Chapter 9: A windy situation

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV, regular meeting site for provincial guild masters:

Bob: Makarov, I like the mages at your place, they're so lively ! I heard that they beat up an influential man from somewhere.

Makarov (drunk): OOOH ! Yeah, that's Lucy, our newest member !! She's good !! Her boobs, especially !!

Bob: You old pervert !!

Goldmine: It's good to be lively, but aren't you guys overdoing things ? I heard some council members are worried that you guys might smash an entire town into smithereens one day.

Makarov: Uhyohyo, I want to be smashed into smithereens by Lucy's boobs !

Bob: My~, you can't hit on your own mages like that, okay ?

Bird: master Makarov, master Makarov ! You have a letter from Mirajane !

Mirajane: Master, I hope everything is going well at the meeting.

Makarov: Look !! She's the drawing card of our guild !! Isn't she sooo cute ?!

Mirajane: While you were gone, something adorable happened ! Erza formed a team with Natsu, Y/n and gray ! Of course Lucy happy and Mew are with them, too. Don't you think it's wonderful ? I think this might very well be the strongest team in Fairy Tail. I thought I'd better inform you of this, so I wrote you a letter. See you then.

Upon discovering those events, Makarov started to sweat profusely, soon falling backward and laying on the ground, open-eyed.

Bob: MAKAROV !! What happened ?!

Makarov: 'G-Goodness gracious !! Now they might really destroy an entire town !! The regular meeting will end today and I can go back tomorrow... So don't create any mess until then !! PLEASE !!!'

Your POV:

Erza: is something the matter ?

"My pervert-o-meter is tingling... I feel the need to punch the master in the face."

Employee: Y-You !! You're the ones who barged in earlier ! What's going on inside ?

"Stop asking questions, and listen carefully. Hyper voice."


It took them a few seconds of absolute silence, before they completely got it, and started to use their legs to get out of here.

Employee: H-Hey !! Why are you making people panic ?!!

Erza: It's better than to see them die. That is the truth, of course we are doing our best to prevent it, but we can't guarantee your safety, so it's best for you to evacuate too.

Employees: Hieek ! Uwaaah !!

"The Lullaby... A forbidden magic that kills whoever is exposed to its melody... Eligor was planning to commit a mass-murder using that."

Erza: But now that there is almost no one around here, it'll be meaningless to use the Lullaby. That and the fact we have it. Now, how would he react... ?

"Th-This is... !"

"The station.. is trapped into a giant tornado ?!!"

Eligor: Hmmm ? What are a couple of flies doing outside ? Ah... You're the ones who made the bystanders run away. Hey, Titania, Giratina.

Erza: ELIGOR !! Did you do this ?!

Eligor: I really wanted to fight you, but unfortunately, I don't have time for that right now. Just stay inside and be a good girl.

Erza: Eligor !!! Agh !

She of course tried to pass through the tornado from the inside, but only ended up in hurting her own arm.

Eligor: Don't bother, this magic wall of wind only goes one way, from outside to inside. If you try to get out, the wind will slice up your body.

Erza: What are you doing ?!!

Eligor: it's a birdcage. Or rather, a flycage, though it's a little too big for that. Now, if you'll excuse me, your little friend over there still has something I'd like to get back.

"So the station isn't your real target ? You are a good actor."

Eligor: Talking won't get you out of it. Now hand over the Lullaby.

"Old news. You really thought I would be dumb enough to bring it with me directly into your hands ?"

Several miles away, up in the sky, a small pink creature was holding a wooden flute, going back to Magnolia.

Eligor: ... You what ?!

"Hey, it's your own fault for letting her go in the first place. You thought she wasn't a real threat, and now you're paying the price."

Eligor: Gh !! ... I've got no time to lose here, I have a mission to accomplish !

He launched me back inside the tornado, and sped off in a gust of wind.

"That sure hurt. But at least there's no imminent danger. We still need to find a way to get out of here."

Erza: What's going on... The station is not their target ?

Byard: I don't know. I-It's impossible... Nullifying the wall of wind, there's no way we can do that...

"Useless maggots, all of them... Hey Mew, you hear me ?"

Mew: Is something the matter ?

"Eligor went off in the opposite direction of you. You can come back with the flute, but keeps your guard up, just in case."

Mew: Roger that. Don't die in the meantime.

Gray: Erza !! Y/n !!

Erza: Gray ?! Aren't you with Natsu ?

Gray: I lost him. I mean, no time for that !!! The true target of Eisenwald is the town ahead !!! the town where the geezers are currently holding their regular meeting... he intends to use the Lullaby there !!!

"We got the general idea from him... But this station is surrounded by a giant tornado-"

Gray: Yeah !! I just saw it !! If we force ourselves out, we'll be minced meat !!

Erza: Eligor's getting closer to the masters while we waste out time here...

Gray: Don't they know how to nullify the magic wall of wind ?

"if it was the case, we would be 'convincing' them to do it already."

Erza: ... I just remembered ! There was someone called Kageyama in Eisenwald !! And if I remember correctly, he broke the seal of the Lullaby all by himself !!

Gray: Is he a dispeller ?! Then he might be able to handle the wall of wind !

"We should hurry and find him before Natsu, or else we'll need a necromancer too."

Erza: Let's capture Kageyama !!

Byard: Tch... Karacka... Are you just gonna hide forever ? You're there, right ?

Karacka: S-Sorry...

Byard: You heard everything, didn't you ? Kage's being targeted. Go to him.

Karacka: S-Spare me !! I won't be able to help him out !!

Byard: Your job is way easier than that...


"Oh ? Looks like Natsu was faster than us on that one."

Erza: It's close ! That way.

Natsu: HA HA HA !!! I won !! As you promised, tell me where Eligor is !

Kageyama: Hu hu hu... What an idiot... Eligor isn't in this station anymore.

Natsu: Huh ?

"Natsu !! that's enough !! we need him !"

Natsu: Whoa ?! What's going on ?!

Gray: Good job, shitty flame !!

Erza: Well done, Natsu.

Natsu: What's going on with you three... ? It's nothing.

Gray: We have no time to explain, we were looking for him.

Erza: Leave it to me.

Erza: I want the wall of wind to be nullified at once. You'll gain a new cut every time you say "no".

Natsu: Hey... He's all worn out. That's too cruel. I knew Erza's dangerous !

Gray: Just shut up !!

Erza: Understood ?

Kageyama: U-Under... Sto- Blarg !

He started to puke blood, and he fell over, a knife lodged deep between his shoulder blades, revealing Karacka, phasing halfway through the wall behind.

Erza: Kageyama !!

Byard: It's way easier than that... Kill Kage !!

Gray: Shit !! our last hope is...

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