Chapter 11: Lullaby

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/voice-off

Your POV:

"What is it with that wind ?! It's like a typhoon !"

Eligor: Your flames won't be able to reach me now. DIE !!!

Natsu: Tch !! RAAAAAAAAA !!!

Natsu: Not just the flame... But I can't get close to him, either !!!

Eligor: Take this !! Soaring wind magic that cuts up everything ! EMERA BARAM !!

Happy: Emera Baram ?!! You'll be chopped into bits if you get hit by that !!!

Eligor: DIE !!! YOU FLIES BRATS !!!

Happy: Guys !!

Eligor: Hmph. It hit them both head on, there must be nothing left of their bodies. But don't worry, once I get my hands on the Lullaby, I'll send all the geezers to your place.

"Think again, fucker. Protect."

Natsu: The Lullaby... if you want the old man's head, then fight us fair and square !!!

Eligor: What ?! They're still alive ?!! A shield ?!!

Natsu: If you're not courageous enough to fight, don't even bother !!!

Eligor: What a tenacious brat...

Once again, Natsu was blown away by the wind, and this was starting to seriously piss him off.


Eligor: It's such a bizarre magic. His emotions seem to be directly manifested into flames.

"H- Hey, is it just me, or... Did Eligor's wind just changed direction ?"

Happy: No, you're right... It is flowing toward Natsu...


Eligor: Flame of emotion... ?! I... I recall hearing about an ancient magic like that... But... How can a youngster know such ancient magic... ?

"I get it !! NATSU !!!"

Natsu: WHAT ?!!!

Happy: Impossible. You can't win, Natsu. You'd better give up.


"I think it's better if you let Gray takes care of that. After all he's stronger than you, right ?"


Eligor: N- No way !! My storm mail is... Being sucked away !!!

Happy: Good !!

"Hey Happy, watch this. Sunny day."

Happy: His wind armor is coming off !!!

"The air around Natsu is heated up by the high temperature of his flames, and creates a rapidly ascending current and low pressure. Wind flows towards lower pressure !!"

Eligor: Incredible heat magic like that... IT'S IMPOSSIBLE !!!


Eligor: Does a dragon Slayer still exist ?!!

Natsu: SWORD HORN !!!!!!

Natsu: SEE !!! GUYS !!!

Happy: Aye. You did a great job, Natsu the Salamander.

Natsu: And what did you say earlier ?

"What ? You must be hearing things, we didn't said anything..."

Natsu: Didn't you say something like I wouldn't be able to defeat this guy, so Erza blah blah blah ?!!

Happy: Wow, your memory is worse than ours... But you won.

Natsu: Oh well... But how did my last attack hit him ?

"That's because you're so amazing, Natsu."

Natsu: Am I ?! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Erza: Natsu !! Y/n !!

"Oh ! You guys are late, we already took care of him."

Happy: Aye.

Erza: Well done.

Kageyama: N- No way !!! Eligor was defeated ?!!

Gray: Tch... You know, when you get a desperate win against such an opponent, you're only making Fairy Tail look bad.

Natsu: Desperate ? How ?! It was an easy win, right guys ?

Happy: I know nothing.

Gray: Hmm... Wearing a scarf while you're half naked makes you look abnormal.

"You're being a hypocrite here Gray."

Natsu: Lucy, let me borrow your clothes.

Lucy: Why me ?!!

Erza: Anyway, good job. Now the masters are definitely safe.

"Oh, right. Mew, you have the flute ?"

Mew: Of course I do, who do you take me for ?

"Thanks. Now that we're here, we might as well go the the master at the meeting place."

Erza: Right, we need to report this incident and ask what to do with the flute. Clover's just ahead anyway.

Gray: Kageyama !! At least give us a warning before you move the vehicle !!

He didn't respond, but instead used his shadows to directly snatch the flute from my hands.

"D- What ?!"

Kageyama: You were careless, flies ! The flute... THE LULLABY IS IN MY HANDS !! SERVES YOU RIGHT !!!

Natsu: THAT BASTARD !!!!

Gray: How could he ?!! We even saved him !!!

Lucy: We're going after him !!

"Would one of you guys be so kind, and punch me ? I feel like I deserve it..."

Kageyama: Haa... Haa... Haa... Good, the regular meeting isn't over yet. The Lullaby's melody can reach them without any problem from this distance. Fu fu fu... The time has come...


Kageyama: WHA ?!

Makarov: Hya hya hya hya hya hya !!! .. No, no. It's not the time for me to do this. I've gotta hurry and find out where those four went. Otherwise a town might disappear... You should go back too, to the hospital.

Kageyama: 'Makarov !! He's... Makarov from Fairy Tail !! Tch, what a day, meeting flies everywhere.' Erm... Will you... Listen to one song ? The hospital won't let me play it.

Makarov: Hmmmm...

Kageyama: But I really want someone to listen to it.

Makarov: That's a creepy flute.

Kageyama: It may seem so, but it sounds pretty decent.

Makarov: ... I'm in a hurry. Only one song, okay ?

Kageyama: 'I win !!' Sure. Please listen carefully.

(A/n: Hrm... What ?)

Rayule: Legal guilds are all so lame !!

Byard: Their abilities are so low, but they're so proud of themselves !!

Eligor: This is our revenge on the world of mages, that locked us up in the darkness and took away our rights !!! We'll kill all the guild masters around here for a start !!

Kageyama: ...

Lucy: Your rights will never be returned if you do that !!

Kageyama: ... ...

Gray: You should all live your lives more positively...

Kageyama: ... ... ...

Erza: Kageyama !! We need your help !!

"Say, aren't you supposed to be in the same guild ?"

Gray: There !!!

Natsu: Old man !!!

Erza: master !!

Bob: Shhh ! The best part is coming up. Just watch. Wait, you guys are cute.

"Eeek !!"

Lucy: Wh- Who is he ?!

Erza: Blue pegasus master !!

Bob: My, Erza, you've grown.

Makarov: What's going on ? Hurry up already.

"NO !!"

Goldmine: Just stay quiet. This should be interesting.

Makarov: Now.

Kageyama: !! 'Play... I just need to play !! Everything will change after that !!!'

Makarov: Nothing will change. Weaklings will stay weak forever. But weakness is not evil, since human beings are weak creatures to begin with. Alone, you feel nothing but insecurity, that's why we form guilds. That's why we have friends.

Makarov: We walk together in order to live a strong life. The clumsy ones will run into more walls than the others, and it may also take them longer to get there. If you believe in tomorrow and put yourself out there, you can naturally obtain your strength. that's how you'll be able to smile and live strong, without having to depend on such a flute. Of course.

Kageyama: ... 'Amazing... He knew everything...'

Kageyama: I admit my loss.

Erza: Master !!

Gray/Natsu: Old man !!!

"No... I'm not crying !"


Erza: Amazing !! Your words deeply touched us !! *BONK*

Makarov: OUCH !

Natsu: Old man, you're incredible !

Makarov: Don't call me that, and stop patting my head.

Gray: Well, it's all settled now.

Lucy: Come now, you need to see a doctor.

Bob: Don't know what's going on, but you're cute too.

"It's not over yet. Where's that damn flute ?"

??? Ka ka ka... You mages have no guts. I can't hold it any longer. I'll just eat you all myself.

Lucy: The flute talked !! Happy !!!

Happy: The smoke... Is forming a shape !!

Lullaby: Let me consume, your pitiful souls...

Erza: What ?!!


Kageyama: Wh- What is that ?! I didn't know anything about this !!

Bob: Oh, my... This is bad.

Goldmine: It's the demon from the book of Zeref !!!

Lullaby: I'm starving to death, so I'm gonna eat your souls.

Natsu: WHAAT ?!! Souls are edible ?! Do they taste god ?!

"How would we know ?"

Lucy: What... Is going on ? How could a demon come out of a flute... ?

Goldmine: That devil is the Lullaby itself, meaning, it's a living magic. That's Zeref's magic.

Erza: Living magic...

Gray: Zeref ?!! You mean Zeref from the ancient times ?!

Bob: Dark mage Zeref, the most atrocious mage in the history of magic... I never imagined that his adverse legacy from several hundred years ago would reappear...

Lullaby: Now... Whose souls should I enjoy first ? I've decided. Al of yours.

Masters: NO !! IT'S THE LULLABY !!!

Lucy: HIEEEK !!!

However, the four of us had other plans, and dashed forward.

Goldmine: Ex-quipping armor ?!!

Lullaby: Guh...

Natsu: RAAAAAHH !!!!

Masters: Whoa !! He blew away the demon's huge body with just a kick !!! Is he really a mage ?!!

Lullaby: HOW IMPUDENT !!!

It shot a bunch of fire balls from it's mouth, that Natsu effortlessly dodged... Leaving a clear path for it to fly toward the guild masters down below.

Gray: Ice make... SHIELD !!!

Masters: An Ice mage ? He won't make it in time !! We'll get hit !!!

Masters: He's fast !! He's able to control alchemy magic that fast ?!!

Lucy: Alchemy magic ?

Happy: It's a type of magic that gives "shape" to the magic power. And takes it away as well.

Gray: Ice make... SPEAR !!!

Lullaby: GUAAAH !!

Natsu: I feel a little sick...

Lucy: Wh- What destructive power !!

Gray: NOW !!!

"Alright ! Natsu, it is time !!"

Natsu: Roger that ! Some fire on the right, some fire on the left...

"Bring them together, and empowered like a meteor..."


Lullaby: N- No way...

Makarov: Excellent.

Masters: Zeref's demon was defeated so easily... I... I'm impressed.

Makarov: Kah ka ka ka ka ka !!!

Kageyama: A- Amazing...

Lucy: Th- This is... This is definitely Fairy Tail's strongest team !!

Makarov: What do you think ?! Aren't they great ?!!

Lucy: Terrific !! You're the best !!

Bob: Now, you have to see a doctor, right~ ?

Goldmine: Goodness, I don't really know why this happened, but we owe Fairy Tail one.

Makarov: Don't worry about it !!! Hya hya hya hya hya... Ha... AH !!


Natsu: ha ha !! It's completely wrecked !!

Masters: GET THEM !!

Natsu: All right, count me in !!

"You're amongst the chased one, Natsu, shut up and run !!"

Erza: Master... We are really sorry... We've disgraced you...

Makarov: It's alright; I don't think they'll invite me again anyway.

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