Chapter 114: Tea

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Happy: AYE, SIR !!

"You two just wait right there !!"

Natsu: Guah ! What was that for ?!

"Don't you remember what happened every time you guys rushed in without a second thought ? Like, with Oracion Seis ? Grimoire Heart ? Tartaros ? I almost went to the other side twice, and LITERALLY went to the other side once ! Thanks but no thanks, I ain't getting in there until I know exactly what I'm up against."

Natsu: But Gray might be in there !

"I said we gather intel first and that's final ! Any complaints ?"

Natsu: ... ... ...*sweating*

Lucy: I gotcha... With Virgo's power, we'll infiltrate their church from underground.

'... ... Why do you just have to go and ruin everything, Lucy ?'

Lucy: Virgo, we're counting on you ! Open, gate of the maiden !! Vir-

Lucy: ... Goooo... ? Wh- What happened ?! Are you okay ?!

Natsu: Who messed her up ?!

Virgo: Do not worry. I was bored so I was punishing myself.

Lucy: You've got... issues...

"That's got to be the understatement of the century..."

Natsu: Celestial spirits sure are strange things, huh...

Virgo: Long time no see, Natsu-sama, Happy-sama, Y/n-sama.

Lucy: Haaa... Star dress, Virgo form !

Natsu: Sh- She transformed !

Happy: Reminds you of a certain scary woman in armor, doesn't it...

Virgo: Not only can she use a bit of my magic, her own magical power has increased.

Lucy: Let's do this, Virgo !

Virgo: Understood, princess !

Virgo: This must be their basements, huh...

Lucy: infiltration successful.

Natsu: hey, get your ass out of the way already.

Happy: Natsu, we've got a pretty good view of Lucy's panties.

"Would you kindly get out of the tunnel, it's getting cramped."

Lucy: So, we need to stay out of sight and gather information about Gray.

"Sound good to me. Just give me a sec to bind and gag Natsu and we're good to go-"


Jerome: Huh ?

D-6: From inside the church ?!

Abel: Intruders ? How interesting...

Gray: ... Natsu ?

Lucy: What the hell are you thinking ?! That totally negates our stealthy infiltration plan !!

Virgo: Princess... This calls for some punishment. This wooden horse happened to be lying around, please allow me.

Lucy: SHUT IT !!

"What is that thing even doing here ?!"

Natsu: ... he's here. This place smells like Gray. he's definitely here.

Lucy: Gray's... here ?

Happy: If that's the case, we don't have to hide anymore, right ?

'... I guess at this point, taking them out from the inside would work too...'

Abel: Hey ! What are you guys doing in our hideout ?

Abel: Is it fun ? Is what you're doing fun ?

Lucy: An enemy ?! Wait... That doll...

Happy: MR.CURSEY !!

"... ... Who ?"

Abel: Oh my, how fun that you know Mr.Cursey ! I got him from this big shot guy that used to be a part of Grimoire Heart. A very terrifying... Black magic.

Lucy: Ugh... Just looking at that thing gives me shivers.

Virgo: Tread lightly ! This guy has more magic power than his appearance would indicate !

Abel: ... Huh ?

Lucy: Wha... ?

Natsu: Sorry, but I ain't got time for anyone besides Gray.

Goumon: ABEL !! A pi-tea ! INTRUDERS ! How dare you do that to Abel ! But, the fact that you're in the great Goumon's training room is a blessing for me ! Fave the wrath of my countless, dazzling tools of punishment ! TEA ! TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA !!

"... What kind of magic is that ?"

Virgo: ... ... ...

Lucy: You're excited for all the wrong reason...

Goumon: Triangular wooden dragon !!

Natsu: What part of this ugly-ass thing is supposed to look like a dragon ?!

Goumon: But... He actually was... Going for the iron maiden !!

Lucy: Natsu !!

Natsu: What the hell is this painful-looking thing...


Goumon: Punishment complete. Tea.

"... Natsu, wreck them if you're alright, destroy them if you aren't."


Goumon: the steel... is melting ?!

"Two down... No, correction..."

D-6: BUGAAH !!

"Three down."

Virgo: They... they're strong...

happy: Attaboy, guys !

Goumon: I... Impossible ! We... We high-ranking black mages... Were beaten by these striplings...

???: These guys aren't something you bums could ever hope to beat. I'll take care of... Them... ?

Natsu: Yo. What'cha been up to ?

Wendy: Juvia, i'm going to wipe you down, okay ?


Wendy: Uuuuuuh...

Carla: I wonder if Natsu and the others managed to meet up with Gray.

Wendy: yeah. I hope they did. And while I hope they haven't started fighting, they are always fighting, aren't they ? that's Natsu and Gray for you.

Carla: You're right... Even though... I've been thinking, Y/n looked like he really knew where he was going, wasn't he ?

Lucy: Hey, knock it off, both of you !

Gray: What are you guys even doing here ?!

Natsu: Right back at ya' ! What the hell are you doing in a scummy place like this ?!

Gray: I do what I want.

Natsu: Oh no you don't ! not while Juvia's waiting for you ! I'VE BEEN WAITING TOO ! In order to revive Fairy Tail... We need you !!

Gray: ... Cut the bullshit. FAIRY TAIL IS LONG GONE !!

Natsu: Just in name. All the memories we shared... And our bonds with each other... they haven't gone anywhere ! Fairy Tail has always been right here. And it always will be.

Gray: So why can't you just leave it at that ? If Fairy Tail really is right there, could you do me a favor and quit pestering me ? I've got my own path to follow now...

Happy: Gray...

Gray: Fairy tail doesn't exist inside me anymore... So please spare me all this phony buddy-buddy crap...


Lucy: Phony buddy-buddy crap ?! You KNOW none of this is phony ! We ARE all friends ! How dare you say something so insulting ! I don't ever want to hear those words... We don't ever want to hear... Ugh... Ughhhhhh...

Lucy: My st- my stomach... All of a sudden... NNGH !

"Lucy... ?"

Gray: That must be you... Mary...

Mary: Who are these people ? Your old friends, Gray ? Friends from that crushed guild ?

Natsu: What did you do to Lucy ?!

Goumon: Don't be so has-tea.

Virgo: These are made of... magic seal stone !

Happy: Natsu !! NGYAAAH !!

Abel: Ihihihi !

Natsu: Mr.Cursey !

Goumon: Phew... Thanks for that, Mary.

"Man, it really came down to this now... Just me left..."


"And crap..."

Gray: Just shut up and stay in there for a while.

Mary: Weaklings like you have no place butting in... geez...

Lucy: Aaagh...

Mary: Does it hurts ? It hurts, doesn't it ? My black magic.

Natsu: Gh... GRAAAAAAY !!

Goumon: Oh my tea ! Even though his magic's been sealed... What savage strength !

Jerome: Do not move. Or else this girl might suffer a severe case of air-headedness.

Virgo: Princess...

happy: S- STOP IT !!

Gray: Always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong... Natsu.

Natsu: OPEN YOUR EYES, GRAY ! You've been possessed by demons !

Gray: this is who I really am now.

Gray: I erased the mark of our family with my own hands. In order to find the answers I seek.

Happy: He... He actually erased his guild mark...

Natsu: Gray...

Gray: Just take them to a cell. Them and the giant ice cone over there.

Pantherlily: Gajeel, someone approaches.

Gajeel: I can hear them. This smell...

Levy: I'm back.

*Magic councilwoman: Levy McGarden*

Knights: Ms.Levy, welcome back ! Excellent job on the infiltration ! It must be convenient to be so small.

Levy: Sorry for keeping everyone waiting ! Getting in was a piece of cake, I just slipped into the crowd of worshipers. Getting out was the real problem ! Anyway, Gajeel... Have we gotten word back on Gray yet ?

Gajeel: Yes.

Levy: What happened to him, I wonder... It seems like his heart's been completely consumed by darkness now.

Gajeel: It doesn't matter. Our job is to stop "Operation Purification".

Pantherlily: Are you sure it doesn't matter ? Gray was once your friend.

Gajeel: he isn't anymore. If Operation Purification is carried out, a great number of innocent people will die. Are you telling me to think of someone involved in something like that as my friend ?

Pantherlily: Will you be able to fight him ? Fight a former friend ?

Gajeel: if our paths are different, we are nothing but enemies. I'll stop it, that I can promise you. I will stop Operation Purification.

Happy: Lucy, is your stomach okay ?

Lucy: Yeah... It's fine now.

Happy: What happened to Virgo ?

Lucy: because these cuffs are magic seal stone, her gate was closed.

Natsu: That bastard, Gray... What's gotten into him ? Going as far as to freeze him alive...

Happy: This looks like the same ice that covered these giants' village...

Natsu: yeah, even without these cuffs, I probably couldn't melt it... Damn it...

Lucy: Gray's definitely possessed by something. He might even be under someone's control.

Happy: yeah, you're right... there's no way he would do stuff like this.

Lucy: ... ... Someone's coming.

Goumon: ... ...

Lucy: He bowed even though there was no one there !!

Happy: WAAAGH !!


Goumon: Gray-dono and the others are no longer here. They have left to attend to Operation Purification. I have remained here to find out who exactly sent you all here. By way... Of torture.

Happy: Operation Purification ?

Goumon: Purification of the soul. For an unsullied death. A countless number of deaths will surely... Eventually bring Zeref to us.

Lucy: You have some nerve getting Gray involved in all of this weird stuff !

Goumon: Hm. You have yet to notice... I am currently cos... Cosplaying Lord Zeref himself.

Lucy: LIKE I CARE !!

Happy: WHAAAAT ?!

Goumon: Because of my undying love for Lord Zeref, I had these characters emblazoned on my forehead in the East... Although I know not much about these "Kan-ji", but I have heard that they are read "Zeref"

Lucy: They're read "Matcha tea" you doof.


Lucy: KYA !!

Happy: This guy can control tools of torture !

Natsu: LET GO OF LUCY !!

Goumon: Sit back and watch. Goumon's torture show.

Happy: I... I cant' get this off... !

Goumon: That's because they're made of magic seal stone. Now... Whip torture. Hot way torture. Water-boarding, bondage, licking-the-sole-of-your-feet torture, which shall it be ?


Natsu: Go for the licking one !! It doesn't seem like it'd hurt much !!

Lucy: yeah, right ! Sounds so gross...

Goumon: It seems you fools do not understand the nature of this torture. After covering the soles of your bounds feet in salt water, I will release a goat. The goat, in search of salt, will begin licking your feet. Eventually, the goat's dry tongue will split your skin and begin to shave away at your flesh. And yet the goat will continue to lick, forever.

Natsu: ... ... ...

Happy: Dang, that actually sound like it'd hurt a lot.

Goumon: Shall we try it out ?



Goumon: Quickly now, better tell me who sent you here. While this young girl still has her feet.


Goumon: How many times must I say this ? Gray-dono is one of us now.

Natsu: No, he's one of our friends ! And if he doesn't believe in himself... we'll believe in his place.

Goumon: ...Silence !!


Natsu: WHY YOU !!

Goumon: Will you still choose to believe in Gray-dono ?!

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