Chapter 108: Heritage

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Happy: the Face marks are disappearing one after another...

Erza: What in the world... Is going on... ?

Mard: he really thinks he can do it... The fool. Face has already started activated, he will never do it in time.

Dialga: Time ? That stopped being a problem already. Even if they are all spread across the whole continent, it will not matter. As he stands now, a second is an eternity for him...

Palkia: And an infinity is but a single step.

Natsu: What... ? When did he get so fast... ?

Palkia: That's not what we meant. His speed hasn't increased. It's everything else around him that got slower. At least from his perspective.

Dialga: It's more impressive than anything. To think he could do that purely from instinct.

Natsu: ... Just tell me how he's doing that dammit !!

Palkia: ... Do you believe in gravity ?

Natsu: I believe in him !

Palkia: Same thing, really. It's like asking if you either believe in yourself or in the fact that fire is hot.

Dialga: Contracting space... Expanding time. He's not even "Going" to where the Faces are, he's literally pulling them closer.

Mew: Even so... For him alone that would be quite difficult to destroy them all... Thankfully, he's got some help.

Dialga: Indeed... Five of them, rose from the ashes of their graves... One of them, fell from the heavens above...

Wendy: Grandeeney... ?!

Gajeel: ... Metalicana...

Sting: Though he's supposed to be dead, I feel the presence of Weisslogia...

Rogue: Is Skiadrum also here ?!

Igneel: The dragons released... Dance unto the skies of Ishgar.

Mew: Really... This is a true miracle.

Natsu: Whoa... Awesome...

Lector: All the Faces just... Disappeared ! Why ?

Pantherlily: Looks like we're gonna be okay...

Mirajane: Yeah...

Wendy: The dragons...

Gajeel: They destroyed all of the Faces across the continent...

Igneel: We have stopped the revival of END. Victory is ours.

Mard: ... Defeated... ?

Sting: Weisslogia was alive... ?

Igneel: And Skiadrum, Metalicana, and Grandeeney... Everyone was alive... Inside the bodies of the dragon slayers. Through some secret art, we were sleeping within their bodies.

Rogue: So... Was it when our hearts were racing that you awakened from inside our bodies ?

Natsu: yeah, anyways !! This is the first I'm hearing about any of this ! What were you doing inside of me ?! I don't remember ever eating you !!

Igneel: There are two reasons behind that. The first is him... preventing another Dragon slayer from transforming completely into a dragon like Acnologia... And the other is...

Natsu: IGNEEL !!

Igneel: Just leave him to me !! GET THE BOOK !!

Natsu: IGNEEL !!

Sting: Book ?

Mard: Oh... I believe he would be talking about this. The book of END. To think... You insects could destroy face... Still, it is much too early for you to start boasting. For the first time in 400 years... perhaps Mard Geer shall awaken.

Mard: My true name is Mard Geer Tartaros. You can call me the king of Hades. The absolute demon.

Gray: ... Natsu.

Natsu: Yeah, one step ahead of ya'... In the name of Fairy Tail, we're gonna kick your ass !!

Mard: Step forth, filthy humans. This shall be the final battle.

Acnologia: So, in order to keep the dragon-slayers from completely transforming into dragons... that's why you were inside of the humans' bodies...

Igneel: What the hell are you after ?! Acnologia ! The END that you fear no longer exists ! So leave the humans be !!

Acnologia: Fear ? As if I would be like one of the demons of Zeref's book ? Don't make me laugh. I am the King of dragons... Acnologia !

Igneel: Even you were once human. I won't let Natsu and the rest become like you.

Acnologia: What I seek is the destruction of everything ! Destruction ! TOTAL ANNIHILATION !!

"That is... MY FUCKING JOB !! So just stay there and take a ticket !!"

Acnologia: You... if anything, I can give you at least that. You're the first dragon to face me and live to tell the tale. But history doesn't repeat itself twice in a row.

"Then I think I need to pummel this onto your thick skull. As long as this vortex is open up there... Everything goes next level for me. Allow me... To demonstrate. Hellfire dragon... HELLFIRE BLAST !!"

Mew: To think that's all it would take for... Less change that I would expect...

Dialga: You're starting to get it now ? I don't think either of us could blame you, after all. The shock must've been strong enough for you to believe that.

Mew: Believe what...

Palkia: ... As if he could be stripped of what's his so easily. I wonder if he realized it yet ?

Dialga: Maybe... At the very least, he must have realized that something was off. In the end... How could he regain what he never lost to begin with ?

Mew: His powers...

Dialga: Were always there. He never lost them. His strength has not been diminished since the last time we met.

Palkia: All he really "Lost" were simply the last remnants of Giratina's power. And while it is true that prevented him from coming back, it certainly did not made him weaker. In fact... I think he just grew even stronger from that trial.

Mew: For all that time...

Palkia: Think about it. If he really was that diminished, do you really think he would've been able to rise as a top member of the guild so fast ? Weakened is not a right term, rather... Altered, would suit it better. Sometime, fate really likes toying with everyone.

Mew: I see... All that time... His supposed weakness... Well, what we took for weakness...

Palkia: Was just him at his natural level. Maybe you got too used to his predecessor to see through the difference right away.

Mew: Even so... Compared to you...

Dialga: Pitifully weak, isn't it ? It was to be expected.

Palkia: Cut him some slack. It took us a literal eternity to get where we are, and even we have some margin left to grow. He had these powers for a couple of years, and look at where he is already. He finally freed himself from his "Heritage".

Dialga: When they fused... It was his soul that took over. He traded off the immense raw power of the Dragon God, for the almost bottomless potential of the human. In numbers... We might be a 95 out of 100, in term of level...

Palkia: He's just at five right now. A baby, yes... But when it's a 5 out of 255, it almost gets scary. For now... All we can do is watch, and see the path he chose to trek on.

Natsu: Gray... Give me that book. I promised to Igneel that I'd take it from that fucker.

Gray: ... I made a promise too... That no mater what, I would defeat END.


Natsu: It vanished !! Gray !!

Gray: That wasn't me !

???: This book belongs to me. I've simply taken it back. After all...

Zeref: It's a very precious book to me...

Natsu: Zeref...

Gray: So this is...

Zeref: Mard Geer. You did well. We were but a step away from bringing back END. Sleep, now.

Mard: Your desires... Mard Geer... To fulfill them...

Zeref: There's nothing more you can do.


Gray: You bastard ! That's one of the demons you made yourself !!

Zeref: You are correct. And I no longer require his assistance. I have come here today to finally settle things with you.

Natsu: Huh ?

Zeref: Haaa... Acnologia decided to stick his snout in things. Will he once again end history ? Or will he be able to pull off yet another miracle... I do not know.

Natsu: What the hell are you blabbing on about ?!

Zeref: If you somehow manage to make it through this hopeless situation... Then... I shall grant you an even deeper hopelessness.

Gray: That bastard... He took the book and disappeared like a fart in the wind...

Natsu: Zeref...

Acnologia: DESTRUCTION !! DESTRUCTION !! So is that the extent of your next level, fallen God ?!

"Just wait until I get my second wind !! Tempest Dragon, TYPHOON !!"

Igneel: '... Natsu.'

Natsu: Igneel ?!

Igneel: 'I have something I must tell you now. There are two reasons we dragons remained inside the bodies of you you dragon-slayers. The first, as I told you earlier, is to slow down your "Dragonification" and create antibodies against it. Because of our efforts, from this point forth, there is almost zero chance that any of you will continue to "Dragonify". The reason we never showed ourselves despite the countless struggles and dire situations you all had gotten yourselves into, was because we were creating these antibodies... As for the second reason...'

Igneel: 'We were waiting for an opportunity to defeat the last remnant of our terrible legacy, Acnologia.'

Natsu: You said you'd tell me that stuff later !! Wait for me, Igneel ! i'm coming to back you guys up !!

Igneel: 'Stop !! It seems Acnologia really is stronger than any of us could have imagined... You'll needlessly get caught up in our fight.'


Igneel: Heh... I have been waiting for this moment. The moment I would bury Acnologia with these hands, that instant.. can I trust you, to take care of Natsu from now on ?

"What are you..."

Igneel: Natsu... I've been watching over you... And my... How you've... grown... the days I spent with you... Were the happiest of my life. You gave me the strength to love another.


"... To take care of Natsu... I've been doing that for well over 7 years now... And now... You just gave me the opportunity I needed... HEY, ACNOLOGIA !!"



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