Chapter 15: Moon drop

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Huh ? No one's here... I thought this was supposed to be where everyone was..."

Lucy: Yup, 'cause the village was destroyed. But.. What happened ?

Happy: Hellooo ?!

Gray: I'm gonna grab some ointment and bandages while we're here.

Villager: Hello sirs !!! You're back !!! I- It's really worrisome !! A- Anyway, please hurry to the village !!

Lucy: Wh- What's going on... ?

Happy: The village... Was destroyed yesterday, but...

"It's all back to normal... It's as if time has been rewinded..."

Natsu: Time... ? No way...

"Something on your mind ?

Natsu: ... No, nothing. Though... Maybe he felt sorry... Oh well, it's all right.

Chief: Are you the ones who turned our village back to normal ?

Lucy: Eh... No... Not really...

Chief: We are very grateful. BUT !!! Mages !!! Please do tell me... When will you destroy the moon for us ?!!

Erza: I see... It's easy to destroy the moon...

Gray: Heh... She's saying something that outrageous like it's nothing.

Happy: Aye !

Erza: But before that, I want to confirm something. Would you mind getting everyone together ?

Erza: So let me get this straight. You all gained that appearance after that purple moon appeared. Is that right ?

Chief: To be exact, we turn into this appearance only when the moon is out..

Erza: From your story, that started three years ago.

Villagers: Yes... that sounds right...

Erza: But... the moon drip ritual has been held daily for three years on that island. You should've been seeing a ray of light at the ruins every day-

happy: E- Even the pitfall was restored...

Natsu: S- She said "Kyah"...

"T- That was unexpectedly cute..."

Lucy: I didn't do it !! I didn't do it !!!

Erza: Meaning, that's the most suspicious place on this island.

Villagers: Wow... She continues talking as if nothing happened. Such verve..

Erza: Why didn't you investigate it ?

Chief: T- That's because... It's a tradition not to go anywhere close to those ruins...

"But... The situation was serious, wasn't it ? You had some casualties, and seeing how expensive the reward is..."

Erza: Can you tell us the truth ?

Chief: ... T- To tell you the truth... We don't really know what's going on, either. Honestly... We tried to investigate the ruins many times. Everyone took a bunch of unfamiliar weapons, I arranged my sideburns... And we headed to the ruins many times. But we couldn't get close to it. We noticed that... Even if we walked straight toward the ruins, we ended up in front of the village gate. We just cannot get close to those ruins.

Lucy: Wh- What do you mean ? You can't approach it ?

Natsu: We could even get inside of it ! No sweat.

Villagers: We kept it silent because you wouldn't believe such a story... But it's true !! We tried to go to the ruins many times. But none of the villagers were able to get there.

Erza: As I though...

"Hm... ?"

Zalty: Amazing, that Titania. She's already got it figured out.

Erza: Y/n, come with me. We're gonna destroy the moon now, and get everyone back to normal.

Villagers: We're gonna see the moon get destroyed... Right in front of our eyes. We're finally be back to normal.

"Erza, wouldn't it be easier to destroy the moon from the temple ? it's higher up."

Erza: here's fine. Also, the villagers can't get near the ruins.

Gray: Destroying the moon... Even if it's erza and Y/n, I don't think that's possible...

Lucy: H- How... Are they gonna do it... ?

Natsu: It's really exciting.

Erza: This armor is the giant's armor. It increases one's throwing power.

"Oh, so you're gonna use its power to throw something at the moon ? A spear, maybe ?"

Erza: No, there's no need for that. What I'm going to throw... Is you.

"... What ?"

Gray: ... What ?

Lucy: ... What ?

Villagers: ... What ?

Natsu: Ooooooh !!

"Hmm... Erza ? I'm not sure this is a good idea. Neither it is efficient, nor really safe..."

Erza: Stop complaining, and get ready. Once I throw you, your job is to fly to the moon at maximum speed to break it apart.

"I see... Since I can fly, it makes sense..."

Gray: Why are they both into it ?

Lucy: Don't tell me they're really gonna break the moon...

Erza: LET'S GO, Y/N !!



"Oh well, now that I'm here, let's go all out !! GIGA IMPACT !!!"


Although I literally bounced out of whatever I ended up ramming into, there was a crack spreading from the impact on the moon... Or at least that's what the ones on ground's level would probably think, but I had a different point of view.

'Ooooh... Now I get it... I knew it was way too soon for me to reach the moon... My poor head...'

Lucy/Gray: NO WAAAAY !!!! HE REALLY DID IT !!!

Villagers: Eh ?!!

Natsu: The moon ?!!

Chief: This is...

Lucy: The moon didn't break... But the sky did... ?

Natsu: What's going on ?!!

Erza: the island was covered with an evil layer.

Happy: A layer ?

"Think of it as exhaust fumes produced by the moon drips. They crystallized and created a thick layer in the sky, that's why the moon loked purple.

Lucy: Whoa. Pretty...

Erza: the evil layer is broken... And now this island will gain its original shine once again.

... ... ... But nothing happened...

Gray: Huh... But... They won't turn back to normal... ?

Happy: Oh no...

Erza: No... This is their normal appearance. The evil layer affected their memory, not their appearance.

"I fear to understand... From the very beginning..."

Lucy: N- N- N... No way...

Erza: That's how it is. They were demons to begin with. They had the ability to transform to humans, and came to believe that their true form is that of a human. That was the moon drips' effects on their memory.

Gray: F- For real ?

Villager: U- Uhm... We are still a little confused...

Lucy: But... Then why were Lyon and the others fine ?

"They are humans. I guess this memory flaw only affects demons. Also, the villagers can't approach those ruins because they are demons. People from the darkness can't approach the ruins that hold holy light."

???: Amazing... I'm glad that I left it in your hands. Thank you, mages.

Chief: Bo... Bobo...

Lucy: A GHOST !!!!


Villager: Eh... ?!! But... EEEH ?!!

Bobo: We demons wouldn't die just because we were stabbed in the chest, right ?

Gray: B- But... You disappeared from the ship, didn't you... ?

Turns out that guy had wings from the beginning...

Bobo: I'm sorry for not being able to tell the truth then. I got away from the island because I was the only one who didn't lost his memory. Everyone in the village was scared because they thought they were human.

Chief: B... BOBOOOOO !!!!

Bobo: You're finally back to your senses, dad !

Erza: Fu fu... Demon island, huh ?

"But... if you look at their faces... they're more like angels than demons."

Villagers: He's alive ! Bobo is alive !! WOOHOO !! All is well !! IT'S A FEAAAST !!! A DEMON FEAST !!!

Lucy: That sounds dreadful...

Happy: Aye...

Zalty: Did you see it ?

Siegrain: Yeah. Why did you turn the village back to normal ?

Zalty: A favor.

Siegrain: Sigh... Anyhow... they did better than I expected... Fairy Tail. I hope they won't get in our way.

Ultear: I agree...

Lucy: Hrmmm...

Lucy: Your injury... Might leave a scar.

Gray: huh ? I don't care.

Lucy: But it's on your face.

Gray: I don't care where I get hurt, as long as my injuries are visible.

Lucy: Hm ? Well said.

Natsu: huh ? What kind of injuries are invisible ?

Gray: Shut it. I'm trying to say something cool, so butt out.

Natsu: Cool ?

Chief: Wh- What ?! You can't accept the reward... ?

Erza: Yes... Your happiness is enough for us, we appreciate it.

Chief: But...

"As we told you last night, this request was never officially accepted by our guild. A couple of idiots just rushed into all of this."

Chief: But that still doesn't change the fact that we were saved. Will you accept this as a thank-you gift to friends, instead of a reward to the guild ?

Erza: It's hard to reject if you put it like that...

Gray: 7 million jewels !!

Natsu: Whoa !!

Erza: But to accept that would mean going against what our guild stands for. Although we'll gratefully accept the additional reward, the golden key.

Natsu/Gray: WE DON'T WANT THAT !!!

Lucy: I WANT IT !!!

Bobo: then, at least let us take you back to Harujion.

"No need, we have our ship ready."

Gray: A pirate ship ?!!

Happy: Don't tell me you hijacked it !!


Natsu: if you're gonna swim, I'll accompany you.

Lucy: Not gonna happen !!

Bobo: Everyone !! thank you so much !!!

Lucy: Take care !!!

Villagers: Let's do the demon shake shake dance together again ! Good luck on your jobs !! Fairy Tail is the best !! Come back and visit us any time !!!

Yuka: Well, they're gone.

Toby: I... I'M NOT CRYING AT ALL !!!

Yuka: Wait... Why are you... ?

Sherry: is this okay ? He's your fellow pupil, and you finally got along... I'm talking about love-

Lyon: It's okay. Hey... Do you think being in a legal guild is fun ?

Ultear: i'm disappointed in the Deliora case.

Siegrain: Well, can't be helped... We couldn't have known it was long dead. I thought we could've come one step closer to the dream if we got a hold of Deliora.

Ultear: I'm sorry, master Siegrain. I didn't imagine that woman's magic to be so powerful.

Siegrain: Don't talk about her like that. Tear of Ur, Ultear... I respect your mother. If she was still alive, without a doubt, she'd be one of the ten saint wizards.

Ultear: You think too highly of her, my mother was a pitiable woman, obsessed by magic, that's why my father dumped her.

Siegrain: The more important the thing you lose, the stronger the powers you gain.

Ultear: I'm just a speck of dust in my mother's life.

Siegrain: is that so ? Maybe she raised two young pupils out of regret.

Ultear: Enough about that; rather, let's move on to the next stage.

Siegrain: Hey... You...


Siegrain: Ha ha ha, it finally swelled up ! By the way, what do you think about Natsu after fighting him ?

Ultear: I didn't even used half of my power, but he's amazing. He'll keep getting stronger.

Siegrain: just as I thought... That child of Igneel. Keep on burning, for the sake of my dream...


Natsu: WE'RE BAAACK !!!

Happy: BAAACK !!

Gray: All that trouble for one little key...

Happy: It was an S-quest, too.

"It wasn't an official job, so I think it's rather generous."

Lucy: Yup, yup. No need to complain !!

Happy: You're the only one who gained something, Lucy. let's sell it !

Lucy: What are you saying, you stray cat !!! I've told you before, there are only 12 golden zodiac keys in the world. They're incredibly rare..

Natsu: What ? Like that cow and that maid ?

Lucy: If I train myself more, those stellar spirits will become even stronger than you !!

Gray: So... Which key did you get ?

Lucy: Sagittarius, the archer~.

Erza: Now... Let's get to the guild and decide on your punishment.

"Given this case, we'll talk to the master about it, but in the end, we have no saying in the final decision."



Lucy: What is THAT ?!!

Natsu: Don't worry about it. i'm sure the old man will just praise us saying "good job".

Lucy: You're foolishly optimistic, aren't you ?

Erza: no... I'm sure THAT is already a given. Fu fu... I'm really itching for it.


Lucy: So, WHAT IS THAT ?!!!

"Well, off we go."

Erza: What... ? Something's wrong with the guild.

Lucy: Wh- What ?

Gray: This is...

Natsu: Who.. ?!!!

Erza: What happened here... ?

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