Chapter 17: Phantom ? Ruined. Lucy ? Saved. Hotel... ?

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Elfman: Man. Man !! Maaan !!! Being a man... IS WHAT A MAN IS ALL ABOUT !!!!

Mages: What the hell's he saying ?! What is that arm ?!!

Mage: it's "Takeover" !!! That big dude "Took over" a monster in his arm !! T- There's really magic like that ?!! IT'S ELFMAN !! Absorbing the power of monsters that he defeated into his arm... BEAST-ARM ELFMAN !!!

Makarov: Erza, Y/n !! I'm putting the two of you in charge here. Jose is probably at the top floor, shaking in his hole. I'm gonna carve him a new one.

Erza: Take care.

"Take care of him, that is. we'll take care of them."

Gajeel: Hee hee... Now that the most dangerous one is gone... I can finally have some fun.

Wakaba: Nab !! Warren !!

"That bastard... He don't even have any scruples attacking his own comrades..."

Gajeel: Come and get me, scum !! Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel at your service !!

"Asked that nicely, it would be rude of me to refuse. Since it's a beating you're looking for, then it's a beating you'll get !"


Gajeel: Heh... not bad.

Elfman: Men must live strong.

Gajeel: Then, how do you like this ?

"Elfman, get down !!"

Mages: Gajeel !! Stop!!

Elfman: You bastard ! Look what you're doing to your comrades !!

Gajeel: Eyes front, pay attention-

"Chaotic dragon iron fist !!"


Elfman: You guys... Stepping on me...

Mages: Hey !! Gajeel got pummeled !! It's the first time that happened !!

"Oh, right, I think I kinda forgot to introduce myself, silly me..."

Natsu: WE'RE THE DRAGON SLAYERS FROM FAIRY TAIL !!! Elfman !! Let us have him !!

Elfman: You bastard !! Don't get in the way of a fight between men !!!

Erza: Natsu !!

"Elfman... if you fight him, he'll use every dirty trick possible to win. This is not a fight between men, as this one... truly is the lowest scum on Earth. Just look at him, all he can do is assaulting the weaker ones, and rely on surprise attacks."

Natsu: For our guild, Levy and the others... WE'LL SEND YOU TO HELL !!!!

Gajeel: What ?! Ku.. that punk-

"Heh... That's our Natsu."

Gajeel: So. That all you got, Salamander ?

Natsu: Don't worry, that was just a friendly hello, from one dragonslayer to another.


Mages: Wh- Wha ? An earthquake ?!!

Gray: This is gonna get ugly...

Mages: Wh- Wh- What is ?!!

Erza: This is master Makarov's "fury".

"A giant's fury, that no one can stop."

Mages: H- Hieek !! This can't be happening ! The entire guild is trembling...

Elfman: That's the man, master Makarov. Prepare yourself. As long as we have him, we won't lose.

Makarov: Jose... What the hell do you think you're doing... Huh ?

Jose: Why hello there. Long time no see, Makarov. It must've been since the regular meeting 6 years ago... Boy, I was so stumped that time... I overdid it with the booze...

Makarov: I'm not here to reminisce with you, Jose.

Jose: Ho ho ho... My, oh my...

Makarov: An image ?!! You... Are already gone from your own guild ?!!

Jose: A battle among two of the ten holy great mages can cause extraordinary natural occurrences. I prefer a rational victory.

Makarov: Where are you ?!! Come fight me fair and square !!!

Makarov: LUCY ?!!! Wh- Why ?!!! NOOOO !!

[Phantom Lord, Element 4: Aria of the wind]

Makarov: 'Shit !! I... I didn't even notice his presence !!'

Aria: So... So- So- SORROWFUL !!!

Makarov: KUAAAAAH !!!

Jose: Ho ho ho... There's no way we'd kill Lucy, right ? At least, not yet...

Makarov: AAAAH !!! 'What is this ?!! I can't use my powers !!!'

Jose: please don't tell me you don't know who Lucy Heartfilia is, while she belongs to your guild. Well... I guess it's none of your business anymore...


Natsu: Huh ?!

"Something... just fell down ?"

Erza: M- Master... ?!

Makarov: Ah... Ah... Ugh... Argh... M- My... Magic power...

Jose: Aria's magic consists of taking away an opponent's magic power, or in other words, making it "Void". This victory is ours.

Makarov: Magic... My magic...

Natsu: Gramps !!

Erza: master !!

Gajeel: Tch... Fun's over already ?

Erza: Master !! Hang in there !!

"What's going on ?! I can't sense any trace of magic power from him..."

Mew: Wait... Does that mean he's just a plain geezer now ?

Erza: HOW ?!

Max: Impossible ! How can our master be defeated ?!!

Mages: Excellent !! now their battle strength is decreased by half !!

Alzack: What on earth... Happened upstairs... ?

Natsu: Gramps !!!

Mages: Now, crush them !!!

Erza: 'No... !! It's not only our battle strength... Having low morale is causing us more problems.' RETREAT !!! TO THE GUILD !!!!

Gray: No way !!

Elfman: Men don't retreat !!!

Macao: I can still fight !!

Bisca: Me too !!

Erza: We cannot defeat Jose without our master !! We're retreating ! This is an order !!!

Gajeel: my, my, going home already ? He he he !

Aria: Sorrowful...

Gajeel: Aria... You're as creepy as always. I'm surprised that you defeated that geezer.

Aria: All part of master Jose's plan. WONDERFUL !!

Gajeel: Don't cry over everything. So ? Did we capture that Lucy girl ?

'Lucy... ?'

Aria: Yes. We've confined her at our "headquarters".

Natsu: What ?!! GAJEEEELLLL !!

Gajeel: Let's settle this some other time, salamander.

"They captured Lucy ?"

Erza: We're leaving !! Retreat !!!

Mage: We won't let you get away, Fairy Tail !!!

Natsu: Perfect. You come with me !

Happy: Natsu !! What are you going to do ?!!

Natsu: What do you think ?! I'm gonna save Lucy !!!

Gray: How can we retreat like this ?!! We've got to avenge Levi and the others !!!

Erza: Please... We've gotta retreat for now... Master's loss is just too big...

"You guys go ahead. I'll stay behind, and make sure they can't follow you..."

Erza: What are you going to do ?

"... Just executing master Makarov's last directive: Go all out, and don't make prisoners."

"They should be far enough now. It is time... Mew, I'm really counting on you for that one."

Mew: To assist you on the assault ?

"Yes, and also to carry whatever will be left of me back to the guild once I'm done."

Mages: Ah !! Even your master wasn't able to do anything in the end, what do you think YOU can do all alone ?!!

"... ... ... I don't like doing this. Because if if I'm not careful enough, I'll give away way too much information about myself. But it doesn't matter right now, because none of you will live to tell the story. You dared to attack the monster's children, unaware that amongst them... a dragon was hiding."

Mages: W- What ?!

"I guess it's time to deserve my title, after all... SEMI-DRACONIC FORM, BALANCE BREAKER !!! EARTHQUAKE !!!"

From the other side of the hill, even the fleeing ones could feel the pressure building up, the ground shaking, and the faint cries of terror, last traces of a foolish guild crumbling apart from trying to attack what they couldn't comprehend.

Natsu: Now, tell me. Where's Lucy ?

Mage: I... I don't know... Who is that... ?

Natsu: Speak up. If my friend is hurt, I might burn you to a crisp.

Mage: Hieek... I... I don't know !! I really don't know someone by that name !! But... Our "Headquarters" is located on the hill straight ahead !! M- Maybe over there !!!

Lucy: Hrm ? Eh ? Eh ?!! W- What is this ?!! Where am I ?!!

Jose: Are you awake, miss Lucy Heartfilia ?

Lucy: Who is that ?!!

Jose: I'm Phantom Lord's guild master, Jose.

Lucy: Phantom ?!! Oh yeah... ! I got captured by the element 4, and...

Jose: I apologize for tying you up and putting you in this filthy jail, but you're still a captive, please try to understand.

Lucy: UNTIE ME !!! Who's a captive ?!! How dare you do all that to Levi and the others !!!

Jose: depending on your attitude, we might treat you as a "VIP" instead of a captive.

Lucy: What... ? HYAAAH !! BUGS !!!

Jose: See ? You really don't wanna stay in this jail. If you behave, we'll move you to a suite room.

Lucy: Wh- Why did you attack us ? I heard you aren't on good terms with Fairy Tail, but..

Jose: "Us" ? Ah, you mean Fairy Tail ? That was an extra. Just an extra. Our true objective was to get a hold on a certain individual. That certain individual happened to belong to Fairy Tail, so we thought why not kill two birds with the same stone...

Lucy: A certain individual ?

Jose: You're so slow that I almost can't believe you're a daughter of the Heartfilia family. Who else could it be ? Daughter of the Heartfilia conglomerate, Lucy Heartfilia.

Lucy: H- How do you know about that ?

Jose: I heard... You were hiding your social standing in the guild. I don't know why the daughter of one of the richest men in this country undertakes such cheap and dangerous jobs, but...

Lucy: So then, you... Kidnapped me ?

Jose: No, no. please don't be absurd. It was none other than your father, who requested to get you.

Lucy: No... lies... Why did he... ?

Jose: Isn't it normal if a petty daughter runs away from home, people search for her ?


Jose: my, my. Hat a troublesome lady.

Lucy: release me at once.

Jose: I cannot do that.

Lucy: ... But, I need to use the restroom.

Jose: Such a classic excuse, isn't it ? Go ahead, you can use that bucket over there.

Lucy: EH ?!!

Jose: Ho ho ho... It's so classic that you won't catch us offguard-

Lucy: A bucket, huh...

Jose: YOU'RE ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT ?!!! WH- WHAT A SHAMELESS LADY !!! You're lucky I'm such a gentleman !!

Lucy: A classic strategy isn't so bad after all. I'll use it in my novel next time. Well ! Be good. Eh ?

Jose: Ha ha. Pity... isn't it... ? This is our sky prison... How dare... You do that to me... now... Come to me... It's punishment time... I have to teach you the atrociousness of the Phantoms.

Jose: WHA ?!

Lucy: 'I heard his voice !! i'm sure he's here !!' NATSUUU !!!

Happy: Lucy fell from the sky !!!

Natsu: this is absurd !!! Hey !!!

Lucy: I knew it ! I knew you'd be here.

Natsu: Are you okay ?

Lucy: Yeah... Sorta.

Happy: Great !!! let's head back to the guild now !!!

Natsu: Huh ?! We're at their headquarters here, right ?! So...

Happy: Erza asked us to retreat though.

Natsu: She's just scared !! I'm not scared of these guys at all !!!

Happy: Master is seriously wounded, too.

Natsu: We'll avenge gramps !!!

Happy: It's impossible all by yourself, Natsu !!

Natsu: What ?

Happy: Impossible.

Natsu: Don't repeat it !!!

Happy: Everyone's hurt !!

Natsu: I'm not.

Happy: Nab even broke some bones...

Natsu: he's weak.

Happy: Warren too..

Lucy: Sorry... I'm sorry... it's all... My fault... But I... Still want to stay in the guild... I love Fairy Tail.

Natsu: H- hey !! What now ?!! What's the matter ?!

Happy: Lucy ?

Lucy: *Sobbing*

Natsu: You CAN stay !! wait, what's wrong with you... ?

Happy: Natsu... let's head back.

Natsu: O-Okay... I guess it's best...

Jose: Oooooooh... Gh... Ghghghghghghhhhhhhhhh...

Jose: How dare you do that to me, you... Little bitch...

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