Chapter 123: Fairy Heart

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Makarov: Everybody... I'm sorry. I'm not going to make excuses. I'm the one who took away our home. And I'm really sorry about that !

Max: We heard about it from Mest, you did it to keep us safe, right ?

Nab: It doesn't bother us !

Jet: I mean, we're all back together now !

Droy: And how's a guy supposed to enjoy a drink when you're looking at us all guilty like that ?

Makarov: On top of that, my mission was pointless. Alvarez will attack us. They're an enormous empire ! And they're going to send their forces against this guild.

Natsu: YEAH ?! AND WHAT ABOUT IT ?! How many times do you think we've fought for the guild so far ? And the enemies have always been powerful ! Our determination to protect what's really important makes us strong !

Natsu: Sure, we're scared ! That fear is like a burden we need to get rid of, but don't know how ! But... Everyone's gonna help out ! I know it !! You know what's really scary ? The idea that these days that we love so much might end ! To ensure that I can sit around and laugh with my friends again... I'd fight anybody ! IT AIN'T ABOUT WINNING !! WE'RE MAKIN' A STAND TO KEEP ON LIVING !! THAT'S WHAT WE'RE FIGHTIN' FOR !!

"Heh. There's one good reason we went our separate ways for so long."

Laxus: I think we're all prepared for this fight.


Natsu: I'M ALL FIRED UP !!

Wendy: We're going to win this !!

"Was that eve a question ?"

Erza: We cannot afford to lose this !

Juvia: Since the enemy is Zeref !

Gray: 'E.N.D...'

Lucy: If it's us, we can do it !

Happy: I'm gonna fight, too !

Pantherlily: Stop that, it stings.

Elfman: I'll protect the guild this time... For sure...

Mirajane: I want to show off my year of training, too.

Wakaba/Macao: Eh ?! You trained too, Mira ?!

Lisanna: We've gotten so good, it'll blow you away ! That includes me !

Cana: Yep ! This is a great guild !

Laxus: Heh...

Makarov: But... before the battle, there's something you all need to know. It's about Lumen Histoire. Or, by its official name, Fairy heart...

???: I believe I should be the one to explain it, Sixth master... Er, no, eighth master.

Makarov: F- First master ?!

Erza: 'Is this the spirit of the first master... ? Or could it be... ?'

Mavis: Everyone... Fairy Heart has been sequestrated as our guild's most closely-guarded secret. It is something that the rest of the world should never know of. However, there are two things I feel you must know. Firstly, why Zeref wants it so badly. And secondly, of my wrong-doing.

"Your... Wrongdoing ?"

Makarov: First master...

Mavis: No, it's for the best. The time has come to tell everything. This is the story of a cursed boy and a cursed girl. And a tale of the singular magic they sought.

*This all started more than 100 years ago, just before the establishment of Fairy Tail.*

Precht: You... You're that black wizard who taught us years ago... What are you doing here... Wait, is that Mavis you're holding ?! She's been gone a whole year ! We were worried sick !

Zeref: Are... You alone ?

Precht: Yeah... Everyone else is making preparations for the harvest festival. Ever since Mavis vanished, I've had to take on the duties of master...

Zeref: Master... ? I see. This was a guild, wasn't it ? I've come to return Mavis to you.

Precht: H- hey ! How can you treat her like that ?! She isn't just some doll !

Zeref: this thing won't move on its own ever again.

Precht: Mavis ! Are you all right ?! What happened to you ?! Are you just sleeping ?

Zeref: Yes... She's entered an eternal sleep. Good night... Mavis.

Precht: Hey ! Just who are you ?!

Zeref: ... Zeref. But I suppose... That if Mavis is a fairy...Then perhaps I should be called Spriggan. I am exhausted, and wish to meet no one. Yes, I will return to my game. I Alakitasia, I won't have to worry about encountering people.

Zeref: Love was a mistake. One I must never repeat.

Precht: 'Zeref... That the legendary black wizard ?!' Mavis ! What happened with him ?! How did you get like this ?! Are... Are you really dead... ?

Precht: 'No... Her heart still lives... It's not beating, but I feel faint traces of magic ! I need to revive her now ! I know we have a lacryma used for revival. It should be in the guild's basement that's still under construction !'

*That's how my body was encased in a lacryma, and the room became off-limits. A number of revival magics were tried on me... But none had any effect.

But there is a reason why Precht would go on to be called a genius. He figured out that I was under the curse of Ankhseram*

Precht: Don't tell me... She was the true cause behind Rita's... the other guild members... Can never know of this...

*Thus, I was kept a secret even from the rest of the guild. In the year X697, Precht made the decision to tell everyone that I had died. And an empty grave was arranged for me on Tenrou Island, the guild's sacred ground. Tenrou island was not just my home, but where I first met Precht and the others.

At the same time, Precht was formally declared the second master of Fairy Tail, in accordance with a will I had left behind. He carried out his duties as master, while also fervently searching for ways to revive me.

Three years later, in X700, Makarov's father Yuri passed away, never knowing the truth about his wife's death. And for nearly 30 years, Precht kept trying to revive me... But those efforts took an unexpected turn.

Precht's rare knowledge and skills, as well as his genius... And the preservation of my otherwise immortal body... Proved to be a dangerous combination. It gave rise to an unexplainable magic.*

Precht: Wh- What is happening here... ? This challenge the very foundations of magic...

Mavis: The perpetual magic, Fairy Heart.

"Perpetual... Magic... ? What does that mean..."

Mavis: Just as the name suggests, it's eternal. Limitless. A source of magic that will never run dry.

Natsu: What the... ?!

Happy: A magic generator that could go for a lifetime ?!

Mavis: Let me give you an example. Do you remember Etherion ? It was an extremely powerful weapon that could wipe out a country in one shot. Fairy heart holds enough magic to fire such a weapon an unlimited number of times. Wait... To say it "holds" magic is not precise enough. That suggests it has a limit. But Fairy Heart has no limits.

"That's... No, that's something that easily trespasses even god's territory... The Distortion World does hold an infinite supply of magic essence, but it's because it is infinite in nature... To have an infinite magic in a finite space... It goes beyond our comprehension..."

Wendy: If that magic ever went public...

Carla: That does challenge the very foundation of the magic world.

Makarov: It's what my son Ivan wanted. And however the word got out, it made it all the way to Alvarez.

Elfman: Alvarez is gonna attack because they want Fairy heart ? Don't they already have plenty of power themselves ?!

Mavis: Most likely, it is to defeat Acnologia. One of the few things in Zeref's way.

Cana: So, to put it another way, you're saying that they can't defeat Acnologia without it ? You're kidding...

Happy: Um... I've got a pretty simple question... Is it so amazing that it could just blow Alvarez and Acnologia away with one big bang ?

Makarov: Some would certainly think so. I once thought about using it to defeat face. But let's say we do it, and win one battle. What happens next ? Imagine losing control of an Etherion with an infinite power supply... It would be catastrophic...

Happy: Oh... i'm sorry.

Pantherlily: our best weapon would become our worst enemy.

Carla: "Weapon" ? "Enemy" ? We're talking about the first master's body !

"... That also counts as one of the other obvious choices... For just a moment, I thought that since the main threat to both sides was Acnologia..."

Erza: We could use Fairy heart with Alvarez to beat it...

"If it wasn't Zeref... It could've been a good idea. But there's no saying what he wants Fairy heart for, besides Acnologia. And even so, nothing is worth unleashing something of that caliber on the world."

Natsu: Besides, it's the first master ! We're not turning that over to anybody !!

Mavis: ... This magic came from my wrong-doing... I had always hoped it wouldn't bring harm to the guild.

Gajeel: Where's the crime in lovin' someone else ? I ain't gonna arrest anybody for that !

All: ... ... Geeeh ?


Erza: First master, please refrain from blaming yourself. A bunch of awful things just kept happening, that's all.

Lucy: If it weren't for you, Fairy Tail wouldn't exist. And that means we'd never have met each other !

Gray: First Master, you're the one who connected us all !

Wendy: We all want to protect the guild you founded ! That's why we're ready to fight !

"... Can her curse still activates if she's a spirit ? Are we in danger ?"

Erza: I don't think now's the right time.

Makarov: You've created an excellent guild, first master.

Juvia: Sniff... Sniff...

Gray: Wha- ?!

Juvia: Mavis must fight a wizard who once used to be her lover.

Mavis: That was an awfully long time ago. Zeref is now a threat to all of humanity ! We must defeat him !

Bickslow: But... Even if we can manage to beat Alvarez's forces...

Freed: Zeref himself is immortal, right ?

Evergreen: Will our attacks even hurt him ?!

Erza: ... How are we supposed to defeat him ?

Natsu: Heh heh heh heh heh... You just leave that part to me !

Natsu: I can take Zeref down ! I got a secret plan for that right here !!

"Oh ? So you too, huh ?"

Lucy: "You too" ? What kind of secret plan do you have ?

Natsu: Can't tell ya ! If I did, it wouldn't be a secret anymore !

"That's funny. While you went out of your way to find a secret weapon against Zeref, I did the same against Acnologia. And if it's as effective, both our problems might've just vanished already."

Gray: Don't go puttin' on airs !

Elfman: What kind of your plan can it be ?!

Mest: I want to know !

Gajeel: And I want ya to stop biting !

Wendy: But... Since it's you, it has to be pretty incredible trump cards.

Happy: Heh heh.

Pantherlily: It seems you're in on this "secret plan".

Happy: You could say that. Only Natsu's though.

Carla: I wouldn't look so proud. It isn't your secret, after all.

Natsu: Well, I can only use this thing once. But it's specifically made for takin' down Zeref, so I got no doubts it'll get the job done !

"Only once, huh... Well, just make sure you don't miss. I'd hate to come to the rescue right after I'm done with Acnologia."

Natsu: because you won't have to ! If anything, I'm the one who'll have to save your ass !

Gray: ... You were with him all this time, don't you know anything about his secret weapon ?

Erza: I don't. One day, he just said he had somewhere to go... And came back about a month later, saying that "He figured it out."

Bickslow: Well, if they are that sure, we're just going to have to trust them.

Freed: Certainly their confidence is an encouraging sign.

Laxus: Ain't that just what they all are about?

Mavis: I have a few strategies of my own, but for now, let's trust them.

Natsu/Y/n: YOU BET !!

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