Chapter 115: Code

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lucy: Wha... What ?

Natsu: Gray... ?

Gray: Aagh... Damn it. You idiots have gone and ruined everything... Okay, come out now, it's useless to keep it secret.


"Brrrrrrr... Couldn't you have made it a bit less cold, maybe ?"

Gray: And take the risk of it melting before ? If we're going by mistakes, what are these three doing here ?

"I tried my best, okay ? You know it just isn't possible to keep Natsu in place."

Gray: I swear... Well, time to rush the rest of the plan...

Gray: Code Blue here. We've got some trouble... No... Nope. Yeah...

Happy: The mark on his body... It's disappearing...

Gray: He's here too... Okay. Here, it's for you...

"Haaaa... Code Red, Code Purple here... I know, I know... I keep telling, I did what I could... You sure ? Fine... Natsu.

Natsu: E- Eh ?

"Put that against your ear."

Natsu: The hell is this thing... ?

???: Natsu... Is that you ?

Erza: My, my. Looks like Gray's infiltration mission has gone up in flames.

Natsu: Infiltration mission... ?

Gray: yeah. Why else would I be hanging around these filthy low-lifes ?

"We don't have much time right now, so it's best if we explain things while we're on the move.

Erza: Half a year ago, Y/n and I were looking into Avatar, a group connected to Zeref, as per a request from Jellal and his group. And as we were running out of leads, we just happened to come across Gray.

Happy: That lacryma's so cool !

"It's a miniature transmission Lacryma."

Gray: I was under granny Porlyusica's care after this huge mark developed on my body. As you can see, I'm now able to manipulate its appearance at will.

"This plan... Well, we pretty much asked Gray to do it, but..."

Gray: I did have a personal interest in the book of END. My father's last wish was that I destroy it.

Natsu: You... You did all of this without eve telling Juvia ? Even for you that's a bit...

"That's why I was against that part, but..."

Erza: I was the one that stopped him. Increasing the chances of a successful infiltration requires that those in on the plan kept to an absolute minimum. What's more, those that do know may be met with danger themselves, so all the more reason not to tell her.

Happy: So it was all for Juvia's sake...

Natsu: But still...

"What you should be aware of is how she's gonna react to all of this. You best prepare yourself to not being allowed to be on your own for at least a month, Gray."

Gray: *Glups* I'm sorry for what ended up happening to Juvia, but even I never expected the infiltration to go on for this long. The situation changed. At the beginning, the objective was just gathering intel from the inside, but then, talk of operation Purification began.

Natsu: What's that ?

"Avatar intends to destroy an entire town in order to summon Zeref. Those bastards believe that Zeref will appear wherever death gathers."

Lucy: This...

"I think you get now why we must stop them, regardless of what happen."

Natsu: You could have just crushed all those dudes from the get-go. With Erza, the three of you are more than a match for them.

Gray: That's not how it works. Avatar's true size far exceeded our predictions. What I infiltrated was but one cell. there's a main cell and other auxiliary cells all over the place, all unknown to each others.

Erza: If we had jumped the gun, it would have been impossible for us to stop operation Purification at all. The only choice we had was to lie and wait for this day.

"The day that all the cells will gather. We'll crush them and Operation Purification all at once."

Natsu: Wait... So your role in all of this was...

"Well, when it was brought to our attention you guys were on the move... We came to the conclusion someone had to keep you away from all of this... Even if it didn't exactly work as hoped it would..."

Gray: ... Lucy. Sorry for what happened back there. I ended up having to say some pretty horrible things in front of them.

Lucy: And i'm sorry for slapping you.

Gray: Well, you did do it in that maid getup of yours, so I guess I can forgive you.

Lucy: Th... That's not even...

Gray: I've always thought of you guys as friends.

"So, note for Juvia... Gray... Likes... Maid outfits..."

Gray: ... Even though, "friends" and "assholes" aren't always opposites.

Natsu: Well, now we've only got one thing left to do!! Let's crash these bastards' party !! Down with operation Purification !!

"You bet !"

Lucy: yeah !

Happy: I'm gonna do my best too !!

Gray: You guys...

Erza: I didn't want to drag you guys into this, but...

Natsu: It doesn't matter whether you get us involved or we jumped in ourselves !! We're gonna get to fight together ! After almost a year ! AND WHAT DO WE SAY AT A TIME LIKE THIS ?!


Jerome: What happened to Gray and Goumon ?

Briar: Dealing with our prisoners, I presume.

Jerome: Goumon I understand, but why Gray as well... There must be...

Briar: You know, at this point, there isn't really any point in you trying to do something about your lower eyelashes.

Jerome: ... Lower eyelashes... ?

Briar: Look at the sheer number of worshipers that have gathered. For the sake of operation Purification, even the members of cells unknown to each other have gathered here. Even if that stripper guy or the councilmen themselves show up, there is nothing they will be able to do in the face of the sheer number of our creed.

Jerome: Hm. You might be right... I can pull off lower eyelashes...

Abel: Any minute now, operation Purification will commence.

Mary: I'm gonna get to see Zeref... *Sniffle*

Alok: Today we implement operation Purification. In this town, thirty thousand sinless souls move about, unknowing of their ultimate fate. These unsullied souls shall surely lead him unto this land. ZEREF, THE BLACK WIZARD !!

Worshipers: UWOOOOOOOOOHH !!

Alok: So that we may walk alongside him, we offer up these thirty thousand souls ! ALL SOULS IN THE CITY, BE PURIFIED !! ADVANCE !!

Worshipers: There's someone in front of the city ! It matters not, we shall start with them ! PURIFICATION !! ALL IS FOR ZEREF !! ALL IS FOR ZEREF !! ALL IS FOR ZEREF !!


Natsu: You've gotten a little bit better, haven't you ?

Gray: After this, I'd be happy to show you just how much.

"if you just need that to keep your motivation, how about we make a little bet out of this ?"

Lucy: Allow me too ! Star dress, Taurus !!

Taurus: Moo ! No one passes !!

Jerome: Gray... You back-stabbing...

Briar: What the hell are you fools doing ? They are only five of them ! BLOW THEM AWAY !!

Worshiper: Lord Jerome !! Enemies are approaching us from the rear as well ! We're suffering heavy casualties !

Jerome: What ?! Has the magic council's squad already... ?!

Worshiper: No, a- actually, it's... Just a lone rider on a stallion !!

Natsu: A bet, you say ? Well well, i'm nice and warmed up now...

Gray: if that's the case, we can already ditch the appetizers and go straight for the main course...

"Hehehehe... Let's show everyone just what Fairy tail's return exactly mean."

Lucy: This feeling's quite nostalgic, isn't it ?

Happy: Aye.

Erza: the only ones who shall be purified, are you !

Natsu: LET'S DO THIS !!

Gray: HELL YEAH !!

Taurus: they're so moo-ch strong !

Lucy: We need to get in there !! In my Taurus form... I'M MUCH STRONGER !!

"Hmmm... If this continue, we'll never see the end of it. Even better, let's sort them all out and bring the real strong ones out !"

Worshipers: Heh... What is he... What is he doing up there ?

"Now... Don't look away from the light ! DRACO METEOR !!"


Mary: What are they... They're beasts ! Err, no, monsters ! Brutes !

Briar: Mary, we really need to expand your vocabulary. So, we're the only ones that can stop them...

Jerome: I'll handle the enemy approaching from the rear. I leave Gray and company to you guys.

Briar: it's about time we show these filthy vermin the terror of our black magic.

Alok: Hmmm.

Jerome: For a lone rider to throw us into chaos... Speaks volume on their skill. However, I shall purify them with the forbidden black magic of my sword and cut them down to size.



Erza: Dance, my swords !

Worshiper: Are... Are those feathers on her back ?! They're swords ! The swords... In mid-air are... GUAARG !!

Erza: ... Do you insist on further resistance.

Worshipers: EEEEEK !!

Jerome: A beautiful knight.


Worshipers: It's Jerome ! Lord Jerome, the sword of darkness, has arrived !

Jerome: You should not impede Operation Purification !! My sword rots everything it touches. It is a sword consumed in darkness.

Erza: Hm...With regards to my sword...

Jerome: ... Huh... ?!

Erza: It can land blows without making direct contact.

Erza: ... Again... Do you insist on further resistance ?

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