Chapter 7: A fly can sting

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Erza: How could I have done that ?!! I was too focused on talking, and left Natsu in the train !! He's not good at dealing with transportation, either !! It's all my fault !!! Hit me, would you ?!!

Lucy: There, there, calm down.

Erza: So that's what going on !! I'll stop the train !!

employee: Wh-What's going on ?

Lucy: people in Fairy Tail are very similar, aren't they... ?

Gray: Hey !! I'm normal.

Lucy: How can an exhibitionist be normal ?!

Erza: It's for our friend, please

Employee: Stop talking nonsense !! We can't stop the train just for one person who didn't manage to get off !!

Erza: Happy !

Happy: Aye sir !!!


Erza: Let's go after Natsu !! Excuse us, but deliver our luggage to "Hotel Chili".

Tourist: Who... Are you ?

Lucy: It... Became such a mess...

Gray: Indeed.

Lucy: Your outfit !! How ?!!

Erza: Let's hurry !! But has someone seen Y/n ?

Happy: Aye. He flew off after the train with Mew a while ago already.

Kageyama: Speaking of Fairy Tail... Mirajane's famous, isn't she ? She's in magazines sometimes, and she's beautiful. I wonder why she's not active anymore. She's still young, too. And, I don't know the name, but I heard the new girl's cute, do you know her ?

Kageyama: I noticed that regular guilds have many cute girls... I envy you. There are no girls in my guild. Would you please share some ? Or so I'd say...

Kageyama: Don't ignore me, that's being discriminatory to dark guilds.

Natsu: Huh ?

Kageyama: Oh ! You finally talked.

Natsu: W-Wha... You... Doin'... ?

Kageyama: 'Xcuse me ? I can't really understand you. Fairy Tail has been getting a lot of attention lately. You know, stuck up people like that annoy the hell outta me. Especially that new guy who joined you, what was his name again...


Kageyama: No, that's something different... HUH ?!!

The wall of the wagon busted open, revealing me and Mew flying alongside the train.

"Natsu, you okay there bud ?"

Natsu: Bleeeergh...

"Yeah, kinda expected that one..."

Kageyama: Oh, look, your little friends came to help you, ain't that cute. Do you know how we call Fairy Tail ? The little flies... here, fly swatting !! He heh.

Natsu: You... Rrrgh...

Kageyama: Oooh, you're gonna go for it ?

Natsu: KUWAAAAH !! Barf...

"Seriously, what are they waiting for stopping that train ?!"

Kageyama: HYAHAHAHA !! What kind of magic is that ?!You've got to use your magic... LIKE THAT !!!

From his very shadow, hands of darkness appeared and struck Natsu multiple times in the face, taking advantage of his motion sickness. Then the train finally stopped.

Kageyama: Uwah !! What ?! Emergency break ?!!

Natsu: It stopped... The train finally stopped... Ey, thank you so much for earlier. THIS IS FOR YOU !!!

Natsu: And that's a fly punch !

Kageyama: B-bastard...

Announcer: We've confirmed that the emergency brake was due to a false report. We'll depart shortly. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Natsu: Shit... I'm outta here !!!

"Let's go, Natsu ! Erza and the other must've found a way to get to us already !"

Kageyama: I won't let you !! You picked a fight with Eisenwald !! Don't think you can get away with it, you pathetic fly !!

"Eisenwald... ?"

Mew: But, this is...

Natsu: Same goes for you. I know your face now !! making fun of Fairy Tail and all... I'll fight you outside next ti... barf...

"... You go find Erza and the others, Natsu, I've got things to do here..."

Natsu: What... GAH ?!!

Right on cue, Erza has already "borrowed" a magical vehicle, and was already catching up with the train.

Erza: NATSU ?!!

Gray: Why did you fly out of the train ?!!

Erza: Natsu !! Are you okay ?!!

"Good, now we can talk in peace."

Kageyama: You're stupid. Throwing away your ally like that will only lead to your doom-

"Shut up. You said you were from Eisenwald, right ? I don't think you told me your name yet..."

Kageyama: Tch. It's Kageyama, but what does it change for you ?!

"Kageyama... Interesting. I'll take my leave now. Btw, thanks for the flute, I'll make sure to crush it later !"

That's when he finally noticed of the thing I was holding, a small wooden flute, arboring a skull with three empty eye-sockets.

Kageyama: Wait, when did you... GIVE IT BACK THAT INSTANT !!

"So it really is important, thanks for panicking like that. We'll see each other soon."

I jumped out of the train, searching where the rest of the gang stopped.

Gray: What the heck are you doing, Natsu, you punk !!!

Natsu: I lost my memory from the shock just now. Who are you ? You smell.

Gray: WHAAAAT ?!!

Natsu: Happy !! Erza !! Lucy !! You're terrible !!! How could you leave me behind ?!!

Erza: I apologize.

Lucy: I'm sorry...

Gray: Hey... Your amnesia seemed to occur at a really convenient time...

Erza: I'm happy that you're safe. *BONG*

Natsu: It's hard ! How am I safe ?!! A weirdo tried to pick a fight with me !! He said something about... Ei... Sen... Wald ?

Erza: You... YOU IDIOT !!!! Eisenwald is what we're after !!!

Natsu: That was the first time I heard that...

Erza: Why weren't you listening to my story ?!!

"Maybe because you knocked him unconscious ? Just maybe ?"

Erza: Anyways, he was in the train earlier, right ? let's chase it !! What did he look like ?

Natsu: Nothing special. He carried a flute with a skull on one end of it. A skull with three eyes.

Gray: What ? That's gross.

"Yes. The more I look at it, the more it's creeping me out..."

Gray: Wait... You took it from him !!

"Well, yeah. At first I didn't paid attention to that thing, but the second he saw it in my hand, he started to panic like his life depended of it, so I kept it. So this is the infamous 'Lullaby' ?"

Lucy: A flute with a three-eyed skull...

Happy: What's up, Lucy ?

Lucy: No... Can't be... It's just a made-up story... but... If that flute is the cursed song... Lullaby... Sleep... Death... That flute is the Lullaby !!! The magic of death !!

Erza: What ?!

Gray: Cursed song ?

Lucy: I've only read about it in a book... But among forbidden magic, there is such a thing as "murder by curse", right ?

Erza: Yeah... Just like the name, it'll curse the target and cast "death". it's a black magic.

Lucy: Lullaby is way worse than that...

Kunugi train station:


Byard: Kageyama...

Eligor: I may have misheard what you said, so just to be sure: You were coming back to the guild after finally managing to undo the seals on the Lullaby. Then you met two flies of Fairy Tail on your way, and one of them... STOLE THE LULLABY FROM YOU ?!!


Eligor: Do you have any idea, how hard it was to find it in the first place ? Or how screwed we are if they discover what we really intended to do with it ? I really hope for you that they didn't destroyed it yet, Kageyama...

Kageyama: W-Wait, Eligor !! They'll surely come after us ! And since the flute is unsealed, if we could take it back from them...

Eligor: I hope it's true... We absolutely need to retrieve the Lullaby. This flute was originally just a tool for "murder by curse" at first, but the great dark mage, Zelef, further developed this into a magical flute. He created such a terrible thing. "Mass-curse murder magic" Lullaby... that puts a death curse on everyone who hears its melody !! Now... Let the show BEGIN !!!

"Mass-curse murder magic ?!! If our enemy gets hold of such a thing..."

Erza: Those bastards !!! What are they trying to do ?!!

I've had some ideas, about special chapters featuring Mew, where the reader won't appear. What do you think ?

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