Chapter 124: Skirmish

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lucy: Master... I meant, the elderly gentleman. Could you tell us what you know about who we're going to be fighting ?

Makarov: Um... I suppose I should. I can only tell you what little I know. First, the Emperor Spriggan. he's known in Ishgar as the greatest of black wizards, Zeref. And under him is a small, hand-picked squad of top wizards called the Spriggan 12. In the year I spent there, I was only able to meet six of them. Because the empire is so vast, they are hardly ever in the same place at once.

Zeref: Only seven ? Still, with the sudden summons, I'm happy you all could come.

Yajeel: Actually, Neinhart-sama is in the palace, but... Unfortunately...

Zeref: Just as well.

Invel: I beg to differ ! To defy a direct order from your Majesty is a betrayal of the name of the 12.

Makarov: First, there's the Winter General, Invel. He is Zeref's chief of staff and head administrator. As his title implies, it's thought that he uses ice magic, but I don't know any details.

Gray: Ice...

Ajeel: Lighten up, Invel ! We can start out with who we've got here. I like bein' a part of the "Select few" !

Makarov: The Desert King Ajeel is the sand wizard we faced during our escape. He likes picking fights, even more than most of the squad.

"Oh, him..."

Zeref: You might have already guessed, but we will soon begin our invasion of Ishgar.

Brandish: What a pain...

Zeref: I wish you wouldn't say that, Brandish. I believe I have your promise to do as I say ?

Brandish: Of course you do. My feelings don't interfere with my actions. I'll follow your orders, even if they are a pain.

Makarov: Brandish, the Nation Destroyer. I hear she isn't fond of battle, but apparently she possesses enough power to make nations vanish.

"And we had a first-row seat to confirm that..."

Erza: yes, we came across her on Caracole island. It looks like her magic can change the mass of objects.

Dimaria: Don't mind Randi, whatever she's thinking comes spilling right out of her mouth. That's why she's so disliked.

Brandish: Huh ? Well, I said that I disliked you first !

Dimaria: I see... We actually do go eye-to-eye.

Makarov: The warrior queen, Dimaria. I've never heard magic mentioned in connection with her... But like the warrior goddesses of legend, she's apparently a female knight.

Erza: She's not a wizard ?

Cana: That shocks you ?

Zeref: God Serena, will you find it difficult to attack your homeland ?

Serena: I will... Not !!

Brandish: ... Gross.

Serena: Thanks you !

*Ex-top-ranked of the ten wizard saints: God Serena*

Makarov: The top-ranked wizard saint, God Serena. His personality is considered to be a bit of a disappointment, but I'm well aware of his strength.

Levy: So the number one wizard saint is with the enemy ? I didn't want to believe it...

"Once again, the magic council, skillfully fueling all of our problems.."

Juvia: But why did he leave Ishgar ?

Evergreen: If you want an answer to that, you're going to have to ask him directly.

Elfman: The damn traitor !

August: Your majesty... We are all prepared for Ragnarök.

Makarov: the wizard king, August... He's the one... Even with what little I know, he's in a whole different class. None of the others even come close to his level of magic power ! From what I hear, he can use every single kind of magic under the sun. he may even outdo Zeref himself in that aspect.

All: ... ... ... ...

Makarov: Those six are the only ones I know anything about... And of the rest, I only know the name of three. Bloodman... Neinhart... And Wall.

Wall: In other words, we're to retrieve the body of your former lover. That's a high crime...

*Judge: Wall: Eehto*

Zeref: No... Fairy Heart is a magic, not a person. Also, it isn't our only objective. Our other objective is the annihilation of Ishgar. Just this once, humanity must be wiped out.

Dimaria: Humanity... Hm ?

August: We are merely pawns.

Wall: I find your case... Interesting.

Serena: Perfect.

Invel: Shall I draw up a battle plan ?

Ajeel: You should just leave this whole thing to me !

Zeref: No. I'm afraid I can't leave it to you alone. This is an all-out attack.

Ajeel: Are you outta yer mind ?! I got enough power to do this whole thing ! This is the continent where a wimp like God Serena is the strongest !

Serena: ... ... ...

Ajeel: I can wipe them all out on my own !!

Zeref: If so, that would be fine... However, we will be combining all our forces for the attack. I have my reasons. The Dragon King Festival will begin soon. So prepare all troops to move out !

Mavis: We can't go into this battle without a plan. So I want you all to listen very carefully. Zeref will strike with everything he has. According to all the information I can gather, we are at no small disadvantage. This enemy is orders of magnitude stronger than any we've faced before. Therefore, we have to fight our way through this with bravery and the strength of our bonds ! Let's show them how strong our guild is !!

Acnologia: My forearm throbs... All the scars these two inflicted on me one year ago... The Dragon King Festival begins. I will devour everything ! FOR I AM THE DRAGON KING !! I REIGN SUPREME !! I AM ACNOLOGIA !!

Lucy: *Fairy Heart... It is a source of perpetual, eternal magic. Zeref is about to attack us to try and get it. We have to protect it at all costs, we must make sure it is never used for evil. No... I shouldn't say "It". This is our first master, and that's reason enough to protect her ! After all, she created this guild. If it weren't for her... We would have never met.*

Natsu: That's some pretty good stuff yer scribblin' !

Happy: Well, she is an aspiring novelist, after all.

Natsu: "If it weren't for her..."

Happy: "We never would have met !"


Natsu: What's the problem ?

Happy: The town is so quiet, it's boring !

Lucy: ... I forgot. All the townspeople have been evacuated already, huh ?

Natsu: So let's have some fun ! We brought all of this !

Lucy: Is this really the time for games ? We leave tomorrow for the enemy's projected landing point. Besides, unlike you two, I'm not excited about another battle.

Happy: We aren't either !

Natsu: Sure, I like a good punch-up, but don't get me wrong. What I like is pitting my strength against others'. I don't like murdering people. Ain't no better feeling than goin' at it with all you got and seeing who comes out on top ! But this time, it ain't gonna be like that.

Natsu: I'll do whatever it takes to win. 'Cause if we don't win, we don't come outta this alive. And when the fighting's done, we got something we wanna do, right ?

Happy: Aye !

Natsu: You wanna know ? Listen up !

Lucy: Stop right there ! I don't want to hear it. In novels, that's a sure sign the person's going to die.

Natsu: And what's that mean ?

Lucy: The minute a character starts talking about how happy life will be after the battle, you know that a tragedy will happen so that future never arrives.

Natsu: That's a load of bull, huh ?

Happy: Aye !

Natsu: Igneel told us to talk about the future... He said that's the whole reason we go on living !

Lucy: Well... I guess that kind of logic works, too.

Natsu: Right ! So now it's time for a game !

Happy: Yeah ! Strip poker !

Lucy: Not on your life, fur-face ! And besides, what would you take off ?!

"So... We finally received confirmation. Crime Sorciere will be helping us out on this."

Erza: I imagined so. The enemy is Zeref, after all. But you... You don't seem so happy about these news.

"I don't really know... I'm relieved to have more allies, it's just... It's still kind of awkward having to fight alongside Jellal, after everything he's done. Even considering he was being manipulated and all..."

Erza: Aren't you worried about the battle ?

"Of course... But between my life and you all... You already know which one's I'm the most scared of losing."

Erza: You never learn, do you ? This time... It'll be my turn to keep you out of harm's reach.

Juvia: Gray-Sama...

Gray: Oh, Juvia. Want the rest ?

Juvia: B- But your lips have touched this... *Huff* *Huff*

Gray: I'm really grateful to you , you know. You're always at my side.

Juvia: AH ?! Um... No, it's... Just that... Juvia...

Gray: When the battle is over, you'll have your answer. So let me focus on the fight ahead, okay ?

Juvia: ... Juvia will.

Gray: I have a secret plan of my own. So just you wait, Zeref... And END.

Makarov: Warren, any enemy movements ?

Warren: Still no sign of them anywhere in Fiore.

Macao: Can we really count on that ?

Warren: Hey, I made this top-quality radar myself !

Makarov: Are they coming from the North, South, or even the West... ? If we knew where they'd be landing, we could make better plans.

Mavis: Conventional wisdom would have them feinting a northern invasion while they land their main force in the south.

Makarov: First master...

Mavis: I was observing everyone prior to battle. Despite the situation, no one is worried. We have very tough comrades here.

Makarov: Is that how you see it ? Because I see them shoving all their anxieties way too deep. Gathering together with their friends and loved ones to calm their unease and keep their spirits up.

Makarov: But that is by no means a bad thing. When a father shows fear, it's only natural for the children to feel fear, too. He has to get up in front of his kids... Even if his legs tremble, he must plant his feet on the ground and make a stand. That's a father's job !

Mavis: It sure is.

Macao: ... ... Also, did you finally put some order in the guild's library ?

Warren: hey, it's not my fault if a bunch of books are missing ! Who even took them ?!

Mavis: That would be Y/n. I believe what is missing are all the different regulations and laws regarding guild masters, right ?

Makarov: Just as the acting master, he still went this far...

Mavis: Even so... there's one specific article that seems to interest him more than the rest, considering he put a bookmark on it. *On the case that two members of the same guild would be involved, the guild master can be authorized to pronounce a marriage between the two.*

Makarov: What... ?!

Mavis: Looks like he does have plans for after this war.

Natsu: What's that ?

Happy: it's coming from outside.

Gray: What is this... ?

"... This doesn't sound good..."

Mavis: Oh no...

Makarov: Warren ! What's wrong with your magic radar ?!

Warren: You're blaming me ?! I have no clue what this is !

Warren: Why didn't it detect them approaching ?! Dammit !!

Mavis: All guild members ! Prepare to battle !! ENEMY ATTACK FROM ABOVE !!


Macao: What the... Look at 'em all !

Wakaba: We would have a tough time against even one !!

Makarov: And that's only one part of the imperial forces !

Warren: Nobody said anything about flying ships !!


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