Chapter 111: Love Slayer~ Forever~

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Tuli village*

Lucy: Let's get an inn here for the tonight.

Happy: Aye !

"... Natsu... ? Something's wrong ? You look lost."

Natsu: That tower over there...

"Oh ? Isn't that the clock that you destroyed back in the day ? Looks like they managed to fix it."

Natsu: But it's got a weird boundary between the old and new bits now... Hmm... ... Should we just break it again ?

Lucy: NO ! Of course not, you idiot !!

Natsu: I wanna cut loose, damn it !!What was the point of all that stupid training ?! And that winning team from the Grand Magic Games... What the hell, man ?! Those fools were so weak ! I wanted to come back, pound gray into the dust and then take on Erza and Laxus ! Geez !

"... You know, I'm here right now. If it's a fight you want, I'd be more than happy to provide the pounding."

Natsu: ... Uhhhhhhh...

Natsu: Woah dude ! So you really can transform into a dragon ?! That's awesome !!

"Well, it's not really my style to do that, you know. It just doesn't feel right to me, kinda like it's not my body anymore..."

Natsu: FIGHT ME !!

"... ... Fine. Have at it. GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!"


Natsu: ... ... *Gulp*.

"Come on, what are you waiting for ? Here I com-"

Natsu: N- No thanks, really man, I- I can wait a little. Uhh... Lucy ?

Lucy: Nope... I bet you knew what I was going to say, right ? Truth is, I've actually been training in secret myself.

Natsu: Oh ?

Lucy: Well, obviously, if any of you go all out, I'd get my rear end handed to me, but... You really wanna have a go ?

Natsu: ... Wait a sec.

Lucy: What is it ?

Merchant: Come back here ! The tools of my trade are in that wagon ! they're very important to me !

Bandits: FINDERS KEEPERS, LOSERS WEEPERS !! It's your fault for walking around the boonies all by yourself ! Hyaahoho-BUARF !!

Merchant: ... ... What... ?!

Lucy: H- hey ! What the heck was that all about ?!

Natsu: Hehe. Nothing.

"Well, if anything, you've trained your nose pretty well, Natsu. I really wanna see how far you've gotten now."

Natsu: H- Hehehe... Later, ok...

Lucy: I've gotten pretty strong myself too, you know !

Natsu: Yeah, no, I'll pass. It won't even warm me up.

Lucy: HEY ! Then... What kind of training did you do for Natsu to be scared ?!

"... After an entire year of fighting with her, I think a bit of Erza's 'natural authority' has rubbed off me."

Happy: Whaat ?!

Natsu: You don't know exactly where everyone is ?!

Lucy: well, of course I've kept tabs on them as best I could but it's impossible to trace them perfectly.

"Even so, this is quite the impressive database you've gathered in just a year... I only knew a couple of these... well, me and Erza, obviously... Gray, Juvia... Wanna ask, are the rumors about Lamia Scale true ?"

Lucy: Why do you think we're heading Southeast ? Going that way, we'll reach a city called Margaret. that's the city where Lamia Scale is.

Natsu: Lyon and Jura's guild, right ? Perfect for me to test my skills !

Happy: that dog-looking guy is there too.

"Well, there's another reason for us to go there... Can you guess which tiny dragonslayer recently joined Lamia Scale as well ?"

Yuka: Our first attraction today is Lamia Scale's ace, our very own Lyon's... Ice dance performance !

kids: Whoaa ! So pretty !

Kids: Little rabbits ! they're so cute !

Yuka: And next, we have, from Toby, a display of impressions.

Toby: yeah ! Here's... An impression of me when i'm crying. WAAAAAAH !! WAAAAAH !! WAAAAAAH !!

Audience: An impression... of yourself... ? What ?! Is this even an impression... ?

Lyon: Please excuse us.


Audience: Why're you getting mad, dude ?

Yuka: N... Next we have, from the master, an oriental dance performance...

Audience: ... ... ...

Babasama: ... Fine, I'll take it off !!

Audience: WHAAAAT ?!

Lyon: Please excuse us.

Babasama: I'm still not done ! I've still got more spinning to do !

Yuka: U... Up next is what you all have been waiting for ! Our guild's pride and joy ! Our angels !


Natsu/Happy: ... ... Abagah ?!

Lucy: Wendy was always good friends with Sherria, so...

Yuka: their song is "Angel Love Slayer !!"

Natsu: What the hell is she doing...

Happy: This forever thing is pretty catchy ! Forever !

"I think some of the others also joined other guilds as well.. Gotta keep the money coming, you know ?"

Natsu: That's not the problem... Why is she even doing this forever act on that stage ?!

Happy: Forever !

Lucy: Oh well, this is Lamia Scale Thanksgiving day ! It's kind of like Magnolia's harvest festival. It's a festival to promote harmony between the townspeople and the guild.

Natsu: ... It's not like she ever crossed over in the first place !!

"Um... Wait just a sec here..."

Happy: Come to think of it, where is Carla ?

???: I knew you'd eventually show up. Natsu, Lucy, Y/n. And...

Carla: Tomcat. Oh dear, forgive me, I mean... Happy.

All: ... Huh ?

???: The whole town sure is enjoying itself, isn't it ? Tonight... the steel hammer of judgement shall descend upon Lamia. A thanksgiving of blood begins soon.

Wendy: i'm never doing something that embarrassing ever again.

Sherria: It was so cute though... You had them eating out of your hands, Wendy.

Toby: Love slayer, love slayer, Foreeever~.

Yuka: Foreeever~.

Toby: ... What the hell is Love slayer anyway ?!

Yuka: Don't get mad.

Lyon: Wendy, you've got guests.

Wendy: Huh ? ... ...

Natsu: Yo !

Lucy: it's been a while !

"Have you been eating well ?"

Happy: Wendy !

Wendy: Natsu ! Y/n ! Lucy And Happy, too !

Natsu: Have you gotten a bit taller ?

Wendy: Err, no... I haven't changed at all.

Natsu: I see. Well then, we'll be taking you home now.

Wendy: Awawaaa !

Lyon/Yuka: HEY !!

Wendy: You're reviving... Fairy tail... ?

Happy: We're gonna go and round everyone up...

Lucy: Yeah... The master's been missing for the last year as well... I'm sure it probably has something to do with the mysterious breakup of the guild.

Lyon: Regarding master Makarov, it appears that has also become a problem with the council...

Natsu: The council ?! Not liking the sound of this...

"After everything fairy Tail ever done to piss them off, it's not that surprising."

happy: isn't the council gone ?

Lucy: I see... You guys were stuck up on that mountain the whole time, so you probably don't have any idea...

Yuka: Without the council, there would be no way to manage the mage guilds, right ? So a year ago, the ten wizard saints got together and reformed the council.

Toby: Even Jura frickin' left for there !!

Yuka: Don't get mad.

Natsu: the ten wizard saints as the council... that sounds pretty damn powerful...

"Do they even have 10 of them left ? I mean, between Jose and Jellal, they should be down by two right now..."

Happy: So then master must be there too !

Lucy: You would think, but his whereabouts have been concealed.

Natsu: So then he ran away ? What a pain in the ass.

"Probably after seeing the amount of paperwork he would still have to do. Question is: Where did he go afterward then ?"

Natsu: Well, just forget about Gramps for now... Come with us, Wendy !

Wendy: Err... Um... I'm a mage of Lamia Scale. I can't go with you guys.

Natsu: ... WENDY ?!

Lucy: Why... ?!

Wendy: i'm sorry.

Lyon: We're not holding you back from this at all. We knew this time would eventually come.


Yuka: Don't cry.

Natsu: What the hell is this all about, Wendy ?!

Wendy: I...

Carla: This is what Wendy has decided. Would you stop trying to force her now ?

Wendy: Carla...

Lucy: 'Why the heck is she human ?!'

Happy: 'Why is she human... ?!'

'How did she turn human ?!'

Natsu: Why the hell are you human ?!

Carla: This ? Transformation magic. I learned it. And in this form, my magic power increases a bit, so my divination magic power also increases. What's the matter, Happy ?

Happy: I've trained too... I've trained... Now I can resist fish a little bit...


Lucy: Exactly what kind of training have you been doing ?

Carla: Are you sure you're okay with this, Wendy ?

All: ... No way...

Lyon: Geez...

Lucy: ... It tickles, it tickles... ! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, SICKO PERV ?!

Natsu: It's just... This is all so unbelievable...

Happy: Aye.

Lucy: I wonder if all the other feel the same as Wendy...

Natsu: I'm not giving up ! If that's how she feels, then let's kidnap her !

Lucy: You can't !


Lucy: WHAT'S THIS ?!


Sherria: Hey, Wendy... About this afternoon...

Wendy: Ahh... I'm not going anywhere. Sherry got married and left, right ? So if I left too, You'd be all alone Sherria...

Sherria: i'm not alone.

Wendy: Huh ?

Sherria: I've got all the other members of Lamia Scale. They're my beloved guildmates... There's no way I'd make you stay with me just out of sympathy. We're better friends than that.


Carla: What the ?! What was that sound ?!

Wendy: It came from the guild !!

Lyon: Evacuate the townsfolk !! Take shelter !!

Yuka: This way !!

Natsu: What's all the commotion about... ?!

Lyon: Guys !!

Lyon: Just as it looks... pack of monsters just suddenly descended on the town out of nowhere !!

"Monsters ?! Why ?!"

Sherria: We've been locked in an endless feud with the mage guild Orochi's fin for years now. But to think they'd fall so low as to use monsters to attack us !

Wendy: I'm sure without Jura, they think they can do whatever they want...

Carla: they took advantage of us while we were unprepared from Thanksgiving.

Lyon: Those bastards...

Toby! Lyon !! there are overcoming the vanguard over here ! A huge army is coming from the West ! There's at least 100,000 of them !!

Lucy: 100,000... ?!

Lyon: That's enough to destroy the entire town !!

Babasama: You would go this far... OROCHIII !!

Mage: What a magnificent view. With this, Margaret town will be wiped off the face of the planet. Without Jura, Lamia is nothing more than a bunch of newborns.

Orochi: Erase every last scrap of their magic power from existence. let's swallow them whole. KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM !!

Babasama: It appears Orochi has some "Summoners" within their ranks.

Lyon: In that case, we need to go after them.

Yuka: We can't get close enough to them with all those monsters in the way.

"100,000 enemies, huh... Natsu, I believe you were looking for a good warm-up, weren't you ?"

Natsu: Ohh, you bet. We can go from the sky. We can fly !

Wendy: Yeah !

Lyon: Will you give us a hand ?

Natsu: Of course ! I'm all fired up !! Let's go, Happy !

Happy: Aye sir !

Sherria: Sorry, Natsu !!

Wendy: Sherria ?!

Happy: ... Huh ?

"That... Wasn't what I was expecting..."

Sherria: Please, Happy... Just keep going.

Happy: A... Aye ?

Sherria: We're going to save Lamia Scale !!

Wendy: Yeah !

Natsu: Happy's... been kidnapped... Again...

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