Chapter 120: Gelato Beach

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Tourists: What just happened ? A group of kids in swimsuits just took out the soldiers... What have they done... ?

Soldiers: You there, freeze !!

Mest: Just great... Now we'll never get off the island !

Carla: True. Not until they're all taken out.

"Leave that matter to me. i'm pretty confident about my ability to cause mindless destruction."

Wendy: Just leave everything to us.

Happy: Wendy's nose can pick up any smell ! She'll find your father in no time !

Gray: Mest, you go too.

Mest: Huh ? But...

Mest: 'A... Angels... ?'

Lucy: Not that !! We gotta reconvene with the secret agents !!

Mest: Oh, right ! While everyone's attention is drawn here...

Erza: Good plan !

"I think it was bound to devolve into that anyway..."

Natsu: Ninpô ! Split up !

Mest: then be careful, okay ?

Natsu: You bet !!

Erza: Don't draw too much attention !

"I mean, if there are no soldiers remaining, they won't be able to call for reinforcement, right ?"

Gray: This island's hot ! Shall we cool it down ?

Lucy: Let's do this !

Soldiers: Seal off the whole harbor !! Capture them !!

Natsu: JUST TRY ME !!

Gray: Hmph. What a letdown. Was the old man really scared of these guys ?

"They're just nameless soldiers... The real problems will come once we run into the higher-ups, so stay on guard."

Erza: I imagine the ships will send reinforcements.

"Then should I sink it here and now ? Or maybe we could get info about Makarov from them ?"

Erza: No need. The chance that they'd know anything is slim... And it'll tell them what we're after. Besides... We must be ever vigilant !

Natsu: This stuff's good !

"Your actions don't match your words. They match the star mangoes..."

Shopkeeper: I hope you people don't go and make any more trouble.

Erza: yes, my apologies for that.

Gray: Looks like the trouble we already caused hasn't stopped you from doing business.

Shopkeeper: Well... Street brawls like that are common here. Business comes first. After all, i'm saving up to get myself to Ishgar. that's where you're all from, isn't it ?

Gray: Yup.

Shopkeeper: I'm going to make star mangoes popular in Ishgar ! I'll have the top-selling sweets shop on the continent !

Erza: Yes ! That's a sweet- Ahem... A great dream !

"Once again... Sugar proves as a reliable weapon..."

Shopkeeper: I know this shack looks old and run-down... But I'm working toward my dream. So a minor brawl like this-

Shopkeeper: NOOOOOOOOOO !!

Lucy: What ?! The shack !

Erza: ... Grrrrrrrr...

"Well... Whoever did that just earned themselves a suicide sentence..."

???: You pass ! With flying colors !


???: Ah ! I like that face ! You pass ! Flying colors ! Allow me to introduce myself.

Martin: Martin Hollow. I'm a member of the Alvarez Imperial army, Brandish Division.

Shopkeeper: My dream is ruined... You monster...

Lucy: Make a run for it !

Gray: It ain't much, but take this as compensation.

Erza: Your star mangoes will be avenged !

Martin: You pass ! You pass ! Top of the class !

"Yeah, 'bout that... With what you just did, the only one who'll pass is you. Pass away, it is."

Erza: My grudge for stolen sweets is so fierce... REQUIP !!

"... I think something's wrong here... Erza ?"

Erza: I can't reach my requip armor...

Martin: Don't even try ! The area belongs to me !

Gray: Area ?

Martin: "The Knight" right ? It's a magic that allows you to equip yourself instantly from a different space. And that just won't do ! Nobody is allowed to use spatial magic in my area.

Lucy: All right, then... OPEN !! Gate of the Archer palace...

Martin: Celestial magic breaks the area rules too, you see.

Lucy: You're kidding...

"Well... Looks like we need a good ol' brawl to deal with you."

martin: Oh ! About that... Maybe I should've mentioned this earlier... Anybody who breaks the rules of the area...

Erza: Wh- What's this... ?

Lucy: My body...

Martin: they get invited to kick back and relax in my own personal space.

Natsu: Lucy !! Erza !!

Natsu: Hey, you ! Where did you put them ?!

Martin: Didn't you hear ? I invited them to my place ! They both passed. Now they are mine !

Gray: ... That makes 3.

Martin: Hm ?

Gray: That makes 3 red flags you've raised in a row. Now we need to evacuate everyone on this area of the island.

"Oh, don't worry too much. I've been working on that... Overprotective side of mine. I'll be careful not going overboard."

Gray: Don't get too rough.

"Do not worry. I'll make sure to be extra-gentle when I skin that bitch alive."

Martin: These girls, they passed with flying colors. But you guys... Fail ! ABSOLUTE FAILURES, YOU FOOLISH JEEEERKS !!

Gray: Do they each have an evil twin version or something ?!

Martin: Yer all in it together, right ?!

Natsu: Mest !

Martin: This loser tried to do spatial magic in my territory ! AND HE FAILS ! DIRTY CREEP ! All you guys better keep your filthy paws off that kinda magic ! Ya hear ?!


Martin: Huh ? What's that purple thi- BUGAH !!

"See that ? that's what happens when you don't shut yer trap when meeting your superior. Portal in, portal out, and just my fist up your nose."

Natsu: Let's go !!

"No ! Natsu, Gray, you two stay behind ! If he really is a 'Spatial specialist' as he claims, I doubt neither of you can lay a finger on him. that's something I have to deal with, also for... personal reasons."

Martin: Heh. You almost pass. Was that your little girlfriend ?

"Close. So I'll just beat you to death until you bring back my fiancee. After all... the one who controls the area wins, right ?"

Martin: ... 'This guy... Is he simply overdoing my spatial control... Who is he... ?"

???: Quit wasting time, martin.

"... Hm ?"

Martin: Oh, a thousand pardons, Lady brandish ! And I must say, you always get a pass in my book !

*Alvarez Imperial army; Spriggan 12: Brandish µ (Pronounced "Mu")*

Brandish: Could you stop that ? It's really creepy.

Gray: 'Wh- What is this... This overwhelming magic power... ! It's... I've never sensed anything like that before...'

"... I said the problems would show with the higher-ups... And I wasn't mistaken... What are-"

Brandish: I'm here for some star mango gelato.

Brandish: ... ... ... The shack is in ruins ! What's the meaning of this ?!

"Ask your underling."

Martin: N- No ! They're the reason it all went "Kabooom" !

Natsu: You dirty liar !

Gray: the one who blew it up was you !

Brandish: Sigh... ... I'm going back.

Martin: Wait, lady brandish ! These folks picked a fight with our soldiers... they might also be trying to meet up with that spy we're looking for !

Brandish: I'm not interested ! Martin, return their friends who "passed".

Martin: What ?! But they're a part of my collection now... You said you'd allow that, lady Brandish...

Gray: Wh- What is this ? The ground...

"Brace yourselves, everyone !"

Natsu: What's she doing ?!

"I don't know how... But I believe..."

"She managed to change the shape of the entire island !!"

Brandish: Don't make me say it twice. I'd hate to have to deal with the drama it'd cause to fight here.

Martin: Y -Yes ma'am !!

Natsu: Erza !! Lucy !! Are you okay ?!

Martin: They were in no danger in my own personal space, so they're fine ! Just fine !

"... We don't have the same definition of 'Fine'. And I still want to scoop out your eyeballs."

Erza: That was the most vile room...

Lucy: We made it back... Huh ? There's one more... ? 'What... ?! This magic power... "Huge" doesn't do it justice...'

Erza: 'That aura's bigger than Master Makarov's... Just who is she... ?!'

Martin: Lady Brandish, our duty is to capture the spy and round up any of the spy's contacts ! If we return empty-handed, can you imagine what they will say... ?

Brandish: Why should we waste our time looking for spies ? Ishgar is no threat to us.

Martin: Of course, you're right. However, we can't strut proudly if we can't even catch the spy ! We'll have failing grades.

Brandish: I couldn't care less about that.

Natsu: wait ! You hurt one of us... You think I'm just gonna sit here quietly ?!

"Stop. Natsu, don't take another step forward."

Natsu: No ! They-

"This is not an advice from a friend. This is an order from the guild master. Do not provoke a fight."

Brandish: ... Hmph.

Martin: Huh ?

Brandish: Now I'm minus one of my men. That makes us even, right ? This may disappoint you, but... I have no patience for drama.

Natsu: he was one of your own...

Brandish: And to avoid any further drama, I'll report both the spy and any accomplices as dead for you. So don't go anywhere near Alakitasia.

"... You know about us..."

Brandish: Makarov is still alive, you know. But if you do anything out of line, I wonder what would happen. Consider this your warning. Stay away from us.


Gray: Huh ? What...


Natsu: What ?! The island just... Vanished ?!

"Not exactly... Look at where she's standing... She shrunk it to this size, just as she changed its shape earlier. It's clearly spatial-manipulation magic, but with that speed, and of that scale... Even compared to Tartaros, it's on a whole other league..."

Brandish: I'll let you know something. In Alvarez, there are 12 of us wizards who are this strong. So don't come picking battles you can't win...Understood ? Fairy Tail.

Lucy: 12... There are 12 wizards that strong ?!

"They already figured us out... All of this' gonna be tougher than we though..."

Erza: The Alvarez Empire...

Natsu: Gramps...

"Now you understand what he was scared about ? One mage of that caliber is enough to overthrow him, and there's 12 of them. Not to mention that 'Emperor'..."

Natsu: We should've fight !! Make them spit out everything they know about Gramps !

Gray: You saw how frighteningly strong she was ! None of us would've stood a chance !

Erza: ... Y/n... ?

"Yes... They are strong... 12 of them... And, if she wasn't hiding her magic power... This would be a difficult match, even for me."

Natsu: ... What ?

"I haven't just been sitting on my ass all year long, Natsu. Just like the rest of us."

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