Chapter 14: Delio- *crack*.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Gray: Ugh... Where am I ?

Lulu: Oh great, you're awake. Don't be surprised. This is a storage place, a little bit further from the village. Since... The village has vanished last night, all the villagers are taking shelter here.

Gray: The village... has vanished ?

Lulu: But thanks to Lucy and Natsu, none were injured.

Gray: They're here, too ?

Lulu: Yes. They asked you to go to that tent once you woke up.

Your POV:

Gray: E- ERZA ?!!

"Fancy meeting you there, Gray..."

Gray: Y/n ?! Happy !! Lucy !!

Erza: we got the whole story from Lucy. Weren't you supposed to stop them, Gray ? I'm too shocked to say a word.

Gray: Wh- Where's Natsu ?

"That's what we'd like to know, as well."

Gray: Lucy... What happened to Natsu ?

Lucy: I... I don't know. He was supposedly fighting with that guy's men at the village, but... They were done for and Natsu was nowhere to be seen. A- And then... They told us to take them to where Gray is...

Gray: How did you know this place... ?! I heard this is a storage place.

"I 'Helped' Happy looking up for it from the sky."

Erza: Natsu must still be wandering around without knowing where to go. Gray, we're going to look for Natsu. As soon as we find him, we're going back to the guild.

Gray: Wh- What are you talking about... ? If you heard our story, you should know what's going on at this island, right ?

Erza: So what ?

"We're here to bring the four of you back at the guild, since you guys broke the rules. Natsu is the only one left, that's all."

Gray: Didn't you see the appearances of the people on this island ?

Erza: We did.

Gray: Are you telling us to leave them like that ?!

"This request has been made to each guild. A mage that is ACTUALLY allowed to do S-Quests will take care of this."

Gray: I'm... I'm disappointed in you guys...

Erza: What ?

Happy: Gray !! What are you saying to lady Erza ?!!

Lucy: Lady Erza... ?!

Erza: Are you... Going to break the guild's rules ? You won't get away unharmed.

"Calm down, Erza, no need to go this far."

Gray: Do whatever you want !! This is what I chose !! I just gotta do what I gotta do.

Gray: I'll do what I want till the end. Cut me down if you want.

"Wow... Guess he finally hit that age, Erza... Erza ?"

Lucy: Wai- Erzaaah, C- C- C-... Calm down... !!!

Happy: A- Aye. Gray lost to his old friend, and he's just too excited right now.


"God, you're so noisy..."

Erza: Let's go.

Lucy: Eh ?

"This is messed up... We'll talk about this after we take care of the job. But don't even think you won't receive punishment for what you did."

Lucy/Happy: Aye...

"A demon imprisoned in ice ?! And your rival wants to free it, only to destroy it ?!"

Gray: Lyon has been aiming to surpass Ur for a long time. Now that Ur is gone, he's trying to surpass her by defeating Deliora, which she couldn't.

Lucy: I see... In order to surpass the dead, that'd be the only way...

Gray: No... he just doesn't know.

"Know what ?"

Gray: Ur did disappear, but... She's still alive.

Lucy: EEEH ?!!!

Happy: NO WAY ?!!

Erza: What do you mean ? What happened in the past ?

Gray: 10 years ago... Deliora attacked the town where I lived. It took less than a day to be destroyed. I was saved by Ur and Lyon, who happened to pass by, that was the beginning of everything...

"Hey, is it just me... Or is there something wrong with that temple ?"

Lucy: No... It's tilted... ?

Happy: What going on ?!!

Gray: It's Natsu. I don't know how he did it, but he's the only one who could've done something so haphazard. Intentional or not... The moonlight will not reach Deliora anymore.

Erza: Wait !! Someone's here.

Priest: We've found you, Fairy Tail !!!

Happy: A bunch of weirdos !!!

"Go. Leave this to us. Go, and settle it with Lyon, Gray."

Gray: Guys...

Lucy: You 're not going ?

"Oh hell no, I'm SO not going. You know how badly I stand the cold, and you want me to confront an ice mage ?! I'd rather go back to the guild right now."

"Hey... What's that sound... ? Why's the ground shaking like that ?"

Lucy: ... No... The ruins... They aren't tilted anymore...

"This is bad... Now the moonlight will reach Deliora once again... If we don't hurry, the situation will be..."

Priest: N... No... We won't let you interfere with Lord Zero's plans... never...

Happy: They didn't had enough yet ?! Bring it on !

"Happy, wait... There's something wrong. No matter how much I try, I can't find a single trace of magic from them... or 5 of them, at most, are mages..."

Lucy: But then... Why are they following Lyon... ?

Erza: I think I know... Those guys' hair decorations... You're from Brago, aren't you ?

"Brago ? But, isn't that the land where Ur has defeated Deliora, according to Gray ?"

Priest: ... Yes... That is true... About 10 years ago, Deliora suddenly appeared in Brago, and started his rampage, before being stopped by Master Zero's former teacher... We all lost everything that day, our homes, our families... So we pledged loyalty to master Zero, in hope that one day, he could destroy that demon, once and for all !!

"This is bad... This is really bad ! They're gonna start the ritual anytime soon now, and free Deliora ! We need to get to the temple quick ! Before-

Erza: What ?! What is that noise ?!

Lucy: So deafening !!

"Oh no... It has already started ! The ritual has started !!"

Happy: Look ! Above the temple !! There's a ray of light coming from the moon !

Erza: No time to lose here ! Y/n, take us to the temple, now !

Lucy: That voice... was it really a voice ?!

Happy: Maybe it was your tummy, Lucy !!

Lucy: You're probably kidding, but it's still annoying.

Erza: Could it be that Deliora demon they were talking about ?

"Most likely... It is being revived as we speak, we need to prevent that at any cost !"

Happy: The light ! It's the one we saw above the temple ! The moon drip.

Erza: Again...

Happy: Lucy, you should eat something.

Lucy: You should be eating some mice.

"The roar proves that Deliora is actually being revived, but the ritual is still going... So that means it should be still partially encased in ice."

Erza: So if we interrupt the ritual, we can still stop the revival !! Hurry !

Why the hell would they make one guy handle the ritual all by himself ? And why the hell does he looks so much like a dog ?! I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS ?!!

Erza: Hey you !! Stop that ritual at once !

Toby: Tch... More of you Fairy Tail guys... I may have lost to that Salamander, but I'll definitely beat you three ! With my claws, that contain a powerful poison, I'll-


Toby: A BEE ?! WHERE ?!!



"And there he go."

Toby: Huh ? AAAAAAAAARRRRRGG !!! N... Not again...

Lucy: Yay !! The moon drip stopped !!

Happy: Wait, so he was the only one doing it...

"I guess those priests sooner were supposed to make the ritual, but since we beat them all them all..."

Toby: It's too late already !! You failed !! THE RITUAL IS DONE !!!!

"This is..."

Erza: No... We were too late... Deliora's fully revived now !

Lucy: AAAH !! What do we do now ?!!

"We've got no choice... Gray and Natsu shouldn't be in good shape by now... So we're the only ones that can stop that thing."

Erza: It's all the way downstairs, let's go !!!

Lucy: But I don't want to !!

Here it is, that demon, Deliora, imposing, humongous and... Breaking apart ?

Lyon: N- No way... Can't be... Deliora... Was long dead... For ten years... Deliora was subverted in Ur's ice... And we... Are looking at its final moment... I'm no match, I can't surpass Ur.

Natsu: gray, your teacher was amazing !!

Gray: Thank you so much... Teacher...

"Well... That was kinda underwhelming, to be honest..."

Natsu: Y/n ?! What are you doing here ?!

"I came to rescue you, what else. And I'm not alone."

Erza: Natsu...


Lucy: So, that's it ? Deliora's dead now... ?

"I suppose. Now we can finally take you guys back home."

Erza: Not quite. There's something left to do before that.


Happy: AYE SIR !!!

Lucy: Really... For some time, I was worried what would happen. Ur was truly an amazing mage...

Natsu: We've accomplished an S-Quest !!!

Happy: WOOHOO !!!

Lucy: Does that mean we can go onto the "second floor" now ?!

Gray: Ha ha...

Lucy: OH NO !! That's right, we're still gonna get punished !!!

Erza: You have something to take care of before that. Wasn't the true goal of your job to save the villagers who were turned into demons ?

Lucy: EH ?!!

"I'm afraid your S-Quest hasn't ended just yet."

Lucy: B- But Deliora died... And so the curse on the village should be...

Erza: no... That phenomenon you call the curse has nothing to do with Deliora. The Moon drip's enormous magic power harmed people. there's no way this situation will change because Deliora collapsed, right ?

Lucy: Oh noooo...

Natsu: Then let's go heal them real quick !!!

Happy: Aye sir !!!

"How ? We have no idea on how to do that, nor do we know how the moon drips really works."

Natsu: I'm sure it'll just work !

Gray: Hey, Lyon...

Lyon: I dunno. we've known about the existence of the village ever since we came to this island three years ago. Though, we didn't interfere with the villagers at all. They've never visited us, either.

Erza: never, for three years ?

Lucy: Come to think of it, the light of the moon drips should've shone down on the ruins every night. It's weird that they've never investigated this place.

Lyon: I have some doubts about the Moon drip's influence on a human body.

Natsu: What... ? Don't tell me you're saying "It's not our fault" ?!

Lyon: We've been basked in the same light for three years. Be careful, they're hiding something. Well... I guess from here on it's the guild's job, right ?

Natsu: I won't let you... You destroyed the village and-

"Natsu, stop... They had their own justice. There's no use complaining about the past. Let's go."

Lucy: You say let's go, but how do we break the curse ?

"No idea."

Lucy: Oh, my...

Lyon: What are you lookin at, Gray ?

Gray: You should join a guild. You'll have comrades and rivals. I'm sure you'll find a new goal.

Lyon: ... R- Ridiculous... Just go already.

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