Chapter 117: Renaissance

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Mildian Magic school, 400 years ago:

Professors: Th... This paper... Are you telling me you wrote this ?

Zeref: Yes.

Professors: the content is superb, but the theme is a bit too grave... This is not a subject a child like you should be tackling anyway. As it is, the matter of human life and death in magic is one that has been taboo since ancient times. Even adults should refrain from carelessly touching on this subject.

Professors: yes... Lest they incite the wrath of Ankhseram, the god of life and death. Henceforth, ensure that you do not conduct any further research of this nature. Understood, Zeref ?

Zeref: ... Yes... ... I just want to know... I want to know why people are born and why they die...

Zeref: ... A dream... ? The strangest things occur when you least expect it... Natsu.

Zeref: I once had a younger brother. But a few years after he came into this world, he left it. I simply was unable to come to terms with his loss, and so I began my research into life and death.

Zeref: This is still but a theory, but if we are able to solve the problem of gathering 2,7 billion Ideas worth of magic power, R-System will be complete.

Crowd: Amazing... A splendid magic construct... So you say we will be able to bring people back from the dead ? A genius of this caliber has never been seen in all the years of Mildian magic academy... !

Professor: How many times must I say it for you to understand, Zeref ? Revival of the dead is a taboo subject. What's more, your theory makes light of the human life it requires as a sacrifice. Human life and death is the providence of the heavens, it is not the work of man.

Zeref: But... Surely you agree that there is a human element in the creation of human life ? And if that is true, surely even in "Death" and "Life beyond" there must be...

Professor: Ohhhh ! May the protection of Ankhseram be upon this child !

Zeref: ... ...

Professor: I thought we told you to halt construction of the Eclipse.

Zeref: Just a bit more. A bit more and it'll be done. This doesn't tread on your precious ethics either. The door that turns back time, Eclipse.

Professor: What do you intend to do after returning to the past ?

Zeref: Well...

Professor: R-System and Eclipse are just tools for you to bring your dead brother back to life, aren't they ? You truly are possessed by a fancy for dangerous thoughts. Thoughts of human resurrection.

Zeref: ... ...

Professor: The board of directors has finalized your expulsion. We all... We all had very high hopes for you. It really is a shame.

Zeref: But... I...

Professor: Your brother will not be brought back to life. He will never come back to life !

Professor: Zeref... ? This... So this is the fury of Ankhseram... !!

Zeref: Before I realized it, the teachers of the academy... Along with the students... Everyone had died. I guess Ankhseram had gotten angry. He placed a curse of contradiction on me. The more I held life precious, the more the living things around me would die. To control this effect, I was forced to stop thinking preciously of life. And I myself was made immortal and unaging...

Zeref: I was tormented by the feeling that I had unknowingly stolen many lives... And I began to hate myself for enjoying the sense of fulfillment my newfound ability to research endlessly gave me... For countless years, I wandered the maze of my own thoughts. I wanted to die. I wished for it. And so I began researching the most forbidden of all magics. The creation of demons powerful enough to kill me. Demons that would later be called "The demons of Zeref's book".

Zeref: At the time, I called them the "Etherias". For they were created from the ether that makes up magic itself. But even these demons were not enough to kill me. And so, as my final work, I created you. Etherious Natsu Dragneel. Created... Is such an ugly word. You were originally a human. You had a body. Yes... I had kept it safely all those years just for this day. My younger brother's body. The ultimate Etherias creation and the resurrection of my little brother. I achieved both at once.

Zeref: My name is Zeref Dragneel. i'm your older brother. Natsu. And as for how you came to be raised by Igneel or my relationship with Mavis... Well, those are stories for another day. I've got to meet a certain someone today. I have some business with him. But I wonder if you can really call him a "person". Heh...

Zeref: I never expected you'd actually agree to meet with me. I guess it's safe to assume this is the form you normally take, huh... How are your arm and scars ?

Zeref: Acnologia.

Acnologia: What do you want, black wizard ?

Zeref: You hunger for destruction, yet eat so little. You have enough power to rule this world, if you so wished. Yet you do not. Your motives are largely unfathomable.

Acnologia: Much of the same can be said for you.

Zeref: I've always been lost. I've always looked on. Should I side with the humans and fight you ? Or should I side with you and fight against the humans ? Only now have I realized the fallacy in that dichotomy. I shall annihilate both you and the humans. Such is my duty. You've been waiting for someone, haven't you ? Someone against whom you can truly fight.

Zeref: Well, aren't you a lucky one... On one side, the King... On a second one, the God... And on the third, the man that was rejected by both... I shall gladly make you all truly fight. Just continue waiting. The time of the final battle between the dragon, the human, and the immortal approaches.

Your POV:

*To the East of Fiore kingdom, in the town of Magnolia... There was once a mage guild known as Fairy tail. And so, after one year...*

Natsu: Whoa ! This takes me back !

Happy: Look ! They fixed the Kardia cathedral !

Lucy: 'Everyone agreed on the idea of reviving Fairy tail.'

Wendy: This town was in bad shape just a year ago, now look at all the hustle and bustle !

Lucy: 'We all agreed to tie up any and all loose ends, before meeting up again in Magnolia.'

Erza: We've got to report all of the back to Jellal first.

Gray: Gajeel... try not to snitch on us to the higher-ups. The last thing I need is them on my ass.

Juvia: It is a secret that we lived together.

"I think it's more about that whole Avatar stuff..."

Levy: Once we've filed our report, we'll meet you in Magnolia !

Gajeel: And here I though that being a councilman was my calling.

"Please tell me you're joking..."

Pantherlily: You actually said that with a straight face...

Warrod: Finally... He's leaving...

Lucy: 'That reminds me, turns out Avatar couldn't enlighten us any further on the subject of Zeref... They were merely a cult of zealots worshiping him.'

Wendy: ... Is everything okay, Lucy ? You look a bit down.

Lucy: Huh ? It's nothing, really. It's just been so long that the nostalgia is overwhelming me a bit...

Lucy: 'It really was a flood of memories that came pouring in... the highest of highs... The lowest of lows... And everything in-between... Experiences that had helped form and shape me... And then one year ago, just like that, Fairy Tail had suddenly dissolved...'

Macao: What's the meaning of this, master ?!

Wakaba: If this is a joke, I ain't laughing !

Droy: How am I gonna pay for my next meal ?!

Jet: You have no right to reach this conclusion on your own !!

Makarov: ... Fairy tail will dissolve. From this point forward, let your feet guide you on the path your heart desires... I have nothing more to say...

"... You really think our feet will walk another path than Fairy Tail's ?! You said it yourself, a guild isn't just a building, it's all the mages that are part of it ! What is the meaning of-"


Lucy: 'Before we could even get an explanation out of him, the master had simply vanished. And slowly, one by one, we all went our separate ways. Fairy Tail had actually disappeared... the thought of going through that again...'

Happy: What's wrong, Lucy ?

Natsu: We're just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the guild...

Lucy: I... I don't think I can take another step...

Natsu: is it because the guild might no longer be there ? A building don't mean crap, they said it over and over. The only thing that matters is what we do from here on out.

Lucy: I'm worried if everyone still feels Fairy Tail. With you suddenly showing up like a whirlwind and declaring you'd revive Fairy Tail... I may have simply gotten caught up in the emotion of the entire thing... It's been over a year, I've lost touch with most of the members... I mean, I did manage to send the letters to the few addresses that I knew. it's easy to say that we'll gather in Magnolia to Revive Fairy Tail... But who's to say that everyone hasn't already moved past it... That it's all in their rear view mirrors now...

Lucy: We're assuming it held a special place in everyone's heart but what if... What if it's just a hazy, distant memory for them... I...

Cana: As if we'd forget in just a year !

Natsu: Cana !

Cana: Yo ! Natsu, Happy, Carla ! Oh, Wendy ! Looks like you had a growth spurt...

Wendy: No... Not really...

Cana: Man, Lucy, I missed these huge melons...

Lucy: Cana...

Cana: I didn't just sit on my ass this past year... Figured I may as well track down Gildarts... Then, low and behold, I get this letter ! I'm sure it'll find it's way into everyone's hands...

Cana: This guild has been my life even before I could walk or drink. I couldn't wrap my head around the dissolution thing, and I realized I had no clue as to how to function outside of the guild. Truth be told, it was a much needed life experience... I think the same can be said for the others, which is probably why we haven't kept in touch... We needed someone to make the first, bold move. And that person was you, Lucy. Follow me ! Everyone's waiting !!

Lucy: E- Everyone ?

Warren: Ooooh !! You guys are a sight for sore eyes !

Nab: Longer hair suits you, Lucy !


Max: Lucy ! I got the letter !

Macao: Word of you guys made a mess of things in the royal capital, huh ?

Wakaba: Wendy ! Carla ! How's it going ?

Lucy: Warren !

Warren: that miniature communication Lacryma you've seen... Yeah, I invented that !

Lucy: Nab !!

Nab: I've been reading your bylines in the weekly sorcerer !

Juvia: Juvia has been too..

Lucy: Alzack ! Bisca ! And Asuka !

Alzack: Someone pinch me, because this all feels like a dream !

Asuka: I grew a little !

Bisca: It's been a while, Erza.

Erza: You and your family seem to be doing well.

Bisca: How about you ? Any... Developments on your side ?

Erza: Uhhhhhhh...

Lucy: Jet ! Droy !

Jet: Team Shadow Gear is back in the house !

Levy: Ahaha, I left the magic council...

Lucy: Macao ! Wakaba ! Romeo !

The Three: You... You were a member of the magi council ?!

Gajeel: Nyerk.

Lucy: Laki ! Vijeeter !

Gray: Haircut ?

Laki: Yeah, I lopped it all off.

Vijeeter: Reunion dance~ !

Elfman: A manly reunion !!

Lisanna: Natsu ! Lucy ! Happy ! What's up !

Lucy: Lisanna... Elfman... M... Mira...

Mirajane: ... Welcome back home, Lucy.

Lucy: ... I... I'm back... *Sob*

Lucy: 'Everyone was here... Something so trivial... Give me so much jo, it almost made my chest explode !'


"Any luck on your side yet ?"

Natsu: Nope. But I could swear it was somewhere close... Oh ! Found ya !

"Yep, that's the stuff. Well, it's seen better days, but... Don't you think it's about time ?"


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