Chapter 113: Dyed in black

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Juvia: Haa... Haa...

Wendy: Even with my healing magic, her fever isn't letting up...

Carla: They should be reaching Saber's guild about now.

Wendy: Leave this to me, guys. Just bring back Gray as fast as you can.

Happy: There it is !!

Lucy: it's huge ! Hey... Are you sure there'll be information about Gray here ?

"... ... No idea. But if there's any place where we could find hints, it had to be here."

Lucy: What do you mean "No idea" ?! You said it yourself, that you knew where Gray and Juvia were staying at !

Natsu: Okay, listen up, Lucy.

Lucy: Hey ! The reins ! Look ahead ! In front of you !!

Natsu: I believe in Gray. But this time, if I don't stop believing in him, we'll never be able to get the information we need.

Lucy: I have no idea what you're talking about, just turn around already !!

Natsu: I'mma stop believing, but if we find him I'll believe; that's what I'm trying to say...

"You're still making absolutely no sense. Also there's a sharp left coming up ahead."


Natsu: Lucy... I'm going to bring Gray back. I promise. So until I do, don't question.

Lucy: ... Turn your ass around already, you idiot !!



"... ... I did say there was a sharp left..."

Yukino: Natsu ! Lucy ! Happy ! Y/n !

"Hey, you got my name this time."

Lucy: Yukino !! It's been a while ! Everything okay ?

Yukino: Yes ! Thanks to all of you !

Orga: All the work that used to go to Fairy Tail's been coming our way now, ya' see ?

Rufus: And so we've made quite the killing... I seem to recall.

Yukino: U- Uh... That's not at all what I meant when I said...

Lucy: I know, silly ! Anyway, Fairy Tail's making a comeback now !

Yukino: Are you serious ?! I... I can't wait !

Lucy: Er... There's really no need for you to get so emotional...

???: Is it just me of have I heard these voices somewhere before ?

Lector: It isn't just you. Hi !

Sting: Hey, if it isn't you guys ! Natsu, Y/n and Lucy !

Lector: And Happy !

Lucy: W- Who are you... ?

"W- What happened... ?"

Natsu: Yo, Sting.


Sting: haven't changed a bit, have ya, Natsu.

Natsu: Right back at ya.

Lucy: No... He's definitely changed !!

"... New haircut, maybe ?"

Sting: Oh, you noticed ?

Lucy: That's... Not exactly...

'... You really want me to say he became fat as f*ck in that year's time ?'

Lector: Hm ? Is Carla not with you guys this time ?

Happy: Speaking of which, is Frosch gone too ?

Lector: Frosch is off with Rogue and the miss on some work.


Sting: Hey, what're doing to Lector, Natsu !

Lector: well, uh... they've just left so maybe they're still at the city gates.

Natsu: Okay !! Thanks, Lector !! You're coming up, Y/n !!

"Um, okay... ?"

Lucy: one sec, Natsu !!

Thin-Sting: What was that all about ?

Lector: Dunno.


Yukino: he was looking rather... Plump, so I used some of Libra's magic...

Libra: Tada.

Natsu: There they are !! ROOOOOOOOGUE !!

Rogue: N... Natsu... ? Ah !


Rogue: Whoa ! What's gotten into you all of a sudden ?!

Frosch: Fro wants to talk too !


"Oh for crying out loud, Natsu..."

Minerva: A- Ah !!

"Oh... You... My day just keep getting better, that's great."

Minerva: ... ... I... About all that happened, I...

"Listen. The simple fact I'm not attacking you should say enough. You're the second person I've hated with such a burning passion in my entire life, and in all honesty, the first time only brought me trouble and a lack of sleep. I'm not saying we should get along, just that I have... Let's say, 'Erased your karma debt' about what you did to us..."

Minerva: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

"I've already been told about your reasons, so don't make excuses. You know you can't change what already happened. If you want to make it up, just make sure you've turned over a new leaf, and walk the straight and narrow from now on..."

Lucy: Haa... Haa... You... How did Natsu become so fast...

Happy: A... Aye...

Minerva: You guys are... It's been a while, hasn't it.

Lucy: Yeah... i'm glad you made it back to your guild.

Frosch: Did you go to the guild yet ?

Happy: Just a moment ago, for a little !

Lucy: if you don't mind me asking, what in the world happened to Sting ?

Minerva: Hmm... the other day, we had our "Tiger ! Tiger ! Tiger ! Food festival" and, well...

"He got a bit overzealous."

Minerva: I- Indeed, however... In the end, it was I who won.

Lucy: So it that also why you guys didn't make an appearance in the Grand Magic Games ?

Minerva: well master Sting said that a tournament without Fairy Tail wasn't worth entering.

Frosch: Fro thinks so too !

Minerva: By... By the way, about last year's tournament... i'm sorry...

Lucy: Hm ? Don't worry, i'm not torn up over it at all. It was just a small tussle between guilds.

Minerva: Even so, it's fair to say I went a bit overboard... well, a lot overboard...

"... If I were to hold that kind of things against you... I would be the pile of coal calling the kettle black."

Lucy: Stop, don't beat yourself over it ! I'm none the worse for wear...

'... it's funny how some people can go full psychopathic maniac and get away with it, just depending on what side of the battlefield they are standing... Fucking double-standards...'

Minerva: I was sad when word has spread that Fairy tail has disbanded. It really was a marvelous guild.

Lucy: It's not gone yet... It'll always be in our hearts.

Frosch: In Fro's too !

Happy: Mine too !

Rogue: What are you playing at ?! Just when I thought you'd finally come to visit...

Natsu: Show me the request form for that job you're going on.

Rogue: ... Wha... ?


Natsu: So this must be where... i'm gonna do this job.

Rogue: WHAAAAT ?! This is a Sabertooth... Come to think of it, you don't even belong to a guild anymore, do you ?

Natsu: I'm with fairy Tail ! Listen up, Rogue. I'll do the job and in exchange, I'll give you guys all the rewards. So promise me... promise me you and Frosch are not gonna leave this city, under any circumstances. Until I get back.

Rogue: What a crazy...

Natsu: Guys, we're off !

Lucy: Wha... wait a second ! Where ?!

Natsu: Minerva !! Keep an eye on Rogue and Frosch ! Don't let them leave the city !!

Rogue: I have no idea what just happened...

Minerva: Likewise...

Frosch: Neither does Fro.

Rogue: One year from now. Make sure you tell me... one year from today, tell me... That I must protect Frosch. Or Frosch will be killed by Gray.

"What has gotten into you, Natsu ?!"

Natsu: How could you forget... Gray is... An essential part of Fairy tail !!

"Natsu, it's very nice of you to be that keen on getting to Gray, but we don't even know where Avatar is located."

Lucy: Avatar ?

Happy: That's the thing Rogue was supposed to be the one dealing with... What is it ?

Natsu: Beats me.

Lucy: I think it's a religious organization of the Zeref creed. It rose to prominence with the fall of the Dark guilds.

"Haaa... Even after taking out the Balam alliance, there's still leftovers to clean up... Piss me off."

Natsu: Wait, Zeref ?

"Not like Zeref himself was involved with these scrubs, but they worship him like he's a god or something."

Natsu: So a bunch of Zeref's mongrels. I'm gettin' all fired up.

Lucy: more importantly, why is it the case that Gray is at the site of this job of Rogue's ?

Happy: I don't get it either...

"Safe to say Gray joined them about 6 months ago..."

Natsu: Hmmmmmm... Hm, hm, hm...

Happy: I don't think I've ever seen him think this hard.

Lucy: Hope he doesn't hurt himself...

"Is that smoke coming out of his ears ?"

Natsu: I guess I better just tell you guys. I heard all this from the Rogue that came from the future.

"That... Oh, right... That..."

Lucy: Future Rogue ?!

"The asshole who attacked the magic games. Now, if I recall correctly..."

Natsu: He said one year after the Grand magic games, so... Around now... he and Gray clashed as enemies.

Lucy: Enemies ?!

Natsu: That's why I thought Gray would be at that job that Rogue was heading off to.

Lucy: But... the future that Rogue came from is bound to have changed, right ? I can't believe that the same things are going to...

"That's the one lead we have right now about Gray. Now to see if it's gonna lead us anywhere, we need to proceed with caution."

Lucy: But for Gray to become an enemy...

Natsu: Juvia mentioned it a short while ago, didn't she ? About that black mark on his body... that black mark was there when he fought Mard Geer too. Because he learned the devil slayer magic way too fast... Perhaps he might have become some kind of devil himself. At least that's what I think.

"Like what would happen to you if you bathe in the dragons' blood..."

Lucy: ' Why did you keep all this to yourselves until now ? Gray and Rogue fought... Which means you even know the outcome of their battle... So why...'

Natsu: Don't worry. Whatever happens, gray is still one of us.

Lucy: ... Yeah.

Happy: Aye sir !

"Well... Let's get going. I think it's left."

Alok: The day of cleansing draws near. O Zeref... All souls shall be thine. And thou shalt stand atop this great world of magic. And unto it thou shalt bring destruction and rebirth.

???: Priest-sama, do you intend to implement our purification plan as is ? There is a possibility that the magic council has caught wind of our doings.

*Avatar: Jerome*

???: What is, we ought to remove any elements of uncertainty from our plans. that's what this scruffy fool is hinting at.

*Avatar: Briar*

Alok: ... ... ...

Jerome: ... a little too much scruff ?

Alok: I am in the midst of my prayers. Leave at once.

???: Gramps is as stubborn as a mule, you know.

*Avatar: Mary*

Mary: But I do wonder... Maybe someone really will come for us.

Briar: Silence, poison-tongue.

Mary: Briar, you're such a meanie ! Why are you always giving everyone such weird nicknames ?! And they're always so gloomy...

???: If the council has become aware of our purification plan, we might be in for a pot of trouble.

*Avatar: Goumon*

Mary: You mean a "Spot" of trouble, right ? That joke was pretty lame.

???: Which way shall fate turn...

*Avatar: D-6*

???: As long as I get to have some fun, I don't really care.

*Avatar: Abel*

Jerome: Our problem is not the magic council themselves, it's how they got wind of our plans.

Gray: the council's got a mole amongst us.

*Don't. Don't. You. Dare.*

Gray: Just come out and say it... You guys think it's me...

Briar: Ice...

Mary: Well, you did come from the number one guild (haha) on the continent.

Jerome: We've already done a background check on you, Gray Fullbuster. Your family was slaughtered by a demon of Zeref's books. There's more, your master and her daughter as well... Both of them got involved with Zeref and fot that, they also paid with their lives.

Briar: He may be the most suspicious, but what's the point of bringing all that up now ? We've all been together for over half a year now.

Jerome: You have absolutely no reason to worship Zeref.

Gray: Looks like you need to go play a little more detective, Mr.Jerome of the darkness blade. Ur's daughter, Ultear, is not dead.

Jerome: I can't seem to find the slightest reason as to why you're here.

Briar: knock it off, Scruffy.

Gray: It's fine, Briar. I'll take this opportunity to make everything crystal clear. i'm after the book of END. That's the only reason why I'm here. Hat book... As long as I can get my hands on that book... I could give two shits about anything else.

Briar: 'Black...'

Gray: I've forgotten about my guild a long time ago. I exist to get that book... Rather... I exist to crush END. And in order to achieve that goal, I'll resort to any means necessary... Even if it means shacking up with a bunch of scrubs like you.

Briar: 'His desire for revenge has stained black his skin and soul alike.'

gray: But until that day, I'll do y'all the favor of being your buddy.

Mary: ... There's no way someone with magic as pitch-black as that could be an informant for the magic council, right ? He is pretty dreamy, though...

Jerome: I wonder... Briar... I've been thinking it over... Scruffy is a pretty sweet nickname.

Natsu: Do you realize the time we lost because you couldn't read that map ?! Finally, we arrived !

Lucy: it's so old... It looks almost unused, that church.

Happy: What're we gonna do now ?

Natsu: You really need to ask ? Bust through their front door.

Soldier: captain... We will reach Mikage forest, where Avatar's headquarters are located very soon.

???: Roger.

Soldier: But... This is hard for me to say, but... That cult, our informant has confirmed that Gray Fullbuster is currently a member of it, and...

???: Gray ? Heh.

Gajeel: Like a give a fuck. We're gonna capture every last of 'em. That's our job as the council forcible arrest squad, isn't it ?

*Magic councilman: Gajeel Redfox*

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