Chapter 121: Spriggan

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Erza: Is anyone unaccounted for ?!

"It looks like the ships can accommodate everyone... Good thing there was a fishing fleet nearby..."

Natsu: Urp !

"Yes, yes, Natsu."

Fishermen: What coulda happened here ? Where did Caracole Island go ?!

Erza: 'It vanished... Or, to be more precise... It was scaled down. That wizard is able to enlarge and shrink things... That's a spatial-oriented transformation magic, but at an incredible level.'

"To think there are 11 more as strong as her... The Alvarez Empire is not to be trifled with."

Gray: You said you were roughly on par with her, right ? Couldn't you have fought her ?

"I could've. But with you guys behind, the rest of the island to be wary about, the two hostages they had and Mest already down, the odds were terrible. We were lucky she didn't want to fight."

Lucy: So, what do we do now ?

Erza: Well, first, there's the matter of that informant-


Lucy: Heh ?!

Happy: What's hap-

"What... What was that ?! An attack ?!"

Mest: It's all right... It was my magic...

Carla: Give us some warning next time !!

Natsu: Ooh ! We're not in a moving vehicle anymore !!

Wendy: Yaaaay !!

"So... Where are we, then ?"

Mest: Location-wise, we're in the neighboring sea of Caracole island. More exactly... Under the sea.

Lucy: U- Under the sea !

Happy: Look ! Look at all the fish !

Carla: But why here ?!

Mest: I made contact with our operative... And was given these coordinates.

Erza: What an odd place. Is that an underwater temple ?

Lucy: And look here... there's no glass...

Natsu: Hey, this is cool ! Whgrl mrglnng wrrg ? (What's making it work ?)

Wendy: That's kind of dangerous, Natsu.


"Now what ?! Mest !"

Mest: I- I don't know...

Carla: Wait ! Is this thing moving ?!

Wendy/Natsu: It is a moving vehicle... Urg...

"... Someone's over there too..."

???: How sharp of you. Welcome... To the mobile temple, Olympia !

Sorano: i'm your captain, Sorano !

Lucy: A- Angel ?!

Gray: What's with the bikini ?

Carla: Well, we're in water... And why don't you put on some clothes, Mr.Full frontal ?!

Happy: Don't tell me the spy is...

Sorano: We have a winner~ !

Erza: ... Why her and not Erik ?

Mest: Because he asks too many questions.

"... So, the enemy found you out, and followed you to the island, which is now gone."

Sorano: Hey, I almost lost my life, too ! By the way, I'm doing this as a personal favor to Mest, since I owe him one. Don't expect me to be all buddy-buddy with you now.

Lucy: Thank you, Angel... Huh, Sorano ?

Sorano: ... I killed Karen. I wouldn't forget that if I were you.

Lucy: ... ...

"Stop that."

Sorano: Yes, sir !

Wendy: So... Where are we... headed now... ?

Natsu: To hell... I think...

Sorano: To where Makarov is.

Erza: You... You found out where the master is ?!

Sorano: How do you like me now~ ?

???: Makarov, I assume you've heard the rumors about Fairy tail ?

Makarov: ... To tell the truth... i'm shocked.

???: You didn't predict this ?

Makarov: Huh ? Well... yes. But I wasn't talking about the guild. What shocked me was the emperor himself. I thought He'd be more... What's the word...

???: Dictatorial ?

Makarov: And here I was, trying to pick a nice word. A year ago, I never imagined he'd receive me as a guest and agree to enter into talks. Although, the talks are with you, not him.

???: His majesty has a tendency to wander. He hardly has time to return to the palace.

Makarov: But to enter into talks with an old man with no political standing...

???: Ah, but you do possess a trump card worth negotiating for.

Makarov: Those 12 top guards of his are young and hot-headed, but the emperor pushes for diplomatic solutions where he can, is that right ?

???: My emperor is simply too kind.

Makarov: In Ishgar, your emperor is known for being the one who brought the western continent's guilds under his control with an iron fist.

???: Of course, that is one side of him. A "King" must show his power at times.

Makarov: Yajeel, you are too good of a Legenka player for me ! (An Alvarez card game) I lost again.

Yajeel: The key to winning is to never let go of your "Goddess" card !

Makarov: Maybe... Hm ?


Yajeel: Ah, speak of the devil...

Makarov: Oh ! Frankly, I was getting tired of waiting...

Yajeel: Be at ease. The proposition of a non-aggression pact with Ishgar has long-since reached his majesty's ears. All that's left is the emperor's seal, and then the Spriggan 12 will agree to abide by it. And once everything is settled, you may return freely to your guild.

Makarov: I... Yes. Where my family is waiting... A- AH ?!


Yajeel: His youth strikes me every time I see him ! I'm always so envious, indeed.

Makarov: ... What ? ... 'Z- ZEREF ?!'

???: Welcome home, your majesty.

*Spriggan 12, the Winter General: Invel.*

Zeref: Good to be back, Invel. Let's put aside the pleasantries and assemble the "12", please.

Invel: At once, sir. If I could have foreseen when this unpredictable spring breeze would have first blown through, I would have assembled them in advance.

Zeref: Oh, dear. I'm just some capricious puff of wind now ?

???: Wind... A black wind... No, a deadly, dark storm. Your majesty is no spring breeze.

*Spriggan 12, warrior queen: Dimaria Yesta.*

???: Desert !! That's right ! Yer like some sandstorm that whips its way across the dead land !!

*Spriggan 12, Desert King: Ajeel Raml.*

Zeref: Dimaria, Ajeel, you both seem full of spirit.

Invel: I would ask you both to use more proper language when addressing his-

Zeref: Nevermind that, Invel.

???: And you appear to be in higher spirits yourself, your majesty... Your mood seems much improved.

Zeref: Do you think so ?

???: Shall I assume that you've received your answer ? Regarding Ragnarök ?

*Spriggan 12, Wizard King: August*

Zeref: They call it the "Dragon King Festival" in Ishgar.

Ajeel: War ! I can't wait !

Yajeel: Your majesty, I would like to welcome you home from your long journey. My pleasure at the sight of you knows no bounds. Oh, dear...

Zeref: Never fear. For these past several years, the God Ankhseram has been in a merciful mood.

Yajeel: No, sire, not that... I feel as though my soul might slip from my body, just by approaching your presence.

*Alvarez Empire, High Minister: Yajeel*

Yajeel: Your majesty, in your absence, a messenger has arrived from Ishgar. I believe you were informed ?

Zeref: Yes, I was told.

Yajeel: He desired an audience at the earliest possible moment. I thought perhaps a brief glimpse would be in order...

Invel: Yajeel sir, there is official paperwork that must be filed before any foreigner is allowed in the palace...

Zeref: it's fine.

Makarov: ... I- I am pleased to make your acquaintance... Your majesty...

Zeref: ... I'd like a moment alone with our visitor.

Makarov: So, you are Emperor Spriggan ? Or are you Zeref ?

Zeref: Both. To you, I am Zeref. To the continent of Alakitasia, Spriggan. Well, if I were forced to pick, I'd probably pick Zeref. I traveled te world, looking for a reason to live... For nearly 400 years. But, if anything, I was preparing the Dragon King Festival. It must've been several centuries ago now, when I started building a country in Alakitasia.

Zeref: At first, at was very small. But over time, many guilds came to call it home... And before I knew it, it was a massive organization worthy to be called an Empire.

Makarov: All to get your hands on Lumen Histoire ?

Zeref: There's no need for code names. I know what it's really called. A carefully concealed magic more powerful than even the three great fairy magics... Fairy Heart.

Makarov: That connects all the dots. You were after Fairy Heart because you are Zeref.

Zeref: True. But I only decided on that recently. I originally created this empire to combat Acnologia. And it wasn't my decision to send in troops ten years ago. There was one member of the Spriggan 12 who just wouldn't listen to reason. But I did put a stop to the invasion, because the time wasn't right.

Makarov: It wasn't because of the council's weapons ? Etherion and Face ?

Zeref: Of course that was a part of it. They would have caused us wide-spread damage as well. But this time, I doubt either Ishgar or Acnologia will stand a chance against Alvarez.

Makarov: So, there is no room for negotiation ?

Zeref: Sadly, no. The true Dragon King Festival is about to begin. The Black Wizard... The Dragon King... And you humans. The time has come to decide who survives and who doesn't.

Makarov: You plan on starting a war ?

Zeref: Just total annihilation.


Zeref: I'm a bit grateful for you, actually. You raised Natsu for me. Thank you. Your death will be quick. Then, I'll deliver your body to Natsu. I imagine he'll be rather angry. Angry enough to crush me.

Makarov: Urgh... Rnngh...

Zeref: Do you have any last words ?

Makarov: Ngh... You... Grotesque... devil...

Zeref: Oh, so close. Spriggan is actually a name for a grotesque fairy.

Zeref: I see... You had everything planned, hadn't you ? Why don't you just come out now ?

"... Since when were you aware of that ?"

Zeref: The moment you did it. The emperor has to be aware of everything happening in his shadow, or else he can't govern.

"And after I went through so much trouble concealing my own Shadow Sneak and infiltrated the castle. You just wanted to see how far it'd go."

Zeref: Weren't you about to save Makarov ? So why don't you just go back and prepare for what's to come ?

"I still intend to do that. Just... Let me give you a little souvenir before that. Draco Meteor."

Gray: Old man !

Natsu: Gramps !

Erza: Master !

Makarov: Y- You're... You're here...

Mest: We have bigger problems !


"It's Zeref. Emperor Spriggan has always been Zeref."

Natsu: Zeref !

Zeref: So, you've really come to this land... Natsu.

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