Chapter 122: Coarse, rough, irritating

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Natsu: Zeref is here ?! On this continent... ?!

Makarov: I had no idea... That Emperor Spriggan was actually Zeref himself ! The fact that you all are here... Means that you heard the situation from Mest.

Erza: Yes. Anyway, we're happy to have you back, safe and sound.

Makarov: I didn't consider this deeply enough... They had no intention of negotiating from the start ! All after I sullied the name of the guild to come here... ! It was all meaningless. I've never felt such regret...

Gray: Meaningless ? Not at all ! This year made us all that much more mature. And after that, we were able to form up as a guild again !

"When one commits an act out of love, it is always meaningful. isn't that what you taught us ?"

Natsu: Gramps, let's go back...To fairy Tail !

Makarov: Y- Yes...

Carla: We've got tons to talk about, but first we'd better get a move on.

Happy: You're right !

Makarov: 'Who's this... ?'

Mest: I've been overusing my Direct Line. I can only transport us all one more time with the magic power I have left. I'd love to take us to Sorano's ship, but to do that, we'd have to go back to a place where my Direct Line can reach the ship.

???: Leaving so soon, Makarov ? And here I thought we were gonna be great friends...

Ajeel: I hope you remembered your souvenirs ! Because the trip six feet under is faster than you'd think !

Makarov: Ajeel !

Mest: Impossible... How did he... ?

Ajeel: Sand. Sand is real nice ! It tells me whatever I need to know !

Gray: ...' He's... On the same level as that woman, From Caracole...'

'Spriggan 12... Just our luck to run into another one.'

Ajeel: Nice !

Makarov: NO !! Don't try to fight him !! He's too strong ! Run !!

Natsu: But...

Erza: We do as the master says ! Pull back !

"We got what we came for ! Everyone retreat !"

Natsu: Dammit !

Carla: This way ! We have a magic four-wheeler waiting !

"Now's the chance ! Everyone inside !"

Natsu: Ugh, not again...

Erza: I'll drive !

"S.E plug set ! Maximum output ! GO !!"

Ajeel: So, those are Makarov's troops ? Hmm. Nice !

Mest: Faster !

"I know !!"

Makarov: ... Here he comes !

Gray: Huh ?

Happy: What is that ?!


Erza: Persistent, isn't he... ?!

"He's gaining on us ! We need to hold him back !"

Gray: Leave that to us ! Lucy, let's go !

Lucy: Right !

Makarov: No ! You're no match for him !

"And now, you're the one underestimating them."

Gray: Hey, you never know 'til you try, right ?

Lucy: Star Dress... SAGITTARIUS FORM !!

Makarov: 'W- Where did Gray get that kind of magic power... ?! Wait, Lucy too ! they've gotten so much stronger in just one year !'

Gray: Ice-make...

Ajeel: Really ? You want to take me on ?

Gray: ... Silver !

Ajeel: WHA- ?!

Happy: He froze all that in an instant ! Amazing !

Ajeel: He's got skills !

"He's not done yet ! The sand's turning into smaller monsters !"

Lucy: Leave them to me !

Ajeel: Hahaha ! Nice ! Nice !

Lucy: H- He vanished !

Makarov: Below us ! He can merge with the sand !


Ajeel: Ahahahaha !! Nice ! It's so nice seeing you fall on your butts !

"Everyone out of the vehicle !"

Erza: Dammit... My magic four-wheeler...

Mest: The sand is...

Gray: It's swirling around us ! We can't move !

"It's not just regular sand... It's quicksand !"

Ajeel: Nice ! How many people has it killed ? How many towns has it swallowed up ?! The Ant's Hell is a portal to the end. No one has ever escaped it. LISTEN UP !! Before you die, I want you to hear this ! I've squashed tons of wizards just like you ! You're not even in my league, you pathetic little bugs !! Even the Gods have abandoned the land of Ishgar ! But it's gonna come under Alvarez's control soon ! I bet you just hate that, huh ?! Ah hahaha !! Nice ! Nice !! I love those expressions !!

"is that so ?"

"So Ishgar has been abandoned by the gods ? Even if that was the case, it wouldn't change anything. Because it still got Fairy Tail !"

Ajeel: He blasted away the san- BUGAAAAH !!

"I started with the sand. And your mug is next in line."

Ajeel: Ha ha ! It's been years since I felt a punch that good ! NICE !! GIMME MORE OF THAT !!

"He's trying to engulf us again ! Step back !"

Gray: FREEZE !!

Ajeel: ... Thirst.

Natsu: Gh- Whoa !!

Wendy: The sand's sticking to me... ! Ahh !

Erza: the sand... this is bad !

Makarov: You little...


Natsu: Qu- Quit it, old man ! We can fight !

Lucy: Natsu, quit shouting !

Ajeel: really ? You think you can protect them all ? You fail to see... The power of the Spriggan 12 !



Makarov: W- What...

"Mest ! Where is Sorano ?! The ocean, which direction is it ?!"

Mest: S- Southest, but I still can't reach it with my Direct Line !

"No need to ! Master ! We can still fight for ourselves !!"

Makarov: I'm going to protect you all no matter what it takes ! I promise !

Ajeel: It's over !! This sandstorm kills anything it touches by stealing it's moisture ! Here come some fairy mummies !!


Ajeel: W... What...


"You said your sand absorbs moisture, right ? Then go right ahead ! Soak up that ocean I'm throwing at you !!"

Natsu: H- Hey ! We're here too ! We're gonna drown !!

"Don't you worry. Just like how sand draws in water, there something in particular seawater can attract... Something that comes from above."


Makarov: L- Lightning... HAH ?!

Makarov: Laxus !!

Erza: the wave and the sand, he made them vanish with a single blow.

Gray: He always did overdo things.

"I've never been more happy to see that bastard in my entire life."

Laxus: ... yer lookin' old, gramps.

Gajeel: We're pulling out !!

Levy: Everyone come aboard !

Ichiya: Y- You all realize this is my ship...

Happy: Gajeel ? Levy and Lily too ?

Natsu: Wait, that's a ship ! How can Gajeel and Laxus be on it without puking !

Juvia: Gray-Sama ! Juvia is here for you !

Elfman: H- Hey, I wanna say something too !

Cana: Mest, you're there, right ? Direct Line to the ship !!

Mest: Got it !!

Ajeel: You ain't running away !!

Laxus: Running? All we're doing is going home. After all, we don't want to be late for dinner.

Ajeel: That was a surprise... Are those guys for real ?! Ah... So that barrier was yours ?

August: I would grieve at the loss of any companion. Ajeel.

Ajeel: Yer sayin' that last attack woulda done me in ? I think yer goin' senile, August. But man, I kinda feel like we shoulda recruited that guy instead of that annoying God Serena...

Zeref: It has begun, Natsu...


"GUH... Okay, everyone's here? Count your limbs please..."

Elfman: You guys doing okay ?

Evergreen: Good job, all of you !

Bickslow: Operation Save The Master: A success !!

Juvia: The master, and especially Gray-Sama, are safe and sound~ !

Gray: What're you guys even doing here anyways ?!

Lisanna: We thought we'd help out a bit with rescuing the master.

Mirajane: So we brought Laxus along.

Gajeel: What'd you go sneaking out for ?!

"This was supposed to be a secret mission. Natsu makes enough ruckus as it is to not bring you along as well."

Natsu: Wow ! This boat's great ! I don't feel like throwing up at all ! Okay, let's fight, Laxus !

Laxus: Shaddap.

Makarov: You... You guys... *Sob* You're the best family ! Fairy tail !

Ichiya: I'm an outsider, though~.

Guild: Now, in celebration of Fairy tail's official return... CHEERS !!

Romeo: Welcome back, master !!

Macao: Huh... Aren't Erza and Y/n the master now ?

Vijeeter: Makarov !

Wakaba: That doesn't sound right...

Erza: I support him being the master. I resign.

"Same here. The single amount of paperwork that meant, I was afraid I'd end up drowning in paper sheets..."

Makarov: Ah... yes, paperwork...

"I did manage to clear all of it right before departing though."

Makarov: Bwaaaaaaahh !! I looove you guuuuuuys !!

Bisca: Then master, just to make it official, welcome home !

Alzack: So this makes you the eighth master, huh ?

Laki: This is his third time as the master ? How many times can he come back to life ?!

"He never died... Although considering how many times he should've, might as well call him a miracle."

Makarov: Well, since it's come to this, I'll stay master for life !

Elfman: Now that's a man !

Mirajane: And you've said that before, too.

Cana: This calls for liquor ! let's drink the place dry !!

Gray: I never thought you guys would join Blue Pegasus.

Freed: Serving customers is not a bad experience.

Bickslow: But I really only feel at home in run-down bars like this !

Juvia: Laxus, you participated in that thing, did you not ? That... How to say it, "Service" they provide... ?

Evergreen: Only now and then, eheheh. And it was a sight to see...

Laxus: We don't need to go into it !

"Pretty boy Laxus wasn't something I needed to imagine, thank you very much. I need to drown these images out."

Carla: Speaking of drowning, did you get a hold of Sorano ?

Mest: yeah... And she sure was peeved.

Pantherlily: A temple that runs through the ocean... I would've liked to ride in that.

Happy: We were surrounded by fish ! They looked so delicious !

Gajeel: So... You can't ride on moving vehicles anymore either ?

Wendy: Right...

Natsu: Don't let it worry you ! I've been this way forever !

Reedus: That's supposed to cheer her up ?!

Lucy: Really, this place is always such a zoo ! Honestly !

Levy: But it's nice that it's back to normal.

Lucy: Yeah...

*The master is back at Fairy tail. And so are Laxus and the Raijin guard. In the Alvares Empire on the western continent, there are wizards whose abilities go beyond what we thought possible ! And the Black Wizard Zeref. He's taken on the name Emperor Spriggan, and rules this empire. He wants Lumen Histoire... the body of the first master, that's hidden beneath our guild hall.

So the battle begins. And it's probably going to be the hardest one yet.*

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