Chapter 107: 00:00

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

*A Few minutes earlier*

Happy: ERZA !!

Pantherlily: She broke her armor bare-handed ?!



Lector: Th... The timer's rapidly ticking down !

Frosch: No way...

Minerva: She can will the timer to count down faster ?! Hurry; Erza !

Erza: I know !! Kuh !!

Kyouka: I cannot be defeated by you. My curse is "Strengthening". Every second, my power increases. A demon that can increase her power without limit.

Kyouka: As I have formed an organic link with the face-activation lacryma, Face's activation will end my life.

Erza: WHAT ?!

Kyouka: But I have no regrets. If, with this, master END can be revived... If, with this, we can return to Zeref !!

Erza: Why are all of you so hell-bent on making this so ?!

Kyouka: because it is our destiny. We, the demons of Zeref's book, are destined to return to him. Lord Mard Geer has likened it to a homing instinct. We were all born off Zeref and, so, to Zeref we shall return.

Erza: No. You chose death. You gave up on the path your walked with your comrades.

Kyouka: SILEEENCE !!

Erza: Th... This is... !


Erza: M- My body... Ugh... AAAAAH !!

Kyouka: It hurts, does it not ? I have laid bare your sensation of pain. Now, with so much as a slight breeze, your body shall be wrecked by excruciating pain. It seems that I was unable to fully control my powers, and the curse has slightly affected some of your friends as well.

Erza: Ugh... Gh.. Urk... Aaaa...

Happy: It hurts... It hurts... It hurts it hurts !!

Pantherlily: I can't even stand... My body... unbearable...

Frosch: It hurts, Lector...

Lector: I'm in pain too... But it's much worse for Erza...

Minerva: Erza...

Kyouka: Brings back memories, does it not, Erza ? That underground torture room. Armor does not suit you. My, what beautiful skin you have.

Happy: STOP IT !!

Minerva: Is this... As far as we go... is Erza really... Going to lose ?

Kyouka: Very soon you will leave this world. This shall be your final torture. Know despair, Erza. First, I shall steal your sense of sight. Huhuhu... Huhahaha !!

Kyouka: Next, your sense of touch. Taste. Smell.

Frosch: Stop it !! Erza's gonna die !!

Kyouka: And now your sense of sound. These are the last words you will ever hear in this world.

Kyouka: HUHAHAHAHAHA !! This is complete, absolute victory !! Though my soul may pass from this world... You lowly humans have no future to look forward to !! I SHALL NOT KILL YOU !! YOU SHALL KNOW A HELL MORE PAINFUL THAN DEATH ! IN THIS STATE I SHALL MAKE YOU A PUPPET FOR THE DARK KING ! DAY BY DAY, EVER SO SLOWLY, YOUR BODY AND SOUL WILL BE TORN AWAY !

Kyouka: i'm actually quite jealous !! Huhahahaha !! You must be absolutely thrilled !! Just try to say, "I'm thrilled" !! Hahahaha !!

Erza: ... ..

Kyouka: Eh ?

Erza: I can... See... No matter what you try to steal from me... the light that lights my path cannot be stolen by anyone.

Minerva: Sh- She stood up... Although her five senses are all gone...

Kyouka: Im... Impossible...

Erza: Even if I cannot see... Even if I cannot hear... There is a light within me. The path I have walked till now alongside my friends... Will light my tomorrow.

Erza: I HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR !! SOMETHING LIKE THIS ISN'T EVEN WORTHY OF THE NAME PAIN !! Ultimate pain is... The pain of losing that light !!

Kyouka: Impossible !! She should not even be able to see !!

Minerva: So this is... Erza...

Kyouka: Impossible... She's lost all five sense. And my curse should've amplified her pain.

Kyouka: You... You shouldn't be able to see me !! Or even hear me... How are you still able to find me...

Pantherlily: The only explanation would be that she's using her sixth or even seventh sense.

Lector: Oh, you mean she could only use those if her previous 5 sense were taken away from her ?

Frosch: ... ... Eh... ?

Happy: There's a simpler explanation... It's because... It's because she's Erza.

All: Oh, I see.



Minerva: Erza ! Time's...

Happy: It's no use ! She can't hear us !!



Happy: Erza !!


Pantherlily: This isn't good ! Not only has she amplified Erza's pain... She's raising her own power...

Minerva: A curse that'll strengthen her own attacks every second...

Kyouka: 'Does she... Not feel pain at all ?! Does she not know fear ?! She...'

Kyouka: 'She's too strong !!'

Lector: Time's still ticking away !!

Pantherlily: She's gotta finish things once and for all...

Happy: ERZA !!

Minerva: Haa... Haa... Haa... She's... Smiling... ?


???: 'Fear not, Kyouka... Magic will... Disappear from this world.'

Mard: Emotion dulls thought. Mard Geer intended to control them for as long as he could. Master END, please wait a moment. Anger is particularly detrimental. It causes one to sometimes not be one-self.

Mard: Well then... While the three dragons are busy ripping each other... What will Mard Geer be when he begins to differ from himself ? Thinking about it is enough to make ones stomach churn. Mard geer is Mard Geer. Called the dark king... He looks after Tartaros in the absence of the master. I must once again forget this emotion. Along with you fools' existences.

Natsu: Wh- What'd you say ?!

Rogue: Something's not right.


Sting: This bastard...

Rogue: He's strong...


Mard: That won't work.


Sting: Natsu's asking for an assist ?

Rogue: He probably finally realized how strong this guy really is.

Mard: Light and darkness... Quite beautiful. But, it shall disappear within me.

Sting: You gotta be kidding me.

Rogue: He absorbed it ?! ... Him too ?!


Natsu: Eh ?! GAAAAAAAAH !!

Mard: Hmph. If that is all you can muster, I advise you to give up now. Mard Geer has yet to even try. But... I guess there's nothing much to be done.

Sting: What... Are you planning to do by erasing magic from the entire continent ?

Mard: Oh... Did I not tell you ? By taking magic away, the seal on END will be neutralized as well.

Natsu: That... book ?

Mard: It only looks like that now but END is actually the strongest among the demons from the book of Zeref. The master of Tartaros, if you may. And by reviving END, we may return to Zeref as well.

Rogue: We won't let you. If you're so bent on going back, just go on your own.

Mard: ... Have you ever wondered... Why Zeref created us ?

Mard: Actually, none of my underlings have realized. We all have a strong obsession with "We must return to Zeref". It's an order written in our genes. "Return to Zeref", "Meet Zeref again", "For Zeref". All these feelings... Connect to the same truth.

Mard: Zeref cursed himself for becoming immortal... And wanted to die. He eventually created something... Something that could kill him. Something that was born to kill him. In other words... The demons of Zeref's book.

Mard: END was his final masterpiece, however... For some reason, it was sealed back inside his book. With a spell that couldn't be broken even on this Earthland filled with magic. But when Face wipes away all magic from the continent, that seal will be broken too and END will be reborn. And it will defeat Zeref. That's our and Zeref's wish.

Natsu: A fight to defeat Zeref ?

Sting: Why are you involving people in your business ?

Mard: When you're going somewhere... Do you purposely avoid stepping on weeds in your path ?

Sting: You bastard... UGAH !!

Natsu: Sting ! Rogue ! What's this... ?

Mard: The prison flower that blooms in Hades.

Natsu: Ice... heh ? This is... My scarf...

Gray: I picked it up. If it's important to you, don't lose it again.

Natsu: Gray... This magic...

Mard: ... Huh ?! Who... What are you ?

Gray: I came here to defeat you. I'm a devil slayer.

Mard: Devil slayer... ?!

Sting: What the hell...

Rogue: If Dragon slayers are meant to take down dragons and god slayers gods, then...

Gray: Magic for defeating demons.

Mard: Th- This is Silver's... I knew he would one day betray us, yet, that his betrayal would take this form... destiny truly is a fascinating thing.

Rogue: he froze those thorns in an instant !

Sting: Holy sh...

Gray: It ain't the least bit fascinating to me. For the sake of my father's wish... I WILL ANNIHILATE YOU ALL !!

Mard: GAH !! GUAAAAAH !!


Natsu: What ?! This is... Don't tell me... Face has...

*00:00. Face... "ON"*

Erza: I couldn't make it... In time...

happy: No way... Over there !

Lector: the Faces across the continent are activating...

Frosch: Wh... What's gonna happen ?

Minerva: Magic across this continent will disappear... The end of magic as the world knows it...

Makarov: I was but one step behind... Forgive me... At this point... Only a miracle send by God could...

Your POV:

Mard: This is but the beginning. This annihilation of magic will eventually become an energy of nothing... And END shall revive. And the moment the supreme demon of Zeref's books returns,humans will not have the magic they need to resist his will.


Natsu: A... Acnologia...

"I didn't think you were this fast to give up, Natsu. Don't you know ? Miracles always come to those who give it their all !!"

Mard: ... What in the name of...

Mard: Is that...

Mew: When the drain of the tub opens up... The fastest way to keep the water is to open the tap at the same time.

Palkia: The breach has deepened. The vortex is widening...

Dialga: The connection to what lies beyond has been established.

Natsu: You... You guys are...

Dialga: there is no need for you to worry anymore. As of now... he's fighting on his own realm.

Mard: That won't change anything... No matter the amount of magic that spills from that thing, Face will wipe it all out. You're just gaining a few seconds of respite.

"Is that so ? Well then..."


Natsu: Where did he go ?!

Palkia: The answer is everywhere. Right now... What he was aiming for wasn't to counter Face...

Dialga: But to obtain his own source of magic, just so...

Mew: What will be wiped out of Fiore... It will be Face itself. Falling to this torrent of Gravity.

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