Chapter 13: S-Quest

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"If you want, I can still take him back to jail until he calm down..."

Lucy: Yeah, he should've stayed there a little longer... I can't believe the arrest was just a formality. I wasted my time worrying.

Gray: I see !! The messenger was a frog, so they bounced right back.

Elfman: As expected of an ice mage, as cold as ice !!! ... Say, what happened to the duel of men between Erza and Natsu ?

"You had to remind him, of course..."

Natsu: Oh yeah !! I forgot !! ERZAAAA !!! Let's continue !!

Erza: No, I'm tired.

Natsu: HERE I COME !!!

Erza: Fine...

Erza: If you really want to, then bring it on.

Mew: And he's out. It's Erza's win !

Elfman: GYAHAHAHAHA !!! You're so lame, Natsu !!

Gray: Erza's strong indeed !!

"I wonder if the bets from the other day are still on ?"

Lucy: Oh my... You wrecked the shop again.

Makarov: Hrmm...

Mirajane: What's wrong, master ?

Makarov: Nothing, just getting sleepy. It's him.

'Him ? Uh-oh...'

Everyone in the guild has fallen asleep, with the exception of the master, of course, and a certain dragon, with some help from a little blue berry.

Makarov: Mystogan.

"Long time no see. But is it really needed to put everyone asleep each time ?"

Mystogan: ... I'm taking this quest.

Makarov: Hey !! Release your sleep magic !!!

Mystogan: Five. Four. Three. Two. One...

Jet: Th- This feeling... Was it Mystogan ?!

Droy: That punk !!! His sleep magic is so powerful !!

Lucy: Mystogan ?

Loki: He's one of the strongest mage candidates in Fairy Tail.

Gray: For some reason, he hates to be seen. So whenever he comes to pick a job, he puts everyone to sleep.

Lucy: WHAT THE ?! That sounds so fishy !!

Gray: That's why only the master and Y/n has seen his face so far.

???: No... I've seen it as well.

"Laxus, you're here. That's quite unusual."

Gray: He's also one of the strongest mage candidates.

Laxus: Mystogan is just really shy, don't question it too much.

Natsu: LAXUS !!! FIGHT ME !!!

"Natsu, you just got owned by Erza."

Laxus: He's right. If you can't even win against Erza, you won't stand a chance against me.

Erza: What's that supposed to mean ?

Max: Hey... Erza, calm down.

Laxus: I mean, I'm the strongest !

Natsu: Come on down, bastard !!!

Laxus: Why don't you come up ?

Natsu: BRING IT ON !!!

Makarov: You can't go to the second floor yet. It's still too early.

Laxus: Ha ha ! You got scolded.

Makarov: You too Laxus, stop it.

Laxus: I'll never give Fairy Tail's strongest position to anyone else. Not to Erza, not to Mystogan, not even to that geezer. And certainly not to Y/n. I'M THE STRONGEST !!!

"Tch... With such arrogance and ego, the fall will be particularly hard for you, Laxus. You better watch out ."

Lucy: Do you know what the master was talking about earlier ? What he meant when he said Natsu couldn't get to the second floor ?

Mirajane: It's still too early for you, Lucy.

"The requests on the second floor are far more difficult than the ones on the first floor, that's why we call them 'S-Quests".

Lucy: S- Quests ?!!

Mirajane: They're so dangerous that even the smallest mistake can lead to your death. But in return, the pay is very good. Only mages approved by the master can take an S-Quests. There are only six currently qualified, including Y/n, Erza, Laxus and Mystogan.

"Don't take these jobs lightly, Lucy. At your current level, it would be pure suicide to try one of these."

Lucy: You already did one before ?

"Yes... I tried doing an S-Quest on my own once... 1 week."

Lucy: One week ? It took you one week to complete the quest ?

"No, I spent 1 week in a coma afterwards. It was the biggest ass-whooping of my entire life. I probably would be dead, if Erza didn't come looking after me and brought me back to the guild."

Lucy: ... Oh...

Next morning:

Mirajane: OH NOOOO !!!! Master !! One of the requests on the 2nd floor is missing !!!

Laxus: Oh... Yesterday, I saw a cat stealing one of the jobs. The cat with wings... Yeah.

Mirajane: Happy ?!!

Krov: This means that Lucy and Natsu are also responsible ?!!

Alzack: What are they thinking ?!!

Bisca: I knew they were stupid, but not this stupid...

Jet: He just went ahead and took one of the S-Quests ?!!

Laxus: They just broke a principal rule. Hey, geezer ! When they return, they'll get expelled... Right ? But I doubt that they'll come back alive. I mean, taking on an S-Quest with their pathetic skills.

Mirajane: Laxus !! If you knew about this, why didn't you try to stop them ?!

Laxus: I thought it was just a thieving cat running away with a piece of paper in its mouth. I had no idea it was Happy, and that Natsu would run off with the S-Quest. What ? It's been a while since I've seen this face.

Makarov: This is bad... Which job is missing ?

Mirajane: The cursed island of Galuna...


Makarov: Laxus, bring them back !!!

Laxus: Don't be ridiculous, I have another job to take care of. There isn't a single mage that can't take care of his own stuff, right ?

Makarov: Who else but you can force Natsu to come back ?!!

Gray: Hey, gramps... That's an unforgivable insult.

"Hey, I just saw Gray storming out of the guild, did something happen ?"

Mirajane: We have reasons to think that Natsu, Lucy and Happy stole an S-Quest, and went to complete it on their own.

"... ... ... THE HELL ?!! After everything we said yesterday, they... How... I mean..."

Makarov: Gray went after them to bring them back, by force if necessary. But just in case, find Erza and go after them as well.

"Roger that. Where are they heading for ?"

Erza: Galuna island ?!!

"It would seem so... "

Erza: Those idiots... It's been hours now and Gray hasn't returned yet... We have to go after them.

"Easier said than done. We don't have a boat, and no sailor in this entire harbor would accept to set sail for the 'cursed island of Galuna'. Trust me, I tried."

Erza: Can't you fly ?

It would do the trick to go to that island while carrying you only, but I could never return with everyone on my back. No matter how much you think of it, we need a boat."

Erza: Fine. Just wait here, I'm taking this matter in hands.

"I wonder why I didn't though of that sooner."

By "taking the matter in hand", Erza actually meant "carjacking a pirate boat that was passing by, and force them to take us to that island".

"Well, at least you didn't hurt them too much, so they're still able to operate the boat. Even though I had to stop you from cutting the pilot in half..."

Captain: Wh- What are you going to that island for ?

Erza: Shut up, just navigate.

Captain: Eeek... Pardon me... Galuna island is the cursed island... It is said that humans turn into devils there...

"We're not interested. These four broke the rules, and we'll bring them back. Simple as that."

Pirate: Captain !! Galuna island is in sight !!

Erza: Good. You set the anchor around here, and don't you dare run away before we come back.

Captain: U- Understood Ma'am !!!

"Now that the return is dealt with, the question is: where do we go ?"

Erza: I think investigating that giant flying mouse first could be a good idea.

Lucy: Eh ? That mouse wasn't a doll ?!!! N- No... My legs can't move...

"Looking closer... Good grief, what an ugly mouse."

Lucy: Y/n ! Erza !!

'G- Gulp... Even I'm afraid of that glare, even though I'm not its target...'

Lucy: 'Now I remember !! We've broken the guild's rules and taken on an S-Quest by ourselves !!'

Erza: You know why we're here, don't you ?

Lucy: Ah... No... I mean... To take us back... Right ?

"Well, that IS technically why we came here, but..."

Happy: Oh, great !! Lucy, are you safe ?


"Stop screaming, and stop squirming !!"

Erza: Where are Natsu and Gray ?

Lucy: Listen to me... !!! I apologize for selfishly coming here, but this island is currently in a grave condition !!! There are some people who are trying to revive a frozen devil, and villagers are tortured by their magic ! Lots of things are happening !!! We... Want to save this island somehow.

Erza: I don't care.

Lucy: Th- Then, at least let us finish this job to the en-

"A job ? You're sorely mistaken, Lucy. You guys betrayed the master and the guild's rules. Don't assume you can get away with it just like that. Now... Where are those two idiots ?"

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