Chapter 12: Trial

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Magic council meeting site, Era:

Counselor: Even with Eisenwald having gone under, the main problem hasn't been solved yet. There are still tons of illegal guilds out there.

Org: Then we should just root them altogether. It's intolerable if anyone would embezzle Zelef's magic again.

Member: First of all, how could they have snuck out such magic that easily ? We might have to call the management to take responsibility.

Siegrain: But Fairy Tail, the one guild that we've been so annoyed with, showed up and saved the day.

Ultear: They took down that entire guild with only four or five men.

Siegrain: I can understand why you don't want to admit the truth, but that's how it is. If the guild masters were killed by the Lullaby, things would've been much worse. Some of us would've certainly been fired.

Org: Don't be silly !! Are you really gonna bring up the matter of responsibility here ?!!

Michello: That's out of the question !!! We're already tearing our hair out over their reckless behavior !!

Siegrain: You should just show them some appreciation and stop complaining.


Lucy: 'Eisenwald's terrorism attempt at the guild masters regular meeting site immediately became big news, and it wasn't long before the entire nation found out about it. I still can't believe that I was in the middle of such a big incident, but here I am, just living another day in my peaceful and quiet life. Though, I have to admit I get excited when I remember that incident from time to time. Rumors says Kageyama and the Eisenwald members were arrested, no surprises there.'

Lucy: 'But what scares me is the fact that Eligor hasn't been arrested yet. What would happen if he came to Fairy Tail to retaliate ?! Though I think we'll be all right. Fairy Tail has the strongest team with Natsu, Gray, Erza and Y/n + Mew, Happy the cat and me.'

Lucy: 'This guild is the best. Please, mom, don't worry about me. I'm doing fine over here. P.S. Please don't tel dad.'

Lucy: Pfuu... A great, suspense-filled adventure is fun and everything, but nothing beats relaxing at my own home.

Gray: I agree, 70.000 jewels rent for this is nothing. You found a nice place, Lucy.


Gray: GUOH !! Hold on... You've got it all wrong, I already took my clothes off before I came in.

Lucy: Just go home !!

Gray: You know, "that" is taking place today. I came here to get you because I thought you might've forgotten about it.

Lucy: "That" ?

Gray: See, I knew you forgot. Didn't you hear from Natsu before we left for the mission ?

Your POV:

"They're finally at it, huh ?"

Lucy: H- Hold up !! Are you sure about this ?!

"Oh, Hi there Lucy. Let me guess, you completely forgot about the duel ?"

Elfman: They're dead serious. If they weren't, they wouldn't be real men !!

Mirajane: Erza is a girl.

Max: No, she's a monster...

Lucy: But, if two people from the strongest team fight...

"Strongest team ? What are you talking about ?"

Lucy: I'm talking about you, Erza, Natsu and Gray !! You're the strongest mages in the guild, right ?

Gray: Huh ? Don't talk nonsense ! What idiot fed you such ideas ?

Behind him, Mirajane started crying.

Gray: Ah... It was you, Mirajane... ?

"And you made her cry, good job Gray."

Elfman: I acknowledge Natsu and Gray's manliness, but I can't let you say they're the "strongest". There are guys in Fairy Tail that are much stronger. Like me.

"And yet you got owned every time you try to fight them..."

Levy: I agree about Erza being the strongest girl though.

Jet: If you're talking about the strongest guy, there's Mystogan, Laxus...

Droy: Let's not forget about "That geezer". And of course Y/n too...

"You're all too kind, but my current power is nothing compared to what it used to be..."

Mirajane: I just thought they would get along perfectly...

"Weren't you worried about Gray and Natsu NOT getting along at all ?"

Elfman: Either way, this will be an interesting battle.

Gray: is that so ? I'm expecting Erza to get an overwhelming victory.

Erza: How long as it been since we last exchanged magic... ?

Natsu: I was a little kid back then !! I've changed !! I'll win today !!!

Erza: I'll take this seriously, too. I want to test my power. Come at me with all you've got !!!

"The flame emperor's armor ? I see she's going all out for this."

Gray: A fire-resistant armor, now Natsu's flames will only be half as powerful...

Happy: ... Hey, can I bet on Erza instead ?

Lucy: Don't you have any heart at all ?!! I couldn't do such a thing !! I don't want either of them to lose !!

Gray: You're pretty pure-hearted.

"It's only a friendly duel, it's not like they're gonna die."

Natsu: Flame emperor's armor, huh... Bring it on. Now I can give it my all without regret !!!

Makarov: Ready... GO !!!

They didn't wasted any time to gauge their opponents, and directly attacked head-on, exchanging blows and dodging each others attacks. But I think we were a little too close from them to ensure our safety...

Max: Hot, hot, HOT !!

Nab: Hey Natsu, you bastard !!!

Lucy: Amazing !!

Elfman: See ? It's a pretty good match, right ?

Gray: Where ?

"Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud, Gray, and enjoy the show."

???: That's enough.

Messenger: Nobody move. I am a messenger from the council.

Levy: The council ?!!

Droy: A messenger ?!!

Jet: In this place ?!!

Lucy: None of you are fazed by his appearance, huh...

Messenger: With charges of damaging property, and 11 other crimes from the Eisenwald terrorism incident the other day, Erza Scarlet and Y/n Giratina L/n has now been put under arrest.

Erza: Eh ?

"What... ?"

3rd person POV:

Natsu: Let me out !!! Let me out of here !!!

Mirajane: Natsu... Be quiet.


Mirajane: You'll act reckless if we let you out.

Natsu: I WON'T !!! I mean, let me get back to my original form !!!!

Mirajane: Then you'll go and try to rescue Erza and Y/n, won't you ?

Natsu: I WON'T !!! Who cares about Erza ?!!

Gray: Just Erza ?

Natsu: ... ... ... ...

Gray: Our opponent is the council; nothing we can do for now...

Natsu: LET ME OOOOUT !!! I just have to tell them something !!! I don't care if they are council members or not, I know they're wrong !!!

Gray: Even if something's white, once a council member says it's black, then it becomes black.

Elfman: But why... We've done so many things in the past, so why this time ?

Loki: yeah... I just don't understand.

Lucy: I'm certain... I'm certain there's something fishy going on.

Your POV:

"Hm ? Who's that ?"

Siegrain: Long time no see, Erza...

Erza: Siegrain...

"Oh, you two know each other ?"

Erza: You... You could say that...

Siegrain: Put your guard down, this is only an imaginary body. My real body is located at Era. Those geezers behind that door are in their imaginary bodies, too. They wouldn't bother coming all the way here for such a small case.

Erza: I see... This was your doing. What nonsense.

Siegrain: That's unexpected... I even spoke in behalf of Fairy Tail. But the geezers feared that they'd be held responsible, so they needed a victim to take the blame. And you two are the scapegoats.

"So that's how it is... Bunch of geezers indeed. Is it why you waited for us here ? To rub it in our faces ?"

Siegrain: Oh no, far from it. I just came here because I was curious, that's all.

While he was talking, I couldn't shake off the unpleasant feeling that all this time, he was staring directly at my pendant, where I hanged the last crystal I had.

Siegrain: Anyways, I'll be going for now. Also, Erza... Never tell the geezers about "That". It's for our own good. I'll be waiting for you behind the door, as a member of the council.

Messenger: Y- You... Know someone that important...

Erza: He's "evil".

Messenger: Eh ?

Siegrain: 'Don't interfere, Erza... I've already made it all the way here...'

Gran Doma: We'll now start the trial. Defendants Erza Scarlet and Y/n L/n, please take the witness Stand.

Lucy: I can't just leave them like that !!! Let's go and testify for them !!!

Nab: Lucy...

Makarov: Hmm... Have patience.

Lucy: What are you saying ?!! They doesn't deserve this !! We'll be too late if they've already been sentenced !!!

Makarov: No matter how fast we try to get there, we'd be too late anyway.

Lucy: But !!!


Makarov: Are you sure you want to come out ?

Natsu: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Makarov: What's up, Natsu ? Cat got your tongue ?

Levy: MACAO ?!!

Macao: S- Sorry... I was indebted to Natsu. I transformed into a lizard so that I could pretend to be Natsu.

Romeo: My dad captured Natsu !!

Macao: Hurry up and go. I'll pretend to be you.

Natsu: Thanks, Macao !

Lucy: Then where's the real Natsu ?!

Mew: Don't tell me he went after them...

Macao: yeah... he probably did.

Elfman: This is no joke !! He'll probably beat up the council members !!!

Makarov: Sit quit, guys. Just wait patiently for the outcome.

Mew: You say that, but you're the one trembling and sweating the most here.

Gran Doma: defendants Erza Scarlet and Y/n L/n. Concerning the terrorism incident at Eisenwald the other day, you are suspected of destroying part of Oshibana station, Ryushika canyon's railway bridge, and an entire mansion in Clover. According to the witness' testimony... the culprit is a female mage in armor, and-

Member: What's going on ?!


"N... Natsu... ?"



Natsu: GAH !!

Gran Doma: ... Just put the three of them in jail...

Erza: We... We're very sorry...

Natsu: ERZA !! You don't have to apologize !!! W- Wait, I mean, I'm Erza !!

Erza: I'm too shocked to say a word. It was just a formality.

"A formality, really ?"

Erza: Yes, the arrest was just a facade. The council needed to display their authority, so that they can keep us in check.

Natsu: What... Do you mean ? I don't get it...

Erza: Meaning, we'd be sentenced guilty, but we wouldn't receive any "punishment". We could've gone home if you didn't go wild.

Natsu: EEEEH ?!! Ugh... Sorry...

"It's alright... You did it out of good will after all..."

"Erza... What exactly is 'That' ?"

Erza: ... What are you talking about ?

"Do not try to play dumb, Erza. I clearly heard Siegrain asking you to not tell anyone about 'That'. So I'm asking you again, what is 'That' ?"

"And don't try to tell me that it's nothing. I could tell by the look on your face: You were horrified to just think about 'That'."

Erza: ... I hate that when you read me like that... This is something that doesn't concern any of you. Maybe one day I'll tell you, but not now.

"Don't we all have our secrets... ? Remember just that: Everyone in the guild is here with you, no matter what."

Natsu: Zzzzzz...

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