that each guild has a connection with one another.

Mirajane: Connections between guilds are important. If you neglect these... You know...

Natsu: People from the darkness will come to get youuuuu.

Lucy: HIEEEK !!!

"Were you behind us this whole time, Natsu ? But disputable jokes apart, those 'from the darkness' guys really exist."

Mirajane: yes, we call whatever guild that doesn't belong to the league a "dark guild".

Natsu: They don't follow the law, so they're scary.

Happy: Aye.

Lucy: They'll come to recruit you one day, then.

"I believe some of them already tried... Ashes in the wind now."

Natsu: Either way, why don't you choose a job already, Lucy ?

Happy: We chose the last one without consulting you last time, so it's your turn to pick, Lucy.

Lucy: Don't joke around !! We're splitting up.

Natsu: Why ?

Lucy: You wouldn't mind taking in just any blond girl, would you ?!

Natsu: What are you talking about ? You're right, though.

Lucy: SEEEEEE !!!

"W... What happened on that job... ?"

Natsu: Though, we chose Lucy to be in the team because you're a nice person.

Gray: You don't have to force yourself to team up with anyone. I heard that you did an excellent job last time. I bet you'll get plenty of recruitment offers.

Loki: Lucy... Would you like to make a love team with me ? Just the two of us, tonight.

Lucy: No...

Loki: Huh... ?

Gray: You defeated two mages from the mercenary guild southern wolves and a gorilla-like woman, right ? You're really amazing.

Lucy: That's all Natsu...

Gray: It was you, bastard ?!!

Natsu: Got a problem with it ?!!

"Gray, your clothes..."

Gray: AAAARGH ! I forgot again !!

Natsu: What a pain in the ass.

Gray: Did you just call me a pain in the ass, you flaming piece of shit ?!!

Natsu: A massive pain in the ass, you perverted punk !!!

"And now they're at it again... Fighting each other, what are the odds ?"

Loki: You're really beautiful. Even looking through the dark shades of my sunglasses, you're still so beautiful... If I'd look at you with my naked eyes, They'd probably shatter into pieces...

Lucy: then please take those off.

At that moment, Loki finally noticed the keys Lucy had, and immediately started to panic intensely.

Loki: WUOOOH !!! Y-You're a stellar spirit mage ?!!

Happy: Aye ! She has a bull and a crab !

"A... A crab ?"

Loki: What a quirk of fate !!! Sorry !!! But this is the end of us !!

Lucy: When was there ever an "us" ? What just happened... ?

Mirajane: Loki isn't really good at dealing with stellar spirit mages. I think something happened in the past with a girl and he still hasn't got over it.

"Hey, he's back already ?"

Loki: NATSU !!! GRAY !!! THIS IS BAD !!!

Natsu/Gray: Huh ?

Loki: ERZA IS BACK !!!!

Strangely, the moment she appeared through the door, I seemed to vanish entirely.

Erza: I'm back. Is master present at the moment ?

Mirajane: Welcome back ! Master's attending the regular meeting.

Erza: I see...

Mage: E-Erza... What is that... humongous thing ?

Erza: Hmm ? This ? The local townspeople decorated the horn of the demon that I subdued. It was pretty, so I brought it back as a souvenir. Will it be a nuisance ?

Mage: N-No, not at all !!

Warren: The horn of the demon that she subdued, huh...

Happy: I wonder if she knows about mount Hakobe ?

Macao: I'm finished...

Erza: Anyways, guys... I heard you've been causing trouble again. Even if master forgives you, I won't.

Lucy: W-Who is she ?

Happy: Erza ! She's really strong.

Erza: Cana, that's an inappropriate drinking posture ! Vijeeter, if you are going to dance, do it outside ! Wakaba, your cigarette butts are all over the floor ! Nab... Are you still hanging around the request board ? Pick a job already !

Erza: Sigh... You guys give me so much trouble. I won't say anything for today.

Lucy: 'I think she already said a lot...' is she a disciplinary enforcer or something... ?

Happy: She's Erza.

Erza: By the way, are Natsu and gray here ?

Happy: Aye.

Gray: H-Hey, Erza... W-We're... B-Being g-g-good to each other... As always.

Natsu: A-Aye.


Erza: I see... best friends do fight once in a while, but I'd rather see you two being good to each other like that all the time.

Gray: Ah... No... like I've been telling you all this time, we're not best friends or anything like that...

Natsu: Aye.

Lucy: I've never seen Natsu acting like this !!!

Mirajane: Both Natsu and Gray are scared of Erza. I'll explain it using this chart.

Lucy: Eeh ?! Wait, you have to draw a chart just for that ? You're really bad at it, too...

Mirajane: Natsu picked a fight with her before and got beaten up.

Lucy: No way, that Natsu ?!!

Mirajane: And she found Gray walking around naked and beat him up, too.

Lucy: Oh my...

Mirajane: Loki was hitting on Erza once and nearly got himself killed.

Lucy: ...

Erza: I'm happy to see that both of you are doing great.

Happy: Uh, Erza... You might want to turn around now.

She did, and nothing was there. That "nothing" including the disappearance of the horn she brought back with her...

Erza: That's... odd. Natsu, Gray, did you see what happened-

They weren't here anymore, but the horn was where they stood a second ago.

Erza: ...

Turning around again, Natsu and Gray were being buddy-buddy again. Then the horn disappeared, then it reappeared, the same happening with the two scared mages.

Erza: What's happening here ?!!

She stopped when a muffled laugh started to be heard from above her, and once she looked up, I was just floating around, holding the horn in the air.

Erza: Why didn't I think of it sooner...

"Took you long enough to notice, Titania, are you getting rusty ?"

Erza: I'll show you how rusty I am, "Giratina". Don't ever think I forgot I almost beat you last time.

"Keyword being almost. The queen of fairies, losing to a dragon, that's some irony."

Lucy: Why... Why isn't he scared of her ?

Mirajane: Y/n is one of a few members that are not scared of Erza. If I had to guess, I'd say they're roughly equally matched in power.

Erza: We'll talk about that later. I actually have something to ask you, Natsu and gray. While I was at work, I heard something troubling, usually I would consult master about this, but I regard this matter as urgent, so...

Erza: I need your help. You'll come with me, right ?

"I guess I'll come, I've got nothing better to do anyway."

Cana: Wh-What's going on ?! This is the first time I've ever seen Erza teaming up with someone else !!

Warren: She's someone who can defeat such a humongous monster, too...

Happy: What could it be... ?!

Erza: We'll leave tomorrow. Prepare yourselves.

Gray: Ah... No... Wai-

Natsu: I never said I'd come !!

Erza: I'll tell you about the details on the way.

Mirajane: Erza... Natsu... Gray... And Y/n. I've never imagined this, but...It might very well be the strongest team in Fairy Tail...



Natsu: YAAAH !!

Lucy: Wh-what are you doing ?!!

Natsu: You're Natsu from now on.

"It won't work."

Happy: Aye.

???: Which guild was that girl from ?

???2: I dunno.

???: She was gorgeous... Shit !! I should've made a move on her.

???2: You wouldn't stand a chance.

???: WHAT ?!

Erigor: Is Kageyama back yet ?

???3: It's not an easy task to break the seal of "that" thing, so it can't be helped.

Erigor: Don't be hesitant, now is our chance. Now, when the geezers are attending the regular meeting...

Back to school I go, so now my stories will be updaded weekly. Every Sunday for Fairy Tail.

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