Chapter 8: Eisenwald

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV, Kunugi train station:

Citizen: A bunch of men carrying scythes suddenly poured into the train !!

Citizen: I know them ! They're from that dark guild somewhere around here.

Wakaba: I left the things I need for my work inside... They're more important than my wife !

Lucy: They... They took over a train ?!!

Happy: Looks like it.

Lucy: I can understand if it's a horse-drawn carriage or a boat, but a train... ?

Mew: It can only run on the rails, so it's not very beneficial to take over...

Gray: But it's got speed. Maybe they're in a hurry to carry out something they've planned ?

"Gray, stop taking off your clothes, please."

Lucy: The military forces are already on the case, so it's probably just a matter of time until they get arrested.

Erza: I sure hope so...

"But I wouldn't count on it, it's an entire guild they're going after."

Gray: Erza ! You're going to fast !! The S.E. plug is inflating !

Erza: If we let them carry out their plan, many people might die...

"We know that, but since WE have the flute, they'll most likely try and ambush us to take it back, so you should slow down before your power is completely drained."

Erza: I don't care. Worse comes to the worst, I'll grab a stick and fight. Besides, I still have you guys.

Happy: I think I had something to tell you, Lucy. I can't remember, though.

Lucy: What ?

Happy: I just told you, I can't remember.

Lucy: You're making me curious, try to remember.

Natsu: I don't... Feel so good...

Lucy: Natsu !! You're gonna fall off !

Natsu: That's... That's the plan...

Happy: Hrmm... What was it ? Lucy... Weirdo... Fish... Yummy... Lucy... Weirdo...

Lucy: NO, I'M NOT !! Ah ?!!

"What is that... ?"

Employee: Ladies and gentlemen ! Please stay back, it's dangerous here. A train was derailed by accident, so no one is allowed to go into the station ! Until we can confirm the safety inside, the station will be closed to the public.

Erza: Let's go !!

Lucy: But it's closed...

"Crystal, check... Lullaby, check... Natsu... Check ?"

Natsu: Barf...

Gray: Don't get motion sickness from people !!

Erza: What's going on inside ?

Employee: Wh-Who are you ?!

Erza: What's going on inside ?

Employee: Huh ? *BONK*

Erza: What's going on inside ?

Employee: Eeeek !!

Lucy: She... She really wants an answer, and she isn't very patient...

"That's Erza for you, now you know her a little better. let's go inside."

Lucy: Wait, why do I have to carry Natsu around ?!

Mew: Don't worry, you're doing great.

Happy: They've been defeated !!

Erza: The enemy is a guild, which means that they're all mages. A military platoon wouldn't stand a chance...

"At least they're still alive..."

Gray: Hurry up ! The platform is this way !!!

Eligor: I knew you'd come, Fairy Tail. We've been waiting for you.

Erza: You're Eligor, aren't you ?

Byard: That's... the armor girl from the other day..

Karacka: I see, so it was you who leaked out our plan.

Lucy: Natsu, wake up !! Time to work !!

Happy: Impossible, between the train, the carriage and you, it's a triple combo of motion sickness !!

Lucy: I'm considered a transportation ?!

"Don't ask us, ask him once he wake up."

Kageyama: YOU !!!

I honestly had some trouble putting a name on that guy's face, given the fact he had more scars than face now.


"... Who are you again ?"

Kageyama: It's Kageyama, dammit !!

"Alright, Kogayema, but I have no idea of where I put it."

Kageyama: You...

"Maybe I have it with me, maybe I carelessly dropped it on my way here, maybe it's already a little pile of dust and matches, for all I care."

Kageyama: *Internal AND external screaming*

Erza: What do you intend to do with it ? Depending on your answer, I might have to make you pay for it.

Eligor: We just want to fool around. We've got no job and we're really bored.

"I keep saying it, but boredom can be really dangerous."

Eligor: Don't you understand yet ? What do they have inside a train station ?

Lucy: He flew !!

Happy: It's wind magic !!

Erza: Station ?

Eligor: Time's up.

"You were planning on broadcasting the lullaby ?!!"

Eligor: There are hundreds... No, thousands of people gathering around this station now. If we broadcast it loud enough, maybe even the entire town would've heard it, the melody of death.

Erza: Indiscriminate mass-murder ?!

Eligor: We are simply cleaning up those fools who live their lives enjoying their rights, not knowing that there are people who have been revoked of their rights. Living a life oblivious to the unfairness of the world is a sin. Thus, the shinigami has come to punish them. A punishment called "Death" !!!

Lucy: Your rights will never be returned if you do that !!! Besides' you're the bad one to begin with... How disgusting.

Eligor: Now that we've come this far, it's not the "right" that we seek. We seek the "authority". If we have "Authority", we can simply wipe off the past and control the future.

Lucy: You're such a fool !!

Kageyama: You say that, but you already destroyed our plan by stealing the Lullaby. You have no idea of how much I was tortured when Eligor found out... But now, I'LL TAKE IT BACK !!

Natsu: That voice...

Kageyama: You'll give us back the Lullaby, and you'll die after catching a glimpse of the dark ages !!!

Natsu: I knew it was you !!!

Kageyama: You...

Lucy: He's revived !!

"Finally... Now Natsu, would you be so kind and burn down the flute to ashes ?"

Natsu: One moment please, I have a score to settle with this guy, and this time we're on a real battle-ground !!

Natsu: Oh ! There are so many of them.

"All of them who Stand before us are enemies !"

Eligor: 'You've fallen right into our trap, Fairy Tail... We had to spice things up here and there, but now it's back to our original plan. Once you hear the melody of the flute, it'll be too late already.' I'll leave the rest to you, don't forget to retrieve the flute. Let these clueless flies, feel the power of Eisenwald's darkness.

Erza: Are you running away, Eligor ?!!

Gray: Shit !!! Is he running to the next building ?!

Erza: Natsu !! Gray !! Both of you, go after him.

Gray/Natsu: Mmm.

Erza: If you work together, there's no way you would lose to Eligor.

Gray/Natsu: MMMMMMM...

Erza: We will take care of things here.

Lucy: When you say "We", am I included in the "We" ?

Erza: Eligor is planning to use the Lullaby in this station, we have to prevent that from happening, no matter what. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME ?!!

Gray/Natsu: O-Of course !!!

Erza: Then go !!

Natsu/Gray: Aye, sir !

Lucy: The strongest team is breaking apart !

Mage: Two of them ran away, are they going after Eligor ?

Rayule: Leave them to me. I'll get them !!!

Kageyama: As much as I'd love to take revenge on you... I can't forgive that Sakura head !!!

"Suit yourself... Koga... Thing."

Byard: Oh boy, Rayule and Kage are so belligerent. I bet it's more fun to play with the girls than those boys.

Karacka: It's all for the plan. they're much more respectable than you.

"So once we've taken care of these guys, we'll go after Gray and Natsu, then ?"

Erza: Exactly.

Byard: What can two girls do ? Both of them are gorgeous, though.

Mage: Too bad we have to kill them.

Mage: I know, how about we kill the guy, then catch and sell the girls ? We could make a show with them.

Erza: How despicable.

"Erza, do we REALLY need to capture them ? Are you sure they actually deserve to live ?"

Erza: For now, just knock them out. But I don't think anyone will scold you if two or three die here.

"Sweet. You guys don't know it yet, but you're already dead !"

While Erza took out one of her sword, I summoned my spear.

(A/n: in case you guys forgot.)

Lucy: They took out weapons !! Magic weapons !!

Mage: That's not so rare !! We have a lot of swordsmages here, too !

We bolted forward and charged the enemy, completely wiping the floor with all of them at once, and while Erza was throwing them upward, constantly ex-quipping new weapons so they couldn't counter here, I was performing lightning-fast attacks by using the walls and pillars to build-up de facto speed, and skewer the enemies Erza launched, soon even skewering them BEFORE they were launched.


Mage: J-Just who are they ?!! The girl can ex-quip her weapons so fast !!

Lucy: Ex-quip ?

Happy: Magic swords are just like your stellar spirits: They are stored in a different space and you can summon them as you please. We call that procedure to switch between weapons, ex-quip.

Lucy: I see... Amazing.

Mew: Don't blink now, Erza's and Y/n's greatness starts here.

Karacka: Erza ? Y/n ?

Erza: We still have this many people... ?

"Such trouble, let's just wipe them out at once.

Mage: WOW !! Hey armor's coming off !!

Happy: Swordsmages usually ex-quip their weapons as they fight, but Erza can fight while ex-quipping her "magic armor" to increase her ability. That's Erza's magic: THE KNIGHT !!!

Of course, the second she ex-quipped her armor, everyone was in awe. Well, Lucy was genuinely amazed, and the guys... Were checking her out.

Karacka: Erza, Y/n... ?! They can't be...

Erza/Y/n: Let's dance... SWORD DANCE/BRUTAL SWING !!!

Byard: You motherfuckers !!! I'll be your opponent !!!

Karacka: Th-There's no doubt !!! There's two of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail !! Erza the Titania and Y/n Giratina !!! Byard got knocked out with just one hit !!!

Lucy: They're so amazing !!!

Erza: he might be heading to Eligor. Lucy, go after him !

Lucy: Eeeeh ?!! ME ?!!

Erza: Please ?!!

Lucy: Yes, ma'am !!

"Just as I thought, driving the magical carriage really took a lot out of you."

Erza: I guess so... Now, it's really up to you, guys.

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