Chapter 119: Infiltration

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Natsu: So... Gramps has gone to that whatchacallit... Country... And he isn't back yet ?

"He really did disband the guild to protect us, in the end..."

Gray: You really haven't heard from him in a year ?

Mest: sadly, no...

Happy: Didn't you try stopping him, Mest ?

Carla: You really think the master would listen ?

Lucy: I wonder if he's okay... It's worrying...

Mest: We can't tell if we're still dealing with them, or if the country has isolated itself... Or even...

Erza: Stop, please.

Mest: ... I've been following Makarov's orders and working on bringing back the council... And with the help of master Warrod, we've got a temporary council formed by the ten wizard saints.

Lucy: Oh, right, I remember hearing that the council also wanted info on the master's whereabouts...

Mest: Master Warrod knows what's happening, but I'm certain the rest don't... However, the threat they feel from the Alvarez Kingdom is the same. they've been sending reinforcements to the western continent and strengthening their defenses there.

Gray: But if the old man's trick worked, he would've been back by now, wouldn't he !

Mest: Well, yeah... Like I said, we can't tell if it's because he hasn't heard of this... Or if he can't make it back...

Natsu: Then we'll go help him. No ?

Mest: Yeah... I've done what the master told me to do. So from now onward, I'll be doing what I can do, as a member of Fairy Tail.

Happy: If everyone's together, we're unbeatable !

Carla: Let's all go !

"Wait. Don't get too hasty about this. Remember, the master himself felt he stood no chance against this enemy. We can't just go there on our merry way without a plan."

Natsu: We've all powered-up in this last year !! I ain't gonna lose, no matter how strong they are !!

"So while the master put his life on the line to buy us time, you really are planning on trampling on his feelings like that ? Right now, our top priority is to rebuild the guild, and getting Fairy Tail back on it's feet. As the seventh master, this what I wish for."

Natsu: Hey, that's... !

Erza: However... As members of this guild... Things are different. We must rescue master Makarov, at all costs ! And that's why only those here now will go.

"This is not an invasion, this is an infiltration, so we're gonna be better off in small numbers."

Erza: Infiltrate the Alvarez kingdom and rescue the master, and then we'll talk.

"And remember, this is a rescue mission first and foremost. So, do not pick an unnecessary fights and don't make a fuss over things."

Natsu: ... ... ...

"Understood, Natsu ?"

Natsu: Gh... Y- Yeah... We'll save gramps for sure !!

Gajeel: Heh... So they're sneaking out...

Pantherlily: What's wrong, Gajeel ?

Gajeel: A small number for infiltration, huh... I see... I guess we've got to move on our own then.

Juvia: Cana, have you seen Gray-Sama ?

Cana: I drank him all up, along with my booze ! Hahahaha !!



Mirajane: He went with Natsu and Lucy a while back... Apparently they were tailing Mest, Erza and Y/n...

Juvia: Lucy... Again... ?

Juvia: Guh...

Cana: Oh, Gajeel. What, you wanna drink with me ?

Gajeel: We're forming the B-Team...

Mirajane: B Team ?

Cana: Is it time for the Grand Magic Games already ?

Gajeel: We're gonna go find that lightning bastard...

Pantherlily: Lightning...

Mirajane: What's all this...

Cana: What, you know where Laxus is ?

Jura: Hmm... There's no problem with the paperwork. Well done !

*Ten wizard saints, fifth: Jura Neekis.*

Jura: Although, I must say, two masters is a rather unorthodox choice, but I can't think of anyone beside those two who could keep everyone else in check.

Levy: And with this, Fairy Tail's officially back in business !

Jura: Yes... Here's to hoping you find Makarov fast then... It's such a shame that the council will lose someone as capable as you though, Levy...

Levy: Ehehehe... Sorry...

Jura: master Warrod seems awfully cheery today...

Warrod: I thought it was a joke at first when they said they were disbanding...

*Ten wizard saints, fourth: Warrod Sequen*

Warrod: 'All that's left now is for Mest to rescue Makarov as planned...'

Levy: master Warrod ! The water's overflowing !

Warrod: Huh ? Oh no, it's just me doing my business.

Levy: HUH ?!

Warrod: Just kidding.

Levy: ... ... ...

???: Old man Warrod... How long are you planning to fool about like that ? Huh ?

*Ten wizard saints, third: Wolfheim*

Jura: Master Wolfheim ! You were here ?!

Levy: 'Woah... He's one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar !'

Warrod: Ohh ! Wolfheim, my boy ! Still got that weird name ? I'm kidding, kidding ! Hey, hey, hey !!

Wolfheim: This is hardly the time for gardening, especially when we've got our fair share of trouble with the Alvarez kingdom ! Hey.

Levy: EEEEK...

Jura: Please stop, master Wolfheim !!

???: Stop this now.

Levy: A... Ah...

*Ten wizard saints, Second. Council chairman, Hyberion*

Hyberion: We're no longer wizards unbound by duty... Now that we're a part of the magic council, it is our job to make sure the rest of the mages are safe.

Levy: 'Woah... 3 of the four kings of Ishgar in the same room...'

Hyberion: It's true that tensions are rising... And it's our job to neutralize those threats... if war breaks out, we're done for. We need a way to deal with this peacefully.

Levy: I... Is Alvarez really that strong ? We've got God Serena with us, though...

Hyberion: The wizard that was once one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar, and the first of the ten wizard saints... meaning, the strongest wizard on this entire continent... God Serena...

Jura: Oh, why isn't God Serena here this time ?

All: ... ... ...

Levy: What's wrong ? Why's everyone so down...

Jura: D- Did something happen to God Serena... ?

Hyberion: God Serena has abandoned us... And moved on to Alakitasia in the western continent, to be a part of the Alvarez empire.

Levy: AHHHH ?!

Jura: NO WAY ?!

Wolfheim: One of the 12 shields that protect Emperor Spriggan... The Spriggan 12... God Serena has become one of that twelve.

Levy: 12... Shields...

Warrod: That's right... Wizards that could match the strength of Ishgar's strongest wizard... There are 11 more of them ! that's what we're up against, the Alvarez Empire !

Natsu: W... We're going there... By boat ?! Urgh...

"How else did you expect us to go ?"

Natsu: I dunno... Flying with you, or get Mest to teleport us in an instant or something...

"Yes, have a giant dragon carry you all, very good infiltration."

Mest: I can't do something that far...

Natsu: Wendy... Your magic... Please...

Wendy: Urgh...

Lucy: Wendy !!

Wendy: I'm sorry... It looks like I've become bad with transportation too... Gurgh...

Lucy: A- Are you okay ?

Carla: Now that she's like this too, it'll be impossible for her to use Troia...

happy: Want some fish ?

Gray: Alright, alright... I'll carry you two in then.

Gray: And done.


Gray: Hm ?

"Don't 'Hm' us !! You carried a little girl to her room and came back without your clothes !! What kind of opinion will the readers have of you now ?!"

Erza: ... ...

Mest: What's wrong, Erza ? Or should I be calling you master now ?

Erza: No, Erza's fine... The guild's disbandment... Master Makarov went to such lengths just to protect us... And to keep Lumen Histoire out of the hands of the enemy as well... This much, I get...

Erza: But, as long as Lumen remains a mystery to us, I can't help feeling as if what we're doing is meaningless...

Mest: It could be something equivalent to a weapon, probably...

"The master did say he was gonna use it to stop face, right ?"

Lucy: Yeah... But he also said something about not having the courage to do so...

Carla: So... If he had used it, it could've stopped the Faces at that time ?

Erza: And the first's body... It is the biggest mystery of all.

"We can't even tell if she's still alive or not..."

Carla: So the first that we've been seeing all this time is just a projection ?

"Given only those with the Guild's crest could, that's a safe assumption... What I don't understand, if that if they'd go as far as to burn an entire continent to the ground just to get their hands on it, why didn't anyone just try to destroy it yet..."

Gray: There are too many questions left unanswered...

Lucy: But I'm sure we'll find out once we save the master...

"How long until we reach Alvarez anyway ?"

Mest: It takes about 10 days to reach Alakitasia by ship, so i'd say a few more if we're to reach the capital.

Erza: master...

Mest: I understand your impatience, but we can't afford to mess up now... we'll need to make a short stop at Caracole Island before proceeding to refill in fuel and food...

Lucy: A town that isn't named after flowers... That juts goes to say that we're no longer in Fiore territory...

Gray: Do we even have time to make a pit-stop ?

Mest: It's like I said, we can't mess up now. Preparation is important if we're serious about the infiltration. We'll be meeting our intelligence guy in Caracole. That's when we'll plan our route...

Elfman: Are you sure Laxus is here ?

Gajeel: According to my information, yeah, along with his lackeys of course.

Gajeel: The Raijin guard is here too ?

Cana: Don't act like you didn't tag along for Ever, Elfman...

Juvia: Why is Juvia here with this team ?

Lisanna: There's nothing we could've done... Gray and the rest left before us..

Mirajane: But that's true... I wonder if there was any point in splitting teams...

Pantherlily: they did say it was an infiltration... So this is a smart move...

Gajeel: We wouldn't stand a chance if we were to get in a fight with them... Our chances of winning would've been of 0%. And there's no guarantee they'll succeed in the infiltration to begin with...

Levy: our chances of victory and getting in successfully are close to 0... So that's why we need to do all we can to raise the chances, thus the whole separate teams thing, right ?

Levy: C'mon, you guys... How could you leave me behind like that ?!

Gajeel: Huh ? You're so small, I just assumed you were already inside my bag.

Levy: ... ... Stupid ! Stupid !

Juvia: They're flirting...

Cana: I could flirt with you too, you know, Juvia...

Juvia: Juvia... Juvia's not interested...

Levy: But the enemy we're up against this time is no laughing matter... Don't even think about fighting them...

Lucy: I see it, Caracole !

Gray: Hey, get yourselves ready !

Natsu/Wendy: Urgh...

Erza: Wait ! That ship... !

Mest: The Alvarez kingdom's navy ship ?!

"Change of plans ! Raise the sails and keep low !"

Happy: What's it doing there ?

Carla: Caracole isn't under Alvarez's rule, is it...

Mest: It seems they're checking for something at the port...

Gray: Doesn't that mean we can't get any closer ?

Natsu: they're... they're probably looking for spies... Maybe... Guh...

Wendy: And it doesn't... Look like they've caught them yet... Urgh...

Lucy: Huh... You guys can hear what's going from here ?

Natsu: Well, sure... A lil...

Mest: What do we do...

Erza: We need to get to the spies before they catch them...

"The problem is, if they learn we are from Fairy Tail, I doubt they'll let us go anywhere besides some prison cell... What do we do ?"

Soldier: We're sealing the port off temporarily ! Get in line ! We will have inspections for those coming and going out of the island !! leave your luggage too !

Tourists: What's happening ? I heard a spy has entered the kingdom and is hiding somewhere on this island... Such troublemakers...

"Now Natsu, remember. Behave yourself."

Natsu: Okay, okay...

Soldier: Next !

Lucy: We're here on a holiday !

Erza: I heard the Star Mangoes here are to die for...

Wendy: I'm looking forward to it, big sis' !

Mest: Big sis', huh...

Gray: Wait, was that even necessary ?

Soldier: That mark, are you part of a guild ?

Lucy: yeah, part of the mage guild Cait Shelter...

Erza: 'Hehe... Our disguises are perfect !'

Wendy: this brings back memories !'

Soldiers: Haven't heard a guild like that... Well, we only know w handful of those from Ishgar anyway...

Wendy: ... Uwaaaahh...

Soldiers: What do we do ? We've been told to be thorough with those from guilds... But would a spy come through our front door bearing guild crests ?

Lucy: Hey... Are we done yet~ ?

Erza: There'll be no more Star mangoes by the time this is over~...

Soldiers: Gh... O- Okay !! Your bags !! You're clear to go !

Erza: Awesome ! Come on honey, before they sell out !

"O- Okay !"

Natsu: Woah, girl power...

Gray: It's not to be trifled with...

"The art of seduction has been a powerful weapon for the longest time, you know."

Carla: Heh, human males aren't that hard to deal with...

Wendy: I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with us, Carla...

Happy: I still think you look cuter in your cat form !

"well, we passed the first line of defense, good. But we're by no way done. The number of guards in town, it'll be hard to move like we want... Natsu, behave yourself."

Natsu: Why me ?

"You're right... Natsu and Gray, behave yourselves."

Natsu/Gray: What ?!

Erza: You're the ones that don't seem to understand the word "Infiltration". Especially you, Natsu...

Natsu: I do ! It's that, isn't it ? Like thos "Ninjas" I like !

"The point of a ninja is keeping low and not making a ruckus, the fundamental opposite of a Natsu."

??: Gimme back my daddyyyyyyy !

Soldier: Huh ?

Kid: Where did you take him ! Daddyyyyy !

Soldier: that brat's exactly like his rebellious father...

Natsu: GH- !

"Natsu, keep it down... And remove that from your face, too."

Erza: You mustn't do anything...

Kid: Waaaaah !! Daddyyyyyy !!

Soldier: I'll make sure you shut up if you don't do it on your own !!

Tourists: he's taking it out on a kid !! Is he out of his mind ?!

Tourists: WHAT'S THAT ?!

Wendy: Don't worry, it'll be okay...

Mest: Shitttttttttt...

Natsu: ... Ninpo... Eat-my-fist no Jutsu !

"Believe it !"

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