Chapter 16: Phantom

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Our guild is..."

Erza: What happened here... ?

Mirajane: Phantom. It's mortifying, but we were done in...

Fairy Tail's basement:

Wakaba: Hey look, Erza and Y/n are back. They even brought back Gray and Natsu.

Nab: Did you see what happened to the guild ?! Shit.

"Not seeing it would mean our eyes have some problems..."

Nab: Damn phantom !! How dare they do this to our guild !

Wakaba: We've always been on bad terms with them.

Max: Let's go and smash their guild !!!

Macao: Calm down ! This is Phantom we're talking about.

Makarov: Yo. Welcome back.

Erza: We're back.

Natsu: Old man ! This isn't happy hour, is it ?!!!

Makarov: Oooh, right you are. GUYS !! How dare you go on an S-Quest without permission ?!!

Lucy: Eh ?!

Gray: Huh ?!!

Makarov: Punishment !!! I'll give you your punishment now ! Prepare yourself !!!

Natsu: It's not the time for that now !!!

"Master... You may be drunk, but it's not gonna stop me. You better behave yourself."

Erza: Do you even understand our current situation ?!

Natsu: They wrecked our guild !!!

Makarov: Well, calm down. It's not something to make a fuss about. Phantom, right ? This is as far as those idiots will go. I don't see why they even bothered to attack an empty guild.

"Empty guild ?"

Mew: They attacked in the middle of the night, so no one was hurt. We were lucky.

Makarov: There's no need to get cross with someone that resorts to surprise attacks. Leave them be.


Makarov: This discussion is over. We'll take on job requests here until the first floor is fixed.


Makarov: NATSU !! CUT IT OUT !!

Lucy: Why is he hitting my butt... ?!

"Master, don't force me to hit the two of you... "

Makarov: Ah, hold on... I've gotta go take a leak.

Natsu: How can you be so calm about it... Gramps ?

Mirajane: Natsu... I'm sure the master is just as shocked as us. But warfare between guilds is prohibited by the council.

Natsu: They were the ones who attacked us first !!!

Mew: That's beside the issue.

Erza: if this is how the master feels about it...

"We have no choice but to accept it..."

Lucy: This has gotten really serious. I'm glad we got away from our punishment, though. Phantom is known for not being on good terms with Fairy Tail, right ? To tell you the truth, I really wasn't sure which guild to join.

Plue: Puun ?

Lucy: 'Cause, they're just as outrageous. But now... I'm glad that I joined this guild. 'Cause Fairy Tail is-

Gray: Welcome home.

Happy: Welcome !

Erza: You have a nice room.

Natsu: Yo.

"You should lock your windows and door when you're away."

Mew: Not like it would change anything...


Erza: Seeing how Phantom Lord came to this town, it's possible that they got our addresses.

Lucy: Eh ?

"Even if it's quite unlikely, they might attack us when we're alone. that's why Mirajane and the master said we should stay in a group for a while..."

Lucy: R- Really ?!

Happy: Everyone's having a sleepover today.

Erza: You're of marriageable age... I wouldn't feel right if only Natsu and Gray spent the night. That's why I decided to join.

Lucy: So Natsu and Gray staying over was a given ?

Natsu: Just as a pastime !!

Plue: Puun.

Natsu: Whoa !! Plue !! What is that you're eating ?! Gimme some !

Gray: I'm gonna hit the sack, so pipe down.

Happy: Erza, looook. I found some kinky underwear.

Erza: A- Amazing... You wear things like this, Lucy... ?

Lucy: You're really making yourself at home, aren't you ?

"I think I'm gonna sleep soon too. The master took my crystal, so I'm kinda tired..."

Lucy: Why would he do that ?

Mew: Because he knew very well that if not, he'd go all by himself and wreck their guild. So he confiscated it.

"Temporarily confiscated it, please. But it still sucks..."

Erza: Either way, Natsu, Gray... You guys smell sweaty. Since we'll be sleeping in the same room, I suggest you take a bath.

Natsu: No way, I don't feel like it.

Gray: i'm too sleepy.

Erza: I guess there's no other way... We can take it together, like in the old days...


Lucy: Hey... Do you have any idea why Phantom Lord attacked us all of a sudden ?

Erza I don't know... We've had some brushes before, but it's the first time they attacked us this directly.

Natsu: The old man should quit being scared and just blow them off.

"I don't think he's scared... After all, he's one of the ten saint wizards."

Lucy: Ten saint wizards ?

Mew: it's a title given to the ten best mages in each continent, decided by the chairman of the magic council.

Lucy: Oh, wow !!

Happy: Master Jose of Phantom Lord is one of them, too.

Natsu: He's just scared !! 'Cause Phantom Lord has more members !!

Gray: That's not it. Both the master and Mirajane know what would happen if two guilds fight, so they're avoiding it, in order to protect the order in the magic world.

Lucy: *Gulp* Are they that great ?

Natsu: They're not great at all !

"No... In reality, if we would get in a fight, both guilds would probably be brought down. Our strength is approximately the same, after all... Master Jose, one of the Ten saint wizards, who's been said to hold an equal amount of power as master Makarov... And the Element 4, the equivalent of our S-class mages over there. But the real problem is Gajeel... It's most likely him who trashed our guild, with his iron Dragonslayer magic."

Lucy: DRAGONSLAYER ?!!! T- There are others beside Natsu... ? Th- Then... Does he... Eat iron and stuff ?!!

Mage: Yo, Gajeel. I heard you attacked Fairy tail, huh ?! Uhah, good job !! I bet their spirit must be pretty crushed by now !! Serves them right !!!

Gajeel: What did I say about disturbing me while i'm eating ? Scum.

Gajeel: Who cares about those Fairy assholes ? We're the strongest guild.

Jose: the wheels have been set in motion. Excellent job, Gajeel.

Gajeel: You're too lenient, master. Those rat bastards won't be lured out of their cages with just that. So I'm gonna left them another present.

Jose: My, my... Though, you mustn't kill that person no matter what.

Erza: Pardon, coming through.

"Please let us pass, we're from the guild."

Gray: Guh !!

Lucy: N- No... Impossible...

Lucy: L- Levy...

Gray: JET !!! DROY !!!

"The mark of Phantom Lord..."

Erza: master...

Makarov: Wrecking our shoddy bar, I could bear with... But no parent can remain silent after seeing their children's blood...

"Master... Permission to go all out, without taking any prisoners ?"

Makarov: Granted. THIS MEANS WAR.

Mage: Dahaaah !! This is hilarious !! Those fairies got their asses burned bad ! And that's not all, I heard Gajeel attacked three of their members !

Mage: Oh yeah, who's that person master's been talking about ?

Mage: No idea. He told us to "stay away" or something. Whatever, here's to those pitiful fairies ! I bet they're trembling with their tails between their legs about now !

Mage: Ah, shoot ! I lost track of time.

Mage: Meeting a girl ?

Mage: Yeah, not too shabby looking either. Though, she's just a client. When I threatened her, she doubled the reward for me.

Mage: I bet I could've tripled it.

Mage: Yeah, yeah, whatever...

The second before he could open the door, it literally was blown off its hinges, sending him crashing back. Guess that client will have to wait...


Mages: WHA ?!!!


Mages: B- Bastard !!!


Mages: Don't get carried away, punk !! Take them down !!!

Gray: IS THAT ALL ?!!

Elfman: NUOOOOH !


Mage: M- Monster !!!!


Mages: E- EEIK !! S- Such strength !!! Their soldiers aren't small fry, either !! THEY'RE INSANE !!

Makarov: JOSE !!! SHOW YOURSELF !!!

Erza: Where ?!! Where are Gajeel and the other members of element 4 ?!

Gajeel: That's Erza the Titania... Gildarts, Laxus and Mystogan aren't joining the force... That's underestimating us. But... I didn't expected master Jose's plan to work this well... Go ahead, be your worthless selves... Scum...

Gajeel: Wait a second... Titania, Natsu the salamander... That ice stripper... Why do I feel like someone's missing-

He was suddenly kicked down, and crashed on the ground just below.

Gajeel: Tch... Yeah, that's the one I forgot...

"Gajeel Redfox, I presume... You've made quiet the mess with our guild and our friends recently. Here, allow me to repay your kindness by beating you down to a pulp."

Lucy: Sigh. Everyone just went ahead and left me. And now it even started raining, on top of that...

???: Steadily and silently... Yes... Juvia brings rain, steadily and silently...

Lucy: Huh ?

Juvia: What do you bring ?

Lucy: Erm... Who are you ?

Juvia: I had fun. Farewell. Steadily and silently...

Lucy: Eh ?!! What was that all about ?!!

???: Non, non, non. Non, non, non. Non, non, non, non, non, non, non. Bonjour, with a non in a 3-3-7 rhythm.


Sol: Lady Juvia, you can't just walk away from your mission.

Juvia: Monsieur Sol.

Sol: My monocle is whispering to me, that mademoiselle over there is none other than our precious cible.

(A/N: I know some of you may be annoyed, because this characters kinda speak french. So I'll make sure to include every single one of his lines, thank you very much ;-) )

Juvia: Oh my... So she's the one ?

Lucy: Huh ?

Sol: Pardon my manners. I am Sol, but you may call me Monsieur Sol. We've come from the great Phantom Lord magic guild to welcome you.

Juvia: Juvia is a member of the elements 4, who brings rain.

Lucy: Phantom ?!! Y- You're the ones that attacked Levy !!

Sol: Non, non, non. I'd like to clear up your misunderstanding with three nons. Wrecking the guild and attacking Lady Levy were done by mister Gajeel. Though, it is true that this was done through a consensus of our guild.

Lucy: Nmm ! Fu- !! BWAH !! Wh- Wh- What is this ?!!

Juvia: Juvia's water lock cannot be broken.

Sol: Mmmmm !! Très bien !

Juvia: Do not worry... Juvia will not kill you. For it is Juvia's duty to bring you back. Lady Lucy Heartphilia.

Sol: Mmmmm !! Victoire !!

Juvia: Capture complete.

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