Chapter 106: Gate

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Wakaba: What ?! Acnologia... You mean... Th- That...

Macao: The one who blew Tenrou island to bits ?!

Vijeeter: MAVIS ! SAVE US !!

Cana: It's coming... That winged despair... Again...

Erza: Acnologia...

Kyouka: What did you say ?!

Carla: Wendy ! Are you alright ?! What happened ?! WENDY !!


Doranbolt: You gotta be shitting me... he's coming...

Natsu: *BADUMP*

Lucy: Natsu ?! Hey... Everything alright ? Ah ! He's burning up !!

"Gajeel too... Are all the Dragonslayer reacting to Acnologia ?"

Lucy: Natsu... Gajeel...

Mard: This...

Mard: Even Mard Geer cannot predict what is about to unfold...

Lisanna: here he comes...


Jet: This is the end...

Elfman: Don't talk like that... It's only the end if you give up !!

Mages: You gotta be kidding me ! Just the act of him flying by makes this big of a shockwave ?! This really is the end... It's useless.

Cana: What did we do to deserve this... ?! Damn it !

Mard: So that's it... He's after END. Does he... Fear END ? So he's come to destroy it before it can be resurrected. Fascinating.

"Here it comes... The same roar that seemingly wiped Tenrou island, and us with it..."


???: Natsu. Looks like the time has come.

Natsu: I... Igneel... ?!

Igneel: I believe that you, of all people, are capable of defeating END.

Natsu: Igneel ?! Why is Igneel's voice... ?!

"What are you talking about... ?"

Igneel: I'll do something about Acnologia.


Natsu: When I was little, I was taken in by that dragon. Language, culture, magic, he taught me everything.

Natsu: Dad.... Why'd you go away ?! Igneel could still be around here !!

Igneel: Natsu... I hope you can forgive me... For everything... The truth is...

Igneel: I've always been, right inside of you.

Natsu: ... ... ...

Igneel: Now is not the time for me to tell you everything I should have. I've got to get rid of Acnologia first. Live, Natsu !!

Lucy: Am I... Dreaming... Natsu ?

Natsu: ... Dad...

Levy: Wh- Waht do you mean... he was inside... His body ? Could there be one inside Gajeel too ?

Gajeel: My... My heart stopped thumping...

Sting: You alright, Rogue ?

Rogue: yeah... More importantly, though, where'd that guy with the book disappear to ?

Carla: Wendy... is everything okay ?

Wendy: Yeah. Carla, that's...

Happy: The flame dragon...

Erza: Could it be...

Kyouka: What in... What in the world, is happening ? Lord Mard Geer...

Mard: The darkwing, Acnologia. The flame dragon king, Igneel. Mard Geer will not allow you to interfere with his plans. The plan has been revised. You will be the ones falling to ruin, o' lost race...

Dialga: yeah, I wouldn't be counting on it too much if I were you, ass. You think it sensed us and went looking for a fight ?

Palkia: Why would I know ? His reasons for coming here aren't important... What matters is how they will be able to deal with him...

Mard: ... Not only kings, but gods as well... This truly is a festival.

Mew: And you're just counting four, aren't you ? There's one that's been missing for nearly seven years.

Levy: You sure you're okay, Gajeel ?!

Gajeel: I can't make sense of any of this... Oi ! Salamander ! Is that really Igneel ?! You tellin' me he was inside your body this whole time ? Cut the bullshit !!

Natsu: ... Like I even got a clue... And this whole time... this whole time I was looking for him... YOU HAVE GOTTA BE FUCKIN' KIDDING ME !! IGNEEEEEEEEEEL !!

Igneel: You idiot... ! I told you, we'll talk later !

Natsu: No ! Now !! Why did you suddenly disappear ?! And of all places you decided to just hop inside of me ?! Where are Gajeel and Wendy's dragons ?! What happened on July 7th, 777 ?!

Igneel: Ngh. SILENCE !!

Natsu: B... Badass...

Igneel: Not quite... That barely even tickled him. I'm getting quite fired up !

Igneel: Natsu. Leave, now.

Natsu: Whaddaya mean leave now ?! How can you say that when we haven't seen each other in forever ?!

Igneel: Don't make me repeat myself. we'll talk later. You've got your own work to do.

Natsu: Work ?

Igneel: You're in a guild or something, aren't you ? i'll make a formal request of it. Look.

Igneel: The book that man standing there is holding. That's the "Book of END".

Natsu: END ?

Igneel: Go steal that book.

Natsu: Give me one good reason why I should...

Igneel: because you're the only person who can. Besides, that guy's the culprit behind all this fuss. That alone should be reason enough to fight him.

Natsu: Him, huh...

Igneel: Listen... Under no circumstances are you to open that book. Do not destroy it either. You must steal it. That's all.

Natsu: ... And my reward ?

Igneel: Why you... ?!

Natsu: i'm working for the guild and all. I better get one.

Igneel: ... ... Everything you wish to know.

Natsu: It's a deal !

Igneel: ... GO, NATSU !!


Igneel: Yes sir.

Natsu: A promise is a promise, understand ?! NOW I'M ALL FIRED UP !! RAAAAAAAAAAAHH !!

Mard: And you are ?

Natsu: I am... IGNEEL'S SON !!

Mard: Did you say... The Dragon's son ? NGHK !

Natsu: I'm taking that book !! And I'm putting an end to Face !! Which means I'll also be kicking your ass !!

Mard: Oh ?

Mard: 'This is the first time he's seen my curse and yet... Was still able to dodge it ?!'


Mard: 'Kyouka... can you hear me ?'

Kyouka: Master Mard Geer ?

Mard: 'the dragon has become a problem. Speed up the activation of Face. You are in the control room right now, are you not ?'

Kyouka: yes... But... Keyes and Seilah have both been taken out and we no longer have anyone capable of controlling the chairman.

Mard: 'Worry not. It has already been brought online. Simply hastening its activation is well within even your power. In the center of the control rool is the main Lacryma. You shall form an organic link with it using your own body.

Kyouka: An organic link ?!

Mard: 'if you transform your own body into the activation key, you can greatly speed up the process. And once face activates, naturally, all these mages will become powerless. I expect we will even be able to steal the dragon' life force. And thus master END will be revived. Victory will be ours. Now then... Go.'

Kyouka: Lord Mard Geer... If I make an organic link between this enormous magic power and my own curse power... My life will become forfeit.

Mard: 'And what of it ? Do you fear death so ?'

Kyouka: ... No... If it is to fulfill Tartaros' greatest wish... then my life is of little consequence. Everything... is for Zeref.


Pantherlily: What are those ?! Some kind of marker ?

Kyouka: these represent the number of Faces on this continent. Organic link... Complete. Now... I have become one with Face's activation console.

Erza: What ?! Why would she... Fuse with it ?

Minerva: Could this be to accelerate Face's activation... ?!

Kyouka: the situation has now become very simple for you. Kill me, and you stop face. 'As it stands, once face activates, I'll be dead anyway.'

Erza: Someone's extremely confident. The implication there is that you can't possibly imagine yourself losing...

Kyouka: indeed. It seems you're still very ignorant of...

Kyouka: The nine demons' slave star angel... Kyouka's true nature... My etherias form !!

Erza: What ?!


Mard: the arrogant truly are utterly repugnant. Filthy humans. The only things Mard Geer currently regards as obstacles... Are the dragons. Not you.

Mard: You are no dragon.

Igneel: NATSU !!

Acnologia: To think that dragons still lived... I am displeased.

Igneel: Oh ? So you've finally opened your mouth, eh, Acnologia ?

Acnologia: I recognize you as my enemy, dragon. And I shall slay you. Both you... And that insect from seven years ago...

Igneel: Oh ? You mean... That one ?

"Sixfold element dragon... ROAAAAAAAARR !!"


"Tough fucking bastard !! Don't think it'll be the same as on Tenrou island !"

Acnologia: Puerile... A dragon and human mixed as one... You are everything I despise. You may be calling yourself a god... But you'll see just how beneath that king you are.

Mard: ... I suppose it is true... The fallen dragon god. It's just a matter of time now. Either he dies by Acnologia, or Face finishes him off. In any case, there is no hope. Unless you step in ?

Dialga: ... Gods aren't allowed to meddle with mortals' affairs. Even if... he is the sole exception. Being more of a mortal than anything.

Palkia: However... Even if we cant' fight his battles... There is still one thing we can do... One single thing, to help him. Then, it's all up to him.



Acnologia: That weakness of your is unbearable ! You're not worthy of being called a Dragon !!

"Shut up... SHUT UP !! I already fell into despair once, and it's not gonna happen again !!"


Dialga: ROAR OF TIME !!

"Huh ? WAAAAAH !!"


"Are they... were they trying to hit me ?! What are they doing ?! Huh... ?"

Palkia: Well. This is all we can do now. I'm sure he'll figure it out now.

Dialga: He better. We didn't travel all the way here just to see him die. We're going ?

Palkia: wait. I want to see how this turns out.

Mard: ... ... A crack in the sky... ?

Mew: It should be quite easy for him to figure where this leads.

Acnologia: ... What ?

"Roar of Time and Spacial rend... Attacks so powerful they bend the space-time continuum... And beyond that crack... Lies a world outside of time and space... ... You two... From the bottom of my heart, thank you !!"


"Gh... dammit, why am I even struggling ?! This is opening my own front door !! OPEN !! GATE... TO THE DISTORTION WORLD !!"


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