Chapter 6: Natsu vs... The train...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Natsu: Why does that monster Erza need our help ?

Gray: How would I know ? Besides, if she does need "help", I alone would be sufficient.



Lucy: You two are causing trouble, so just shut up !!!! geez ! Why can't you get along with each other ?

"Why are you here anyway ?"

Lucy: Mirajane asked me to...

Mirajane: It's true that it'd be wonderful if those four form a team, but the fact that Natsu and gray don't really get along worries me. Lucy, can you tag along and be a mediator ?

Lucy: EEEH ?!!

Reedus: My pen... ?

"You're not doing a good job at it, you know ?"

Happy: Admit it, you really wanted to come along, didn't you ?

Lucy: No way !! Wait, if those two need someone as a mediator, why not one of you ?!

"She knows that I would probably make things worst anyways."

Lucy: my poor happy, Mira forgot about your existence...

Happy: Aye.

"She is... kind of an airhead, to be honest..."

Gray: Why do you always carry around your sleeping bag ?

Natsu: To sleep in it, duh.

"This is getting really troublesome..."

Lucy:... Ah ! Lady Erza, this way !!

When she pronounced those enchanted words, Natsu and Gray went from clashing forehead to being best buddies.

Gray: Let's be nice to each other !

Natsu: Aye aye sir !

"I have to admit, this is pretty funny. I think I'll keep this in mind... For now."

Natsu/Gray: YOU TRICKED US !!!

Lucy: maybe you guys really do get along after all.

Erza: Sorry, did I make you wait ?

Lucy: That's... TOO MUCH LUGGAGE !!!

"Erza, you monster... How many cake stores did you raided to fill your luggage ?"

Erza: I don't know, do you remember how many monsters you subdued in your life ?

Lucy: Wait, all of this is cakes ?!

Erza: Hm ? You were in the guild yesterday...

Lucy: I'm a new member, Lucy. Mirajane asked me to tag along, I'll try to be useful.

Erza: I'm Erza, nice to meet you. I see... So you're the one that the people in the guild were talking about. I heard you defeated a mercenary gorilla... You're very promising.

Lucy: That was... Natsu. And those facts are slightly twisted...

Erza: This mission might be a bit risky, but seeing how you did on the last job, I think you'd be okay.

Lucy: RISKY ?!!!

"What did you expect Lucy ? If Erza asked for help, it can only means danger will be present."

Lucy: EEEH ?!!

Natsu: Hmph. I don't know what our task is this time, but I'll go with you, under one condition.

Erza: Condition ?

Gray: I-IDIOT !!! I... I would work for free if it were for you, Erza !!

"Gray, there's a limit between fear and submission... You're just being pathetic..."

Erza: Say your condition.

Natsu: When we return, fight with me. I'm different from back then.

Gray: H-HEY !!! Don't rush into things !! You wanna die ?!!

"Alright Natsu, you want flowers on your grave ?"

Erza: You've really grown up. I'm not very confident in myself, but okay, I accept.

Natsu: What do you mean you're not confident ?! Fight me seriously !!!

Erza: fufu... I know, but you're strong. I just wanted to say that. Gray, do you wish to fight me, too ?

Gray: *Frantically shaking no.*


Mew: it's gonna end up just as last time, right ?

"Definitely. Just wait until we got in the train..."

"And there goes his motivation..."

Gray: You're so hopeless Natsu... Go sit somewhere else if you're gonna be annoying. Even better, don't ride on the train ! Just run !

Lucy: I know it happens every time, but it still looks really painful...

Erza: Sigh... There's no other way. Come sit next to me.

Natsu: Aye...

Erza: That should ease him a little.

"The more I think about it, the more I'm persuaded no one in Fairy Tail is actually sane..."

Lucy: Now that I think about it, I've never seen any other magic than Natsu's or Y/n's in Fairy Tail. What kind of magic do you use, lady Erza ?

Erza: You can call me Erza.

Happy: Erza's magic is beautiful. Plenty of blood came out in the end, her opponent's blood.

Lucy: How is that beautiful ?

"Silly Lucy, you don't understand art."

Erza: it's nothing special... It think Gray's magic is more beautiful.

Gray: It is ? Hmph !!

Lucy: WAH !!!

Gray: it's Ice magic.

Erza: Ice doesn't really fit you though.

Gray: Who cares ?

"ACHOO !!"

Lucy: Ice... Fire... AH !!! No wonder you two don't get along ! You guys are so straight-forward and cute.

Erza: is that so ?

Gray: Who cares about that ?!

"A-Anyway, let's get this over with, Erza. What are we up for ? If you asked for help, it must be serious."

Erza: Yeah, let me explain. I was on my way back from work, when I stopped by at a bar in Onibus, where mages gather, some folk there caught my attention...

Byard: Where's my beer ?!! Give it to me or I kill the dog !!

Waiter: I... I'm sorry.

Rayule: Byard, don't get so angry. Plus there isn't any dog here.

Byard: How can I not be irritated by this ?!! We finally found the hidden "Lullaby", but it was all sealed up !! How'd they do that ?! We can't break the seal at all !!

Rayule: idiot !! You're too loud !

Karacka: Yup. Noisy.

Byard: SHIT !!

Kageyama: It's not like we can't break the seal, even with more people. I'll take care of the rest, so you guys just go on and head back to the guild. Please let Erigor know, I will definitely come back with the lullaby in three days.

Rayule: For real ?! Did you figure out how to break the seal ?

Byard: OOH !! Good job, Kageyama !!!

Gray: Lullaby ?

Mew: is it some sort of magic that can put people to sleep ?

Erza: I don't know, but since it is sealed, it probably contains some powerful magic.

Gray: I don't get it... So you came across some folks who wanted to break the seal of some unknown magic. Maybe that's all it was, their job, nothing special.

Erza: Yeah... That's what I told myself, too, and didn't give it any more thought... Until I heard the name Erigor. The ace of the mage guild Eisenwald, shinigami Erigor.

"Shinigami ? As in 'Grim reaper' ?"

Erza: It's a nickname people gave him because he kept taking up assassination requests. The council prohibits mages from taking assassination requests, but Eisenwald chose money. So then, 6 years ago, the guild was ousted from the mage guild league, and is now categorized as a dark guild.

Lucy: DARK GUILD ?!!

Happy: Lucy, your skin is producing juice.

Lucy: It's sweat !! Wait !! You said ousted... But didn't they get punished ?!

Erza: They were. Eisenwald's master was arrested and the guild was ordered to disband themselves. Though, most of the dark guilds keep on functioning regardless and ignore the order.

Lucy: ... Maybe I'll go back home...

Mew: Again ?

Erza: It was a blunder on my part... if only I remembered the name Erigor back then at the bar... I would've put them all in a blood offering...

Lucy: Hieeeek !

Gray: Right. It it was just the folks at the scene, you probably could handle them all by yourself, Erza. But when it's the entire guild...

Erza: They got a hold of this magic called Lullaby and are plotting something. I judged that we cannot overlook this matter. We'll march into Eisenwald.

Gray: Sounds interesting.

"Now that's something fun to do, isn't it Natsu ? Natsu ? Has any of you seen Natsu ?"

Lucy: Huh ? No way ?!! WE FORGOT NATSU ON THE TRAIN !!!

Natsu: *Suffering*

???: Sir, is this seat taken ? My, my, my, you seem to be in pain. Are you okay ?

Kageyama: Fairy tail, huh ? A regular guild... I envy you.

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