Chapter 10: Wind and fire

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/voice-off

Your POV:

Erza: Kageyama !! hang in there !!! We need your help !!

But he has already fallen unconscious from the hit.

Gray: For real ?! Shit !!

"Hey... Are you sure you guys are actually comrades... Aren't you supposed to be part of the same guild... ?"

Karacka: Hie- HIEEEK !!!

"You can try to run, but nothing can hide you. Dragon pulse."

Natsu: BASTAAARD !!!

Erza: Kageyama !! Pull yourself together !!

Gray: Erza, it's no use, he's unconscious...

Erza: We can't let him die !! He's gotta do it !! He has to do it !!


Lucy: D-Did we come at a bad time... ?

Happy: Aye

Eligor: Clover town, where the guild masters gather... It's getting close. Since I've recovered most of the magic power I used up when creating the magic wall of wind, I should speed up. Those geezers who took our jobs and rights... Just wait and see. I just need to wait, sooner or later the Lullaby will fall between my hands ! It's time for you, to be purged by the Shinigami's hands !!

Lucy: Eligor's target is the regular meeting ?!

"Yeah, but with that tornado surrounding the station, we can't do anything right now."

Erza: Kageyama... Please, help us out...

"If only Mew was here... She could teleport us all out of this in no time..."

Natsu: SHIIIIIT !!! I'll just break through this !!

Lucy: Natsu !!

Gray: Idiot... You can't do anything with strength here.

Lucy: We've got to hurry !! Can't you freeze this or something with your magic ?

Gray: I would've done that a long time ago if I could.

"Well, technically, I could blast that thing off, but we'd all die in the process, along with the entire station..."

Natsu: NUAAAAAH !!!!

"Natsu, stop it ! You'll only get cut into pieces !!"

Erza: Shit !! What are we gonna do ?!!

Natsu: I know !! Stellar spirits !!

Lucy: Eh ?

Natsu: I was able to transport through the stellar spirit's world in Everlue's mansion.

Lucy: Erm... usually humans would die when they enter it... 'Cause you can't breath there. And the gate only opens where the stellar spirit mage is standing. Meaning, if you want to get out of here through stellar spirit world, we'd have at least one stellar spirit mage outside of the station.

Natsu: It's confusing !! Just do it anyway !!

Lucy: I said it's impossible !!! One more thing: It's a serious breach of contract when a human enters the stellar spirit world !! It was okay the other time because it was Everlue's key.

Happy: Everlue's... key... AH !! Lucy !! I just remembered !! The thing I was going to tell you about !!! Here.

Lucy: That's... Virgo's key ?!! You shouldn't be taking someone else's key without permission !!

Happy: No, it was Virgo who wanted you to have it.

Lucy: Whaaat ?!!

Erza: What are you talking about ?

"is it related to the 2 million you refused ?"

Natsu: Virgo... Ah !! You mean the maid gorilla !!!

"... What... ?"

Happy: She said since Everlue was arrested, their contract was broken, so she wanted a contract with you this time. She visited my place.

Lucy: That... Came to your house... I love the offer, but it's not the time for that. We have to think of a way to get out of here !!

Happy: But-

Lucy: Shush !! Just be quiet and meow meow around !!

Happy: But Virgo can dive underground... I thought that way we could go under the magic wind wall and get out of here.

Gray: What ?! Is that true ?!!

Lucy: I see !! Good job, Happy ! Sheesh, why didn't you mention that earlier ?!!

Happy: Because you were pinching me.

Lucy: Give it to me !! I am the person who connects the road to the stellar spirit world. Please answer my all and pass through the gate. Open !! the door to the maiden's palace !! VIRGO !!!

Virgo: How may I help you, mistress ?

Lucy: Eh ?!

Natsu: You lost weight.

Virgo: Sorry for causing you trouble last time.

"No matter how much I think of it, where exactly do you see a gorilla ?"

Lucy: She's a completely different person !! Y- Your appearance...

Virgo: i'm a loyal stellar spirit of my owner: I work in whatever appearance you'd like me to.

Natsu: You looked stronger and more compelling before.

Virgo: if that's the case...

Virgo: I can easily change back !

"Okay, I get it now !! I get why you were calling her a gorilla !! Now change back please !!!"

Virgo: As you wish.

Lucy: A... Anyways, we have no time !! Can we make a contract later ?!

Virgo: As you wish, mistress.

Lucy: Wait, don't call me mistress.

Virgo: Then how about, "your highness" ?

Lucy: Rejected !!

Virgo: How about "Princess" ?

Lucy: That sounds fine.

"THAT'S what you're worried about ?! Less talking more digging, please !"

Virgo: Then !! Here I go !!

Gray: Wow ! She really dived in !!

Erza: Good job, Lucy ! *Bonk*

"Great ! Now let's go through that hole."

Gray: What are you doing, Natsu ?!

Natsu: I won't feel right if he dies after fighting me.

Gray: Alright ! We made it !!

Virgo: princess ! Your underwear is almost showing.

Lucy: Why don't you hide yours ?

Kageyama: I- Impossible... There's no way you'll catch up with Eligor now... W- We won...

Erza: What do you expect him to do without the Lullaby... ? Besides, what happened to Natsu ?

Lucy: Huh ? Y/n and Happy aren't here either.

Mew: I saw them flying away, following the railroad... My best guess is that they went after Eligor.

Erza: Good, if they're together, nothing can beat them. Huh ?

She felt a weight in her pocket, only to find a blood-red crystal, and a note: *Just in case.*

Erza: Stupid...

Eligor: I see, that's the town.

Natsu: And this is... The... HAPPY EXPRESS !!!!

"Tailwind !! Iron head !!"

Eligor: Urguaf !!!

Happy: I can't... Fly... Anymore...

"Don't worry. Now that we've caught up to him, you can rest."

Eligor: Y- You... Why are you here... ?

Natsu: To defeat you !! You gentle breeze bastard !!!

Lucy: Hey... This isn't the magical four-wheeled vehicle that we rented !!

Gray: I take my hat off to Eisenwald for their precautions. They made sure our vehicle was destroyed.

Lucy: That means we'll have to provide compensations...

Kageyama: Keh... And you stole another car. How irresponsible.

Lucy: We're just borrowing it !! Erza said so.

Kageyama: ... Why did you bring me along... ?

Lucy: We had no other choice since there was no one else in town. So we're gonna take you to the hospital in Clover. You'd better be thankful.

Kageyama: No !!! I mean, why did you save me ?!! We're enemies !!! Oh, I know... You're taking me hostage so you can negotiate with Eligor... That'd be a waste of of time... he's cold blooded, there's no way he will...

Lucy: Uwaaah, what a gloomy thought.

Gray: I can kill you right now if you wanna die that badly.

Lucy: HEY, GRAY !!

Gray: life and death aren't the only two possible outcomes of a conflict, right ? You should all live your lives more positively...

The vehicle suddenly jerked to the side, almost falling off the bridge.

Gray: Erza !! Couldn't you drive a little more carefully ?!

Erza: I can't ! I can only control the steering wheel, not the speed !

Little thing to point out, she had thrown away the whole S.E. Plug system, and just plunged the crystal into the engine, basically transforming the car into a giant rocket.

Erza: 'Natsu... Y/n... You have to stop Eligor !! I'm counting on you to hold him up until we get there !! If we cannot stop him... All of the masters in this area will be in great danger !!

'Damn it... Was it really a good idea to give them my crystal... I can't fight properly like this...'

Natsu: Come !! I'll burn you, and then that dangerous flute.

Eligor: 'What happened to the magic wall of wind... Along with Kageyama and the rest ?!! I was about to arrive where those geezers are, too !! They're indeed, bothersome flies.'

Natsu: Ow... Owww...

Eligor: Die.

Natsu: Crap ! Guys !! Oh yeah !! Happy used all of his magic power !!!

Eligor: You puny flies.

"Oh well, we're falling. Natsu, any reason why we should be worried ?"

Natsu: Dunno man, any chance we could actually hit the bottom of the ravine ?

"I can fly. And carry you is just as easy."

Natsu: So no, we don't have to be worried. Although we're approaching the bottom rather quickly.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot. My bad. Fly."

Eligor: What ?! You can fly ?!

Natsu: He can fly !

"I can fly."

Eligor: Wh- What was that just now... ?

Natsu: isn't it cold when you're half-naked like that ? Why don't we heat things up a little ?

"You only had to say that, Natsu. Chaotic dragon rush attack !!"

Eligor: Urgah !!! 'He's fast !!'

Natsu: Fire dragon's claws !!!

Eligor: Gh ! Don't get carried away !! STORMBRINGER !!!!


Eligor: This is it.


"Sorry, not this time."

Eligor: What ?! You stopped it with... Your wings... ?

"Natsu ! Now !!"

Natsu: Got that ! Fire dragon...

Eligor: He can shoot flames from his mouth ?!!

Natsu: ... ROAAAAAAAR !!!

Natsu: Shit ! Don't just fly around. You're sneaky !! Come back down !!

Eligor: 'What's with these guys... ? Everything they do make no sense... Are those the mages from Fairy Tail ?' I... Underestimated your abilities a bit. Let's fight seriously now. You and me.

"Go on, try us. You'll understand the power of Fairy Tail."

Eligor: Storm Mail.

Natsu: Wow.

"Wind armor..."

Eligor: Here I come.

Kageyama: Those brats must be dead by now...

Lucy: Why would you say that ?

Kageyama: Fufu... There's no way you can break through Eligor's storm mail with just flame, no matter how strong. Ever.

Gray: Flames ? Y/n doesn't use flames.

Natsu: Fire dragon's... IRON FIST !!!

"Huh ? The flames suddenly got blown away ? Impossible !!"

Natsu: SHIIIT !!!

Eligor: Just as I thought, you can't generate that destructive power unless you're coated with fire. It's useless now... Useless, useless, useless !!

Natsu: What's going on ?!! the flames died out !!

Eligor: My Storm Mail blows wind inside out. Don't you get it ? Flames can't go against the wind. Fire simply cannot defeat wind.

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