Chapter 118: Expecting the unexpected

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Five days since Fairy Tail's revival.*

Lucy: To think I get to live in the same house again... Lucky. You seem to be doing well too, landlady.


Lucy: Everyone still had a home to come to in the form of our old dorm at Fairy Hills... We were able to find some people who were able to convert the inside into something more accommodating for everyone. Or at least everyone who doesn't have another house... It's a good thing Erza could let most of them in the five consecutive rooms she had there... Looks like I won't have to worry about a place to live anymore...

*A year ago, this whole town was nearly destroyed during the battle with Tartaros. Even so, all the townspeople still accepted everyone back with open arms. It surely has a lot to do with the faith they had in the guild back in the founders' troubled times.*

Lucy: Ahhh, that felt great-.

Natsu: Yo !

Lucy: THIS IS MY PERSONAL SPACE !! How many times have I told you not to just make yourselves at home ?!

Natsu: As if that kind of attack would work on me now. Looks like you've been slacking off on your own training, Lucy !

Lucy: P- Put me down !

Natsu: It's time to go to work.

Happy: We've got a job !

Lucy: R- Really ?!

*In the aftermath of where Fairy Tail once stood was a giant crater. The ruins of the surrounding buildings were still strewn about.*

Lucy: This is the job... ?

Natsu: Don't be such a downer.

Happy: We gotta hurry and rebuild our guild !

"We can go all we want about 'What counts are the bonds between us', but without a proper guild hall, we can't pretend at being an official guild. And since we're still lacking some of our forces, everyone helping the best they can."

Erza: If we divide the chores up amongst ourselves, we'll be finished in no time. When the master returns, we'll have completed a fine guild worthy of his praise.

"And then we'll immediately trash it to show him the real Fairy Tail is back !"

Lucy: Please remove that last step...

Natsu: ... ... Hey, speaking of lacking numbers, where did Mew go ? I didn't see her with you ever since we met back, and that was at least two weeks ago...

"Where did she go ? Well, back. Out of us, she was the one waiting eagerly to leave, so when the occasion presented itself, she just went with these two, about a year ago. She's just not one to deal with all the trouble hanging around me constantly."

Natsu: That's too bad... She'd be a real help with rebuilding the guild.

"If you have time ranting, then put more efforts into the work. Or maybe I should ask Gray for help instead ?"


"That's the spirit."

Laki: I wonder if... The master will want to come back...

Warren: When the time comes, I'm sure he'll return.

Max: And even if he doesn't, we just need to find him.

Reedus: With wanted posters.

Vijeeter: YOU TURNED HIM INTO A CRIMINAL ?! Why such a low bounty ?!

Gray: Juvia, can you hold me those nails ?

Juvia: Here you go, Gray-Sama~.

Gray: ... I'd prefer them dry, if you don't mind...

Jet: So the rumors were true ?! Those two really are living together ?

Droy: No, no... I heard they got secretly married !

Nab: And apparently they've got kids too !

Macao: Not only that, but he's got Lucy on the side as his mistress.

Romeo: His mistress ?!

Wakaba: And he's been keeping all this a secret from Erza and Y/n...


"Huuuuh... I told them, and I quote 'These 6 months together really brought them closer'. That's it. The rest... They're just letting their imagination run wild."

Macao: ... Ah ?

"You guys are just looking for drama."

Gray: Besides... I wouldn't call it "Living together", that was you and Erza... For us, it was more like crashing in the same place together...

"True, true..."

Macao: I... I see...

Lisanna: Refreshments, anyone ? Refreshments ! Here you go ! For you !

Natsu: You look pretty comfortable with that.

Lisanna: Yup ! I worked as a waitress for a year with Mira...

Happy: With Elfman, too ?!

Elfman: This is manly !

Lisanna: Elf insisted on doing some... Man training... So he went off on his own to focus on that.

"Figures. The dude's just getting more and more jacked as time passes... It's probably gonna cause some troubles..."

Lisanna: We already had to resize all doors in our house.

Natsu: Ohhh ? I'll have to test him later and see how far he's come.

Elfman: Why don't you just test me here and now ? It'd be fine by me !

Wendy: ... What are you up to, Levy ?

Levy: Just going through and sorting some documents. Just talking about reviving the guild doesn't actually mean anything officially. Unless we get licensed and approved by the council, we'd be no different from, say, a dark guild.

Pantherlily: Exactly... Which is why we've spent time over this past year laying the groundwork and making the proper arrangements for this very occasion.

Carla: How very prudent of you.

Levy: Which is why... Fairy Tail's revival is now complete and with absolutely no legal loose-ends now.

Wendy: I... I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for you, Levy !

Levy: The thing is... We've still got the giant elephant in the room...

Mirajane: Don't concern yourself with elephants.

Wendy: Elephants ?

Levy: Who's going to be the seventh guild master ?

Wendy: The seventh... Guild master...

Macao: Well, I guess, if you really twist my arm about it... I suppose I could...

Romeo: Please just stop it dad !!

Wakaba: Why not just have Gildarts be it ?

Cana: How could some jackass who wanders off all the time be a guild master ?!

Carla: They would just be a temporary one until the sixth returns, right ? In which case, about anyone would suffice.

Pantherlily: I feel the same.

Cana: But... Things will be different now... Nothing like our guild in the past... After all, without the sixth around, who's gonna keep all these knuckleheads in line and get them to listen ?

Natsu: Heh... That's a nice little power-up you gave yourself...

Lisanna: Both of you, give it your all !

Alzack: They've gotten much stronger.

Bisca: And all you've done is gotten a bit flabbier.

Asuka: Papa's gotten flabby !

Natsu: In that case... !

Elfman: Hehehe... This is manly ! NGFFHH !!


Natsu: HEY, DAMMIT !!

Jet: OOOH, it's a full on brawl !! Lemme at 'em !

Cana: I suppose we can go nuts for a bit !

Loki: This really takes me back...

Lucy: Loki !! What the hell are you doing all on your own ?!


Elfman: Damn, that fuckin' hurt... Ya' bastard...

Mirajane: 'I'm so happy for you, Elfman... Nobody's blaming you for what happened with Tartaros... I know that's been eating away at you this entire time... That's why you've been working so diligently to become strong-'


Lucy: M- MIRAJANE !!

Wendy: KYAAAAAA !!

Lucy: Now wait one minute, all of yo-

Erza: Get. Back. To. Work.

All: ... Yes ma'am...

Levy: Heh. Looks like it just decided itself... The seventh guild master, will be Erza Scar-

Natsu: Gh... I'm not afraid of you anymore !! JUST COME AT ME, ERZA, I WON'T LET YOU BOSS ME AROUND LIKE BEFO-


"When the lady speaks, you listen and behave. Got that ?"

Natsu: Y- Yes...

"Any objection ? I'll be sure to listen carefully."

All: ... N- No sir...

Mirajane: Ah... Now this just became a bit complicated, it would seem.

Levy: This is getting out of hand... Now there are two of them... Which one ?

Natsu: Owowowowowowow... That hurts like hell... Hey, don't tell me you put on that ring just to hit me ?!

Lucy: ... Ring ?

Natsu: Yeah, just look ! Why else would he has that ring on ? And it's not even just him, but even Erza ! They're arming themselves to harm me !

Lucy: ... Ring... ? You... ? Erza... ? On the fourth finger... ? You both... ? Living together... ? ... ... ... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

"No, not you too. Please stop letting your imagination run wild like that. We didn't get married."

Lucy: O- Oh... Sorry...

"We did get engaged though."


Erza: We... Uhhh... Wanted to wait for everyone to be back together to make it official...


Mirajane: ... On one note, congratulations. On another, I think our new problem just resolved itself, right ?

Levy: Exactly. For the first time in the history of the guild, we will have two guild masters... If it's these two, no doubt everything will go as smoothly as possible. The seventh guild masters, will be Erza Scarlet... And Y/n L/n.

Mirajane: Should we start calling them Erza L/n or Y/n Scarlet ?

Wendy: ... ... ... ...

Erza: Huh... W- Wait a second... What's this story about being the master ?! Or, masters ?! What's happening ?!

"I'd like some clarifications too... How did it devolve to that ?!"

???: There's no one else more suitable, qualified, and competent than the two of you.

Natsu: Y- You're...

Lucy: Err... That would be... ?

Wendy: Who is that ?

Cana: I think it's one of our members... But for some reason I can't remember his name...

???: I've been bidding my time for this very moment... When everyone would once again gather together...

Mest: Because you are the only ones that can save the sixth master, Makarov.

*Fairy Tail member, Mest Gryder*

Erza: I had no idea there'd be something like this under the guild...

Mest: Well, the entrance's normally not this easy to find... By the way, congratulations.

"I think we've got more urgent things to discuss than our relationship advancement, Doran... Uhh, Mest ? Which one is it ?

Mest: Mest is my real name... You've got it mixed up, huh ? Sorry about that.

"Can you blame us ? First you're a guild member, then you're a double agent for the council, and then you're a triple agent for the old man, excuse us for being a tad bit confused by all this..."

Erza: Speaking of being confused, why is it only us two that can come here ? Natsu was pretty pissed of...

Mest: That's because you guys became the seventh guild masters. We're about to enter restricted grounds now. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even be allowed here either. Behold, this is Fairy Tail's biggest secret...

Mest: Lumen Histoire.

"Th... That's..."

Erza: The First... ?

Natsu: Woah !!

Wendy: Kyaaaa !

Gray: Stop pushing, idiot !

Lucy: Hey, hands off !

"... You guys..."

Mest: Man, and even after I told you guys that this place is for guild masters only...

Natsu: That's not fair ! Let us in on it too !

Gray: What the hell...

Wendy: isn't that the first...

Natsu: She's naked !

Lucy: Okay, enough with the staring...

Happy: This is her in the flesh ? Is she still alive ?

Carla: Why's she crystallized under the guild ?

Erza: Explain then, Mest...

Mest: ... I don't even know myself... But, one thing's for sure, she's here for a really important reason.

Natsu: That aside, where's Gramps ?! You know, don't you !

Lucy: "That aside", he says...

Wendy: Huh... What's this... Inside my head...

"Images... ? Mest, what are..."

Mest: My memories. 9 years back.. But maybe only 2 years back for you Tenrou people... I was given a mission by Makarov...

Mest: Work underground at the council ?

Makarov: It's something only you could do...

Mest: So, what am I to steal then ?

Makarov: It's not that kind of mission. I want you to be our inside man, feeding us information regarding the western continent.

Mest: So it's stealing then !

Makarov: I don't need you to do anything like that, so don't. Just... Make sure you pick up as much as you can about the western continent and keep me updated.

Mest: Why ?

Makarov: Just do it, please. It's to protect our guild.

Mest: ... Well, if I'm gonna do it, might as well be thorough. I'll erase my own memories, too.

Makarov: Don't...

Mest: Hmm, it might've been because we stopped interacting with them so much, but I'm not getting much information...

Makarov: I see...

Mest: Oh yeah, and our guild's become a pretty sensitive topic in the council... Can't Natsu and Co. hold back a little ?

Makarov: So you're serious about erasing your own memory, huh...

Mest: It's no problem... There's a way to get it back, and you have the keys.

Makarov: That's really handy of you, Mest...

Mest: Whoops, call me Doranbolt... I go by that now.

Doranbolt: Fairy Tail's master's here for me again ?

Lahar: This is becoming frequent...

Doranbolt: ... I've got a great idea. I'll infiltrate that nasty guild with my powers ! I'm sure I'll find something !

Lahar: Ohhhh...

Doranbolt: Let's see... I'll start by overwriting Makarov's memories and making him believe that I'm one of them, under the name Mest ! Oh, I'm so curious ! I need to know Fairy tail's dirt !

"So that's how you got on Tenrou island 8 years ago..."

Natsu/Gray: Hey...

Mest: Really, sorry. And 7 years later...

Makarov: It's been too long.

Mest: I... I'm glad you're safe... You and everyone at the guild, too...

Makarov: I'm sorry you had to go through all that for so long...

Mest: No... It was something I decided on my own anyway...

Makarov: Let's end your mission then. Come on back to Fairy tail...

Mest: No... I'm nearly there... It's probably the information you've been looking for...

Mest: And a year before this, after the Tartaros war has ended...

Makarov: i'm disbanding Fairy Tail. The information I've gotten from you all along was for a personal investigation... And now I'm certain. This is the only way I could save the guild.

Mest: You're disbanding the guild over the results of the investigation ?! I don't get it !

Makarov: It doesn't matter... The kingdom of Alvarez in the western continent... Is on that is very, very dangerous.

Mest: So what about it ! That country attempted to invade Ishgar 10 years ago but failed !

Makarov: Do you know why they failed ? Lumen Histoire... The reason why Alvarez invaded 10 years ago... Was to obtain Lumen Histoire for themselves. They didn't fail, but were merely stopped, with the help of the council, of course.

Mest: E- Etherion !!

Makarov: And from what we know now, Face was supposed to be the council's backup plan if they ever needed one. They wouldn't go at Alvarez if they had the choice But the council's no more... Etherion, and Face too... Do you know what this means ?

Mest: ... Ishgar has lost its only defenses against Alvarez... ?

Makarov: Yes. The invasion will begin once more.

Mest: So what does that have to do with the guild disbanding ?! If they're coming for us, then all we have to do is fight back ! That's what Fairy Tail's for !!

Makarov: We can't do that. That's the whole reason why I'm disbanding Fairy Tail... There are about 500 guild in Ishgar, including Fairy Tail... And there are about 730 of them, dark guilds included, in the western continent. That 730 combined together forming a gigantic kingdom. The military-run empire, Alvarez.

Makarov: 730 of them against one guild is like taking candy from a baby... They're not like anything we've faced so far...

Mest: No way... So what do we do ?!

Makarov: I will go to Alvarez. I'll let them know that we've got Lumen Histoire if ever they are to attack... And will stall for as long as I can... This will be a gamble... And if the council can get back on its feet in time...

Mest: Wait a minute !

Makarov: If I fail, the kids at the guild will be next... And I cannot let that happen !! So, forget about the guild's history, and what it was !! There's nothing more important than family, so I will disband it !!

Mest: Master, you can't stop a country on your own... It's impossible... It's like you're going there on a suicide mission...

Makarov: I carry the lives of my family... That's what a parent ought to do !

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