Chapter 112: The last Icebender

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Wendy: there are so many monsters... And all of them are headed for Margaret...

"Right now, the top priority is the defense of the town... We can probably leave that to Natsu and the rest."

Carla: Yes. We're going after the main body of Orochi... To fight the summoners.

Sherria: I'm sorry, Happy.

Happy: Don't worry about it... You're pretty light anyway, Sherria. A lot lighter than Lucy...

Sherria: That's not what I meant... I just wanted to be able to protect the town with my own strength...

Wendy: Sherria... Over there !!

"Orochi Fin... But it doesn't look like he main body yet. I'm going down and clearing out the monsters, you two go ahead and take out the summoner !"

Happy: Are you sure ?

"I figured Natsu could use a ride to get here. TEMPEST DRAGON... SKY-DIVE METEOR !!"


Mages: Huh ? That's...


Wendy: SKY DRAGON'S...

Sherria: SKY GOD'S...

Mage: What the hell are you doing ?! They're just two little girls !!

Carla: Well now... There's not just two of us.

Happy: ... It... It's time for me to show off the results of my training, too !


Carla: Go friggin' hide somewhere already !!

Sherria: I'll take care of the summoners... !! I'm gonna stop the horde of monsters !!

Wendy: Sherria, you're getting too far ahead !! ... Huh... This smell...

Yuka: The horde of monsters has entered the town !! Just how many of them are there ?!

Lyon: We're going to make our stand here.

Lucy: Okay.


Lucy: N- Natsu !!

Natsu: OUTTA MY WAY !!

Yuka: ... In... Credible...

Toby: he's the real frickin' monster here !

Lyon: Don't let your guard down ! There's more of them coming !!

Lucy: Here I go ! OPEN ! The gate of the Lion !! LOKI !!

Loki: Lucy's knight has appeared !

Lucy: And... Star dress !!

Mages: Whoaah ?! Is that... Erza's magic ?!

Loki: You are incredible, Lucy !

Lucy: Not quite, I've just used a little bit of the celestial power on myself.

Loki: Amazing !

Lucy: Anyways, now I can fight too !

Toby: In a dress ?

Loki: As expected of my bride.

Lyon: ... Well, that looks promising ! Let's go !


Lucy: Haaaaaah... !!

Toby: WHY A KICK ?!

Loki: Well, it's got light element to it, doesn't it ?

Sherria: The summoner... There he is ! It's him !!

Wendy: Look out, Sherria !!

???: Is it my turn now ?

Orochi: Not yet... These ones here don't require your strength to take care of...

???: ... I've seen that girl before...

Orochi: Se- Sensei ?!

???: So, you can fly, can you ?

Wendy: KYAAAAAH !!

Carla: What is this ?!

Happy: The ground... !!

Carla: You... Bluenote Stinger !! HNGH !!

Wendy: My body... I can't move !

Bluenote: there is no one that is able to move under the force of my gravity.

Orochi: Sensei ! You're overdoing it !!

happy: What is he doing here... ?

Bluenote: First off...

Natsu: Found you ! Give Happy back you little... Beuh...

"I am hurt you still think of me as transportation, Natsu..."

Sherria: H- heh... ?

Natsu: You wait right here ! Burf...

Mages: They... Not only can they move under Sensei's gravity... But he's flying as well ?!

Natsu: Finally, solid ground... Sooo, how has it been, your little joyride ?

Sherria: I'm sorry...

Carla: Now's not the time for that, you two !!

Wendy: He's right there ! The man who made us suffer on Tenrou island...

Happy: Bluenote.

"Hm ? Who's that guy ? Never seen him before... Natsu ?"

Natsu: Doesn't ring a bell to me...

Happy: NO WAY ?!

Bluenote: 'These two... the pink-haired one looks familiar... He was that useless weakling... But... For some reason, his unsightly face dances before me !'

"Really, Natsu ? Not even a little bit ?"

Natsu: Wait... I think there's something... Yes ! He's that guy who threw hands with Gildarts ! I remember now !

"Gildarts ? Oh, so he got destroyed..."

Mages: GUH.. WH- WHAT POWER...

Orochi: I- I can't move ! The magnificent me can't even take a single step... !

"What was he doing back there ?"

Natsu: I think it's got to do with weight... Like, he makes you heavy...

Bluenote: 'These ones... Are dangerous !!' GET CRUSHED !!

"Gravity again ?! I've had enough of this bullshit !! THIS IS WHAT I RULE OVER !!"

Mages: He... He took flight ?!

Orochi: Impossible !!

"You think Fairy tail can be crushed by the likes of you ?! DREAM AT NIGHT, LOSER !!"

Bluenote: 'Fairy Tail ?! That's right ! Fairy Tail !!'

"Things are different than in Tenrou island, but what won't change is the fact you're gonna get crushed !!"

Bluenote: Gh... ! Blackhole !!


Wendy: It's sucking everything in ! it's just like on Tenrou island !!


Bluenote: A point of infinite gravity that will suck up everything !! there's no escape now !! You will all fall under-


Bluenote: ... ... ... Eh ?

"Mmm... Yeah, not bad. You gotta work on the seasoning though. This one was... Kinda bland."

Bluenote: H... How ?!

"Fool... Gravity was taught to me by the one who created it ! NOW HAVE A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE FOR ONCE !! SIXFOLD ELEMENT DRAGON... CHAOS BUSTER !!

Carla: 'One... Shot... ?!'

Wendy: 'J... Just how strong have you gotten in this past year... ?'

Natsu: Now, back to important matters... Listen up, missy. Thieves, you know, are people that...

Happy: Natsu... You better save the lecture for later. Take a look around you.

Natsu: Hm ?

Happy: There's still enemies left.

"... ... ... *Crack* *Crack*"

Orochi: W... We surrender...

Lyon: It looks like we've driven off all of the monsters. You really helped us back there.

Lucy: Glad to be of help.

Loki: Well, of course.

Natsu: Man, I didn't even get a chance to get warmed up.

"With half the army as an appetizer, I'm surprised you didn't get fired up."

Lucy: And... What about Wendy and Sherria ?

Loki: In about three years, they should be the ripe, tender ag- Hmmmmm !!

"Shhhhh... Don't struggle please."

Yuka: It seems they've got something to discuss with each other...

Sherria: Well, that didn't go the way I'd hoped...

Wendy: What didn't ?

Sherria: I wanted to show you that I'm the only person you need standing in front of you, Wendy. But they stole my thunder...

Wendy: Well... They're just like that, in the end.

Sherria: ... Wendy, you have to go with them.

Wendy: Why ?

Sherria: You love them, don't you ?

Wendy: WHAAAT ?!No way ! I, uh... I don't think it's like that... It's like we're a family...

Sherria: That's love too. If you don't go now, I know you'll regret it. He said himself after all, "Fairy Tail will never be crushed". Because they love you, Wendy. And because they love Fairy Tail, they came all this way.

Wendy: I...

Sherria: Be true to yourself, Wendy. Even if we're in different guilds, we can still be friends.

Wendy: Sherria...

Sherria: We'll always be friends.

Wendy: Thank you for letting me stay with you for so long.

Lyon: Be well, Wendy.

Carla: I guess I should offer my thanks as well.

Wendy: I don't really... Even know what I should say... I... i'm being so selfish... *Sob*

Lyon: Don't be silly. You joined us with the understanding that this day would eventually come.

Natsu: Wait, really ?!

Carla: We said we'd stay with them until fairy tail was rebuilt.

Mages: Miss Carla ! Don't leave us !

Wendy: But...

Carla: Come on... Try to keep it together, Wendy.

Lucy: 'So Wendy and Carla... never really forgot Fairy Tail at all, did they...'

Sheria: Wendy, don't be such a crybaby !

Toby: I'll keep the Sky Sisters' name alive ! Don't worry !

Yuka: Knock it off.

Babasama: Did someone say Sky Sisters ?

Yuka: Don't start with me, granny ! Best of luck with rebuilding Fairy Tail.


Lyon: Tell Gray I said hi... wait, I just realized you've got no clue where he actually is.


Sherria: Take care, Wendy !

Wendy: Yeah ! You too, Sherria !

Lyon: You can cry now. It's okay.

Sherria: ... ... i'm not gonna cry ! Because I also want fairy tail to come back !

Carla: How long are you gonna cry like that, Wendy ?

Wendy: But... When fairy tail disbanded... Everyone in Lamia Scale was so nice and welcoming to me, and... I even got to see you guys, and... Waaaaaah !!

Lucy: 'is she happy, sad, or both ?!'

"Remember just one thing, Wendy. There's no such things as 'farewell' in these cases. It's just goodbye."

Natsu: we've still got a way to go ! We're gonna find everyone !

Wendy: Y- Yeah !

Happy: Hey, by the way, where are we going next ?

"Let's see... We're heading west, to a small town that's recently been nicknamed 'Rainfell village'."

Happy: Rain... ?

"Yeah. For some reason, rain has never stopped for the past 6 months there. And the reason, well... You'll understand very easily once we get there..."

Lucy: You don't mean...

Juvia: ... Gray-Sama...

Lucy: Now there's something you don't see every day... It's raining just in that one spot !

Wendy: I've got a funny feeling about this.

Happy: rain over there ! Sunshine over there ! Rain over there !

Natsu: Fuhahahaha... Forever immature, eh Happy... I only want to see you dancin' in the halfway rain~

Happy: Halfway rain, halfway raaain~.

Carla: They're enjoying themselves way too much over there...

Lucy: I don't see any people around at all.

Wendy: It doesn't look like anyone lives here.

"Yep. There wasn't a lot of people here to begin with, but the rain just made the remaining ones leave. That way, now. This is... the reason."

Natsu: Hey, Juvia !!

Juvia: ... ... ...

'Gray': Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Juvia: Gray-Sama !

'Gray': I've come to reclaim what is mine.

Juvia: Gray-Sama... Juvia's been... Juvia's been~.

"Okay, hands where I can see them, please. Its been a while, hasn't it ?"

Lucy: Well, the tension in the air hasn't changed a bit... I suppose that's a good thing.

Wendy: It's been a while, Juvia.

Juvia: Y/n... Love rival...

"Natsu and Wendy, too."

Happy: We're here too !

Carla: Have you been living in this place all by yourself ?

Natsu: Hey ! What's wrong ?! Juvia !

Wendy: She has an incredible fever.

"Anyone would've gotten sick sitting in this kind of rain for that long..."

Lucy: I wonder if this is Juvia's house...

Natsu: Hrmm... I can smell a bit of Gray here, as well.

Happy: Gray's here, too ?

Juvia: juvia's been... Living here with Gray.

Wendy/Lucy: Bfgeeh ?!

Juvia: The two of us... Together~.

Lucy: That is quite the smug grin.

Juvia: We ate meals together... trained together... Worked together... And then, in this bad together...


Juvia: He would refuse to sleep together with me. I was... In heaven. But then, one day...

Juvia: Gray-Sama ! Don't keep ripping your clothes off and tossing them wherever... Your body... What happened ?

Gray: Don't worry about it. Let's eat.

Juvia: After that day, he started going out for errands on his own more and more. It's been almost half a year since he last came back...

Wendy: ... No way...

Natsu: Just peacing out whenever he feels like ? What a dick...

Lucy: Hey pot, kettle called...

Natsu: I left a will behind, didn't I ?

Happy: Natsu, I think you mean a note.

Lucy: But, to the people that get left behind, it may as well be the same as just leaving on your own... The people that get left behind...

'... We've discussed that enough, Gray... You should've told her...'

Juvia: So... trying to sink your claws into another one...

Lucy: I haven't sunk my claws into anyone !!

Happy: So then you have no idea where Gray is ?

Carla: If she knew then she wouldn't be here, would she ?

Juvia: Juvia walked around for countless days looking for him... But... Juvia couldn't find Gray-Sama anywhere... So Juvia decided to just wait here. Because this... This is Juvia and Gray-Sama's home... this is all our memories are. Juvia knows that some day, Gray-Sama will return... He just has to...

Juvia: *Sniffles* Juvia apologizes... it's been forever since we've seen each others and yet...

Natsu: I'll drag his ass back here... I'll find him, no matter what it takes. I'm gonna bring all our old comrades back together again. So that we can revive Fairy Tail.

Wendy: She finally fell asleep.

Carla: You said you're gonna find him but do you have any ideas where to start looking ?

Lucy: I don't have any leads on him, whatsoever, in my notes. You ?

"... Maybe... It's quite thin, but if anything... it's close by, isn't it ?"

Happy: What is ?

"... Sabertooth... That's the place we should search first."

Natsu: heh ?

'... Gotta keep them away. it's not in place just yet.'

???: Oracion Seis, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros... the age of the dark guilds ended with the collapse of the Balam alliance. Now begins a new era... The age of Avatar.

*Avatar priest: Alok*

Alok: Our faith. It is the world of the black mage, Zeref. The time has come, we must purify the world of the mages who oppose Zeref. All in the name of Zeref.

Avatar: All in the name of Zeref.

Gray: ... All in the name of Zeref.

*Avatar: Gray Fullbuster*

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